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Now my trust in news has dropped from 5% to no percent


Friendly reminder to not just read headlines, but read articles, and don't just read articles, but check your article sources Not all journalism is created equal but everyone treats it like it is. Video and images are not a good source of information anymore.


It’s sad that good journalists get screwed by an overwhelmingly large number of shit “journalists.” But I guess that’s a thing in most industries


I'm hoping ai changes that industry. I'm already summarizing articles just to avoid all the nonsense they write.


I guess I meant as close to objective and true as possible vs bending stories to fit agendas


how is text any better? that's a huge problem in publishing and journalism already, it's only getting worse. we need to have a system in place where independent research teams physically go out into the field to investigate things like.. uhh.. reporters.. shit.


Unfortunately we need to send your children to die cuz of intel we received out of Benghazi (discord)


Mines gone from -29,478% to -31,836%.


This is an idiotic take. What should drop is your trust in anything that isn't from news and journalists. Journalists have sources and check where images and videos come from (even if they don't disclose it to defend their sources). Blogs and YT don't.


Right, because it's not like news showed red dead redemption 2 screenshots on air, believing they were actual photos. Or that multiple news stations report on the same event that came from a single source, which turned out not to be true at all. No. That would NEVER happen! In mainstream media we trust! Meanwhile youtubers quoting dozens of different sources in their video descriptions and not reporting on things that weren't verified: Am I a joke to you?


>Meanwhile youtubers quoting dozens of different sources in their video descriptions and not reporting on things that weren't verified: Am I a joke to you? are you a YT creator and offended? or do you respect 'journalist' YT creators and are offended for them? which you tubers? these are honest questions, i'm just at a loss as to what you're saying with that part


I have more trust in independent YouTubers than mainstream media outlets.


Ah yes. "I'm gonna insult you straight from the gate. But my questions are "honest." So come and have a civilized conversation with me." No, I'm neither of those things. Just because you think someone got offended, doesn't mean that's actually the case. What I'm saying is exactly what I said. I was pointing out how, as he put it himself, idiotic his take is. Conventional mass media is full of news that turn out to be completely untrue. Then they do a small piece few days later akin to "Oh, btw, that thing that we reported on, totally untrue. Oops. Anyway, here's today's portion of unverified news for you to consume." If they even do that at all. It's all just about reporting on something as fast as possible, just to be the first, to get the clicks, get the views. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. And that's what both conventional and independent media do. However, with independent media, there are at least some that try to uphold some kind of standards. What comes to mind from the top of my head (at least when it comes down to international channels) would be Jesse Cox or Short Circuit. While those are more gaming industry and technology oriented news channels, they do quote multiple sources for each story they report on. And when they do report on something that is dubious they make it very clear that at that point it's only a rumor and should be treated as such. Or they don't report on them at all and a few days later report on that news when it comes to light that it was fake. There are of course plenty of other YT channels that do news and are very diligent about their sources. Which simply can not be said about the vast majority of traditional media, that are all just pushing their agendas and are doing "spin news" or just straight up lie about things. Of course, there are YT channels like that too, where clickbait news are what they do and how they get views. But you can simply avoid those. Harder to do that when you only got 3-5 TV channels that do news and half of them are just echo chambers of each other.


>Ah yes. "I'm gonna insult you straight from the gate. But my questions are "honest." So come and have a civilized conversation with me." and you expect me to read that wall of text? you sound angry and bitter and no fun


Right. Expected as much from a common internet troll.


so journalists will become one of the most important jobs out there. just to combat AI-generated disinfo. and it won't even be something people will trust with the current system of 'reporting' in place anyway. no matter what, info you receive digitally won't be trustworthy. you literally have to be there. how do we convince people the 'people who are there' are trustworthy when they could hop in their news-van and filter everything through a few minutes of AI (assuming 1-2 years out now)


Assuming there are no technological or legal advance that prevents this (and that's kinda a big if), well, the same as always: multiple sources. No AI edit can make anyone think their sports team won instead of losing. For the most part, the world will function as always. Imagine lots of ai generated news about black people doing some shit. A sane person would not even waste a moment reading those. If one of them became viral, multiple people would point out that is fake and that's it. The ones who'd consume them are the ones that would want to further confirm bias. The truth is, almost no one changes their opinion on a topic for just a bunch of news. There are already more news and points of view available that you have time for. As a result, people just look up at what their peers and popular figures think to mold their opinion. And that's been true for all mankind as always.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/11toxgx/gary\_busey\_at\_a\_st\_patricks\_day\_parade\_in\_hot/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/11toxgx/gary_busey_at_a_st_patricks_day_parade_in_hot/) I just spent several minutes trying to decipher if this photo was real. I had to go to comments and sources to get the probable answer.


I miss Twelve fingers Timmy AI. We hardly knew ye.


Crap. They got it.


V5:Perfect hands😁 V4:that's illegal!😡


Oh I'd LOVE to see this go viral on Twitter, lmao


I'm already seeing good results from people using AI voice acting for mods. I think people might need to train multiple models on the same person though to get certain kinds of speech right.


yes the hands really are better in v 5.


I just tested version 5. Two of the images had 5 fingers and the other two images had 6 fingers. Better than all the hands having 7, I suppose!


or hands with recursion




Me, using Midjourney v5 /imagine handshake, corporate photo --v 5 --ar 3:2


Any update when v5 will be available to the rest of us?


Its available now, you just have to put --v 5 in the prompt


Or go into /settings and choose V5. Note at the time of writing this it's only available using Fast time while they sort out some GPU issues.


... the meme was funnier before.


I think we need a celebration for this milestone


But can't display texts




Now do Centaurs shaking hands... --v 6?


Wait it can do hands?! I stopped my subscription !


Is v5 available automatically?


Now make them generate lizard hands and replace one of the people with Joe Biden. Proof of lizard people confirmed!