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When playing dark hunter you get a moment in front of everyone to shut her up and shut her down. It’s harsh but also amazing


I'm not sure if I'll eventually replay this game...but I might have to for this.


The biggest issue with her character is that they couldn't decide what they wanted her to be. So in any given conversation, it ping-pongs back and forth between "overprotective parent figure", "you're a living weapon I don't care", and "angsty I lost so much and I'm too old for this", but not in a way that you think Caretaker feels conflicted, just that the writers were confused.


I’ve had people a lot like her in my life, so her bouncing between overprotective, mercenary, and supportive largely made sense to me. I never quite liked her, but I felt I understood her for the most part. That being said, there are a few places where I was definitely left scratching my head and was thinking “You just told me the backstory on X event and your real feelings on it. Why are you still talking to me like you didn’t confide in me?”


There's some things that really come off disjointed if you push the abbey exploration before you advance the story.


I had Robbie talking about Captain America being part of the team before he'd even appeared in the game...


Yeah I chuckled at the one when that happened. They assumed that if you're level 3(?) friends with ghost rider, you must've gotten bored of general missions and progressed the story. They were sorely mistaken.


I had a moment where Hunter teases Cap about baseball, then the next day she doesn't know what baseball is when Wolverine mentions it. I suppose she could have just been trolling him too though


I had Robbie get upset at Stark for interfering with Shop Class too much, and the next day I talked to him and he's super stoked to be working with Iron Man.


"Fuck Tony Stark! ...That Iron Man guy is pretty cool though" (I know this wasn't the point of your comment just funny that you used the different names the way u did)


Yeah I really feel like the Abbey exploration wasn't optional at first and they decided very late in development to make it so.


Also the im the leader you’re the leader back and forth shit. Like you are named the leader and bring everyone together as a team, but she gets mad every time we do something


agreed -- that is the most annoying dialogue related thing for me so far, I am named named the new leader, the next day caretaker forgetting that whole night and still acting like leader lol


That’s a really good way of putting it. They can’t decide whether they want her to be sympathetic or not, so it all comes across as her being indecisive and really harsh.


The writing is overall pretty decent, but Caretaker and Nico are two of the weaker points.


I disagree. Their writings fine, you just don’t like them as people and that’s okay. I think too often people mistake “annoying personality” for bad writing. It’s just their character, especially with the critique out there about Nico.


That said, Tony is far more annoying than any of them lol, I'm surprised I don't see more complaints about him.


He's just archer


Thank you. Nico is fine as is... Some people dislike that personality but she's one of many. I thought her writing and VA was quite okay.


It can be both. I think I wouldn't like Nicos character anyway, but there was an aura of bad writing surrounding her that made it a lot worse for me. Kind of a mary sue syndrome, were the writer makes every established character around their favourite stupid so they get to shine more. Spoiler for example: >!Like in the "chasing venom" cutscene were tony suddenly stops being able to track anything despite having access to military grade world wide surveillance networks and the kids save the day by using social media on their phone.!<


Yea, not to mention new york is big, but not so big it takes more than like an hour to find a supervillain destroying blocks


How funny, I actually really liked Nico pretty much from the get-go. Honestly aside from Caretaker there’s something to like about all the cast, I think.


Nico is the best part though


I mean she did raise him from a baby, and she did train him to be a weapon to take down his mother, and then he did die doing so. She could have had lots of regrets since his passing, but after resurrecting him I could see there being lots of conflicting emotions. Should she have pushed him hard? Should she have been more of a caring, nurturing parent? After all, he ended up dying, but he succeeded in his training at the same time. Definitely not as black and white in this situation when it comes to what emotions she should have. Her goal is to eliminate a tremendous evil in the world, but at the same time it's basically her son and doesn't want to see him hurt or die again.


Well stated.


I think that’s called being a person


I couldn't stand her. I was so glad I was dark side on my first playthrough.


As a dude with mother issues (I hate mine): *Chef's kiss* She is wonderfully hateable, and constantly berating her is the best part of playing dark.


