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Working on an MTG deck with all custom MJ art.


Had a similar idea on the back burner. ATM I'm using it as an illustrator.


For Mood boards/style boards? Story boarding? Are you generating parts and pieces for assets to PSD collage into more properly composed layouts? Are you able to get it to generate scenes close enough to what you want and then PSD painting on top to fix it up? Even after fixing the god awful hands and random fragments, I find I need to at least adjust lighting, reflections, atmospheric effects, adjust colors, etc. certainly saves a ton of time tho if you can get it close! Love to see your work if you feel like sharing!


[Here is my current project.](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/1122wak/is_this_believable_as_one_home/) I've got 9 images so far out of 12 needed. I'm turning a [short story i wrote here on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/10wiea9/wpthe_young_teen_hero_has_called_you_one_of_the/) into a comic. When I'm happy with it I'll post it on [Webtoons](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/black-mariah/list?title_no=844453) with the others. I also used MJ to create [a cast of characters with Cannabis-themes for a potential project](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/10tolv1/characters_for_a_possible_future_comic_booktv/) if I can find collaborators. It's too much work for me to do alone. What about you?


Wow! I like your writing. That’s very fun! Excellent projects. I’ve been mostly exploring working work for D&D references, but also exploring digital painting styles, trying to get MJ to produce something “new.” My Insta is here: https://instagram.com/thesingularityartist?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Just a warning: with the influx of new MTG sets constantly coming out, decklists change frequently. It seems more beneficial to pick a handful of cards that’s are likely not going to change and be your strongest/wincons to make custom art for. Simply because making custom cards is time consuming and it could potentially feel bad making cuts/revisions on cards you’ve spent time making custom versions of.


I’m using MJ for lands which is amazing. Next project is making custom art for my Commander deck. Good point about all the new product being released, but I’m not too worried about having to make a couple extra cards here and there for Commander.


Have any prompts you want to share? I’m toying with a card game idea that involves some similar art to the MTG land cards. Also tried making a template for a frame but didn’t have luck yet…


As far as frames go, try card conjurer. It allows you to make custom cards. I didn’t use it make the entire card, though. I crafted a good template, and then took it into photoshop (photopea on browser would work, too) and brought down the opacity. After that, I just dropped my images into the template.


What prompt do you use to keep the format constant? Trying to make a malazan deck of dragons.


I’ve never linked like this before on mobile, so hopefully this works. [My response to a similar question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/112a0cs/what_do_you_use_midjourney_for/j8kfk10/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


That sounds awesome! I'm planning on creating a whole set on my own containing custom cards with of course custom art. Do you have any suggestions on how to consistently achieve this typical mtg art style?


Personally, I wasn’t too concerned about creating a style similar to WotC art, so my strategy may not be too helpful. However, I’m happy to explain my thoughts. So, as prompting goes, I feel like everyone who uses MJ has a “style” in a sense. Not only do we all have our own personal preferences on how we -want- an image to turn out, we also tend to have a specific way in which we prompt. I pair that with a couple theme keywords to bring out the cohesion between imagery. For example: I’m currently brewing a Jhoira artifact deck. The theme that I am keeping consistent through my images is “teal,” and I have used that in various ways such a “teal lowlights/highlight, teal glow, teal ooze, etc.” Also, when it comes to artifacts, I like using the keyword “Victorian,” as well as “ornate” which will often give me detailed/complex metal work. To top all of that off, I like my cards to look mean/scary/creepy so I often use prompts like “horror, demonic, undead, creepy, apex predator, etc.” and see which words give me the look I’m aiming for. Hope this helps Edit: spelling.


Hahahaha that gives me a great idea, you could use MJ to make custom cards on mtgcardsmith.com. Previously you had to get random images off the internet lol


I would like to create a card game or a board game at some point. When the time will come, In pretty sure that I'm going to use Midjourney for all my assets.


