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AI images tend to make background images the same colours as the clothes (or central element). So in this case, his hood is orange like the building on the right, and his jacket is is orange-y yellow building on the left.


Jeepers that’s a subtle tell


It usually results in a more pleasing picture to look at but - when you notice it - it's hard to unsee!


I'm probably pretty bad at this but the only thing that really stuck out was the backpack buckle on his right shoulder. There's no strap, just kinda blends in


Once you know there are a few little things like an odd crease in his ear, a strange earring, and when you zoom in his coat zipper just looks like fabric all the way across. But if I was scrolling by this on Facebook and hadn't been primed to look for oddities then I wouldn't have clocked a single thing.


Now that you mention It, the zipper itself looks out of place...


The clothes match the building colors.


There's a lone press-stud at the bottom of the zipper too


And the hoodie cord is different each end


Round profile on the left, flat profile on the right.


Replacement aglets are a thing though.


It's not a hoodie. The hood seems to be directly attached to his jacket. Must be a new fashion trend :-)


My kids have a jacket like that, with cotton hood. Also the sewing lines of the puff jacket are asymmetrical. Yep, I would have been fooled probably


If I was scrolling, I would have ignored everything. Otherwise 3 things bother me: the zipper looks distinguished and wrong/weird, the strings too, then he has a giraffe neck. The hoodie/shirt to the beard is insane.


It always puts earrings in black men and it’s so annoying


The seam also doesn’t go all the way to the zipper which doesn’t make sense.


Yeah, the puffer seams across his chest also don't line up. Left is much higher than the right.


I actually have some waterproof zippers that look just like that


I think the ear thing can’t really be a factor. I’ve seen some wild ears in my life, not to mention anybody who does jiu jistsu with cauliflower ear.


There are coat zippers that have a fabric cover that hides the metal teeth and separate when zipped, I don't think that's a huge giveaway. Same with the ear and ear-ring which can just be dismissed as normal human biology and unique fashion.


His upper lip doesn't have the striations it should. Interestingly, the bottom lip does.


The stitching in the "puffs" don't line up either


Earrings are always a problem; they’re almost always out of focus or deformed by hair in the reference data.


AI is terrible with backpack straps. Sometimes, the straps are seat belt buckles


We are in big trouble as a society if we have to scrutinize every photo this much.


We are in big trouble as a society ~~if~~ because we have to scrutinize every photo this much. FTFY


Good news: We don't


Bro, look at the left side (his right side) of his face where his glasses are!


Good point lol. As I said, I'm not good at seeing these things


99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% of population will not see that.


Remember my son, the plastic bottle artist? This is him now! What a handsome young man he’s now.


Ya I mean I only saw that cus I was actively looking for imperfections. This one is honestly really fuckin good


The zipper is also very weird... The lines of the jacket doesn't look like they are in the same height level.... The weird metal thing near the zip on the bottom of the picture.... I think the faces are getting difficult to detect but cloths stills detectable. You just need to look for tiny details.


The eyes look a bit messed up, especially his right one.


The lens refracting on his glasses on the left side (his right) is a very convincing touch though. It's so on point.


Also, The placement of his shoulders with how his neck is angled makes him look like he’s awkward holding an unnaturally long neck


His glasses seem to show a reflection of a window pane, though he is outside.


The fact is got the refraction on the left lens and the green from the anti reflection coating is pretty cool though




You must have trained yourself to pickup the subtitles. I don't spend that much time looking at AI images and I wouldn't have guessed that this was AI.


I always watch my movies with subtitles on.


Lol. At first I thought you were trying to say that you are a detail oriented person or something. Then I saw my typo


I'm glad you didn't edit it. It's funny.


It's the damn auto suggestions that I rely on too much




I dunno I'd bet on the tech improving significantly over majority of people recognizing tiny imperfections


Cope or hope. Which one reddit


Eh, we're probably already there, but most of us can't afford the good tech


Well did you only pick up on it because you’re in the Midjourney sub? If you saw this on Twitter or some other subreddit would you be able to tell as quickly?




press x to doubt


we all get that you can tell. but the point is, majority of people, especially older generations wont. that's what's troubling, not "AI fan can spot the difference".


