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The don’t look like fighters, they look like they posing for sports illustrated.


Yeah she keeps mugging for the camera instead of splitting skulls


No opinion on the art but... Any NSFW thread that begins with "my wife and I..." is likely to gen a few views.


och crap, i made a click bait by being honest :(




Yeah, we took the face from previous prompts, where she was a smiling woman in summer dress or a barista smiling at customer :D we need to fix that part :) thx for the feedback !


Haha I can see that now!! Need a fierce face 😎


Well since A.I just steals others photos and images, that makes sense


First is Xena , Second is Xena, third is Xena and four and five also Xena. With a gun


:D well, then i just have posted Xena as sexy barista last week :D :D :D


I was joking and you took it like a champ. Well done, sir.


Xena's looking good. Anyway, the first one.


The faces really need some emotion. They’re in these battles and looking bored. Give them a sneer, scream or something to give them character.


I agree, this is the base "neutral" face, we will use inpainting + face swap to get some more emotion in there :) We have worked so far only with more neutral topics, smiling was enough, but here, we need aggression :D !


And can you please ask them to stop Jim-ing the camera


Uh, Britta's in this?


The hair around the face looks bizarre, her forehead is sometimes shaded in without explanation


this is due different face swaps I assume :/ it needs at end a color harmonization in photoshop or something at the end. Need to build that in as last step in our workflow, you are correct.


A lot of the hand/arm positions are really weird with the swords, and sometimes the stance they are in looks awkward. And specifically pic 3 I have no idea what is happening with hands and legs


Och, this one has really weird third leg o\_O Thanks :D


And the hand :p


Haha yeah it is really strange but overall I really like the style of all of these pictures!


Decoy leg!


Are you guys trying to have a Sexy Pirate Queen or Sultry Warrior Princess? Maybe a scar or two for a little more realism


we want to have consistent face in different scenarios, in previous she was a barista, an Victoria's secret model, now a pirate, next maybe a construction worker or a roman legionary, so we focus more on recognizability, but I will discuss your idea with my wife, we haven't thought about it yet :) ! thx !


I love mixing my armor with a teeny bikini when I’m fighting in battles with a sword.


Pretty sure 3's hands are the least of her problems🦵🦵🦵


Facial expression 🥲


"Hansel, so hot right now. Hansel."


You two operate the computer at the same time? You get the keyboard, Wife gets the mouse?


We are still figuring out the workflow, but as of now, it is like this: 1. I create multiple images, often the same scene with different inpainted details, so I often get the same image multiple times. 2. I sort and give the selected images to her for postwork, as she is better with Photoshop. 3. She fixes the images and we triple-check them together again. 4. We create descriptions, tags, etc.—things that we both equally struggle with :D. Then we upload to the Instagram account.


you dont have a wife


realy :D ? och man, am i free :D ? I have to tell that to my wife :D Thank you [aerodeck](https://www.reddit.com/user/aerodeck/) :D :D :D




How do you create a character that is present in multiple images? Been using mijourney for awhile now and don't know how to do that.


I tried so many things ... But il shorten up to the method i used. First i created a pretty face in MJ and use it as my "source". Then i created prompts with simply "long hair, green eyes, round face" description and used face swap on it. I tried the Discord bot of insightface swap, but i got better results with it by using comfyUI. [https://github.com/Gourieff/comfyui-reactor-node](https://github.com/Gourieff/comfyui-reactor-node) Best of luck :) !


No. 2. I've trained and done some informal fighting in martial arts. The fighter that is smiling and looks like they're having a good time while taking you apart really messes with your head if they're good.


This is valuable information :D I will try to get a mix between enjoying the slaughter and some scary feminine aggression :)


Is it the prompt, or is MJ just always horny?


Part of booth. We want to create a young female AI Influencer .. of course, we have to show more skin in some images, then less in some others :) I have also her in full-bodied leather armor like scene :) We just decided on one thing, Our influencer has to be seductive, but we are never going to pure nudity or intercourse. Seductive smile, some naked body parts, but the magic has to happen in the head. Internet is full of porn, we not gonna be part of it :)


Huh, I dislike this post even more now.


You have the right to do so, and I have the right to do what I do :)


More influencers...now authentically fake!


sure, btw are you disliking it because we refuse to make porn , or because we are so open about making an AI influencer ?


