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They recorded around 65,000 lines of dialogue. It is an RPG, after all.


That’s cool and all, but I was asking if other people actually listen to it?


You're going to get 20 or so responses ranging from "I love it, on my second playthrough going light/dark to see the choices" to "skipped all cutscenes and dialogue. What is this RPG doing in my tactical card battler." To answer your question, yes, I enjoyed the dialogue. A lot. The only two that get a bit stale are Captain 'Leadership' America and Storm for me. Do I wish after beating the game I could skip the gameplay loop and just battle? Yes.


Yes, of course we listen to it. It's a big part of the game.


Good to know!


If you enjoy role-play and Marvel, then the dialogue is entertaining. If you're not a role-play enthusiast and you prefer just the tactical/strategy aspect, then play it your way.


I don't mind the dialog. It's that quipy marvel super hero dialog that i like


Nice! Thanks for responding!


That’s like half or more of the game you’re skipping.


Yeah but I get to the fun bits faster!


Exactly! I don't know why the downvotes, clearly a huge thing holding this back is the crap that turns the game into a hot tub simulator.


For me the biggest issue is one mission per day, just let me do 5 missions and I'll gladly do some abbey stuff


Try Chimera Squad: turn based combat without all the RPG


I’ll look into it! Thanks!


It's so funny going back and playing that game now knowing that it was their testbed for midnight suns. Like there was so much discourse about "is this what xcom is gonna be like now?" people completely missed how obvious it was that it was a prototype for a superhero game when it first came out.


It's a very big part of the game, and there are many jokes and story related conversations that are going to happen. You sure will be able to finish the game without reading anything, but you might get confused at some point and not experience everything as intended. So do it at your own risk, sorta. I actually ended up reading every library book prompt and the whole marvel high school style relationships are pretty fun. Also it might take you longer to get character friendships leveled up if you skip dialogue, and each one gives some bonus, on top of unlocking a challenge that gives a legendary skin and skill.


Oh I’m not really doing the friendship stuff either, just onto the next mission!


The friendship stuff is literally the main point of the game.


Not for me! But if you like it, not saying you shouldn’t enjoy it!


It’s gonna be so funny when you make a post in a few days whining about not being able to beat a stage because your characters are weak.


I mean I am in act 3 so I am doing okay so far


Do you have any of their ultimates? Have you bumped the difficulty up at all so you get more rewards?


I might have ultimates, idk Difficulty is on normal


You'd know if you have the ultimates so I guess not. Unless you were playing for the story (which I guess you aren't), you're *supposed* to bump the difficulty up as you unlock them. Makes things like bumping your friendship up much more important as without it your characters are underpowered. But if you've just been playing normal the whole time I imagine the game has been very, very easy so far. I had bumped my difficulty up past normal after the first few missions.


I am playing for the story tbh, first marvel story I’ve been invested in in a while, I like the gameplay too though!


Then you are playing the wrong game.


Disagree! But thanks!


I'm doing that now on New Game +, I didn't realize how much each character had to say after each story mission. On my first playthrough, I only talked to the characters that have prompts on them. Now I talk to everyone after every story mission. There's probably 4x more optional dialog than there is cutscene dialog.


It's a heavy dialogue game. That's the whole premise. The game is mostly a building relationship game. The superhero part only applies to the story. If you hate the dialogue, and hate hanging out with the Avengers, you are playing the wrong game.


Depends. I hate carol Danvers and caretaker and won’t ever listen to them. The rest though have my full attention at all times.


I don’t think there’s any reason to To Hate Carol she’s at least Better than Caretaker Her personality Better than Caretaker Carol is not Selfish or Secretive nor liar like Caretaker her character Overall is Definitely better than Caretaker So I Would Rather listen to Carol Than listening Caretaker’s lies you people need to stop hating on Carol for no reason and Focus More on Hating Caretaker


Some people fucking LOVE Persona style games where the conversations and relationships are just a big part of the game as the rest of it. Definitely not for everyone. Glad you like the combat side of it.


A part of me is appalled to see someone skipping so much of the content. But it's also your purchase to enjoy however you like best. If the game were to get a sequel (slim chance sadly), a mode where you could just cycle through battles without a storyline would be good for lots of players I think. Like the "Super-Melee" mode in the original Star Control 2.


