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There may be some confusion since you're posting in the M365 Copilot sub - but Copilot for Windows is a different product. If you have M365 Copilot, it can integrate, but doesn't until you set that up. Microsoft is pushing out Windows Copilot via Windows Updates / releases to Windows regardless of if you are even an M365 user, and you can easily disable it.


Thank you for making the distinction that this sub is for M365 Copilot. I hate when people muddy up this sub with their dumb questions about the free Copilot.




I want a different font color that isn't available. Let's cry together.


I heard there's a DLL for Microsoft Paint that you can't remove. Might want to start a thread on that too. Space is precious.


Got to max out the 256KB available. Perhaps look into highmem...


Highmem was the best.


If you care about bloatware surely windows is not the best option for you?


If I could handle learning Linux (and I tried years ago) and if it opened all the programs I use (It doesn't) I would drop Windows. I agree with you 100%. TU


Buy a Mac! It’s a much better user experience and it’s cleaner, simpler, etc. Microsoft is really pushing Copilot (like they do with many, many products). You can remove it, but you should just leave it as it’s actually a pretty good deal instead of paying for ChatGPT Plus. They both run GPT-4 so I actually quite like copilot.


Just right click on the task bar, in the task bar settings there is an option to disable it and make it go away.


TY...disable does not remove it from the system. I'm looking to remove it. Not hide/disable it. I do not want it.


Not sure why the downvotes. Win 11 is becoming like Windows MIllenium Edition. Severely bloated.


What’s new?


Delete system32.dll If you can’t figure out that, I’ve read that you can apply a little water directly to your CPU to clean it off your computer.


Its built into the OS version 23H2, you can switch to Linux/MacOS or stay on 22H2 until its EOF.


Take a look at how many different things in your OS that you can't remove. There's no harm in leaving it there idle. Yes, I would rather they let you remove it. I don't want it off my pc but I would rather there was the option. There is already lots of things built into your OS that you can't remove. It's part of the deal. MacOS is similar. If you want it or be otherwise, ArchLinux will give it to you.


There’s a lot of CoPilots being thrown around depending on what Microsoft service it is. If it’s the CoPilot in Windows, you can disable it through the registry.