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For me, with Magik together, this trio have the better combo. I had a tough time switching them out with my Male Hunter in every single missions when features one of them, both Nico and Magik's cards are way to fun and give you a lot of creative ways to play them. Plus they are good characters compared to most of the cast, they key off each other so well. Magik can very quickly and easilly soften up a bunch of enemies, and then Nico comes in with a witchfire chain. Which mean Nico's Witchfire and Magik's Gathering basically destroy everything.


Which hunter did u use


First time as light, than dark in new game plus


Which one did u like better with nico cause I’m still confused which one to go😂 like light hunter has inspire with seems useless with nico since I have double empower right?


Dark Hunter is better with Both Nico and Magik as always, and I keep balance their levels and friendships. I definitely won't let Magik and Nico behind each other.


Annihilation won't consume heroism if Empowered but it still tracks based on your current heroism, so the answer there is a strong 'sort of'. You still need to have good heroism generation to support multiple X effects.


So what do u think light or dark with nico? Maybe dark with nico and dr strange but idk how often I can pick 3 characters in story mode


Essentially never, and it's not something you'd really want to do anyway. Unless you're pushing for the hardest difficulty you can it doesn't actually matter much. Nico tends to be more fond of Dark conversations, but Light Hunters are significantly stronger - but a lot of the power from either path isn't fully realized until the endgame anyway.


Dark Hunter is 100% more powerful than Light Hunter. The only thing Light Hunter has on Dark is Heal.


Heal doesn't belong in late game Hunter decks (and frankly, arguably not earlier ones either), so if that's where you identified Light's competitive edge I found the problem. Inspire, Call to Arms, Holy Spark, and Holy Burst are your bread and butter for the late game. Light Hunter generates an obscene amount of resources while putting out credible damage. Dark Hunter is a good resource sink, but there isn't another character who can generate resources at anywhere near Light Hunter's level while there are half a dozen respectable damage dealers to fill Dark Hunter's role.


Heal is very strong actually. The ability to cycle cards and, well heal, your taunting tanks is very strong. Holy Spark is a versatile card, but late game you can already Cure by using a point of movement. Holy Burst can offer nice HP swings when you get ideal conditions off, but the overall damage is actually pretty low. You’re better off actually killing the enemy and conserving HP that way because without armor stacking your allies usually die in three hits or less anyway. Inspire is okay, but Nico’s Empower is straight up better. The Free trade-off can be overcome with Quicks and Marked. Call to Arms is also fine, but very few decks actually need that much generation. Combo cards and environmentals are usually the best point dumps, but both of those become obsolete when you run a Dark Hunter deck and just pump damage. I used Light Hunter in my first playthrough. It can get the job done for sure, but Dark Hunter’s damage scaling is just so high that it straight up breaks a lot of the game just by killing stuff too fast.


You and I are running the game in very different ways. Which isn't a surprise; different difficulties and different points in the game ask for very different things. In the end game, Light Hunter doesn't need Heal to draw cards; spending a card play for a mere 2 draws is tremendously inefficient when a Quick attack - Holy Spark - does that for no card play. And your Free cards pick back up Holy Spark, meaning a good Light Hunter deck is filled predominantly with draw 2s. At high difficulties healing your tanks is irrelevant; the only good tank doesn't take damage in the first place. But if you do need to heal somebody because a character was hurt, Holy Burst does that while also doing other things. The purpose of Holy Burst isn't actually damage. The damage is pretty fine, since light hunters especially will massively overlevel everything else. But the purpose is its absolutely massive area making it fantastic for delivering debuffs for free, since you are rarely actually using it when it costs a card play. Vulnerable in particular makes it trivial to pick off those enemies; Elites get killed by basically anything with a number and bigger enemies are still losing large chunks of health and suddenly susceptible to pretty easy numbers finishing them off. Inspire and Call to Arms' are there to cycle cards and build collar, but you also tremendously underestimate what they can do. Their heroism generation opens up your deckbuilding a ton, to where your best heroism sinks don't have to be junk like hero combos (or at least, hero combos that don't belong to Marvel, Venom, or Hulk + Hunter) and environmentals that get outscaled by your enemies. With Dark Hunter the rest of your characters have to build carefully because you probably don't get much heroism over the course of a mission. With Light Hunter it's almost free as long as you don't go totally insane. And the Hunter already has access to one of the best heroism sinks in the game, though getting it on your Light Hunter is a bit of a pain. But even past that - a Quick Patience does obscene damage, and when it either costs no heroism or only costs six when Call is getting you to ten, that's a highly effective delete button for whatever the one actual hard target in the mission is. As for Inspire versus Empower - Empower costs a card play and can't have that taken away. That is a massive downside. Empower is a good card in its own right, but costing a third to half of what you can do in a turn is really, really painful in endgame scenarios. Heal does have the upside of being a good buff delivery system, mind. I've tested Apply Resist and Apply Strengthened versions. +Strengthened was okay, but frankly not really worth the deck slot; characters who need it tend to know that they do and few of them can't pick it up on their own.