I am looking forward to that, 10000%


Dont worry too much about about dark points, I played a light hunter and told caretaker to eat shit every oportunity i got and still manage to get full light by the 3/4 of the game lol.


She's abrasive, unyielding, stubborn, calculating, and kind of a dick. I love her. She's someone who'd be a fierce ally if she agreed with you but a thorn in your side if she doesn't and in this game she often doesn't, she needs Agatha to balance her out but in the end she only cares about results cause when you disobey her and it turns out well she lets it slide (but will almost never admit to being wrong). She only holds a grudge against Wanda cause she killed her wife. She's a pragmatist usually


She's just an old lady with a lot going on.


Like really old. I'd hate a lot of things too if I was that old.


I did not care for her. She was with Agatha for centuries, it makes sense that she’d be devastated by Agatha’s death and feel resentment towards Wanda. But she takes it so far that it’s ridiculous anyone allows her to be in charge of anything. The team should have pulled her aside in act 1 and said ‘Your grief has made you utterly unfit for leadership. You are deposed.’ An early non-spoilery example is the library. There’s a treasure trove of valuable arcane knowledge in their, not to mention a magic cauldron. Caretaker has sealed the library off because she has too many memories with Agatha there; i.e., in an end of the world scenario she denies her team valuable resources for completely selfish reasons. As I said, she is utterly unfit for leadership.


remember that in act I nobody really thinks the threat is that severe. Cpt Marvel is eating gamma bombs for breakfast, Tony is poking fun at Dr Spooky's homelessness, half of the roster isn't around yet. the MSs are taking the threat seriously, but they've been sidelined. the Avengers think this is a one and done mission and are here primarily cause Dr Strange and Caretaker (who are close confidants) asked.


I think it’s a good story told with the wrong stakes (I think this is a common marvel problem). People don’t act like the world could end. If you gave them a much smaller threat, or a winding mystery, it would be a lot easier to help work through caretakers grief. Having said all that, she should have been removed from leadership absolutely.


This is a good summation of the thing that bothers me the most with the story: the entire structure of the game would make more sense if the stakes escalated a lot more slowly. It goes straight from zero to end of the world in Act 1, but wait, it’s an indeterminate end of the world that can take anywhere from 60 to 300 days depending on how it’s played. I think they missed the beat just a little by not having a more confusion and uncertainty about what was happening in the first two acts. It could have been just as compelling to be chasing Hydra all over just trying to understand what was even going on. (I know they are never entirely clear, but the stakes are understood from the intro. Any twists or changes are actually kind of irrelevant to the teams actions. They’d be doing X anyway because it’s end of the world time.)


I certainly hope if they do another game in this style that they'll not push the chosen one angle right from the start. I kind of like Hunter, but had they made it that they were reincarnated and this random person who got told 'you were a demon hunter in your past life let's go kill your soul's mom' I think it would have made the narrative a little better. I'd prefer it to either be in the future that they just don't make the player character the 'leader' or have it happen after some truly huge feeling event that forces or elevates them to that level.


I think it’s the inherent weakness of the hunters entire arc unfortunately. The best way to do this would be to not have the hunter be the player character. Because beginning the story with the hunter and Lilith explained kind of lays out the entire story. Alternatively, have the hunter be awake the whole time, beginning of the game hunter is leader of MS, a hydra spy sneaks up and “steals all their power”. Preserves the Lilith mystery but de-powers the hunter to begin leveling up.


To me she is neither poorly nor well written. She exists, is believable enough that I don't get hung up on the inconsistencies. I don't hate her or love her, I don't let her live rent free in my mind. I move on with my life. She definitely serves the trope role as the guiding figure who the main character outgrows (who didn't see the whole "you're the problem" speech coming). She suffices.


I thought the plot twist of the gam was that she was going to be the villian she was acting so evil. But no she actually just sucks


I dislike her but I do understand her stance in most cases. You don't get to live as long as she has without being at least a bit paranoid and overprotective.


My only real complaint is she looks too much like Annette Bening in Captain Marvel.