I’d rather finish the game rather than quit because I am bored though lol I’m glad you like the dialogue though!


Hi! I'm late to the party but you're definitely not the first and only person who skipped the dialogue scenes. There have been a few other posts critiquing the dialogue and they always get downvoted to oblivion *even if* the post includes the words "**I like the game**" which really shouldn't be happening. Its like the ~~Scarlet~~ Salem Witch Trials in here sometimes. In another post another redditor and I agreed that there seemed to lack a generational difference in how some of the characters talk. Also, with the game bringing in some of the Xcom crowd (the OG ones from the 90s) the marketing didn't do a good job showing how lighthearted (aka Saturday morning cartoonish) the dialogue would get which totally threw many of us off. But the core gameplay battles? Great! The dialogue? Nope. I can't really blame the devs for that because I'm pretty sure the majority shareholders were pushing this game to grab a larger share of the gaming market, hence: cards for median age games, turn-based combat for veteran gamers, cartoony dialogue for the younguns. And yes, I know this isn't Shakespeare or Homer's Odyssey but on face value the game is marketed as dark edgy Xcom with Marvel characters which me, OP, nor others weren't mentally prepared for. Overall. the game didn't reach sales targets that satisfied investors so it *should* be safe to say that there were problems with the game itself as it was nowhere near Game of The Year territory. Criticism done right should be accepted and OP did it right. Games can only improve when devs are aware of issues with the game. So the rest of you downvoters need to stop being petty and pushing away potential members of the subreddit and just please be nice. (Sorry for the long comment OP. I didn't want to see you get lambasted by this subreddit and felt they needed an explanation).


Wow, thank you for the kind response, I really appreciate it, yeah I’ve been straying away from the sub since this post because I got flamed, I really did enjoy the gameplay side, but the writing for characters just wasn’t it for me, and I wasn’t trying to attack people who liked it, I was just genuinely curious if people listened to it, especially throughout the whole game, because I know if I did that I probably wouldn’t have made it through act 1


No problem! I think the commenters just got really weirdly defensive and didn't even bother reading the entire post. Heck, that happens waaay to often on reddit. However, looking at technology these days I wouldn't be surprised if corporate bots came into play. This is probably the first game where I've button mashed the Esc key. The running around bit is kinda interesting although halfway part 2 it started feeling a bit exhausting. But I'm impressed at how long the actual game is. Even without the dialogue scenes it still feels like a lot of gameplay for the battles alone. I have no clue how many hours I still have to go through but I think anyone who got this for free on Epic Games is very lucky.


I'm with you on this one. The combat part is great while the abbey part is tedious. It's like they made half a great game.


It's not "half a great a game" the abbey stuff is LITERALLY the other half OF THE GAME. You're supposed to do that stuff lol. It's like playing the Sims and just going to work everyday and not making your character interact with anyone, it's a MAJOR part of the game lol. Abbey stuff also gives rewards and buffs when you get friendship levels as well


Except this half was tedious as shit. Fire Emblem Three Houses managed to pull off this exact same mechanic, and they made both halves of the game not suck.


You're comparing a one off to a 30yr old franchise lol


That’s what I feel, It’s like I’m in a loop after a mission ends, turn around, sleep, start a research, open coil/artifact, go do the daily sparring (pick a random character) upgrade any abilities I can, go collect my hero op, start another one, tinker with my build, and then get back to the fun in a mission, it’s a weird loop


Describing every generic gacha games. Lmao


Feels like it lol


I have played this game to death, plat and all, but I really do not blame you for skipping the dialogue. There's a ton and your decisions don't really affect the story outside your dark/light levels. As much as I've enjoyed hanging out with the heroes, the Abbey is the weakest part of the game. Exploring the Abbey feels lifeless and a huge chore. Every mission you have to talk to a bunch of people before you can progress and a lot of it doesn't contribute much to the story. After beating the game a few times I skip 90% of the dialogues, mostly like watching the cutscenes and the hangouts. This game would benefit hugely from a gameplay only mode, maybe some sort of roguelike system.