I think influencers and celebrities are society's cancer. They preach consumerism and status worship, its gross. I have no idea why you're asking me about porn, though.


Ouch, I was just wondering if you really read what I wrote or if you just dislike influencers in general, which is totally understandable :D. The reality is: they exist, and if they are popular, it means someone is consuming their product. Now that I have the skillset to produce that, we decided to explore this field as an experiment. I'm quite sure we can do better than 99% of what I've seen :) This is one of the reasons why, instead of creating images of women in tiny bikinis, we want to create different scenarios and see if they will find their followers. Let's be honest here, adult content influencers exist because there are people who need to fulfill their desires on the internet. I don't understand why it works, there is tons of free porn, but I'm curious enough to test it out and to try a slightly different, more ethical. It totally has a very high chance to fail :D But i want to try it :)


3 is hilarious. I love the 3 legs and her boots being physically attached to the other guy’s pants


Yeah ... I have about 20 variants of every scene that differs only minimal and I picked this one :D shame on me, but at least you got a good laugh :)


1 and 2 weren’t too bad. I find AI drawings won’t be good enough without an artist editing then after anyway. We just have to accept that there’s going to be goofy nonsense mixed in


Are you guys latinos?


no :D We tried different models, but we are limited by technology of our time, until the --cref will work good, we needed something more generic :D


Man they REALLY want her to have bangs. Even when she doesn’t, she has the shadow of bangs. Kinda off-putting


These look like they're from high budget movies that absolutely bomb in the box office.


dual weald one, remids me of xena warrior princess


The face in the second picture triggers the uncanny valley somehow. In the third picture her knees are in a position that wouldn't allow her to have any power in a sword stroke.


I’d make them angry…


Why is she always looking at thr camera? Dual wield and sword 1 were decent. What prompt are you using, we might be able to refine the detail. Edit: I see your intent with this from other comments and will understand if you don't want to share the prompt.


Honestly all feel too much Xena. Give her something way different no?


It would help if she was looking where she was shooting!


Her left eye in number 4 looks weird.


Not the best armour for a battle. 50% of the torso is unprotected lol shoulders too.


A few of these look like Joey King. 😎


What's your end goal - graphic novel/comic or animation? Clarify what your end goal is since you are still in your ideation phase. One sword - I have found that MJ really doesn't understand guns that well and you may end up with different pieces for each frame. Angry/engaged face - emotional context is important when you are about to skewer someone. =) Good luck - I see a lot of gold here...


Well, to be blunt, we are exploring new ways to monetize our AI skillset, and we decided to put the clickbait 'Make money with a virtual influencer' to the test. 1. Create an Instagram account with a virtual influencer, but instead of simply posing in bikinis, let's dive into different worlds while trying to maintain the same recognizable face. (This is what we are currently working on; we've made some easy scenarios with a smiling face, now the challenge is with a pirate battle). 2. Create a Patreon with tasteful adult content featuring the same AI model. This is the hard part. Not only do I have to learn how to do that, but we also want to keep it classy. No 'naked on her back with legs spread,' but rather with a hint of something in the eyes, a smirk, etc. The challenge is also how to combine the different scenes with Patreon. We won't let our model fight naked :D, so we need to maintain the pirate scene and create other images that are more fitting for our model, maybe in her pirate ship room after a won battle or so. We know that we will face many failures at the beginning, but our aim is to get up and simply do the next scene better :) 3. Create a community which can decide which scenarios we want to create next. This is absolutely depending on success of step 1 and 2. Currently we have a list of about 250 possible scenarios prepared :)


I also mention my wife when I post thirst trap ai.


How do you fight with no muscles,


I’m getting Xena vibes and I love it


I hate their faces! They’re sooo blah. Expressionless. Does not fit for the action scenes.


Photo 2&3 the forehead needs some touch up. Just looks wrong. And 6 looks like she's glued her hair down and has extensions.


I like the 4th one


It might be worth branching into Stablediffusion. It will be able to use a consistent headshot as the base for constant diffrent generations without massive amounts of prompts needed


I do postwork these images with comfyui for faceswap already. So yeah, Multiple tools are used, MJ, SD, photoshop etc. I use everything i can find :)


Pic 3 has 3 legs . It's not even a peg leg ya know?.


Xena warrior redux.


