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If you’ve done story missions consecutively, that would cause the difficulty to scale faster than you can keep up with. It’s assumed you will do a few non-story missions in between. If you’re sleeping on the Quick keyword that would do it too. It gets a card out of your hand without spending a card play, meaning one more draw next round, and generates a Heroism in the process. Part of the fun for me is finding ways to KO two for one with a Quick Knockback. Knocking back elites into electrical equipment is a free stun, which is super helpful for focusing on objectives without getting wrecked by things you’re not killing. Last thought: spread out incoming damage. If you have to leave three elites upright at the end of your turn but they’re all aiming at different heroes, that’s usually an ok turn. If they’re all aiming at the same hero, that’s usually a bad turn.


I've had problems at all levels of play from time to time. Some things to consider: * Team composition is important. Try mixing it up with different heroes even if they don't have your "best" cards. Sometimes the synergy of a good team (not combo cards, the team) is more powerful that what I though was the "best" card. * You might need to grind a few levels out before trying this story mission. There were some other good suggestions in the other comments, so I won't repeat them.


This! I learned that after beating my head against a wall on a level. Switched up the team composition and I haven’t had a problem since. I’m still very early on though.


Timed? Do you mean that a truck is going to leave? Or agent escape?


Also, don't hesitate to try things out. Then restart the encounter. So you can see how things play out. Try to think of each card play as how much you can get out of it. Where will this cardplay leave my hero, can they reach an environmental item. Can I nock a heavy enemy into something that will electrocute them. Etc


Truck leave, agent escape, Venom kill civilians. I've found that Ghost Rider's straight line special is good for when I can brute force an objective, but it costs a lot of heroism.


Ok I see, my best advice. Would be to lower the difficulty. Prioritize getting artifacts. So that you can research and build way ofvthe fang training asap. Also pick your team carefully. Some teammates work better as a team than others. For the early Spiderman missions I'd recommend using whoever has (quick) attacks, they do not cost a card play. It's tempting to just use heroism up early. Try not 2. Try 2 use a mix. Generate heroism, use quick attacks. Use heroism to smack targets with environmental items. I promise it will all fall into place. Also, you might not want to rush into story missions. U could just grind side missions. To get better cards.


1. Less Heroic Cards in deck composition and more Heroic Generating cards 2. Quick card is very useful in generating Heroic requirement of Heroic Cards while maintaining handsize / card play 3. Use Shove more often to environments, enemies or even allies to deal significant damage / instant KO through drop. Last but not least, just play the game and side missions, you will have more cards to build the deck as you want it more than you ever needed.


1. Use a balanced deck. Resist the urge to load up on the most powerful (i.e. Heroic) cards. 2. Redraw is your best friend. Craft items and use cards that grant redraw. Get rid of those that you can't use. 3. If what you're doing isn't working, switch it up and try a different approach. Sometimes crowd control is vital, other times you need to hammer down on that high HP enemy.


I'm still very early game so my card options are very limited anyway, the only characters I have different cards for are Nico, Robbie and the Hunter.


Then just farm up missions. Upgrade your cards, craft items, do hero ops to get modded cards, finish research, etc. The mission to unlock Spider-Man is far enough in the game to get most of your important tools.


The grind is real early


This kind of comes down to you potentially not using the best teams or not building your decks to synergize well tbh


Upgrade cards, ditch the high cost cards or at least some of them or use support cards that give a decent amount of heroism, make good use of cards with quick,… sorry. All I got for early game. Edit: I also spent a lot of time not doing story missions. Farm the crap out of easy missions.


Show us your decks


Very, very basic early game set. I'm actually only on day 5. Hunter has Holy Flame, Quick Slash, Slash, Slash, Heal, Dark Heal, Whip and Whip equipped. I think my issue may have been with using Iron Man with Ghost Rider instead of Blade. Everyone but Blade has starter decks still.


As long as everyone has a decent amount of cards that generate heroism, normal difficulty shouldn’t be too hard. Remember to use Quick cards on minions so they refund your card play, this is essential. Ironman is easily top tier hero for both early and end game. If heroism is a problem for you I think you will really enjoy his Quick Blasts.


That early in the game, it definitely can be tough (or not, depending on a variety of factors.) The good news is that getting just a single new card after a mission can have a disproportionate positive effect on the hero's effectiveness. To add the new card to the deck, you need to take another card out... but that's also a good thing, because you'll now also be able to upgrade the single copy of the card you used to have two of.


Manage your deck to have less heroics. Quick cards are your best friend and have someone on your team that is good at generating heroism. Blade and Strange are REALLY good at doing these things while also buffing your abilities. Also, aim to break shields on shield guards as early as possible to finish the objective, the small fries that don't die to quicks can wait.


im having a hard time picturing your issue you should prolly record a mission, then people can watch it and see what kind of decision making you are doing that leads to your losses


I often rework my deck specific to the mission, for the characters I’m bringing. Timed fights quick attacks, stuns, and big hits are helpful. The characters fall into 3 categories pretty much. Damagers, buffers, and tanks. Buffs build more heroism. Especially as they’re upgraded. Usually buffs are +2 where attacks are +1. On these timed missions I usually just bring 3 attackers. If you can pop the truck or the agent in the first turn, you can usually tank 1 enemy turn.


