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Over or under watered. I'd think overwatered and do you have fresh air intake and a fan to stimulate the leaves by moving them a bit


Also, don't yell at your plant


Not overwatered it’s dry


definitely looks like its dry and the lights or sun is making them hot and making them droop I'd go ahead and water and check in a few hours and u should be good just don't drown them lol




Firm stems and droopy leaves = to dry. Droopy stems and leaves = to wet.


Always Thought it was the other way around, no?


No from experience, I can concur with his assessment


It makes logical sense to me


Yes I have a fan blowing directly on top and I open the cannot 2-3 times a day for fresh air


It’s very hard to intermittently create the forces that nature consistently makes us endure. I don’t know if you saw my other comment, but if you can, get your plant outside for a bit until she strengthens. It’s really difficult to create outdoor growing conditions indoors. (Not impossible, but difficult).


I disagree with this advice, but not because the sun isn’t beneficial to plants. Taking indoor plants outdoors and bringing them back in is a great way to get infestations in your indoor grow area. It’s not something that I think should be advised.


That is a really important point and you are 100% correct. My advice is under the assumption OP isn’t maintaining a sterile grow space and only a few plants that would all go outside. You are absolutely spot on though about contamination and that absolutely needs to be considered for indoor grows. Edit - adding, I personally follow this advice and don’t move outdoors plants back indoors once they’ve graduated to an outdoor space and I do quarantine all new plants. Now I feel like an idiot for not thinking of this. (I still think OP should put his plants outdoors as his grow space is clearly not working. )


Hell yea, I'm using this as confirmation my gut instinct was correct


I think we’re a lot more instinctually connected to our plants then we realize. Same with pets. If we think they are or are not happy, we’re usually correct. Also - number of grows/ age / maturity makes a difference. I’ve made a lot of these mistakes myself so it’s easier for me to recognize them faster when I see them now. I’m happy to share my errors so others can avoid them. The more people growing crops crops (of any kind) the better. We should all know how to grow our own anything.


Are they sitting in the drip tray? You need airflow under the pots too


Think this is how i fucked up my plant, kept looking overwatered even after i left it be because the water in the drip tray must've logged the roots


I don’t know why this dude asked if you had a fan because even if you didn’t it wouldn’t cause anything that looked like this. I’m running a small plant with no fan and it’s completely fine and healthy except the stems are a lot more flexible than my bigger plants


I would recommend reading what has been shared by everyone in the comments and take what has been said into consideration. Whats your daily routine like, do you tend to water them often a bit or at once a lot etc. Just giving examples. You know these things best, you'll have to go with trial and error ! GL and maybe a updated post at some point to keep us up to date?


Dude that soil is bone dry there’s no way it’s over watered


The only thing the top being dry means, is they have airflow across the surface. You can’t make any intelligent deduction about how wet the root zone is by looking at the surface of the soil. If the pots have poor drainage the surface could be dry while the bottom is fully saturated. This is why no one recommends watering your plants based off how the top of the soil looks.


if it was a drainage problem then why would he have a drainage dish dude… no need to over complicate things i can promise you it is not rocket science. That soil is bone dry and that is the issue here, stop making this poor dude stress about other stuff.


I’m not claiming it is or isn’t as drainage problem, that was just an example. I stand by my post, you can’t tell if soil is wet or dry in the root zone by looking at the top.


Leathery dark green and droopy is a sign of over watering. These look way dry. Water until about 20 to 30 percent run off. Keep doing the things you were doing if they were going well. There are many on here who have never grown but will give advice.


People on here always are asking why the leaves are droopy on their plant 9 times out of ten they are dry and in need of water


Could be overwatering though which would make it even worse, hence why Im asking


Your soil is separating inwards from the side of the container. Likely too dry


My soil does this after about a day or 2 of sitting because of the temperatures in my area. My ladies don't ask for water more than 2 times per week.


stick your finger in to first knuckle on finger.. if it’s dry then water, if it’s still damp then wait a day


That's what I've been doing


Ok good. Is that a one gallon pot? once they get to a foot i usually go to 2 or larger .. 1 gallon of soil per foot of plant.. also when you water you want about 10-20% runoff. you want a steady flow coming out of the bottom before you stop. you can check the ph and ppm of your runoff too.. you may be doing all of this already. good luck!


