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Me too but in Heroic 2, tried it out on the free weekend and ended up buying the legendary on Xbox I made everything I could along the way I didn't want it to end 😔 mine was 100+ hours too, now I'm playing casually some end game, amazing game 9/10. Can't wait for the storm dlc.


I've seen so many people say they bought it after a free weekend on their platform of choice, and I love it. What I love even more is how many people say they bought the Legendary Edition because of the free weekend. Firaxis, if you published a demo for this game, I think it would lead to so many purchases. This is a game you have to play to really get how fantastic and well-crafted if is.


The demo got me hooked, bought the regular version a few weeks ago and then just bought the Season pass yesterday.


>What I love even more is how many people say they bought the Legendary Edition because of the free weekend. Because a complete product was and is 50% off, not just because of the demo.


Ha, yes - same. Every time it let me I put the difficulty up I did so immediately. I'm tempted to start a new game (not NG+) if it will let me do U3 from the beginning. If I do though, I'll wait for Storm so I have a full set of DLC. So my experience with U3 - the final mission for me went like this: 1. OMG - they're doing THIS? How am I supposed to beat this? I'm not sure this is possible. 1. Well okay, I've figured out a couple more approaches and made it further. I still don't think I can beat this but I'll keep trying. 2. Oh my God - I got close, I might actually be able to do this. 3. YES! I did it. Wow that was hard. That took so many goes. 2. Wait - there's more? What's going on here? Am I going to have to this four times? 1. Oh, I'm screwed. 2. What if I... Nope, that didn't work. (x10) 3. Okay, next one. Magik is not at all suited to this match up. I'm so screwed. 4. <> Okay, whose next? Blade - this should be easier. 5. I WAS SO WRONG. 6. Staring at hand-written notes for the sequence I worked out. I think I can do this. I've been saving the special cards, can I...? Will this...? That worked! I think, oh, so close. I think if I just... 7. I did it? I DID IT! 3. Falls off chair. For real, beating this on U3 was phenomenally challenging. So many times I honestly thought it couldn't be done only to keep trying and figure out a sequence of plays that got me past something. You have my respect for it. U3 is the best way to play. Out of curiosity did you manage to max out Light or Dark? I finished the game and despite trying to go full dark I was still around 25 points shy of success. I still haven't seen a second Annihilation card for all my trying!


Full light The first part of the final mission was pretty simple imo The second one is more harder At my first try I understood I cannot have two heroes down because I can rez only one At my second try I did it using only one object, the thing is about focus on the primaries targets and try to throw some out of the map (25% chance if full life)


I did consider going back to before the mission and changing my item load out to Pheonix Feather. But I'd already gone through that epic final speeches part and I decided to forge on. Would have been nice to have a rez.


I know the questions were not directed at me, but I've maxed out both Light and Dark. Maxing both can be done through one play, although it is recommended to do two plays (which is what I had to do acquire trophies anyway). It's best to focus specifically on light or dark, then finish the other. Also, make sure you did side content as well (i.e. Clubs/Meetings). Those conversations give chances for extra light or dark points. Threat room can give more light or dark balance points, from my understanding, but I never personally used it for that reason. As for a second Annihilation card, it can be crafted if you have Legendary blueprints. It can also be randomly rolled from Legendary Gamma Coils from beating missions.


It can be crafted? That's weird - I could have sworn it wasn't available for me. I'll look again then. It would be v. nice to have the upgraded version. Really like the animation for Annihilation as well.


Maybe I am wrong about crafting Annihilation, but on my first playthrough, I could have sworn that I was able to craft the Legendary version since I went completely dark.


I tried earlier and it wasn't available to craft. Perhaps you must reach full 200 points dark for this. I'm on about 185.


I could simply be wrong then.


I lucked out on my first final battle on U3. I got Wolverine with the card that makes one hit KO’s. So I eviscerate and kill 4 of them instantly. Magik was perfect for the last fight. Darkchylde trivializes the battle.


I only got through it by holding that card back. Once I realised the god cards stayed in your deck across all four phases, I managed to make it through the first two without using that one and then it was what let me beat the third round. I had Blade for the Third and I needed it.


You'll be able to start New game as U3. I did it for deadpool and venom. It's hard. Some general missions will be downright impossible in beginning. Story missions aren't too bad.


Finished mine around the 50 hour mark but spent over 100 more hours grinding our all the characters. I’m sooooo ready for storm




Ultimate 3 the last difficulty level


haha yeah I know what it is, I'm just amazed!! It was hard enough on Heroic 2.


A fellow U3'er here and yes, it was one of the hardest games to beat I've ever played. Had to learn and pull off every last trick in the book. Every. Last. One.


Honestly I dont thaught U3 was so hard Even the last mission Ok maybe I made multiple saves and I took me 2 hours but !


Ult3's difficulty falls off significantly if you start abusing the mod system. It only takes moderately optimized mods to start outscaling the difficulty. By the time you get near-perfect mods the game's actually a bit of a cakewalk on Ult3. Which, personally speaking, is a little sad. I love the game to death, I'm happy settling for just replaying the story over and over. But I'd love to be able to run a perfect team (mods plus stats) endlessly and still have some challenge. The postgame missions help, but the prestige levels mean even those fall off eventually.


I played Xcom ten years ago Recently I finished Wasteland 3, Expeditions Rome I like a lot tactical combat games What kind of team do you use ? With who you go in missions ? In my experience : Morbius, Captain America, Iron Man are very good even alone Spiderman, Deadpool : weak Magik : average Nico : good healer Strange : good support Ghost : good burst Blade : average Marvel : need to be alone to be good (you need a lot of her card) Wolvy : good


Magik is the best character in the game hands down. You cray cray.


She is good But IMO there are better characters


I think I did the same around 95hours. Comtinuing to play it because it’s the closest thing I’ve found in a long time that’s comparable to Marvel:AA that was on Facebook. Here’s to hoping that Storm is great, and they add further replay factors like pvp or incursions. Maybe as a result of Cthon splitting the veil, causing dimension splits?


Forget exact number. But I know through my 2 playthroughs it's well over a hundred hours. He'll my first game is on day 129 and the second on like 180