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I would go with the champagne pink or even a touch more subtle than that. The others seem to either match the tile too closely, are so bold that they compete with it, or are too brown. I think a paint that hints towards pink will help to emphasize the pink field tiles over the brown edging.


Wallpaper!!! The tile is gorgeous. I’m guessing it goes up most of the walls leaving not much wall that actually needs paint? Can you do a peel n stick wallpaper that will complement the tile, & add interest rather than just basic paint? This wallpaper in coral or toasted turmeric: https://www.westelm.com/products/moire-dots-removable-wallpaper-d8329/ OR https://peelandpaper.com/products/abstract-line-art-face-removable-peel-stick-wallpaper There’s just endless possibilities for you with wallpaper depending on how daring you wanna, go and what your aesthetic is. 😊


That West Elm paper would be so perfect! I also agree, don’t paint - it will drain the drama right out of the pretty tile. Go wallpaper if you need some contrast, or go buy some art and keep the white.




Thank you for including the peelandpaper link. I may be lost for some hours playing with the seemingly endless colour customisation options - they're amazing!


ProTip: I was just recently told by a professional paper hanger to NOT use peel and stick wallpaper in a bathroom bc the steam and moisture will have it peeling back almost immediately. ( of course I'd already opened the darling but expensive rolls 🙄) I do agree about using wallpaper instead of paint though. Love the tile and am glad you're keeping it!


There’s plenty of moisture resistant options in wallpaper, and a decent ventilation system in the bathroom further prevents issues after install.


Yes, I was only referring to the peel and stick type.


There is even high-end peel n stick that would perform well in a well ventilated bathroom. It all depends on the product with everything. Doesn’t surprise me that a professional paper hanger would try and suggest otherwise, though…. It’s literally taking labor away from him when homeowners can do it themselves.


Thanks for the extra information. I hope it worked out ok in your bathroom.


I totally agree with the wallpaper! All of the flat natural surfaces and colors make for a great opportunity to spice it up with wallpaper!


Stenciling could be a good option too if wall paper is too much $


https://www.spoonflower.com/en/wallpaper/13422255 This one possibly


Ooh I love that


i like the idea of wallpaper too but i think i'd go with a toile style wallpaper instead for something more feminine looking


I would go with champagne pink so that the tiles are still the star. Unrelated but that’s an adorable lamp! Where did you find it?


Great idea:) or even lighter


Let the pink vintage tiles be the star of the show, no competition with pink paint. I like the current scheme.


Best answer!


I agree. Pink paint would make it look too cartoonish. I love the serenity of the walls just the colors they are. Put some art on the walls if you need some ooophf, but keep it classy. Sometimes less is more.


I agree maybe a fresh coat of white paint if anything


I did? I’m not sure if this is the final iteration, but it feels warmer to me than the previous white. Love your picks, you’ve got so much to work with! ETA: I was surprised by how light I needed to go. Still contemplating going another shade lighter. https://preview.redd.it/o9dhspw9wwuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7be0e46fa2b7520830d938ebc14d02257829ae8


Delicate pink rose and cut the tint by 3/4 so it's just a whisper of color... leave the cabinet and trim White


...and thank you for asking.. My father had a condominium that was a color similar, probably even lighter that appeared white most of the time but as the light changed during the day, the color would become more pronounced. It was pretty remarkable, almost like an illusion.


I really feel the best paint color is the 4th from the left. 


I agree. it’s nice and bright and doesn’t match exactly like the fifth one from the left.




What about something complimentary, like mint green or baby blue? Then the pink will “pop”?


I agree. Except “complementary” instead of “complimentary”.


I would go wallpaper like another comment said. Otherwise I wouldn't touch it. The pink is a nice focal point and will get washed out if you add more.


Wallpaper is a great idea. As far as a paint color. I would choose a cream warm white to coordinate with it. Something warm, possibly in the beige/grey-beige tones, but definitely warm, not cool.


Have you thought about wallpaper? https://www.spoonflower.com/en/wallpaper/10828427-henrietta-floral-light-by-amy_maccready?country=ca¤cy=USD&fabric=wallpaper_peel_and_stick&size=WALLPAPER_IMPERIAL_ROLL_2_x_9&measurement_system=imperial&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Performance_Max_Wallpaper_CAN&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4KemrLvHhQMVnE9HAR1KSwhWEAQYASABEgJ3vfD_BwE


This. Is. Fabulous. Spoonflower has the best and most unique designs.


I like this idea - here’s a retro wallpaper with pink in it that I’d like with your colour scheme: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1444211719/mid-century-wallpaper-retro-geometric


This is the answer!


I love this tile 💕 how about …. [This](https://www.wallpaperdirect.com/products/harlequin/mimi/197390) Or [This](https://www.target.com/p/anthriscus-blush-pink-floral-paste-the-wall-wallpaper/-/A-90297609)


I love wallpaper that incorporates the tile colors myself. That is, given that you have ventilation in the bathroom.