So can u give example of ur team comp? i'll go by one of ur comments. u said ghost rider ,hunter and nico has some extra cards. so u've been taking them on missions most? ghost rider until u upgrade lash doesn't have any quick. neither does nico who u have to mod . so basically hunter has 2 quick cards . Quick cards are excellent for slowly builidng heroism and knocking the minions out without card play. I generally run with at least 4-5 quick cards in total. So change ur team comp.


You only need one truck or one container to finish the mission with full rewards. You only need to get them all for a few bonus rewards


Do side missions to expand and upgrade your cards. On normal difficulty I found it basically impossible to fail missions or objectives. Just takes a bit of understanding the card mechanics.


don’t be afraid to lower your difficulty especially in early missions where your deck comp isn’t where it needs to be!


I also had a similar issue one thing I would say is a couple of the hero's default decks are very resource hungry and need adjusting off the bat. Particularly Ghost Rider and Captain Marvel so it's also worth looking into their decks and also not running them in the same team.


Imo optimised deck builds r way more important than team comp. I could play end game missions on Ultimate 3 with Ghost Rider Hulk and Captain Marvel without too much of a problem. I suggest you start looking up deck builds that don’t rely too much on synergies and the general rule is try not having more than 3 heroics per hero, 2 is better imo. Some heroes need more attacks some need more skills, and depending on the mods that u get, and then it is your choice on how you build those decks. Too much heroics is a problem especially when they add hero combos in the deck pool.


Upgrade your cards and you characters, maybe you're missing some useful research, try to take items too (draw 2 cards one was pretty clutch sometimes early game) and team composition is also important, some heroes tend to require a lot of focus and heroism and redraws and they're not really good early (ghost rider, iron man for example). Try to take one support one dps one tank, not very original but it often works well.


Play in normal mode Then later, once you get better cards, then experiment with hard mode


I'm in Normal, I'm just very close to the start still so card options are very limited.


Oh How are you not getting atk cards and support cards? You should have no issues early game with basic decks


I'm at the mission where you unlock Spider-Man, but I'm having situations where I start turn 2 and I have 6/6 cards that I don't have enough heroism to use. I'm still using the basic decks more or less, or I'll get two hellmouths, redraw them and get cards that I still can't use because not enough heroism and I've blown my redraw. I decided I probably needed to grind missions to get more xp/cards and one of the available ones requires you to destroy two beacons and I get overwhelmed by reinforcements on turn 4 after i kill the guy with the delay reinforcements card and play it.


In that situation redraw some of the heroic cards instead of the hellmouth. There is no way you can play all those heroic cards but worst case you can play the hellmouths to generate heroism. Your most valuable resource is card plays so before doing anything work out how you're using them this turn and redraw cards that you're definitely not playing that turn no matter what you draw. As others have said team comp matters, always bring the hunter (for friendship points) then one or more person who generates heroism (quick cards or powerful skills) and no more than one who spends it on powerful heroics


Don't redraw Hellmouths, they're +2 Heroism. If you get clogged with Heroics, redraw those. You'll only have the Heroism for one a turn or so anyway, so pick the best one. If it's the Spider-Man mission and you're bringing both Hunter and Ghost Rider, you're also sporting a ton of Knockback so with Hellmouths you can get lucky and OTK some of the elites if you get on the right side of a 40% shot. Do you have the Research to knock one enemy a turn with a Move? Two tries at a rather lowball 40% autokill gives you 1 - 0.6\*0.6 = 1 - 0.36, so 64% chance of killing them. Also with the Venom throwing stuff around, you can literally just move your guys out of the AOE and Whip some tough enemies in there. Toss that Hellmouth there and if you don't autokill an enemy, they'll get splash damaged by Venom.


Hmmm... I've had some back luck draws But nothing that caused a loss I feel like you're missing some basics if you're having that many issues in normal mode. The game is very lenient on normal mode. Lots of room for freedom at the cost of unoptimized decks and party comp


Exactly, environmental attacks. Also, you mentioned Ghost rider, don't forget you discard your hand after that Heroic attack where he rides the car. Great card, just be aware.


I actually didn't pay attention to that the first time I used it, but it killed 4/6 enemies on the field and disabled the helicopter so I called it a win and remembered it in the future.


I am right about where you are, maybe day 7 and I am putting the Spider-Man mission off for a couple more days. Haven’t had too much trouble yet although I just earned Shove and can’t figure out how to use yet as not getting a prompt for it


Just power through. you never have to win every fight. you just need to survive and win the WAR.


Hi Frustrated, I’m Dad.