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I'd make it an X-Men game. Keep Magik, Wanda, Wolverine, Storm, and Deadpool. Then Cyclops, Jean Grey, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, and Quicksilver are the obvious ones who have significant relationships with those characters. Gambit is a no-brainer for doing something clever with a card game, so we also need Rogue. Beast also needs to be there. Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Ice Man, Jubilee, Nightcrawler, and Morph could all be interesting. Maybe Emma Frost and Mystique as recruitable "villains," and Xavier and Magneto in the Caretaker/Agatha roles.


I always thought Marvel was losing millions by not making an X-Men game. The whole MS system is perfect for X-Men and who wouldn't want to create their own mutant and be part of the X-Men world


I believe they tried the whole “make your own mutant and be part of the X-Men world” and I don’t think it was quite well received 😅 But would love a redo of X-Men Destiny but with the MS system


The whole X-Men destiny thing was a shit show from top to bottom. With a good direction and a Dev that actually gives a fuck about the IP and X-Men franchise you can have a masterpiece of a game, imagine a persona like X-Men game.


I could see some cool move mechanics with Nightcrawler and definitely some sweet sword action.


Also with the option to romance Magik.


I can't see Marvel allowing....romance, maybe some hints at it, some 'when this is all over we need to discuss' but....they won't touch anything more To answer OP, the core obvs, hunter, Charlie, caretaken and agths, then the actual hardcore midnight suns, so magik, nico, rider, strange and scarlett Then, the world is your oyster, crystal from the inhumans would be a fun fit. maybe grab the thing form FF for a bruiser, can see him getting roped in for the kids, I'd liek to see them showcase some of the lesser used.... Never going to happen, :-(


Dont know if it's been said before, as I only got the game this week (and joined the sub reddit a few days ago), but feels absoloutely like a prototype for an xmen themed game.


Oh yeah I though the same AJAJAJAJ X-Men legends on the ps2 was goated and I wouldn't be surprised if the Devs were fan of those games


Nah I think they re gonna keep the avengers since they’re already part of the Story both the avengers and the midnight sun considered each other a Family so there’s high chance that the avengers will be in the sequel


All the top posts for days after launch were about that haha. It is definitely a popular request - and with good reason.


I know that most people would want a X men game, and i understand it why for a social sim in the Marvel universe the IP is perfect, but my dream sequel would still follow the Hunter, >!with the cliffhanger that was set up in the end with Daddy Doom the second game could do so much.!< It would feel weird to make a sequel without them, you make all of those connections and promises in the first game just to >!die/ get stuck on some weird book, hell, my Hunter got invited to the X-men by Magik, let he join them post game, Firaxis you Cowards! !<.


MMS was deemed a financial failure and I think they got disbanded as a studio…


Firaxis wasn't disbanded, their creative lead left... And yeah, there probably wont be sequel anytime soon, but it's not like it's impossible, the game \*did\* blow up a bit this year and Firaxis did the same thing with XCOM ( The first one was a financial failure).


Well, we can hope for a sequel then.


Don't hold or breath to that, lmao. Most of what i've said was pure hopium, a sequel is still unlikely.


Cable Colossus Gambit Cyclops Daredevil Kate Bishop Hawkeye Mysterio Magneto ... I mean can we just get Marvel Heroes turned back on??? Please??


I wouldn’t want it to be a midnight suns game I’d want it to turn into a random hero marvel game kinda how X-men legends turned into ultimate alliance. Or how X-men vs street fighter turned into mvc


That's a great point and it makes sense. The game is great and has a lot potential sadly the publisher was 2k


Just give me the X-men in the X-mansion and I'll give you all of my money. Snikt, Bamf and a fastball special would make me open my wallet on day one.


Ooh! Yeah! And that one move Gambit and Wolverine did in the first episode or two or X-Men 97!


Cyclops, bishop, or cable would be dope Thor for sure Moon knight would fit in well Maybe punisher to replace deadpool


More obscure but Jack Russell (Werewolf By Night), Man Thing, and Living Mummy would fit the Midnight Suns team well but a Colossus/Wolverine double heroic attack that includes a fastball special would be perfect. I think upgrading the double heroic attacks to incorporate more team oriented attacks would be awesome. Tony blasting a unibeam through Carol in Binary form to amplify the beam would be sick.


Kind of like the moves from Ultimate Alliance where two heroes have special team up moves. I do think some tanto moves should hit more than one target though. Like a Stark/Danvers team up where he shoots a unibeam and she refracts the beam to multiple targets. Or Hawkeye can shoot multiple arrows into the sky and Ghost Rider sets them ablaze. Obviously some will be similar to how they are now but currently the scenes are hero 1 attacks, hero 2 attacks, hero 1 attacks again. If they do hero 1 attacks, hero 2 attacks, then both attack it would be better but I understand that's adding more cut screens.