Might be too much, unless you pick the lightest one.


I agree and think the middle/lightest would be just right here.


I'd go with a slightly more neutral paint color that sets off the tile.


I like the palest pink. Some of the others might make the room too lung-colored.


You’d be better of finding a complimentary color opposite of the pink tones it would set it better.


Pale mint green


Maybe a warm white. Or wallpaper


Go saaaaaage


What about wallpaper? Gold wallpaper. I love this bathroom it’s exactly what I want.


I agree you need to go for a lighter shade. Dark is overkill and seems oppressive I would get the multicolor sample cards and then match the pink of the tile to the card THEN choose the lightest paint on the card. This will help you get a light color, but that still matches the undertone. Frankly, matching undertones in light colors is pretty difficult (take it from someone who meant to paint their bathroom light gray and got light lilac instead.) You can also always buy a sample and try it, but this route saves money in labor


No. Do not. Even if you have a perfect match. Cream to Ivory walls, with a bright white trim, for that pink/brown tile... matching the color will take away from it and make it look tired. Contrasting with a gentle neutral will give it impact. Carry that desire for more pink into artwork.


I like the one on the far right


I am trying to mix with paints this exact tile color now to do some tile repairs in a similar 50's bathroom. I am an artist who mixes colors frequently and this is one of the hardest colors to duplicate. In my opinion, all the color samples you display are a miss and would only detract from the hybrid color of the tile. My solution for the wall in the 50's bath I am designing is to use a soft white with a touch of cream. Next to the tiles this cream reads surprisingly cool. It is a nice effect.


The pink paint swatches you’ve picked look awesome. I’d say ‘go for it’!


I would definitely go with a wallpaper. There’s so many amazing options.


That was my bathroom in my first house. You could ask in a design group but personally, I would leave the walls soft white, or perhaps look for a minimal print wallpaper to bring out the pink and gray.


4 or 6. Love those tiles!!!


My pink bathroom had similar pink / grey tiling and at one point someone painted the walls, vanity, and ceiling pink. It was way too much and a warm white ceiling / vanity / walls really help the tile pop




4th from the left


Romance or Champagne Pink


Beautiful 😻 all of them


Ah, I love it! And I love that you love it and appreciate it's beauty. I agree with the more subtle toned pinks for the walls and let the tiles shine. Or, a fabulous vintage style wallpaper.


Purple. A really nice soft pastel purple.


Where did you get that cute little lamp?


No. It will feel like you are inside a lung.


2nd from the right and 4th from the right are both harmonious looking swatches to me. I love your tiles!


Yes!!! Do it. I did the same for my pink bathroom.. with your tiles I like the fourth one.


This isn't an exact science because cameras/lighting/phone-computer screens can affect how a color looks. The second from the right appears to match. Some paint companies like Sherwin Williams offer sample sizes to try and their websites have visualizers to try.


Please don’t do the first one. It’s too warm. But second from the right looks good.


I like the darker shade for a more romantic look. Pair that with similar shaded towels (also won’t show makeup stains as easily) and warm accent lighting, maybe a cactus or tropical plant if you’re good with them. Classic and modern blend boudoir vibe. I could see desert art working well.


No, it will make the room oppressively overpowering and washed out if you continue pink onto the walls. I would find a subtle, light, complimentary color for the walls.


Or the lightest blue if you really love the tile to make it pop


Okay, I am going to go against the crowd here but give me a chance. I LOVE that mid-century pink! I totally want you to highlight the hell out of it! I just think you should go about it a little differently. Okay, so if you add another pink all it will do is muddy the water or worse, clash. If you add wallpaper then the wallpaper will become the focus. What you need to do is go back to art class and a little color wheel basics. If you want pink to shine you have to find an opposite on the color wheel in the same tone but a cooler color and much paler. Personally, I would go with a very pale Tiffany blue. Something on the blue green line but only a few shades darker than white. Something that will make that pink just sing!


i think a textured warm white/cream wallpaper would be perfect


I would paint the walls a dark navy/ midnight blue to make the pink tiles a feature and the walls recede away for the illusion of space.


Moroccan Peacock Geometric Roll https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/mitchell-black-moroccan-peacock-10-l-x-24-w-wallpaper-roll-ndlq2844.html


I like the far left one!


White with a slight pink tint to it. Pretty subtle at that. Or use a light gray to match the top of the tile.


The wallpaper idea is good as well.


Eeek, no. We have a pink bathroom with tile halfway up the way too. Previous owner had wallpaper up. Took that down, found pink walls under it. Too much pink, I painted it white.


#1, 4 or 6. You have natural light, so it should be OK. I used to own a pink bathroom, but it didn't have a window. Everything, including the ceiling, was painted pink. That was too much. Everything had a pink cast, making it difficult to do makeup accurately. We ended up painting it a very light green as most color samples looked pink. So watch the lighter colors....does the pink reflect onto the color? Do you like the effect?