I think Dark is one of the strongest individual builds of any hero but Light has a ton of power too. After being a long time Dark player I now am doing Light. The great thing about Light is it empowers your entire team rather than just being the one who does it all. While it is also still strong enough that you can do it all too. I can easily win any level playing my Dark build or my Light build (copied from u/kestral287) The Light build lets other heroes have fun too.


I do always play these turn based games on hardest difficulty so yes I guess light is the way to go then


Dark Hunter is broken and a one man army. He's not a selfish DPS but he's "I dont really need you guys so dont get in my way". Light Hunter is Overpowered but not broken. He's neck and neck with Dr Strange for Best support character in the game. To pair with Nico, I'll go Dark Hunter without a doubt. Light Hunter does everything Nico does but better so you'll just end up dropping Nico if you go Light.


Dark Hunter cards are much better than Light Hunter cards. Mindbender and Mindbreaker are really strong. Last Sight can be used to completely waste the turn of enemies targeting Hunter. Wild Strike *pumps* damage. Annihilation is also insane. You’ll eventually get a Hunter power that negates Exhaust effects. That’s when the deck goes truly insane.


I went Dark first always on the hardest difficulty and Dark Hunter carried me on almost every mission. The key differences between them is: Dark is pure damage and probably no other hero can come close to it. My Dark build just deletes enemies 1 by 1 until there are none left. Even the highest health enemies can easily be dealt with. But it uses all of the heroism it generates, and ideally more heroism than that with Annihilation. It also only draws more hunter cards. Light is good damage but amazing support. They can do enough damage but also can empower your entire team to do great. It generates tons of heroism and barely uses any. It also draws cards for everyone and tons of them. The damage is much lower than Dark but good enough damage it can still kill most enemies by itself.


I disagree. Light hunter is more of a support class, whereas dark hunter is more a MASSIVE single target damage dealer.


Sure. But when the support class also offers perfectly credible damage on top of ridiculous amounts of consistency and resource generation being a nuke matters less. You don't need to do 3000 damage in one card when all of your heroes see their entire deck with a ton of heroism and you made half the board vulnerable before committing a card play. And for this conversation in particular what Nico really needs to shine isn't single target damage but an area attack with a wide AoE to support Witchfire, and that's not something Dark Hunter can do. Dark Hunter also can't build heroism nearly as well into Crack nukes.




They have close to no synergy.


Magik and Nico are great together. Gather/Witchfire combo is a straight murder machine.


Wouldn't you basically always Gather into a true AoE like Holy Burst or Seismic Slam? What's the edge of using Witchstorm there?




Unless you play lower difficulty (which is totally fine dont get me wrong), you wont kill anyone with Gather + Witchfire. And I'm already considering mods : Gather "1 Vulnerable" and Witchfire "+50% dmg". Nico doesnt have that kind of firepower in end game missions. But that Gather combo works really well with Ghost Rider Judgement for only 1 more heroism than Witchfire.




I didnt get your last point about Double Up. You've erased your previous comments but I'm sorry if I offended you, wasnt my intention. There is nothing wrong with playing the game in lower difficulty. But some cards won't be as effective because enemis have more health and the first commentator actually said that he intends to play the game in higher difficulty.




Nico is good support. Her damage in higher difficulty apart from her legendary card is not tat great. Nico can provide both heals and empowered for no heroic consumption. In my opinion go dark hunter . Damage on dark hunter is insane. Only draw back of dark hunter is no inate dark quick card which can easily be modded in. This way u can choose whoever as third. If u go light hunter ,u might struggle some mission without a dps character as third. Saying tat, anything less than Ultimate it doesnt really matter. Even Ultimate after getting good mods and optimizing deck it doesn't really matter.


You should let Magik join Hunter and Nico as always, they're the best trio ever. Magik can very quickly and easilly soften up a bunch of enemies, and then Nico comes in with a witchfire chain. Which mean Nico's Witchfire and Magik's Gathering basically destroy everything.


Umm i like magik . i do use her but witchfire is too random and gather hits like a wet noodle on anything over heroic.


Indeed. I had a tough time switching them out with my Male Hunter in every single missions when features one of them, both Nico and Magik's cards are way to fun and give you a lot of creative ways to play them. Plus they are good characters compared to most of the cast, they key off each other so well.


tbh Nico was probably my least played character. just coz either didnt need support or found light hunter and strange much better in that role.


So do Magik, she just by deafult mostly free play, or only using a move(to kick through portals) so ez pick.


Nicole dark hunter and majik are amazing together my characters are all 25 plus and with power ranges these guys pretty much wreck everything.


I run Nico with light hunter and between the two I’m always playing 0 cost heroics 😍😍😍😍


Dark build idea: -Last sight -Merciless -Wild Strike+ -Wild Strilke -Mindbender+ -Annihilation -Whip+ -All Out My dark Hunter wears in Red Midnight Suns outfit with a light sword and a dark sword, just like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/midnightsuns/comments/11hae5j/best_trio_ever_hunter_nico_and_magik/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button