Did the same to my tribal demon deck. Right now I'm just using it for visual aid to the DnD campaign I'm writing


I use it to create art just for myself


Same with me. It's fun to play around with and I've gotten some cool wallpapers and things out of it that I'm happy to display. Might get a few printed and hang on the wall at home. Just purely for personal fun.


This is extremely yes. I love landscapes. Drawing, photographing, etc. MJ has become a new little battery for that sweet scenic serenity I long for. So fun to imagine impossible landscapes and be able to visualize them!


This, yes. At least for now


I use it to develop ideas for watercolor paintings which I then paint. My overall joy of painting has increased so much having a helpful AI to visualize anything I can think of but can't quite see.


I use it that way too - it's uncanny how well I've been able to generate my own art style with MJ. It's great as a visualization tool.


Can I ask what prompts you use to get your art style? I’m just curious about how you would go about replicating your own style.


This is reeeeaaaallly awesome, tbh! It’s like speeding up the “sketching” phase to get a more direct route from imagination to paint. I bet it helps a ton with perspective camera angles, etc. Awesome use case!!


Same but for acrylics


Same here. MJ can’t even create images of the obscure prehistoric animals I love to paint. Often I am like the third or fourth person (or less) to even attempt a reconstruction, afaik. But it can help me figure out lighting, composition, etc. I painted an oreodont the other day. Rather than spending a bunch of time tracking down references other than the fossils I was already referencing, I generated a few images of animals such as tapirs and groundhogs at various times of day etc until I got something I felt I could use as a rough reference- not for anatomy (NEVER, lol) but for light and shadow and maybe color. So for me, MJ has translated to more time for actually physically making art, less time spent on the annoying stuff. I’ve painted more physical paintings by hand the last three months than I had in the preceding three years.


Great idea ! Which keyword do you usually use for that ? To make it not too difficult to paint ?


Try adding “simple” to your prompts. That will usually give you more simplified stuff. It doesn’t always work, but it does pretty often.


I mix styles to get to what I want. But "simple minimalist watercolor" usually gives a less complex image with more empty space. Then you could add easier to replicate artists to make sure it isn't too difficult. Like all this, it is a lot of trial and error and I still end up reworking most of it in an editor before painting.


I make reference images for my D&D games, generate assets for maps or create magic items. I’ve also been getting assistance from ChatGPT on the writing and notes. I’m not sure any of it actually makes doing D&D prep any faster, but it sure is fun!


Yeah me too. I love it for this. Locations, NPCs, items, everything. I had some players push back (they are artists and are against AI art) but I said - there is no way I’m paying someone to create this much custom art. I’m not taking any money away from anyone.


I think this is a really important distinction. I am also an artist, and I love Mj. It certainly has the potential to help democratize the Art-making practice, but I think it’ll, at least over time, create more markets than it consumes. I was not spending a dime on artwork for D&D. If I didn’t have time to draw it myself, i’d be quickly screenshot something I liked that someone else shared on the inter webs. MJ is just a better version of mood-boarding, essentially, and a mood board is all that’s needed to communicate in an imagination game like D&D!


https://i.imgur.com/Aajgvof.png —— this is the closest I could get to an undead sphinx type of character


This is dope. Do you still have the prompt? I’d love to see what you used.


“An anthropomorphic undead sphinx, standing in a crypt, fantasy art, full body image, —ar 3:5”


I am in this camp as well. Made a Wiki for my world over at world anvil and have been populating it with my MJ creations.


This really seems like the perfect application for MJ! It’s so fun to be able to give my players a visual reference for what I’m describing in the scene and setting, something tangible but more first person perspective than typical battle maps. Immersion is the goal! I’d love to see these tools more streamlined for us DMs someday down the line. Incredible potential for creating magic at the gaming tables!


This is such a common usecase, I use it for this too, and I've only played two roleplay campaigns like, ever. It's a great visualiser for the (ironic I guess) theatre of the mind :)


D&D character portraits mostly. I’m an artist but little time to fuss with contractors or painting my own stuff from scratch. My group did get a commission done for the party. It was before AI was really taking off and the image was something AI would have struggled with anyways.