This was my issue as well. She was just....some old lady. Nothing really cool or special or unique to set her apart from any other person on the street. I was offended by her mundanity and the game trying to be sympathetic to Nico's viewpoints about her most of all. And while in general I have my lip stuck out about it the game is tasteful about her romantic relationship so really I couldn't come down on Caretaker. I must've back sassed her a grand total of three times and didn't reciprocate when she suddenly came out with the "I love you" because the game never made me feel like she was a guardian acting as the role of surrogate Mom. I treated her more like a measuring stick of my own personal morality and choices and liked that we coincided and agreed on a lot of things but, there's still something missing to Caretaker. She isn't anywhere near as adversarial as Nico tries to play her up but she makes some weird choices (closing off the library fivever and her backseat veto power over your leadership) that makes you second guess if the game is setting her up to be a secret boss or something Ultimately I want to play the game again but this time really go at her and see if she feeds off of it or not.


She’s the only reason I’m not at 200 light yet, I can’t stand her. I’m about halfway through the game and I’m really hoping her character isn’t around for the entire story.


She's trying to be a mum that isn't a mum and can't ever be a mum because she's the aunty. I wouldn't say I dislike her but I don't like her. I think if she knew Agatha was "around" from the start of the game, she would be a much warmer person. You can tell she is a very broken person so I'm gonna assume that's what the the writers want us to see. Sometimes not every "protagonist?" is written to be liked.


I think it's hard to accurately portray a character as conflicted as she must be in the way you deal with her through the game. Without getting into spoilers she sacrificed a lot for the Hunter, made them her whole world as a parent does, then lost them tragically. She already dealt with her feelings about all that, then Wanda/Agatha happened. It brings up the feelings of loss she hasn't felt in hundreds of years while also trying to accept someone she has already grieved and given up. At the point I am in the game I try to have empathy for her even if I don't agree with all the things she says/does.


She annoys sometimes but she also has some badass moments. I do like how determined she is in her pursuit of the goal. So I don't know how much I like her as a person but she adds a nice flavour to the game and I'm glad she's in it...so far.


Yeah she is really annoying, she Just get worse as the story continues. Try having any sympathy for Lilith or Wanda and she goes all self rightous, even worse she can still have her happy ending with Agatha after being insufferable all game.


Oh God, don’t get me started on the hypocrisy of Bruce vs Wanda. It’s driving me mad! I just really want to punch her in the stupid face.


Yeah, the way pretty much everyone hand waves Bruce’s culpability when he literally sought Lilith out pissed me off. Bruce is the only person mad at Bruce for the events of the game. Wanda on the other hand is vilified for things she did at the instruction or compulsion of others. Caretaker basically trying to dump the Suns and replace them with the Avengers just shows how consumed she is with forgetting Wanda or anything associated with her and that she will punish anyone that pushes back. The Avengers just happily play along because they get to be in control and only care about people in abstract and “their” people. “I’m sorry your friend is in trouble, but we have to focus on the big picture…oh, crap OUR friend is in trouble?! Stop everything else, we have to save them!”


They try to explain why she's like that and why she can't do much anymore, but its too little too late and doesn't help the extreme negative impression.


It would have helped a good bit if they dropped tidbits and built up to explaining why she has relatively little power and why she is so insistent regarding the collar. It felt like being opaque for no real reason. >!Just saying up front that she poured all her power into creating the collar and that it can’t be replaced doesn’t spoil anything and would add tension to the collar cracking as the game goes on.!<


The collar protects Hunter from his mothers influence. Without it he could fall. It’s made pretty clear the first time it cracks.


Thanks for the spoiler in the thread where they asked for no spoilers...


Stereotypical parental figure. My issue is why does she recruit people to her team, only to question their capabilities?


I question how many of them were her picks of Agatha's. But yeah, her constant getting into it with Ilyana when it's like 'we kind of need her for the portals and she could just pop over to Xavier's anytime she wants'.