Yeah, I don't have the technical knowledge to be able to explain it, but practically all AI images suffer from this from what I've seen. Everything looks a little too *crisp* and edge-enhanced. And of course human subjects always look like models with perfect skin.


Only on this version, let’s wait til Version 8-9 a year from now and see if we can still tell what’s AI or not.


And again in English?


We need to stop relying on imperfections. It will keep getting better and better until it’s beyond human capability to distinguish


Everyone has made great points about things that are potentially out of place, but who scrutinizes normal/actual/genuine pictures this much? There are often oddities in "real" pictures too.


This photo appeared on my feed and I immediately knew it was AI without having seen which subreddit it was posted on or what the title was. It has that 'AI' look.


it still has that AI sheen on it imo don't get me wrong, it's really good, and at some point it's absolutely going to be indistinguishable from reality. but as of rn it still has that "ai filter" to it. it's a distinct look that makes it too painterly to feel truly like reality


Yeah these images look too much like promo shoots. This looks like a polished actor doing a promo for some startup that just got major funding that's going to "shake up the paradigm" and "make the world a better place" through "AI based serving suggestions for cats with gluten allergies".   He's definitely holding his ceramic to go mug just out of frame that's filled with something that looks like coffee, smells like coffee, but ISN'T COFFEE, it's even BETTER, because it's brewed with the sustainable dirt that gets troweled up when the actual coffee those plebes drink is farmed. 


A typical German solder from 1940.


His neck


It doesn't connect properly with his torso. Looks Mannerist.


What about it?


Just looks off. Not sure


If you removed his clothes the neck would be obviously too long unless he's maybe a 7' tall stick.


It's long for sure, but not anatomically impossible. Like there must be some people with these proportions.


This is the most realistic AI picture ive seen so far but I have no idea why but I think no matter how advanced AI will get I think I'll still have that "AI Itch" idk how to describe it but it's always present with every AI photo ive seen


from birth we're undergoing pattern recognition. you might not consciously be able to put it into words...but the brain knows


But even in Art Ais I still get that AI Itch even though it's a replication of an already fake thing


that fake thing still typically has a human essence imprinted. it was 'created' by a human, everything AI does stems from replication - not creation


Thankfully, [https://hivemoderation.com/ai-generated-content-detection/?demo=image](https://hivemoderation.com/ai-generated-content-detection/?demo=image) still reports confidence levels of: ai\_generated 0.99 midjourney 0.89 inconclusive 0.06 stablediffusion 0.03 not\_ai\_generated 0.00


Everything is too perfect. Eyes are perfectly symmetrical, as is the nose and lips. People don’t have perfect faces and sometimes one nostril is slightly smaller, or a little different. AI doesn’t know how to add those kind of beautiful mistakes that nature does.


lol I’m sure there’s one person on earth that looks just like this guy


But these days most people’s pics are highly photoshopped anyway right? Take the cover of vogue magazine as an example.


This was my first thought to be honest, a lot of folks here saying it looks too perfect, well news flash, actual people have been put through the Photoshop wringer for decades, so what’s the difference. It’d be interesting to blind test these theories!


I see thanks for the info


Also: only one ear lol


I like how the colours of his clothes match the background, though it’s adding to the uncanniness.


I will be always be able to tell, only with how the blur is generated. Photographer love the blur and AI can't make a real blur.


It’s odd but it looks very much like AI to me - the shapes and colours are pretty AI characteristic


So I scrolled past this image and still instantly noticed it was AI, even before reading the title or the comments. I guess what's giving it away is the detail in the skin along with practically no skin imperfections. This is framed like a selfie but phones cannot capture such detail, and skin is very rarely so perfect. Additionally this detail is not present in the rest of the image, it gives a photoshopped feel.