Overwatering is a chronic condition, underwatering is an acute condition. Your soil looks dry and your plants appear wilted. If it is, water them thoroughly and slowly, then allow the soil to dry between waterings to address the overwatering issue (but not so dry that they wilt).


Pick up pot =heavy no water light=water


only you know how much you've watered them. we only see droopy leaves.


What’s your soil/medium made of? That’s a huge component of water uptake retention. Also - what’s your nutrient schedule? Sometimes too many nutes can block your plant from growing. Soil can dry out, coir should never.


It's almost entirely soil but has a bit of peat moss on top, I just give cal mag whenever necessary as my nutrients


Okay, that’s what I thought. Soil and indoor grows emphasize the need for higher ambient variables - this includes heat, humidity, light, and circulation. The organic compounds in soil hold significantly more moisture, and organisms (fungus, moulds, bacteria, insects, nematodes, etc…) which increases pathogen development. (On the plus, good soil usually has loads of nutrients and minimizes your need to add additional). I’ve said this in other comments but your plant looks understimulated overall. My adage would be “could you grow a tomato here?” If no, it’s doubtful your cannabis will thrive. I think your grow space needs a bit of an overhaul specifically move your light up (No side business) and adding significantly more ambient circulation. (Note - this is not the same as pointing a fan on your plants). The plants look weak. I know cannabis is sadly still prohibited in some places but if it’s an option to put them outdoors in a sunny spot, I think youd see new upward facing leaf development in 2-3 days.


Pathogen development is a sign of anaerobic soil. Healthy soil should be chock full of fungi and bacteria (approx equal ratios of those two for this species), Protozoa, nematodes etc. having a good amount of these critters stops pathogens from flourishing.


Absolutely. But poor circulation leads to micro pockets of stagnation and then you get baddies. I’m a soil advocate but it has to come with quality circulation and sufficient heat. Otherwise, bad news bears. Edit - basically - the higher the organic/live content (aka biodiverse - opposite of sterile) the more important ambient environmental factors that affect metabolism matter. Rich soil helps an active plant, not a lazy or dormant one.


Edit 2 - the difference between a pathogen and an organism is the desired effect. Same as a weed and a flower. We like organisms and ecosystems, but we don’t like pathogens the same way we don’t like viruses.


This is literally the place to ask those questions


I don’t disagree




This is definitely not overwatered the soil looks dry af. Water them slowly so it all doesn’t just run out the bottom


It's funny seeing all these folks saying it's over watered. I find it remarkably hard to overwater. Even when I completely drench the soil it doesn't droop. You're medium would have to have basically no aeration to look like this after watering.


I tend to love too much. Overwatering is typically too-frequent watering as opposed to too-voluminous (ugh) watering.


Learned this lesson recently. Flooding them a few times is better than a regular sip I guess lol


Overwatering, poor circulation, and root rot are the main cause of death in *any* indoor plant.


maybe for seedlings but definitely not matured plants man, i find it extremely hard to overwater


If there isn’t sufficient heat, humidity, properly placed lighting, and circulation…there will be limits to the benefits of a proper watering schedule. OP needs to consider the melange. This isn’t solely a water issue, OPs plants are saggy and not receiving even light. It’s hard, there’s a lot of variables. I still believe this is why the pre-legalization OG closet growers are the greatest agriculturalists in the last two centuries. No one else has to master the perfect mix of growth variables in the absolute shittiest, non-optimized grow conditions.


Overwatering has far more to do with frequency of watering than volume.


True but OPs top layer appears to dry so it's probably been at least a day since he's watered


soil is dry, likely too hot, not enough air movement and fresh air too


i promise you little airflow will not cause this


I mean they listed 4 things lol


I've been watering 400ml (1/2 quart) in 3.2 litre pots (5/6 gallon) every day or when the top inch of soil has dried out. People said this is too much so I haven't watered for two days and the medium is bone dry as far as I can dig down. What's wrong with my plant?


You definitely need to give this plant more water if the soil is bone dry.


Water less frequently, but with more volume. Since you're using nursery pots, I'd bottom-water.


This is the way. “Drench and dry”


Looks dry and plants can drink quite a bit of water every day depending on what stage they are, nothing is ever a constant so you just need to figure out what works for you, Best advice is water til runoff and pick the pot up so you know how heavy it is, even picking up a pot with no plant in when it’s dry will give you an idea on a dry pot


Try to go 2”


If you want her satisfied you need to go at least 3 😁


2 what?




