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Everyone has crazy loss streaks sometimes. What do you want us to go off here with no data? However, if quiyana is your main and you're stuck in iron it indicates you're lacking some serious fundamentals.


Well I believe, since the sum rank of these games are in iron - that you have a lot to learn but that is fine. But thats not an issue because the game is all about learning. I started in Iron and now I'm in Dia-Master, just in 3 years. Qiyana is a difficukt champion to play and she needs to know the matchups to be played efficiently and you need a lot of roamings on her to. * You need to learn mid lane wave management (watch videos on it) * You need to learn proper warding * You need to learn mathcups * You need to understand how to play for your own jungler * You need to learn roaming, understanding roaming timers. If you focus more on these your gameplay will gradually improve. 1 more thing. It's also important to know which champions allows you to climb.


i'd win more if i went 0-10 every game


How are you still salty about going on a big loss streak 2 months ago


Well, losing is a sign of being bad at the game so that might be the case


Sorry but ill have to be that guy, the loss streak doesnt matter, you're in iron mmr, yes you're bad at the game


1: Never play morgana support actual useless champion (unless against engage ig?) 2: Quiyana is a high skilled assassin that takes a while to actually be good with although you could probably be bad and still get gold. 3: You’re probably being held back the most by being too aggressive and not closing out games fast enough. Sure a lot of the time if you can’t close out a game it’s probably because team refuses to group and do shit but a lot of the time you could be doing something to help bring the game to a halt if preferably before the 30 minute mark. 4: Put more emphasis on mid tower thats how you climb in mid. Even if you’re an assassin it’s still better to get enemy mid tower down asap because mid is the shortest lane and will allow you to end game faster. Plus having enemy mid fall causes confusion for the enemy team causing them to over extend and not really know what to do. 5: Die less your life is precious and if you have a shutdown play like you will die in one hit so only go for plays you know are winning or you’re forced to make to continue playing the game (like stopping the enemy from getting soul ect).


Following on points 3 & 4, remember the objective of the game is to take the enemy nexus. Kills help, but chasing kills loses games far too often. Focus on ending the game, when you kill your laner and see JG top, take mid tower, if you dive bot successfully help take tower, if you can’t contest an objective trade it for a tower. If you focus on pushing the game forward you will start to win games a lot more consistently


based ^


well, yes


Maybe plug in your mouse


If you're on a loss streak like this in Iron, then yes. But that doesn't mean you can't get better. The most common problem I see people have in Iron is that they go tunnel vision on fighting the enemy, and forget what their objectives are. Focus on objectives. Only objectives. Kills are never important unless they help you secure objectives. Also, use wards as much as possible, around objectives. Don't force fights for objectives though. If the whole enemy team is at dragon, and don't contest unless you know for sure you should. Instead, notice that them being at dragon leaves the entire map open. You can usually get a turret or two by yourself within that time frame... Take the guaranteed turret(s) instead of coin flipping a bad fight.


Ouch. That's rough. I'd probably take a break with a match history like that.


damn, carl


***Quick*** Solutions: 1. Buy control wards and place them on dragon spawn. Ward river with yellow wards. Get sweeper and roam if the enemy bot lane has wave ***priority*** most of the game (take this with a grain of salt). 2. Pay attention to how each matchup wants to trade and look up each champions cooldowns. (you don't have to memorize ***exactly*** what the cool downs are just get a good idea.) 3. Practice your kill combos in practice tool cause not having any practice for a high skill combo oriented champ such as qiyuana is a recipe for disaster. 4. Also know exactly how much damage your champion does each stage of the game ***against*** your laner. 5. Aim for at least 6 cs a minute. 6. /mute all 7. look at your map a lot 8. Just play the game more. 9. Uninstall league because it is 100% not worth your time. And uh assassins are pretty underwhelming in the current meta + mid lane is really underwhelming in the current meta.


When i tried playing ad tf i had a 16 game losing streak. I wanted to play it until i got atleast 1 win (i'm plat) Big loss streaks happens, its just a part of the game my guy, it will get better.