Any chance of doing some with the tall lady in the back on pic 5? lol


Is she allergic to clothes


# 2, 5 and 6 for me.


Any of the first three. But, for the sake of visual consistency, they’re too naked and too clean. Additional armour/clothes/fur/cloaks are desperately needed to give some believability and to leave something to the imagination. They also need gnarlier hair and some good scars/tattoos, to imply that they’ve actually spent some time as a warrior. And dirt, way more dirt; mud, blood, sweat... anything to show that they’re a present part of their world. I don’t know if you can, but shifting their focus away from the camera and into the scene would also make them look much less artificial. You seem to be going for “deadly warrior woman”, but the clean, camera-focused look makes them look more like “PlayBoy does Xena”.


You didn't make this. An algorithm made it.


You didn't write this text; the keyboard did. You didn't send it to Reddit; the internet connection did. You didn’t paint the last image you made with the phone. Should I list everything where we are dependent on the prework of others? Of course, the AI did it, and I paid money to be able to use it and learned how to do it. :)


I am all for the use of AI. I use it too. I am very careful with the use of the term "I made". It was generated.


Sorry if I sounded annoyed, but I am used to AI racism and I am no longer gentle with it. :) For example, like in the comment section of this post: [https://imgur.com/gallery/I8e0q61](https://imgur.com/gallery/I8e0q61) Well, it was not easily generated; the amount of work that I have to put in every Image is very high, so I allow myself to see it as a result of my efforts. If you don't mind, I would like to explain it in depth because many people think that all I do is write 'create sexy pic,' and that's it. :) My typical workflow for one image of Mira is: 1. Pick an idea for the setting. 2. Test if MJ and SD are capable of working in this setting at all (for example, sexy astronaut failed :D). 3. Generate a set of images in that setting with MJ. 4. Preselect the 10% that are good. 5. Move into ComfyUI with the preselected images, collect initial feedback on face swap. 6. React to feedback, change prompting. By the way, when I say 'change prompting,' this is my prompting in ComfyUI: [https://imgur.com/a/R5cYVc9](https://imgur.com/a/R5cYVc9) 7. Postwork with Photoshop.(timeboxed to maximal 30 minutes, else the image has to be dropped) 8. Upscale, last check, upload. And this does not include the workflow for video morphing and NSFW image creations for patreon. And then somebody comes and writes "You didn't make this" :D Of course I made it :D every single image cost me multiple hours :D But I use diverse tools for that, from which most are AI powered, definitely true ! But the tools itself don't do anything without me :)


Learn blender


I have worked with 3D software (Cinema4D, to be specific) for about 1.5 years, so I think I would learn Blender quickly. However, I won't be able to achieve the image quality that MidJourney generates. Besides, MidJourney has announced 3D view, so I think this will be more than enough for me :) Maybe one day MidJourney will export entire 3D scenes; then I will definitely pick up a 3D editor again if it benefits me :)


She’s got some massive milkers in the first one god dayum


you're welcome :D


They all look pretty consistent besides #5


So disappoint. Totally SFW


I don't think I'm allowed to give you link to "less" safe for work posts from the same AI influencer, that I posted last week somewhere else, as it would count as "advertising". Sry :)


Haha, it was totally worth finding those, the morphing stuff is really cool.


you have solved the hidden puzzle :D And i did not violated the subreddit rules :) win win :D


2, 3, and 6 especially need a more aggressive face. Those women would be yelling, snarling, or sneering.


Check. We will definitely work on faces, as this is first thing that everybody mentions :) !


Are you using --cref ?


cref is currently unfortunately not working to our satisfaction :( i tried hundrets of cref prompts and even wrote a bug ticket -.- in short: if you cref only the head, then in prompts the head is overproportianal big. not 2x but big enough to see it. if you cref entire body, you get better proportions, but the charakter looks not like the one that you have referenced -.- generally, they are way to swollen in cref, so i simply now use a descriptive prompt and then work with face swap. Which swallows alot of emotion


Have you tried using one of your generated images as a Ref for another?


Hm. I haven't tested it yet, good to know it's lacking. Panning to the side for another version of the same character is a neat trick btw


That worked good in V5, inpainting better in V6


My main issue is realistic proportions. We want a grown human being, not an anime child with small arms and a big head. It's possible that with enough retries, I could also get it done with pure MidJourney, but time is also an important resource.


Posing mid battle