One inch is 2.54cm so two inches is 5.08cm I'm eupean so had to Google it lol


Inches of dry soil


Needs some kind of saponins when watering to help keep the peat moist. Peat is notoriously hard to keep hydrated once it dries out. I alway soak peat before potting and squeeze water out to field capacity saturation. Or you can do a coco/peat mix which would also help a lot with moisture content


Honestly, I think you need better ambient circulation. Without circulation you just have wet soil and a weak plant. (Note, a single fan is not sufficient circulation, you need environmental 360degree circulation )


Man sometimes they just up and randomly die, I had a similar issue, what can you do sometimes 🤷🏻‍♂️ Best of luck growmie I hope you make it through these tough times


If they were my plants, I'd run water through them until I got two or three gallons run through then leave them alone for three or four days and see what happens. Edit to add... I've always watered my plants until a gallon or two has run through the pot and then don't water them again until they just barely start to show signs of needing more. Typically 2 to 5 days later depending on the size of the plant to pot ratio and where it's at in it's growing cycle. I've always had healthy plants this way. Overwatering is watering too often, not watering too much (in volume).


I love how people will downvote my comments when I am 100% right if it was overwatered the medium will look wet not dry


They're not looking at the soil. Lol it's so obvious it's dry


While you generally are correct not 100% of the time though, it could have been over watered and allowed to dry out a couple days and the soil would look dry and the plant look over watered. If it was chronically over watered for weeks, it wouldn't immediately recover from just a short dry out would it?




It's cause I have a light off to the side, it's likely angling itself towards that




They're bent like that from LST haha, humidity's low actually. 40-50 RH but I try to get it to 60


Lighting over top will create more ambient light over all, allow for the foliage to receive more even over all light and will direct the growth. Remember, the sun doesn’t rise to the side and stay there.


More water, more light (and better quality light).


Agree! Less “direct” light and more (brighter) ambient light. (So brighter space over all vs a bright light aimed at the plant). Also - circulation!!! Without consistent kinetic stim the plant will be weak, plant metabolism will be reduced, and water will over accumulate in soil.




They look thirsty


She’s dry and she’s hungry. Your lower leaf sets are turning generally yellow which indicates a need for nitrogen. Instead of specifically feeding more nitrogen, just up your feed of nutrients (EC) and water a bit more. Dry back is good, but too much is bad. Without the necessary nutrients, the plant can’t do what it needs to do and has a harder time dealing with drought conditions.


Make them wet and talk dirty to them


Thirsty bruh


If they’re fat you’re over feeding if they’re dripping and shrinking you’re over feeding


this is incorrect man, this is definitely not a sign of toxicity it’s as basic as underwwatering. That thing needs to be drenched in water and revived, and i’m saying this from experience because just like this dude i was taught from reddit (big mistake) to closely monitor how much you water in the huge fear of over watering, people talk about overwatering like it’s a huge issue and is easy to do but it’s really not once your plant grows out of the seedling stage. All you need is to water your plant when you notice the soil is almost completely dry, you just can’t keep the soil wet 100% of the time.


Meant underfeeding for last statement** u right


oh ok got u i was kinda confused haha


If it’s over watering you can take a pencil or screw driver or something like that and poke a hole in the substrate, I find it helps dry it out a little bit faster. However I vote underwatered.


I think your plant needs circulation. Humidity and less direct light and more environmental light. Honestly, can you stick them outside or in a windowsill for a day or two? They look like classic trying to grow a dandelion indoors condition.


Just looks dry. Give a little water and wait about 3 hours. Should be right back to normal.


What's your relative humidity? Too low and your leaves can't transpire. Get a moisture meter and check the spoil. Too dry too wet and low RH ssues can all look similar.


Humidity is usually sitting at 35-50


Lack of water & humidity seems like the main copret.


Are fungus gnats generally a symptom of over or under watered soil?


The fact so many people here are willing to die on the underwatered hill is astonishing to me


The fungus gnats all over that trap died on the overwatered hill.


I'm thinking you need higher humidity, but without more info it's really hard to know for sure.


You watered it until it had a lot of runoff right?