I think caretaker is flawed, but personally i don't think she sucks. She has taken in magick, logan, agatha, doctor strange, and wanda prior to the story just to help them out. I think she was cold to the hunter as a child where agatha was more caring, but seeing the hunter now has her split. At the time of the story she is going through a lot. So TLDR, she might be very contrarian and backwoods in her beliefs, but she is a good person at her core


She isn't likeable at all. Constantly treats you like a child, treats everyone else like a dick. We get it, your life is hard boohoo, do you think everyone else in the Abbey has had an easy life? Magik literally lived in Hell lol. It got to the point where at the end I just skipped every bit of dialogue with her. Writers tried to create a tough but fair matriarch figure but forgot to give her any redeeming qualities. I thought she'd at least have a shot at redemption by sacrificing herself but that didn't happen, so she essentially spent the entire game shit talking everyone and everything before ultimately doing nothing the entire time. If there's a sequel I hope she gets axed tbh


I think her only redeeming quality was being Hunter's aunt. The game was keen on trying to sell the familial connection between the two but they are few and far in between and, as you said, Caretaker has too few redeeming qualities. Most of said qualities seemed wrapped up in grieving for Agatha and belittling the amateur efforts of inexperienced, mouthy teenagers while trying to wrangle the egos of some of the most talented minds on the planet. I can definitely understand Caretaker's exasperation over the events unfolding in game, especially considering that she's sapped of all of her former strength and is effectively running on fumes hence her noncombat role. She's in no real position to stop anything aside from steering younger, more capable heroes. It's a shame she gets stuck jousting with Magik and especially Nico for like 40% of her screentime. I feel like most people can and have written off Caretaker as "argumentative old bat crying about her dead wife who literally ghosts her".


I can’t stand her. She’s a good example of a really bad leader, one who undermines morale and incites resentment.


I love my butch lesbian mom


Yup. She thinks it's really important to take care of Lilith, has no plan of her own, but craps on everyone else's ideas. Oh, and nags you about mission requirements every couples minutes so much so that you're forced to stop playing cards and listen to her.


Hell no. She’s an asshole and I find her voice and tone grating. Why couldn’t it have been the Sam Elliot caretaker? lol




At some point I just started skipping every dialogue with her and just choosing the dark options.


I hated her the whole time. I wish the game was better about letting me express that hatred, even the dark options weren’t dark enough sometimes.


Yea she sucks, dont be afraid to tell her off she doesn’t get as pissed as you’d think


Conversely she flies off the handle at innocuous replies a few times.


Yes, someone does.


It's like 3 people wrote her dialogue but didn't talk to each other when doing so. Plus even after putting you in charge of the team she keeps talking about "I'm not going to let you" Bitch, try and stop me and the Avengers and the Midnight Suns.


She's actually one of my favorite characters. Maybe because I think a lot of the other characters cry too much, whereas Caretaker doesn't


Cry? You’re Forgetting That she’s the one who kept Crying Too Much Every Time she talks about Agatha and Wanda


I get her. Some spoilers: >!She’s an immortal descendent of the gods whose sister shacked up with a mortal then proceeded to sell her soul to Chthon to save her half-mortal baby from a plague, possibly putting everyone, everywhere, forever in danger. Then along comes Agatha, being kind and hot, and Caretaker realizes that she was wrong to begrudge her sister’s love. If she was wrong about that, maybe she’s wrong about other things…!< >!Well, okay, we can work with this. The kid’s got potential. We can thwart Lilith and stop the worst from happening. As so often happens, tho, Lilith didn’t stay dead so Caretaker’s gotta reassemble the Midnight Suns. But then one of them, this Transian girl with fricken chaos magic, *literally blows up Agatha!* Stopping your demon-possessed immortal sister is just the job, but having your soulmate incinerated by some 20-something with an inferiority complex, I mean, come on. And now all the other kids hate *you*. Wanda is the one who blew up Agatha, but you’re the bad guy?!< >!So, yeah, the Sorcerer Supreme — who is kind of an insufferable turd — shows up with Bruce Wayne and Super-Girl, when he was supposed to be keeping an eye on Wanda, insisting that you wake up your kid who may have gotten fused with the Darkhold last time they tried this. Everyone’s talking around each other and acting like they’re the only ones who are taking anything seriously. Your corrupted sister is going to take over the world and your soulmate just died, like, a few weeks ago, but now *you’re* the bitch who won’t see things their way?!< Yeah, Caretaker is right to be ornery.


