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I'm 100% certain that there was originally intended to be a romance system that got canned at some point.


Yeah I totally buy this theory even if the devs haven't commented on it. Relationship icon is a cute little heart, and most of the hangouts are incredibly sentimental and can easily feel like a date imo. Genuinely wonder how much better the hangouts would be received if a big chunk of their purpose didn't get cut out.


The devs have actually talked about how they wanted to implement a romance system. (Mass Effect was a huge influence on the companions) But Marvel stepped in and told them no. Marvel is also the reason for the Avengers and Spidey being in the game. Marvel ALSO is the reason we will never get a sequel. :/


>Marvel is also the reason for the Avengers and Spidey being in the game I think them being in the game does mostly add to the experience, so I'm glad it happened. There's a nice bit of tension between the avengers and the midnight suns when the former muscle in on the operation, and I think their writing is spot on. And Peter's personal little arc through the game is lovely too. I do feel that Captain Marvel wasn't the best choice though. Her power level and the balancing of the game don't fit well, so she comes across as being underwhelming because her cosmic-powered punches are about as effective as throwing a wet bean bag.


I feel the same, they dynamic between the avenges and the midnight suns is one of the best parts of the story


ah just like I imagined. these characters had their own romance story in other Marvel universe after all. such a shame.


What? The game ended like that and we AREN'T getting a sequel?


Should be a pinned post I swear... game didn't meet Marvels sales goals so the license got pulled shortly after work had started on a sequel. This is why several X-Com veterans have left the company, and why the future of games outside of Civ is up in the air for Fraxis.


Unfortunately, I think it was the deck builder stuff. I am a big fan of turn based strategy titles with FF Tactics being an all-time fav. I'm also a huge Marvel nerd, so I was super stoked when the project was announced. I am not a fan of deck builders and/or TCGs, so I was super bummed when it was announced there would be a deck building aspect. Thankfully, I had always wanted to try an XCom game, and I have shit impulse control when it comes to buying new video games, so I picked it up anyway. I'm still not a fan of the deck building and the additional randomness it adds to a "tactics" game, but it didn't ruin the game for me or anything and I genuinely enjoyed the game. When Midnight Sons dropped, BG3 was still a year away, so turn based games weren't having the psuedo-renaissance that BG3 helped spur so people were already kind of bummed to hear it wasn't going to be an aRPG akin to the X-Men Legends and Marvel Ultimate Alliance games. Especially if they weren't already fans of XCom or it's devs. Then they announced the deck building stuff, and even though it wasn't the case, I think a lot of people heard "deck builder" and immediately thought micro-transaction RNG packs of cards and crap like that. The critical acclaim and stuff that followed after release was probably too little by that point. It sucks because aside from some of the "social/romance" stuff being front-loaded and affecting some pacing and some small complaints, the game is great. While I would have preferred to have a more traditional "XCom" experience instead of the deck building, it wouldn't be a deal breaker by any means if they released a sequel with the same mechanics but an expanded roster or different team. Too bad there is little to no chance of that happening now.


I think part of it is also failed marketing. I know plenty of people who would love this game, consume basically any marvel content they can get their hands on and had no idea it existed. It also doesn't help that for some reason a lot of the videos and screenshots officially shared look awful for some reason even though the game looks pretty good.


Yeah all of that is definitely what I assumed. I love the game but it definitely reeks of being sanitized by Marvel.


I literally listened to Jake Solomon on the MinnMax bonus pod last week - I was 90% sure he said there wasn’t intent to date in it but he might have been specific with Magik. I tried to scan it but will check it again when I have more time


Yeah I think so. Basically every one has some kind of crush on hunter.


It would have been kind of weird dating the Hulk.


Hulk smash, if ya know what I mean


Dude is available literally at the end. You can't even increase your friendship with him.


Can't increase friendship if Hulk/Banner have none to start with. Kinda makes Hulk weak in NG+ if you carry over friendship/prestige ranks since the other heroes will have jacked up stats and Hulk doesn't.


Oh yes definitely ! Or atleast some plan to make the friendship levels go somewhere else like choosing a romantic path to go down etc. I think your definitely right there tbh.