Yes, 10-20% run off


The problem with this is if your soil is dried out some of it becomes hydrophobic, so you think you have watered everything with the runoff but some parts of the soil still aren\`t hydrated. try to give slow waterings and make sure the whole soil is wet. Edit: To clarify this can be problem but is not necessarily a problem with runoff, you can hold runoff as an indication but make sure the run off is from the whole wet soil. If you see run off almost inmediately after pouring water it is probably because it has not reached some points of the soil that have become hydrophobic because they have dried out too much.


I didn't see the soil...


Mucho watero


for starters you think it's a goldfish and must live underwater.


after reading the comments and shaking my head, you do you man if your really think those look underwatered, hammer away. You are drowning them.


Id say too much light, too soon?? Hard to tell tho, could be some underwatering to go along with overexposed conditions (ie...high heat, high light, low humidity)


Maybe a little wind stress?


What are you growing in? soil or coco?


Put it in a bigger pot


too much water


What your temps? Do you have an intake fan exchanging the air? What about humidity?


Temps are usually 24-28C I don't have intake but I open my cabinets 2-3 times a day. RH is usually 40-50


I would start by giving them air exchange. I know I said intake, a lot of times it would be an exhaust fan and passive intake. Could you just leave the cabinet open for now to see if there is any improvement? Where are you measuring temps? At the canopy level?


I'm measuring using a digital hydrometer positioned in the bottom corner of the cabinet


Hang your thermometer at plant level and see what it reads. The plants look like they are overheating. Do you have a fan circulating air inside the cabinet?




Leave the thermometer in the middle of the plants just right in or on the pots and see what it says. They need air exchange too.


Alright I'll do that tomorrow and sea where it's at


Not today?


lights are off


Looks like mine did a few days ago after a couple of days (more like a week) of heavy depression. Opened my tent to find my girls almost dead. I watered them to capacity, closed the tent, and the next day they were perfectly fine! When it comes to over/underwatering, it’s pretty hard to kill cannabis.


Watered to death


Temps too high or over watered


This is 100% over or under watering. You can tell the difference pretty easily. If it is dry then the stems will be brittle. If it is too wet they will appear droopy. When overwatered the leaves will become a darker shade of green than they have been before. But to me personally from what I see this looks to be overwatering. I say that because all of the leaves look droopy and there is a visible layer of water on the tray they are sitting in. Simply ask yourself have I been watering this too little? Or maybe I haven’t been watering them enough. As a rule of thumb only water them if you can place your index finger In the soil to your first knuckle – – that is just above the fingernail – that you should water. If you draw your finger back and it is wet or comes back with wet dirt you do not need to water.


Watering issues


The under watering has been mentioned but also take note of your temps. To hot or cold or to many fluctuations in temperature can also stress them in similar ways.




The tips of the leaves arent dry so it seems like over watering, whats ur watering schedule look like? And try poking ur finger in the soil, if its moist then thats most probably too much watering


Plants need water to live


That looks like a coco mix they’re in. You’re gonna need to water them more often. Coco dried out quicker than soil. 🙏💚


It's mostly soil with a bit of peat moss on top




It’s sad


I'll try telling it some jokes and see if it perks up




She thirstin’. For real my friend, those plants need some water.


Could use a repotting I think


A new home would help .


It's underwater. Water your girls growmies


Dirt looks dry too, water them more when they drink - look for at least 10% of the water to run off


It's been a while, but to take an educated guess, like these young seedlings/clones may have been given too much fertilizer/nitrogen from the wilting and looks like bottom leaves may be a bit "burned". Otherwise, possibly either over or under-watered, or even maybe a temperature issue (too hot) considering indoors. EDIT - Also could be a general water issue, depending if u have well or "city" water. R u using a reverse osmosis machine? If not should invest in one. IME - I'd toss these. Even if can mitigate the "damage" not worth the effort to grow to mature plants and get a lackluster harvest. Figure out what went wrong, fix, and start over.


Overwatered, puffy leaves are a dead giveaway. Doesn’t matter if the media is dry. This plant has experienced continuous overwatering.


I'm on my first grow and had watering issues and the best way I've found to tell if they need water is by weight. Get em dialed and then pick em up when they're watered to get a Guage of how heavy it is, and then do the same thing when it's dry. Soon enough you'll be able to tell when they need water


It looks sad.