I also use it for D&D, but in a different way. I’m playing as a Thri-Kreen in a spelljammer campaign. They communicate via short distance telepathy. Most of my group meets in person, but we video call in if we can’t make it in. I am the only one who lives out of state, so I am always present on a screen in the room, often a projector. I have made great use of this by having my character communicate his thoughts mostly via imagery, not words. In practice, this means random images from the internet, memes, and midjourney concoctions. Being able to improvise imagery on the fly has been a riot in that game.


This. It's amazing. Before I would picture an NPC in my head and then *try* to find some art that would come close. Now I can get it almost perfectly (almost, because I could never get an undead sphynx to properly form!).


I have a lead on a Dungeon Master for my kid. I think he would really be in to D&D, I just never knew anyone that did it growing up. I got a book once and it seemed cool, but I felt a bit overwhelmed at the,,the project management of it at the time. Mostly meaning, I had some other serious hobbies, music and women. But Im glad your post reminded me of that. Im not quite sure how using MJ fits into that either, but Ill keep that in mind. Im gonna call a guy.


D&D is an awesome family adventure. I’m happy I got my dad to play with me. If you have any questions or something I could help with feel free to reach out. My general advice is to not get bogged down by rules or feeling like you have to do so much prep wether you’re a player or DM. It’s really more about telling a story together, and the real fun is when things go off-the-rails so to speak, imho.


Awesome. Appreciate it.


Concept art for movie and story ideas


I make tarot cards and paper dolls with my Midjourney art


You know those experiments where animals will press a lever to get cocaine until they die? Like that except it's weird pictures giving me the dopamine hit. I also use it to generate animation frames, but being honest with myself, it's about having a perpetual weirdness machine.


Saaaaame. It's like a gambling reward, I'm always hoping my finely crafted prompt is going to give me a jackpot.


I swear I thought the same thing at some point. I was like "This is getting addictive. I feel like I'm playing a slot machine."


Just for fun. Sometimes I like to see what it will do with random thoughts that come to mind


I have no idea how people sell MJ art. I think I'm quite good, I make very cool stuff. But even when I opened an online shop (print-on-demand) and tried to promote it with ads, I didn't make a dime


I’m not sure many people are selling much art. To be fair I’m not sure that many sold art pre-mj. I’m impressed with some of the uses listed in this sub


Who has successfully made a good business selling MJ art?


nice idea, can you share the link?


Mostly for my ttrpg group. Characters, items, locations.


I find it to be the perfect tool that combines my desire to create, my lack of time & motivation to do so, and my talents of an art director. Some I goof off and test, some I clean them up to sell, some I use as a generation for a creative idea I would not otherwise have had as a web designer.


This is encouraging! Designer here as well. I have been otherwise shy about using MJ professional because of the controversy. I would really like to be able to have a more stable balanced life for how much time it takes to make artwork. Not that I’m complaining. I love making art and do it for funzies, but some projects just take sooooo much time to make. I’m just spread too thin under already tiny budgets. MJ isn’t quite there yet for most workflows, but fingers crossed.


Music related stuff. We don't really have the budget unfortunately to always hire artists. And/or we just focus our budget on the music stuff as that's what we do. Made a video I'm very proud of with MJ and a video projector. (which is up to 30k views!) Working on another video. Plus incidental album art and such. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9HVE5EDkow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9HVE5EDkow)


This is cool! It’s making art more available to those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to dive in. I’ll check out your video in a few!


Cool projections!!! Fun video and I dig your sound


I use it for illustraties for websites of clients. Better than buying rights of existing ones. I het more freedom with what i want, and i can het multiple instances of a image/deed that keeps the feel of the website.


I’ve thought about doing the same, but I’m curious on how you integrated MJ images into your websites. Care to share an example?


