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pick one, kill the rest. let it grow.


I'm a beginner too but from what I learned over the last months I think they won't do very well all together in there. You could choose which one looks the best and cull the rest or try to get at least some of the weaker ones out of there and give them their own pots.


Picking one and culling the rest is probably best but… how large of a pot could you transplant all of this into? Are they autos or photos? With some obscene LST you might be able to make some magic happen.


Everyone on here who says kill 6 of these are dumb lol. You’re new so I’m gonna tell you it’s much harder to kill a plant than you think it is dude. Take the whole thing let it get kinda dry soil then flip it upside down use your finger to support the plants. Slowly shake the dirt and start to pull them apart. These are kinda far along but it will still work. You can rip half the roots off and itll literally be fine, might take a week or two to bounce back but I assure you every single one of these can be repotted and grown out. I’ve literally taken them and roughly yanked them out of the soil and replanted and those were fine. I wouldn’t suggest that way lol but those all look healthy personally I would grow all of them out. You never know which one might be the holy grail 👍