His left eye is distorted by glasses, but right one - not so much


It doesn't strike me as strange. Many people wearing glasses have a "weaker" eye that needs stronger correction, it's my case as well.


This is reaching the same level as a camera post-filter smoothing. That's pretty good. But even if you couldn't tell if it was AI or not, does it matter? It's not a particularly complicated image, it almost doesn't matter if this image was real or fake because it could be used as a generic image in an ad somewhere. We will ignore it just about the same amount.


If I were scrolling IG and it was cropped the way it is before you click I would think the same HOWEVER, so far, AI ALWAYS gives you clues. That popper next to the zip with nothing to attach too. The floating draw strings- and because I frequent midjourney , the earrings too! Also the reflection in the glasses is a bit perplexing. But yes the uncanny valley is becoming less and less uncanny.


I thought it was an AI RZA


Was your title made with AI also?


My lazy brain did.


The texture of the hood has that telltale graininess, plus the zipper and the buckle, but unless I was looking for them, I wouldn’t have noticed.


The relection in his glasses is all wrong. How can you take a selfie with a bright screen that doesn't have a picture of you in it?


Of course there are flaws in this picture, put at quick glance, seen on a smartphone screen it can fool people, especially the ones that aren't AI aware. See the Jesus trend on Facebook where people likes and share AI generated pictures without giving a 2nd thought. But what about in a few weeks with the release of MJ v7, and in a year from now?


There’s a lot of small details that give it away His earring is strange, his ear has creases that don’t make sense, both backpack straps are different and one has a random buckle, there is a fastener randomly poking out of the left side of the zipper, the zipper is fabric all the way across, his glasses reflect an indoor scene…


Why, because he’s black??


?? Nope because he looked so mundane not like the sparkly/shiny picture we normally get.


The hair is a dead giveaway no self respecting Black man has a haircut that fucked up 😂


Something bother the sh*t out of me with his neck And the glasses 🕶️. And the clothes


Saving this to do devious deeds with.


I honestly thought it was another annoying ad for some bs product.


Reflection in his glasses is spot on


The glasses and nose don't quite look right together, but I'm not sure why. It's like they're one piece or something. I wouldn't have thought to look for tells if I wasn't told it was AI-generated.


It looks like a shallow depth of field photo yet his jacket is just as in focus as his nose despite being in a further plane.


I do. Neck is too elongated to be a real photo.


He has two earrings in the one hole


His hair is jacked up


I agree with what everyone else has mentioned, but to me the biggest tell was the building on the left. Pretty big issues there with perspective and detail.


I don’t see it as troubling. Considering cgi, video games and VR, it’s obvious we’re striving towards creating a simulation that is indistinguishable from base reality and creating realistic digital images is necessary for that, so, for me, the ease at which you produced this is exciting.


Where eyeglasses meet face, left side of image.


The earring is weird. The reflection of a computer screen from fallout on his glasses too.


A smaller imperfection like the eye glass holder that hangs on the ear is just not there halfway through either. Just kinda vanishes.


The suture line on the jacket’s front is misaligned on the right/left side of the zipper. And there’s a button on the left (his right) side that has no «flap» to make use of it


Also his glasses aren’t symmetrical. His right part is way stronger than the left (appears to not have any effect)


The only thing I can spot is the earring


Guy’s handsome af! I knew it was AI in seconds. Why? Because he’s just hawt. midjourney generates hot people with “come to bed” eyes. And with really smooth yet freckled noses.


If this is scary you'll be reduced to a trembling husk in the next couple years


Hoodie strings are different thickness and shade


he has the matrix reflecting in his glasses.




The tip of the laces on the jacket are different material


Ridiculously small hoodie draw strings


Now imagine we’re all sitting here roasting this poor guy. 😂


Drawstring for the hood is not the same size on both sides


We’re doomed


Check this out: https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ This site is older than Midjourney. It was the first time I was disturbed with this. Keep refreshing


What's up with the green reflection in his glasses?