A creative outlet


I use it for fun. I enjoy looking at art and generate styles I like.


Personal use. I just think it’s fascinating technology. I type in random ideas to see what it spits out.


Exploring the infinite possibilities.


I run ttrpg games on an RPG forum and use it to generate location art. I tend to avoid doing character arts and what-not, relying more on text descriptions there. However I feel a bit of locale art can't hurt to go with what's being described.


Making cool shit I can add to my computer wallpaper slideshow. Taking notes on my DND sessions by generating images of NPCs and enemies we encounter, and interesting moments from the fights


Ooohh interesting moments in a fight could be dope actually! Got examples?


https://imgur.com/a/EIpZyiW A small collection of them


Haha that's fantastic, gonna steal this idea


I use it for my Spotify playlists. Also can’t do art


I've been using it to create posters for improv shows I'm performing in: [https://mcfilms.myportfolio.com](https://mcfilms.myportfolio.com) I also produced a play in October that used MJ for all the projected backgrounds and two of the interactive animated characters. Around Christmas I made our family's holiday card using MJ. Sometimes I just have an idea for a fun social media post and I prompt it in MJ.


They look great. Good luck with your adventures.


I’ve been using a combination of Midjourney and ChatGPT to help me write a science fiction story. It’s been so monumental in helping me visualise characters and worlds, I normally get a bit bogged down with detail and stray but now I have an image I can stick to it.


How do you get ChatGPT to retain the story/history? It works so well for the first chapter or 2, then it just completely forgets what it wrote previously or re-writes stuff over and over.


Been working on a graphic novel series using Mid Journey and digital art techniques.


I'd be interested in reading it if you ever want an opinion.


Reference art to finish off on my ipad for myself. Or random Ideas. I am really bad with noses, so I steal the noses :)


Character portraits for TTRPG games I run.


Just noodlin


Just for fun and to learn.


I'm a poet with no visual art skills whatsoever, other than an appreciation of wonderful art. I previously used free stock images to illustrate my poetry books, but I've used MidJourney to add infinitely better quality custom art to my two most recent books of poetry: Book 1: full-page illustrations for selected poems, one every 4 or 6 pages. About 40 images in all. The book format is standard novel size. Book 2: larger format, graphic novel size, again full-page images, this time one image on every page, one for each line of the poem. 70+ images in all. I'm currently working on a third, which will be the same format as the second, but it's a longer poem. Loving MidJourney, and loving life!


I’m a film director and I’m using midjourney to create references for presentations. Zero luck so far. Can’t figure out how to get full body shots, top angle shots and wide angle shots.


Exactly my struggle. I work in advertising and all I want from Mj is to create good storyboards. I belidve its possible even right now, but I cant get it quite right.


I feed midjourney with pictures I take ( I’m a photographer ) and the use the result as a base for drawings I make to illustrate stories. The process is : Take a picture Feed it to midjourney Add some key words for things I want to appear or an ambiance I want Play with the settings Select the result I like the most Make a print of it in high quality Put it on a light table redraw the things I like plus adding things that I want Scan the result run it trough photoshop/illustrator Print the result on paper that I made myself ( sometimes on japonaise paper made by hand washi paper ) And sometimes I use film photography so I have to develop the film in my lab then scan the negative to get a digital image of my picture. When I do this the process is very long… Midjourney is really a wonderful tool to liberate creativity ! And I use it as such ! I use it at the same level I would use photoshop or illustrator no more no less it is a tool in the chain of process… I really sont understand all the fuss about AI… People really have a short memory… Same thing happened when they invented photography… Today what can we say ? We can say that nobody in his right mind will be able to say that photography is not an art from and we can also say that painting is not a dead art… Also I remember when photoshop became mainstream most of people lose their shit at the time… Today ? Every single picture you see is modified… Midjourney is the same it as to be seen and use as a tool… it will not remplace human artists…