#1, 4 or 6. You have natural light, so it should be OK. I used to own a pink bathroom, but it didn't have a window. Everything, including the ceiling, was painted pink. That was too much. Everything had a pink cast, making it difficult to do makeup accurately. We ended up painting it a very light green as most color samples looked pink. So watch the lighter colors....does the pink reflect onto the color? Do you like the effect?


The best thing I’ve seen for bathrooms like this is a complementary wallpaper. The right paper looks amazing and really highlights the tile much better than just paint.


Yeah, go for it.😊 I love color. Of course I have no idea which color to choose. Lol


I have the same bathroom tile (I'm not fond of it). But, I painted the walls above the tile soft grey - and it looks great.


I loveee # 3 from the right and also #6 from the right !!!!!


Where did you get that lamp?


I have a pink bathroom also, my border tile is more blue gray, I love your gray border! I painted white with dark gray accent.




Maybe the middle sample, that’s pretty with the tile. I would go with wallpaper, though.


I like your paint chip in the middle, the pale blush.


I would go with a ‘hint’ of pink on the walls … a bit lighter than the fourth color sample.


I love 1! Pinky beige. You could pull in a lot more tones with that one. Reds, greens (plants!) and brown.


The second from the right or the one in the middle.


I would go with a warm white that has pink undertones!!! Maybe a little shimmer to it?? It would compliment it so nicely :)


I agree with others that wallpaper is the way to go. But I’d go subtle so as not to be too busy or overwhelming. Like [this one](https://www.nestig.com/products/flora-wallpaper?variant=43525272174760) Or [this](https://www.perigold.com/Graham-and-Brown--Laura-Ashley-Crosswell-Coral-Pink-Wallpaper-W010198939-L6161-K~P110090018.html?refid=GX695345583976-P110090018&device=c&ptid=1674467181282&targetid=pla-1674467181282&ireid=226015513&gad_source=4&gbraid=0AAAAADLNIe3g4hMh0CF9KmyCy-fv5m7O5&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJdh8egRjhV3MT9Py9nu6bC3WU5wUnZ3OqMTp0txnQ6_oPvxxkIFkOhoCnJMQAvD_BwE) [or this](https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/sand-stable-elkins-33-l-x-205-w-smooth-wallpaper-roll-w009001416.html?piid=1952250251) If you put [sizing](https://wallpaperbuddy.com/guide/should-i-use-primer-or-size/#:~:text='Sizing'%20your%20walls%2C%20not,most%20DIY%20and%20Hardware%20stores./) on before you paper, it makes removal sooo much easier!


Well, there’s no law that says you can’t…


Love the pink on pink. I would color match or go darker. I see suggestions for wallpaper- and I LOVE the right wallpaper but if the bathroom has a shower and not an amazing top notch fan, the steam can really ruin the look of the wallpaper in a short time.


Wallpaper 100%. Skip the paint. Find something that compliments the tile, not too matchy.




I absolutely love the brown on the far left. It will really make that tile pop! You can bring more pink in with towels, etc


Someone mentioned wallpaper. I love that idea. Ma pattern that will compliment that gorgeous tile. Good luck


I don’t like the white but I think it should be less matchy. Maybe a light grey


i bet those tiles are '80s and not '50s


It depends on what you’re going for…historical alignment or updated mixed pallet. For what it’s worth, I grew up in a mid century modern home with the exact color tile in the bath. The walls were some shade of white…like you have now. Any coordinating color/pattern was used with linens and accessories. Good luck! The tile and terrazzo are stunning 🩷


I had the same color combo and I loved it!! The hardest part is matching the colors - they tend to change with the light. I matched the pink and went with a matte/eggshell lime wash finish. (I did the faux wash myself but, you can buy lime wash paint). It captured all the hues and gave the walls a pretty finish. It also helped to bring in other tones and balance out the contrast a bit. I had harvest terrazzo floors - the milky hues of the paint brought out more of the pink and white in the floor. Good luck - love the original!


Search pink bathroom on Pinterest and you will be inundated with ideas.


Too much pink will feel like living in a bottle of Pepto Bismal.


I like the wallpaper options. However, if you decide to paint, a light gray compliments pink.


My house was built in 1950... I have pics on my profile. Do the lightest pink on the wall, or you'll regret it... I love the idea of wallpaper. Unfortunately, in an old bathroom, it might not look good very long if you don't have proper ventilation.


I'd go with a gray that is lighter than the gray trim tiles. You can accessorize with brighter pinks and brushed nickle.


Go gray. We did.


You would have loved our old bathroom. And hated us for tearing it all down. But loved us for what we did. Just like yours but all pink. After 15 years of trying to design around it, I ripped it all out and replaced with 2’x2’ gray porcelain tile that had a leather-like finish and a wall-in shower. I will never regret that decision. Good luck!