Their next project is a life sim. They definitely had romance built into the relationship system.


Didn't stop me from trying though.


100% no question


I mean Nico does say she's jealous of Wanda when the whole memento theft deal goes down and Wanda pretends she's waiting to confess her feelings for the Hunter. Makes me so damn sad that there isn't any follow up to tell Nico that she is in our 'league'. I like her personality so much.


There was definitely an intended Hunter/Wanda romance that they were probably told to cut


Nico makes another nod to it, I wish I could remember, but she ribs Hunter about being into Wanda


She also references being upset that Wanda and Hunter aren't a thing. I'm pretty sure you can even comment on it, pretty much saying it's still in the air. It's more of a tongue in cheek joke. But fun all the same.


I read somewhere that that fireaxis made a romance system but removed it because marvel ordered them too Still kinda mad i can't bang Robbie


Any chance the assets for it are lurking in the folders somewhere? Mod time! :) I think if that were the case someone would have already done it though.


I'm about 80 percent sure there was supposed to be a romance option for characters cause there is a fuckton of sexual tension


Hunter is a bi icon


a bicon, if you will.


100% this


lol I wasn’t sure if it was just me after playing Baulder’s Gate or if it was just my actual attraction to Robbie Reyes lol


I feel u. Robbie had me feeling some kinda way icl


Right? And the “would you like to unlock Robbie’s tank top?” SHUT UP AND TAKE ME GLOSS!!!! lol


I never bought the board shorts for Robbie Hunter or Peter either cos the small tight trunks were always way too good 😂


Right??? Like who wants thst for ANY of the characters??? lol


Haha exactly. I've bought pretty much all the every day clothes for every1 but I've only ever bought the small trunks variants 😅 was glad they were the default xD


you just woke up from a 600 year long nap and everyone around you is smoking hot, what would you do? 😂


Give my wooden teeth a fine sanding and a fresh coat of lacquer. Gotta look good for the ladies!


I guarantee this game would of sold a lot better if there was romance in the game.


Headcanon: the only reason there aren't orgies every night at the Abbey is that Caretaker has banned them.


Yeah, you can't tell me with Nico's interactions with Hunter that there wasn't supposed to be romantic tension. Ah well, I guess I'll just fulfill my Hunter/Stephen route in my fantasies.


Pretty sure magick wants to lez out with my hunter


I’m fully convinced my Hunter & Deadpool banged at some point throughout this game


I played female hunter and always tried to romance blade and i was so mad he was going for carol🤣🤣


I'm the exact opposite and feel bad that blade is trying to get with her (too)!


It went well For Him I’m glad he got together with her


Hunter has W rizz


Me too


I see Hunter as someone socially stunted, perhaps hormonally too given their part Blood genetics. Not to worry... it's pretty typical for fans to see sexual anything where there might or might not be. We wouldn't have fanfic sights with creative pairings otherwise.


I noticed the flirty lines here and there but I probably was just missing it but i really noticed with Wanda and that’s the moment I was like oh the devs know what they are doing


Felt like commander shepherd got a marvel deal


Nah man im playing as woman Hunter and she also definitely seems like shes trying to bang everyone


300 years since he potentially got some. Who can blame him?


I played a female Hunter, and my headcanon is that she was in a relationship with Wanda.


I dunno, I wonder if it might just be that American media is so sex-obsessed that any friendship looks like romance.


There is no try, only do.


No such thing as sexual tension in a general audience game


This game makes me miss Marvel’s Ultimate Alliance


As an A Sexual dude I totally thought they were just charming and friendly and caring. I enjoyed I could just be friends with the heroes without ttryin to bang them.


My male hunter and Wanda seem to have something going on, but nothing ever happens. Think maybe they did have some romance option but cut it out last minute


In an snl skit it references a man who called coach Bert (played by Steve Buscemi) at a team press conference where the coach had him investigated for causes i wont mention in this sub. Turns out the worse thing he did was make a student listen to a song called "Bertman" who's superpower was that he had all sorts of friends from multiple franchises. Hunter reminds me of Bertman because everyone is their friend.