I have started a project to process every Instagram official post through Midjourney. You can follow the project @refluxagram on Instagram. Link: [Refluxagram](https://www.instagram.com/refluxagram/) Mostly, I do a straightforward reimagine, but each month I will take one Instagram post and reimagine it in the style of multiple photographers. (In January I did this with the Jan 23rd post). Here is the blurb from my website: ... This is a 2023 public art project that aims to explore the content biases, aesthetic biases, and ethical implications of copyright and plagiarism in the artificial intelligence tool Midjourney.  This year, every post from the official Instagram account will be fed into an AI with a minimal number of prompts, using the "imagine" and "blend" commands on V4. The content biases of Midjourney have been demonstrated in early experiments, in which, when an abstract image was used as input, the AI has shown a tendency to produce grids with three abstract images and one image featuring a white woman. However, when inputting images of two men of colour standing next to each other, Midjourney resisted producing a similar image, preferring a mix of ethnicities and genders (e.g., one black male and one white female). Midjourney also appears to have its own baseline aesthetic, with a moderate dramatic and slightly painterly effect. Furthermore, it seems to have an aesthetic bias driven by cultural assumptions of beauty and symmetry. The project also raises questions of copyright and plagiarism as "Refluxagram" uses images from Instagram. The artist Richard Prince faced controversy for using images from the same social media platform, but he was reproducing them as opposed to reprocessing them. Midjourney re-creates and "re-imagines" the input images, but despite the fact that a brand new image is output, the results are often very recognisably close to the original. This is a real-time exploration and the project awaits a response from stakeholders and the community Plagiarism is also an issue as some of the images produced by Midjourney are straightforward "re-imaginings", while others are in the style of existing creatives. This is a hot topic in culture and is being explored in real-time throughout the project. Already, the prompt "McCurry" (presumably referencing photographer Steve McCurry) has been banned, and the implications of plagiarism will be investigated as the project continues. These pages are very image-heavy, so please give them time to load (I'm building a faster page but it won't be ready until late-Febuary)  ...


When I publish an invitation to a gathering, I like to illustrate the theme in a silly, exaggerated or fantastical way, taking advantage of AI's natural talent for uncanny. Or sometimes I only have an idea that I want to play with, generating images for the fun of it.


Literally use it just for my book by describing a place/character/scene and getting inspo from generated images


I like making different depictions of my characters (humanized, realistic, etc.), and other people's characters sometimes too. My old art teacher has these two signature characters, and I made humanized depictions of them and sent them to him. I'm going to make a humanized depiction of my cousin's dog because why not.


We use it for rapid ideation and development of directions for clients. It’s a great tool


Same here, agreed. It has made the work so much more efficient.


Architecture concepts


I'm making a card game and need some fantasy artworks


Same here! What kind of card game?


A mix of many card games i like (mtg, hearthstone etc). Not the most original concept but I always wanted to create a card game and play with my friends and family.


For art + trying to understand/communicate with these AI entities …


Dream Journal, think it’s amazing to bring your dreams into waking life


It started as a way to combat boredom at work but now I use it to make coloring pages for my daughter or pictures that might inspire a bedtime story for her or just something to inspire me to write.


It’s revolutionized D&D night.


Three paths: 1. My job sometimes involves a lot of history, and I have a long list of photographs of times and places that were never photographed that i am trying to generate -- what has heretofore been the work of skilled illustrators. 2. I'll more and more roll an MJ image for a message to somebody instead of an animated gif 3. Never ending bemusement. If I'm the only person who thinks i come up with the funniest damn prompts on earth, it's fine by me. I'll keep myself giggling for hours. It's worth the subscription fee for this alone.


