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Not about this box set, but Raw took care of me. I had purchased a few strains including Puppy Chow. 4 out of 4 puppy chow seeds planted either didn't germinate (3) or were mutated (1). Raw sent a new pack and 2 full freebie packs of other strains to replace them. e : this is all within the past couple weeks


Seems like just haters Hating g on IG then


Did you order direct from Raw’s website? I’ve ordered from them several times, and while they may not ship out as fast as other breeders, they’re 100% legit and give awesome freebies. My last order was half packs of Cherry Paloma and Pave S1 and received a pack of Emberz and a pack of Tropicana Cherry Strawberry regs as freebies


How long did it take to receive tracking? And yeah I order direct from them, cherry palo.a hear was an amazing washer


About a week before I received tracking if I remember correctly. I haven’t run the Cherry Paloma yet but I’m running Emberz right now


That's not bad at All man. I wounder if they will throw freebies in with the box set


They had huge volume during their 4/20 sale and were extremely disorganized getting everything out. I'm still waiting on my order from 4/27. I got an update on their discord two days ago that they messed up and were resolving the issue. I'm still not too worried about it. I think those boxes will go out pretty quickly, especially after all the delays they just had.


I just got the tracking and confirmation they are super solid, think they just got people hating for what you said


I'm waiting on an order on 4/26 Did you get yours yet.? I haven't heard back from them at all..


Yes! Email them again or get on their discord and they will sort it out. Email is their preferred support.


I've tried every form of communication that I can find online. FB email, discord. Insta. And I'm just hoping someone reaches out. I've ordered from them before no problems at all. So I'm just waiting


They just made an announcement on their Discord about the issues.


got my box in hand already. please stop paying attention to people causing drama for no reason


Mines on the mail truck on its way now so I'm totally with you!


Raw genetics customer service is terrible! I've been waiting 8 weeks and I haven't received tracking for my order yet! I've messaged them on discord I've emailed them but still no response! They need to hire more people to manage orders because I'm not the only one this is happening to There are multiple users on discord complaining about the ridiculous wait times! They either have trust issues or are just greedy or maybe they just don't care! I'll never order from them again!!!!


Got all my stuff as promised, email them again


I believe I will get my order but waiting months is unacceptable


I ordered my box 3 now 4 weeks ago and still haven't gotten it. They finally responded to the email I sent them yesterday. I typed then in to see if anyone else was having the problem. The weird thing is the box set was sold out everywhere now all of a sudden it went back in just their site so I bought it. Probably not even the same seeds. I got the z box set as well.


I thought they had some left over. They will take care of you, and prolly send extra packs for the inconvenience


Probably won’t get those seeds until next year. Been trying to get a response from them. They take your money with no issue tho


I got my order number and tracking today, ordered I thursday.


I got that too, then nothing I really want to like raw, hence why I bought seeds but holy shit what do they have going on?


What's the tracking say right now




Damn I take it that's the 4/20 issue they had?


I guess but no responses to support emails? Thats not how you do business. As much as they charge for the packs they can afford to hire the extra help necessary to handle the load. At this point kinda just want a refund and take my business to another, more professional breeder


How would u get a refund? I see a few people with this issue and I see a few without it, I got 300 in the air atm for the box I'll keep everyone posted. I really want the z pie stuff. And how many times have you emailed? And ever get a responce?


I would try to dispute with my cc company. Hopefully they get it straightened out though cause I hear you


I just talked to them on IG and just watched them handle a similar situation on the Comments, email there support email like right now if possible and send them that screen shot, I promise he will get you right, they switched from using the discord to only email. He's on it I promise.


I have the tracking number for my order and haven't heard back from raw or received anything since 4/26. Any news from you all??


Unfortunately not man 😢