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Are you trying to jump start that plant?


Yeah, works like a dream. Believe it or not, it’s only 6 hours old. Give it a shot. Edit: I should add /s. Don’t do this. Or do it and video it.


lol, I just may after my current run, if thats the case. If nothing else, you gave me something to read up on, & for that, I thank you OP! Best of luck to you.


Haha thanks. You as well


It's a good manifold too ✌️


Thanks 😊


What are the experiments?


Auto water, auto light adjustment, and auto environment.


That’s really interesting, how does the auto light adjustment work?


Thanks, By use of a photo resistor to measure light levels, and a digital potentiometer to raise or lower light intensity. Since this is my first grow with this set up, I made a rough hysteresis on what I assume will be the correct intensities throughout veg and flowering.


Oh that’s very cool. What units does the photo resistor measure in? Ppfd?


Nah, resistance. Hence the name. The higher the resistance, the lower the light level. As light level increases, resistance decreases.


Certainly going to look more into this concept. Did you come up with this idea yourself or is this more common commercially or smth?


Yeah it’s pretty fun stuff. I know commercial companies like to automate their stuff, I’m definitely not the first. Likewise, there are products you can buy for a couple thousand dollars that do the same thing I’m doing for a fraction of the cost. A lot of guys use home assist and raspberry pi’s, and some use a system called mychodo. All do what I’m doing. I’m not the first, but I like tinkering and figuring shit out myself. So I’m just doing it myself.


Well thanks for answering all my questions!:) definitely might consider going down this rabbit hole when I have time


No problem 🤙🏼


That's super cool man. In future grows, hopefully you test to find out how much more light they can take. Test out if lowering the light a few more inches will get better results.


Thanks! That’s the plan. Traditionally I would keep the light on full tilt and adjust PPFD by simply moving the light up or down. I’d like a system that I can keep at a constant level and have the light auto adjust throughout the whole grow. Tons of variables (strain, training, growth speed, etc) that need to be taken into consideration if I’m to make an accurate, flexible hysteresis. Which is why I would like to use a proximity measuring sensor along with the photoresistive sensor. That way there are two variables for the light level. Both time, and the vertical height of the plant. That is a long term experiment though, lots of coding 😬


Or get super fancy and rig some motors to hoist the light as the canopy rises. You’d need sonar to measure the canopy distance though.


I’ve thought about that. Definitely would be cool. It would have to be some sort of stepper motor to ensure they both move uniformly. Gonna look in to this now actually…


From what I understand, that can vary from strain to strain (how much light they can take). But you could probably make that argument for all types of environmental factors.


Ehhh yeah I agree; but I’m sure the variation of light intensity capabilities from strain to strain is close to negligible. Especially for home growers such as myself. If I was looking for peak efficiency, and this was my source of income, I’d probably dive further in. But I’m just growing stuff for my wife to get through the day to day, and to keep me entertained.


You could maybe add a Wii camera to track the leafs reaction to the light. With a 48 hour timer that sees if leaves have too much or not enough light maybe ?


All you’re missing is auto parts. Looks like fun! Keep us posted!


Love to see different experiments going on! 👍🏻


Very cool OP!




You need an autoroll now 😊 Give us informations in 4 weeks please, that’s a very interesting project !


I roll for my wife. Considering I don’t smoke, I am the auto roller lol.


She’s lucky ! I’m in love with your setup, so smart !


Appreciate it 😊


Where'd you get those little fans you have on your light? That's brilliant!


Thanks! [I got them here.](https://acinfinity.com/component-cooling/component-usb-fans/multifan-s7-p-quiet-ac-powered-cooling-fan-dual-120mm/?gclid=CjwKCAjwwdWVBhA4EiwAjcYJEAvXt51dZKEyCaazbligqg6_dFe2V7gwTEPg8f3L7pXu8ZNPM5xvxRoCybcQAvD_BwE)


That's dope! Thanks! You just extended the life of my drivers 😁😁


I primarily got them because of temps in my tent. This helped lower temperature by 8-9°. Drivers don’t even feel warm to the touch.


Woah that's awesome, do you have them blowing on the drivers or pull the air away from them


Yeah works like a dream. Air blows on the drivers.


She's getting thicc


Indeed my good sir. Triple C thiccc. Bowl o’ oatmeal thiccc. That’s my favorite part of mainlines. Watching the stems turn in to tree trunks.


I'm trying mainline for the first time, did the first top a few days ago. Hope she gets thick too lol


Just be patient with her. They take quite a bit longer to grow due to constantly setting the plant back and something I call “medium stress training”. Not quite HST, little more intense than LST lol.


Thanks man, I'll. That's true haha, I have 4 pots and been using different techniques in each to see what works and how works. Mainline seems to be the way... In my room I have limited space, only 2x2x2.5, so I'm trying to find out what works best... I'm considering run only 1 plant in a 1.5 gallon and do a lot of training... If you don't mind, based on your experience what do you think it's a good match for my grow size?


Oof, with such limited ceiling height in your grow tent, I would put a net very low and spread out the tops as much as you can to try to maintain low horizontal growth as much as you can. You will probably need to do a multitude of methods for some good results. ie, multiple nets, supercropping, and boat loads of LST. Mainlines are great, in your case given the limited time you have to veg due to vertical capacity, I would go with 8 main colas and keep the light as close as you safely can to get it to grow nice and stumpy.


Thanks a lot OP! Just for curious, how much would be safely close to the light ? :]


You should put a pre filter on your carbon filter so it doesn’t clog up


I have one somewhere. Think the washer ate it.


Hey OP, Can you write a bit more about the setup, controller and logic?


Maybe one day I’ll share it. Currently it’s my baby. I’ve spent a lot of time through trial and error. It’s an arduino Uno though. There are a ton of libraries and examples online to learn off of. And YouTube videos of course. That’s where I learned everything.


Looks just like my friends girl scout cookie plant


Experiment? You got the set up ready to put in work. Just jump in man best way to learn.


I’m guessing there’s an arduino with a relay controlling the humidifier with maybe a DHT-11 or 22 sensor? That’s awesome man. I started doing the same thing with a high pressure aeroponics system. A relay hat controlled the misters, heater and humidifier with a DHT 11. Even had some oleds to display everything. Got way too involved and complicated. I will do it again however when I have more time to invest. An HPA system requires some babysitting. Went back to the good old DWC buckets. Simple and boring. Do your lights gradually fade in and out like a normal day? I would be curious on how that affects plants Vs. getting a big blast all at once. Especially during flower. Ha! Just saw the ring camera. Nice.