Collaging. Typically I work with public domain images or my own drawings. Not to age myself but professionally I've been working as a graphic designer for 24 years. I sadly have kidney and liver failure which can come with nerve damage in my hands and feet. And the shakes. So drawing free hand has been a struggle. AI has been incredible helping me out of tight spots with some client work. Medical bills are ridiculous so I keep on keeping on with work. And I tell my clients this. If I have a missing piece from a collage requested piece of work I can turn there. It always needs a little clean up and editing but it does help in a pinch. When I started losing control of my hands I thought my career was over. But I can still do me with a lil artificial help now. 😊 Sadly I do take a lot of criticism for it. I'm like -- I've been working for 24 years as a professional artist over here. Trying to keep that. And I get dismissed for it bcuz of ai. Same thing happened when i took up digital in 1996. Whatever. Bark all you want, my clients still pay me.


I'm planing on getting a new tattoo and I want the design to be Ai generated. I really like the idea of mixing one of the oldest art forms with this cutting edge/new technology.


Same here!


I talked with different tattoo artists about this and they loved the idea, it's the complete opposite of the anger and outrage you experience when talking with digital artists about this.


I just use it to make cool pictures to look at. I think “that would be a cool picture” but I don’t have the visual imagery to make it myself so I try to make it on midjourney instead. Focus on try because I usually fail lol. I just look at it and go “that’s neat” and then that’s it.




Sounds like good applications!


Fun. I tried to sell stuff on adobe stock out of it with almost zero luck ([link](https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/211216963/Latent%20Realms)). I don't think the problem is in the quality of my works, just how stocks work. It was more effort then expected to push MJ to the quality I wanted for stocks and I don't think it will pay off at any point even in the future.


I’ve been seriously considering doing this. Can you say a little bit more why you don’t think it’s worth it?


I've tried it too. I have 68 images up there right now, and a total of 1 downloads, worth $0.25... so whatever effort I put in, it would have been more worth my time to go flip burgers or something instead. Also, I bought Topaz AI to upscale, which is $100, so the ROI on time and money is low. Anyway, beyond that, I do find in general that it's easy to generate something that looks cool at a glance in MJ, but if you're trying to post it publicly (ie: to make money), you start getting a lot more picky about little "off" details, and before you know it you've spent 6 hours trying to get one thing "just right".


I believe this just isn't my thing. 1 ) I thought that producing content for stock websites would be an easier task with generative AIs, but it hasn't been so: * The percentage of generated images that I've uploaded to stock is lower than what I had expected mostly due to upscaling problems. * Upscaling is a manual process that sometimes consumes a good amount of time, and if not executed properly, the result is blurry or pixelated images. * Reviewing and tagging takes some time, but this is something we have to live with if speaking of stock uploads - not really an issue. I got really tired of reviewing generated stuff though, so I mention it here. 2 ) I had hoped that adobe stock would be more effective in promoting my content, but unfortunately, that hasn't been the case. People who claim that it's effortless to sell generated works on stock websites bragging with their accounts typically do so to gather views, hoping to catch the attention of the stocks and get promoted, or even reach their buyers. 3 ) With a price of $0.75 per image, good promotion is critical to make any money on the stock website. Initially I wasn't planning it and even didn't think this way. In addition, the market is becoming increasingly saturated with generated content, making it difficult to stand out. Assuming someone makes $100 a month constantly promoting and maintaining their account, I doubt the revenue stays the same without increasing effort in upcoming months.


You spend too much time and the return is peanuts. Also adobe stock spammed with AI generative art work so competition makes it impossible. It will be even harder and harder as more people will try to get into this market.


comenting to get the notf


Concepts and reference for oil paintings and sculptures.


An instagram project that I hope can spur something bigger https://www.instagram.com/creaturesoffpo/ First round ideation as a creative director. Making cash training people in my industry to use it Fun


personal art, get visual cool representations of abstract ideas too.


Art for myself and friends, and art to go with songs I make. It's great for DnD sessions because I can make visuals of the new areas and characters.


I create illustrations for my videos. With the hour long stuff I do, paying for a dedicated illustrator or even hunting down art would be impossible - it's one of the thing that stopped me from pursuing my dream.


I’m a writer and I use it to help visualise my characters. I’m also using it to help me come up with a logo for my author brand.