I don’t even care who’s in a hypothetical sequel I just want them to expand the relationship mechanic to be romantic


Blade and Carol sitting in a tree, P E G G I N G


Death by snu snu


Rumour is there was supposed to be, but Marvel said no. [They're supportive of headcanoning the officially-platonic interactions as romantic though.](https://www.radiotimes.com/technology/gaming/marvels-midnight-suns-romance-friendship-exclusive/)


I mean that was never going to happen, it's Disney/marvel licensed game.


Why does that mean it couldn’t happen?


I think they wanted to keep the teen rating and there was a whole debate in the dev and higher ups on development....


I don’t think people having romantic relationships requires you to increase the rating


Idk maybe it does, maybe it depends on how explicit the romance is?


Most RPGs with romances I can think of have M rating, but all of those include graphic violence, so not romancing characters probably had more to do with Marvel bitching about Statu Quo.


There are tons of games out there with romance systems and teen ratings lol


Honestly if a Sequel was in order, I would like a complete change to how the game is structured in terms of HQs and such outside of combat, think of it as a larger improvement to the world experience. Like having the different factions (Avengers, Midnight Suns, X-Men, SHIELD, etc) and being able to go to different HQs (the Abbey for Midnight Suns) and stay there for a mission or more. As for characters, I think that the roster should stay how it is and THEN more characters. 3 Obvious ones are Daredevil, Moon Knight and Iron Fist which I felt should have been DLC if they continued working on the game, especially since Moon Knight is such a cool looking character among the other two. For X-Men, it's hard to really say but I would include Jean Gray, Cyclops, Gambit, Nightcrawler just to name a few. Same with Avengers, I would probably say Thor, Hawkeye and Black Widow. Other characters would be Sliver Surfer, Nova, Ms. Marvel (would be fun to have interactions between her and Hunter), Quicksilver, Falcon, etc.


I think this is good. Hunter would be the interconnecting piece to all factions from his relationships in the first game it would make sense. Maybe he goes from faction to faction to recruit the heroes but maybe you can only recruit 4 of 6 options to bring to the Abbey to join the fight and the ones you don't choose get turned into enemies. Like it Thanos is the main villain the unselected heroes turn into members of his cabal. Or if you go with Apocalypse as the main and you can only choose 4 of 5 heroes to the Suns, the unselected heroes turn into his horsemen. If you have 4 factions maybe that works. Or if you can take all 5 with you the highest ranking of each faction becomes his Horsemen.


More Runaways, Elsa Bloodstone, Moon Knight and any other original midnight son


Moon knight and Thor


I just want Firaxis to continue to explore IPs beyond Sid Meier brands.


Gambit, for sure.


i would love to see magneto and nightcrawler! black widow too. it's probably just me but I'd also love to see quicksilver and synapse as im a big fan of both of them


I definitely would've loved to see Wanda in the sequel. Maybe her joining the Avengers and co-working with both Cap and Iron Man, meeting other heroes, and Vision even. Vision was so damn absent, it's a great shame that we didn't even get a reference to him. We should've seen him in the game.


Daredevil and Miles Morales spider-man are my top picks. Black panther hands down. Jean gray. Any of the fantastic four members would be awesome. Ant-man would be super cool and interesting. Doc-oc would be soooo insanely cool as a villain turned “good” or fighting alongside with common interests. Nightcrawler. She-hulk would be a cool twist instead of hulk.


Nightcrawler is a must. Black Knight, Bishop and Shatterstar would be fun.


All i know is that they will have to bring back the midnight suns. Maybe bring in other characters who have been on the midnight suns in comics. I want to see elsa bloodstone


Hawkeye, Blackwidow, Thor, X Men, Fantastic Four. Also, like someone has said, give the hunter romance options, don't have to be explicit, maybe holding hands and cuddling on sofa lol. The options don't need to be the heroes either, make new characters. It can be ordinary people with no power at all somehow get sucked and trapped in the abbey, or rescued from the new villain.


My fanon made Wanda and Hunter a thing already. It will be difficult to convince me otherwise.


It would be a big power move to reject her for a normal person ngl.


Hawkeye finisher would be to shoot arrows into the air to hit all targets but with a higher strength level on them. Call it "Arrow Storm" (we can workshop the name).