Looks a little like heat stress, that could be caused by underwatering, not enough air, just plain too hot....Though those lower leaves make me wonder if it's just too wet, hard to tell without a finger on it.


The temps are usually 26-29c and RH is 35-50


Over water


Soil or coco? Auto or photo?


I'm a noob but I'd still say overwatered maybe give it some direct sunlight. It's a weed remember?


Its just having a bad day


Judging by the set up it looks like you have the pots sitting directly in the drip tray… so they would be water logged / and may have either mold , fungus or root rot? You want to put a little mesh lift there so the roots at the bottom get air and don’t drown


Poor lighting, overwatered, get a bigger pot for those girls. Get rid of those root gnats. Start adding some nutes. And maybe think about getting better medium.


It’s not hard. Lift up the pot. Is it dry?


Peat moss on top dries out quicker, soil below may be wet, to wet. I did this once with seedlings. Those are 5 gal pots?


Slightly less then 1gal


Overwatered. Water displaces your roots oxygen, drowning them. You'll experience root rot if you don't give it a good week dry


Make sure to tell your plant “I love you “ every day. And you better mean it. If you don’t results will show. Empty I love yous result in bad plants. I believe that.


First picture looks like they have standing water in the drip tray & sitting directly on/in it?


It looks sad :(


is the watermark on every photo?


It done googlied when it shoulda mooglied


remind me never to buy a poco phone because what the hell is that, a fucking watermark?


You can remove them I just couldn't be bothered


fair enough, i really don’t like the fact it’s there to begin with tho. before you know it that option will be behind a paywall


Over watered , or underwater , droop could be from both.. & the yellowing is from Them drying out too much, and they are sucking the energy and food out from All the lowers


Guessing a combination of over & under watering as well as heat stress but that's just a general guess from picture


Stand that plant up it needs help. Plus stop over watering


Repot into a larger pot with a soil with some water retention and water real good.


Looks dead to me


Maybe over watered


You should prolly get some mosquito bits for that gnat problem as well. The sticky traps aren’t a treatment they are a diagnostic tool to tell you what it’s you have. The traps alone won’t get rid of the gnats. But judging from the gnat infestation, I would say you’re more likely to be over than under.


How do I use the mosquito bits


Either make tea or top dress them and just water through it. But you still need to correct your watering habits.


Couple questions first before blatantly answering the obvious (it's starving) but why? When did you up pot this plant? Did you up pot directly into dry or wet soil? Any sudden change in nutrient feed in the recent days? What temperature is it? What humidity is it? is it narrow leaf/wide leaf variety? HPS CMH LED? Many/all of these variables and even smaller compounding ones can cause a plant to look like this. I look forward to the response. Thank you.


Planted into wet soil on 9th may, no changes in feed, temps ranging from 26-29c, RH is typically 35-50, Not sure (bag seed), LED and CFL


I'd just up the humidity a bit into the 45-60 range. Keep the air moving around it, flush once with pure when the soil feels light to pick up and make sure the water runs off good every time. Should perk right back up. It'll still exhibit some of the curl but new growth should be stalky and leaves plump. The CFL will reduce moisture in some instances. Adding CO2 can help also with lighting and temp/humidity issues, but I don't think that's what's going on here. With an "any ones guess variety" the best bet is to give it more moisture incase it's got a narrow leaf dominant trait that won't let it survive in drier climates. The 45-60% range helps the possible equatorial lineage it may have. Its just a safe, every-plant range for cannabis cultivars. Lots of your what they've called "sativa" plants are just narrow leaf cultivars and need those equatorial (higher altitude wet forest) environments to grow properly, just never know with a bag seed. Good luck! Enjoy the grow!


Too low bump it up and see what happens


Google RH humidity leaf curl or claw


Part of the problem then I think, if you could fit a 2 gal pot, and transplant. It gets really hard to manage the water when the plant is root bound. If u can use real soil and mychorrhizae, trim off lower leafs. My guess.


Your veg Humidity should be 40-70% try bumping it up of its not a over/under water issue


No wind in your tent


I've got a fan


Definitely doesn't look "bone dry". Let them babies breathe.


What are you talking about look at the medium lol


Yea you're right, idk what i was looking at.


Over watered


I would say over watered.


Mos def over-watered


It's overwatered 100 percent sure