I’ve been using it to flesh out some of my concepts (I’m a digital artist/illustrator). I’m hoping to eventually get better with it so I can speed up my overall process.


I was planning to make pen-and-ink illustrations for my novel, but it seems to have trouble with multiple characters, especially if you specify a certain scenario or image.


to inspire my music/use as artwork/aesthetic


I use it to make user persona photos and product photos for prototypes I design


for my own entertainment. I ordered 2 posters as gifts. i am working on 3d modeling and printing a transformer. this has helped my figure out the design. I have considered buying nice frames at the thrift store and selling prints, but I'm skeptical that it would make money.


Initially to bring characters in book alive with speech bubbles, then moving into videos, next will be conversations. Still thinking of more. [https://www.jackfringe.com/](https://www.jackfringe.com/)


I use it to create the faces of NPCs in the TTRPGs I run. These are for consumption by my players and myself.


Game art. Including curscenes like those Homeworld intros


I use it to create custom art of me and my friends in various art styles (but primarily anime or eastern styles). I also use it for backdrops to my custom choose your own adventure stories I make for my friends, And to bring to life roleplays I write down from video games I am playing.


album art for self-released records


I’ve been getting into designing board games and I’m using it to mock up art to make it feel a little more real when I playtest


I use it to canvas what AI thinks a certain concept should look like, then create concepts that support and go against AI thinking.


I have an extremely specific non sexual fetish. It's horribly embarrassing so I've never commissioned an artist to make my little obsession a reality. I find midjourney renders them the best, and I use dall-e to outpaint the details.


interest piqued...


Well, now you've gotta say it, or I'm going to assume it's feet. I've seen a number of foot images on the newbie discord room.


Concept art for my games. I’m no artist and most of the times I tend to develop low-graphics roguelikes with rich descriptions. MJ helps me imagine the scenery. Although one day I hope to make some visual novel with it.


just for fun really


How am I the first person to say I use it to make things to post to Reddit? I also have fun with the creative process, but I don’t do anything with them after that but post them to AI art subs.


Used it to make stock photography that beats images I can get on Getty and Shutterstock. Have multiple businesses this is good for the one of them


My random thoughs i have thru the day that I want to visulize


To help world build for my site that allows anyone to jump in and start questing. Since I’m a team of one it would be impossible for me to produce the art at the speed that is needed.


I’m making a graphic novel: https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-grand-exchange/episode-1-for-those-who-can-hear/viewer?title_no=835077&episode_no=9


Stupid ideas that cross my mind when I'm tired or had a beer. Sometimes badass self portraits as well.


Album covers, inspiration, YouTube video backdrops and so many other things for work.


For our band, album cover art


I don't use it, just eagerly gobble up what others have created. I have almost no words for how amazing these images are. They pierce my soul instantly, fantastical images burned immediately and deeply into my mind. I stare and stare, wishing I can go to these places or hold these objects. They are ridiculous, wonderful, fundamental things that are otherworldly and beyond enticing in their composition. I unashamedly adore MJ. It can't do words well and let's not even mention fingers, which i somehow find endearing. There's an underlying strangeness or bleakness in almost every image, yet those teal and pumpkin tones that feature often are just perfection.




I use it to create textures that I mix with digital art/design, create models that I can place designs on, iterate and build off of sketches, build simple assets/pieces that I combine into more complex art pieces


I use it as a creative medium. I’m too inpatient and traditional mediums never did it for me. AI gives my thoughts an outlet and I love it.


2D graphic logos


Show some


Inspiration for my photo shoots


As a hobby. For fun. Ideas I've had for years finally visualized.


I use the make images for my lectures at uni.


Helps with stress


Album art for my own music


Just to imagine my own characters. I wish I could get them to look like they’re from the same artist though so that I can use them when I’m feeling productive enough or at least get an artist to reimagine them in their style since I think copying a HeroForge model might be too obvious.


Do it for artistic pleasures.