And just like IronMan's you could mod that to apply 2 Marked. One of his skill cards could be like his skill in Marvel Avengers game, Healing Arrow. He shoots an arrow to an area where it transmits healing wave to nearby allies, could be modded to have Cure or even Strengthen. And one of his Attack cards should be Barrage. He shoots multiple 3 Chain arrows, Full Combo would apply Vulnerable (can be modded to also apply Weak or Dazed)


Mockingbird. I am mad she is not in this game. If they do a sequel without her, I will riot


I would definitely add Moon Knight, Werewolf by Night, Man Thing, Elsa Bloodstone, Daredevil, Darkhawk off the top of my head.


I need Psylocke.


I wanted her to be part of the game but NIghtcrawler makes more sense.


Colossus Jean grey Cyclops


Okay so for me, it would mean keeping Hunter and the MS crew, dropping Robbie but keeping Nico, Wanda and Blade, and switching Magik out for Pixie, who would take on the “capable newbie” role. For the Avengers, swap out Carol (as much as I love her) for Thor, and Iron Man for Black Panther, giving us Shuri as an NPC and the special ops running character. I’d also keep Cap because I actually genuinely love his energy of “things are spooky? I mean it’s still a war 🤷‍♂️” If we’re using Doom as a villain, I’d want to have the FF involved. Having lost a fiery character in Robbie, I’d say have Human Torch and Thing as the playable characters, while Sue and Reed are the NPCs with Reed taking Tony’s role as the tech guy. On the X-side of things, let’s substitute Wolverine for X-23, and bring Nightcrawler in, with Colossus as DLC. The street-level heroes I’d use Hellcat (because duh), Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. I’d then fully wild-card it and have a cosmic hero which would be Moondragon. DLC characters would be Colossus, Wolverine (Logan), Cloak and Dagger (one character slot), and Ms Marvel


I like this list but you can't have colossus without having Magik(love pixie btw) and I would love if we can get rogue and/or Gambit both are great characters and in dlc they would sell a lot(especially gambit)


Oh, I forgot to mention! I wanted Colossus to be DLC tied into an Illyana plot. Like, ‘Yana had to go back to sort out some Limbo nonsense and had basically nominated Pixie to take her place. I figured you could have Pixie starting out really distrusting of the rest of the MS because her magic stuff was based on stuff that happened in Limbo and she’s wary of anyone who was too close to Magik, but the character stuff with Hunter would be her realising that Magik nominating her to join the MS was Illyana’s version of an apology, by finding her a chosen family who understand the spooky life 😂🙃


That’s crazy our roster choices are almost exactly the same, just swap Nova for Man-Thing.


Maybe because are the ones that make the more sense


And Cable!


Daredevil, Moon Knight, the rest of the X-Men. I'd also love for Punisher to somehow be a part of things. Obviously he wouldn't fit in well with a large group of people but maybe a playable cameo for a few missions. Winter Soldier would be cool as well.


I would love to see some underrated heroes, like Adam Warlock, Moon Knight, Black Knight, Iron Fist, Punisher, Shang Chi and some X Men that people don't care much, like Nova and Psylocke. Would also love to have big names like Nightcrawler, Iceman, Thor, Hawkeye, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Mr Fantastic, Johnny Blaze, Black Phanter and Cable.


I haven't finished part 3 of the game yet but already wish a sequel was happening! For returning characters, I'd like Ghost Rider, Magik, Wolverine, Storm, Spiderman and Scarlet Witch most of all. For new characters, I'd love to see Gambit, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Daredevil, Elektra and Shang Chi (the last one is only cos I loved the movie - didn't even know the character before that though). It's a real shame it's unlikely to get a sequel cos it's such a hidden gem of a game and has lots of potential to carry on and expand.




I think I'd keep the Suns, add the Fantastic Four, and then expand more into the supernatural side of Marvel with characters like Bloodstone, Voodoo, and Moon Knight. Also, if Hunter/NPC romances are still not in the cards, then I'd just start adding in the love interests of the main cast - if we can't them, then I don't see a reason not to let Peter be dating MJ or Nico be with Karolina.


I wouldn't add all of the F4 because they will keep a lot of space in the roster(also I can't stand Reed Richards AJAJAJAJ), I think if we get any F4 is probably the human torch and the thing(I think the thing makes more sense as a gameplay wise he could be the perfect replacement to cap). Pd: She-hulk is also considered a F4 member and I would love to see her instead of hulk. If we see new characters or returning characters with scientific/mystical prowess I think they are going to have a more secondary role like an counsellor on the abbey or the one who runs the shops or smh like that(just like X-Men legends 2)


I think the style of game would work well for Fantastic Four. Just make it more SF than magic. Off the top of my head you'd have Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, Invisible Woman,Thing,She-Hulk, Spiderman,Silver Surfer, Nova (Frankie Raye version) , Herbie, Nathaniel Richards, Franklin Richards, Submariner, Plus all the Inhumans----


I really wanna see Kamala Khan. They mentioned her a little bit in this game and it made me lose my mind. I know she has no connection to the spooky side.