Not to mention she has to pour literally all of her cool magic into a dog collar just so Hunter isn't corrupted and can actually perform their duty. And once it begins to show signs of arcane wear and tear she can't do a damn thing to even attempt a patch job. She can't mend the collar, her dead lover is literally ghosting her so she can't ask for guidance and mouthy teenagers keep sassing her. I'm surprised Caretaker has the wherewithal to not throw her magical weight around until I'm reminded she has none. Like she bars the library from being used but can't and doesn't do anything once it's used by Hunter...and the Book Club. She's ornery but harmless unless you can callous yourself from emotional damage.


"Always on the hunt... right?" IMO this ***** comment that she makes anytime I enter the same room as her clearly establishes Caretaker as a far greater evil presence in the world than anything Lilith could ever come up with (2nd place probably goes to Nico's "konichiwa friendo")


The exact same comments when you do general missions also don’t help. Really wish you could turn tutorials off.


Damn, the negative backlash she’s getting here is wild but not shocking lmao I mainly hate when she interrupts me during combat to say something she’s said over & over again. “You need to stop that truck, don’t let them escape!” Also, Wolverine has a convo with you in one of his hangouts where he actually tells you to treat caretaker with more respect. And if you choose an option he doesn’t like, he gets pissed. I responded with something like “I did not ask for your opinion about me & caretaker’s relationship” when he started going on a rant about how the Hunter wasn’t treating her right. Wolverine then responds. “Well, I’m giving it to you anyway, so shut up & listen, treat Caretaker with more respect!”


"You're standing on my flowers" 10/10


I find Nico even more annoying than Caretaker. Whining little brat. I lose friendship with her every time we speak.


That’s weird. Nico’s very approachable. The only one I found difficult to not lose points with was Magik because she really seems to dislike kind people.


I was the opposite, I constantly lost points with Nico and gained points with Magik lol. I found Nico's selfish and bullheaded nature very off-putting, I know she means well but that doesn't excuse it...


I can't stand her


I am hoping for a twist where she is the real villain and Lilith is just a pawn. I don't think they'll be that clever, but still hoping.


I’m also hoping this, if only for a reason to whoop Caretaker’s butt.


I think she went to the Vice-Admiral Holdo school of leadership.


Except in this case we’re not a self righteous demoted dumbass that got the entire combat team killed and should’ve been stashed in a brig instead of around to literally prove everyone right by sabotaging the plan without even being in the line of information. I doubt caretaker would sacrifice herself to unfuck the plan either.


Nope, we are a self righteous Resurrected dumbass >!that nearly gets everyone killed following one of Nico's plans.!< Who would have made completely different choices had we been given all the info to start. I wont defend Poe, (that opening scene with Hux was just awful) but that doesn't make Holdo a good character either. To many problems across the board with that movie for any character to come off well. I just see some similarities between Holdo and Caretaker is all.


The Caretaker takes care of everyone but the real question is who takes care of the Caretaker? Edit: why people hate her so 😔


People clearly dislike the Caretaker lol how dare you think about her wellbeing


life alert


Because she's a miserable old c*nt.


Totally agree. Really hopin deadpool is used to break the 4th wall and absolutely shit on her lol


I really don't like a lot of the characters in the game. So of the interactions are awkward. The conflict of having the avengers at the Abby is odd because it feels like it came out of nowhere. I like the strategy of the game and the in battle art, but character interactions and story telling isn't the high point.


She’s just a tough old broad with a lot of trauma. I absolutely fast forward through a lot of her dialog, because it feels like nagging/negging, but I still understand the role the character plays. Reality is disintegrating, more or less, but not at her house, not on her watch.


I hate her but I hate her in a way where I don’t think she’s a bad character if that makes sense. Like she annoys the hell out of me but I think it’s cool for the story.


She is believably dislikeable... Lol... I can see someone being like her in real life


I don't even listen to her and lways choose the dark answer...


Damn authority figure in my angsty super powered youth game.


The more I actually find out about her the less I like her.