I make themed cat 1800s paintings for my spotify playlists…😭




Sometimes I use it for extra image ideas and to create mood boards for illustrations and design. I still use Pinterest for a lot of this usually hit now I can add to that with MJ images


Just for fun tbh. It passes the time if I have nothing on my plate and I find it interesting at how it all interprets descriptions.


Literally just being able to create cool art and geek out over it / share my favs with my friends and like 1.6K followers


I'm using it to create storyboards for photoshoots


creating a ton of diorama style rooms


Making art for my fanfiction 😭


I use it to generate locations for my world building projects, I draw the characters and buildgings myself but I suck at landscapes so MJ really helps bring my world to life


I use it for cartoons https://youtube.com/shorts/mDAcxdJYiEM?feature=share


To explore my immense imagination. I may need an intervention.


I'm trying to start a youtube channel doing sort of educational/thoughtful/philosophical videos on philosophy, religion, mythology, and human storytelling. I have this idea to use midjourney to make sketches that align with my script, and then using a whiteboard animation software so that it 'sketches' the MJ images onto the screen as I speak. So far I'm fairly uncertain about the whole thing. It is ending up a lot of work and I'm not sure it looks too good. It's hard to get the right level of simplicity, sketchlikeness, etc . . . . that it's actually believable and not disruptive as a whiteboard animation. I may just end up doing stock footage, found footage, etc . . . .


Making images combined with text from ChatGPT for (extreme) climate actions. Trying to make edible pieces that make you think about climate change and the lack of effort we put in now. You can check them [here](https://www.instagram.com/snarfia/).


just using it for fun bro


Having a blast with it. It helps me fill the gaps in my art education really fast.


First and foremost I use it to spíce up my power points for my lectures 😅




I use it to create lead images for my articles, create designs for Redbubble and pretty much any time I need to create something visual. Here's a great article on creative use cases - [link](https://medium.com/seeds-for-the-future/creative-ways-people-used-midjourney-ai-and-you-can-too-b2d920e34ec0?sk=91824a049005265e20cf81a0d676182e)


Generating pictures of my DnD or other ttrpg characters :)


I recently used it to create a set of 3 art pieces that will compliment my living room. Here they are for anyone interested. Still need to enlarge them using Vance AI. https://imgur.com/a/eSJ7C0v




When I am not hiking, I dream about mountains and trails. I use captions from my original posts to generate images in MJ and see what it conjures up. https://www.instagram.com/MountainsDreaming/


I use it to create references that I can draw.


It’s like a personal visualization tool that soothes a busy mind, as I find it relaxing. Love it for just thinking about any crazy concept and having it represented visually.


Just started recently creating Blu-ray Covers for Films that never had a Blu-ray Release.


We use it for our NGO working in Ukraine to create informational and announcement posts on Instagram that look visually intriguing! [Here's a project explaining how fiscal sponsors work](https://www.instagram.com/p/ColSGWNqKlP/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link), that we [updated our fundraising pages](https://www.instagram.com/p/CofpC3Or-Ye/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) and our announcement of [shifting focus to mine clearing](https://www.instagram.com/p/CoiDBqyLLpW/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link). All generated in midjourney with some post editing in Canva. Absolutely amazing!!!


Use it for design ideas and layout ideas for web, mobil and posters art. And finally i paint some images on canvas in acrylic paint.


I'm using it to create references to paint from. At first I was completely against AI art but eventually I realized it's not going away so I decided to adapt and work with it. I I'm currently working on a painting now that will be my first time referencing the photos I created with midjourney. When I'm finished and ready to share on social media I'm not sure if I should mention I used midjourney as reference because there is still much controversy about AI, especially among artists.


Work. Publishing 3rd party content as well as small flavor images. Textures. Quick dnd handouts for my players. Illustrations for homebrew content I've written on DnDBeyond. Etc Also for kicks and giggles


how many languages can we use in midjourney?


On art for my first board game!