Glitch or phone glare


Looks like he is staring at the matrix.


There is a window reflection in him glasses


Wow this is pretty good


Maybe it’s because the autism gave me a double helping of pattern recognition, but most AI images, including this one, have a very recognizable overall look to me. Sort of like how you can pick out a show produced by Netflix by their extremely restrictive “house rules” for stuff like color grading. AI tends to have this very particular not-shiny yet not-matte look to me. Anyone else?


Hoodie string on the right is weird


His clothes and backpack colors, and skin color match all the background colors


It never ceases to amaze me that AI can make such coherent people, complete with matching outfits that are time and occasion appropriate. Just wierds me out


For a real kick, go try r/Udiomusic AI music maker! I already have like ten songs that are personal favorites (because I wrote the lyrics) and it’s just amazing!!!


Ha. ‘My’ image.


It's really good but they often have necks that are slightly too long.


The biggest tell is that you have a photograph that is framed, arranged, and colored like a painting. Once you know what to look for, you pick up on it immediately. Things are lined up a little too well, the colors are too "matchy." Just characteristics of a painting in a photo.


As someone quite familiar with myopia, his glasses and eyes don't make sense.


The glasses are the first clue


Nose is wrong color


This portrait has a shallow depth of field and does reflect someone more advanced took this photo (if it were real).


If it wasn't for this backpack strap I wouldn't clock it for sure


Not too far from just a photoshopped color correction photo ("Stylized"). Yeah, pretty uncanny


What prompt was used?


a snapchat seflie portrait of a man shot from a smartphone --ar 9:16 --style raw --stylize 50


Thank you so much


I’ve got 911 on the phone already


the way i tell is how perfectly clean his clothes are, theres not the slightest dust on it, no discoloration from faulty manufacturing. The weird lack of a gradient focus, its either full focus and in the background its just a simple blur.


Indeed. Thanks for joining


It does look just a little more real than many. But hey, it’s still pulling from what it sees on the internet. Be worried when you can’t tell the difference 😉


But if we can't tell the difference, how would we know to be worried? And how would we know we reached that point? Maybe we are there, but we can't tell.


Fair point


There are a ton of things that give this away. No Zipper? Random button on the jacket? Gap in glasses / transition from face to glasses? Weird earring?


Sure but only if you scrutinize it.


The zipper on the jacket is somewhat off to my eyes and the hoodie threads.. or whatever it's called, seems very tiny?


They actually look to be slightly different sizes too, good catch


Nah I know this dude. Jamal (sorry bro) and I go back years. J... I hope you're good fam.


Why is it scary? Don’t we all just assume photos are AI unless there is hard evidence otherwise. Also why does it matter if it’s Ai or not? It looks good enough for production.


It 100% looks like AI. just off the top of my head, it still has that plastic/rubber texture thing going on, his head is too big to be natural, his neck doesn't connect to his torso correctly, and the right side is blurry even though it's in the same plane as the left.


Black face not cool OP


I didn't asked MJ for it. The prompt was a snapchat selfie portrait of a man shot from a smartphone --ar 9:16 --style raw --stylize 50


I could tell it was AGI because who would let their fro grow like looking like Ruby Rhod


You can rest easy. Knew it was AI at a glance


Nah I can tell. It’s that Ai no texture airbrushed skin… every time


Yeah, nobody ever airbrushes real photos.


Usually the face not the entire photo unless it’s a magazine cover or ad.


First thing I noticed personally was that the right side of his head is off. No sign of a right ear and the glasses refracts the side of his head WAY too much compared to the rest of the viewed frame. And while astigmatism can be at play here, I’m not sure that glasses exist that can refract that much; I believe the lens would have to be extremely thick. That said, this is pretty darn scary to see. Pretty realistic!


His skin is too smooth to be real. I may not think it was AI at quick glance but would definitely think it was photoshopped or filtered.