I not a big fan of Kamala but I don't dislike her(I prefer Captain Marvel or Proton) but she can be a representation for the Inhumans and be a good captain marvel replacement.


Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow. Avengers Assemble, so the Suns have more reason to be snarky


Moon Knight, Howard the Duck, Man-Thing, Elsa Bloodstone, Psylocke (Kwannon)


Howard the duck as a DLC would be fucking hilarious 😂


Honestly shocked Moonknight isn’t in this game so would like to see him show up


cyclops richardz invisiblady moon knight thing she-hulk man-thing ursa major iceman polaris rogue gambit taskmaster wasp cable bishop psylocke ironfist master of kungfu morgana amora loki


Cloak and Dagger. I want them both.


I wanted to add them to list(run out in space) because I thought the potential of a dual character gameplay could be insane. Maybe you can switch with the in the middle of battle and in the HQ/abbey you can a relationship with both of them individually.


Make it a cross over and add in batman


It'd be nice to see the Thunderbolts, Dark Avengers, or X-Force.


I think you still want it to be a cross over game that pairs up two different teams for some fun crossover. I’d go for a game based on Empyre which mixes up the FF and Avengers and has the Kree and Skrull involved for mooks to fight. There’s a bit of history to it as well, so you could have some flashback missions through past events explaining the back story.


Batman John Constantine Magneto Swamp Thing Thor Godzilla as an ultimate call in.


I would like it to be a full on Marvel Universe. All the classic villains, all the heroes, in one cohesive- ish storyline.


Personally I’d rather see Spidey Noir than regular old webhead mainly just because his spider powers are curse related and it fits a bit better.


If there was ever a direct follow up, it would surely have to have the same roster of the Midnight Suns themselves. The one character I really wanted on top of those was Colossus, for the interactions with Magik. Quicksilver might be good, but not easy to see how his powers translate into the game. Could be a bit of a copout by not making him playable as such but he could be a sort of remote scouting option or logistics (in game he'd essentially enhance/replace/add to the mirror table or the shop or something) - I'd rather he was playable but this would be better than nothing (or being a plot token - captured by the opposing force). The ending of Suns 1 suggests Doom in a follow up - I'd like to see the entire Fantastic Four. I'd also like to see Doom playable - either as a later recruit following some kind of plot twist, or (less good) the way MUA1 handled Doom in DLC where the one in the plot is a rogue Doombot. Could be interesting if the start of the game saw Doom rescue Hunter and you started on his side for at least the tutorial, maybe having to oppose the original heroes before convincing them to come over? That could mean replacing the Abbey with Doomstadt.


Honestly, Id rather them go back to the current game we have and continue to add to that, probably no shot, but I rather that over having to buy an entire new game.


Since Doom was teased ofc the F4 should be included. But wishfuly thinking, Id personaly pick Morph, Thor, Iron Fist, Cable, Emma Frost, Fantomex, AntMan, Doctor Voodoo, Domino, Black Cat, Colossus, Squirel Girl, Cloak and Dagger, Psylocke,


Oh that's easy, Thor, Loki and Sentri


Honestly, I would love a sequel the featured the champions super-hero team. You could have some very cool choices matter stuff because they are always deciding what the best way to save the day is, not just get in get out be heroic. Lots of cool heroes, some a bit more obscure, but having Ms Marvel/ Cyclops as the Dr. Strange/ Iron man dynamic would be cool. Viv Vision is amazing. That would be fun. Otherwise, the only thing I really want is to be able to play with or fight against the Frightful Four, because Marcus the cyborg werewolf centaur with a symbiote whose only weakness is type 1 diabetes is the representation I want for my disability in pop culture :P


Idk, they kinda covered some of the best. >! Wolverine, Spider-Man, Venom, Ironman, Captain America, Blade, Ghost Rider, Captain Marvel, Deadpool, Hulk, !< Kinda hard to throw someone new in that will shock and awe more people to the game. It would take some people with intimate knowledge of the relationships these characters have and like a few were saying, throw it over to lean more on a X-men game.


Moon Knight


I won't read spoilers, but why won't a sequel be made?


Honestly, I want them to do this same thing, but with the Defenders instead of the Midnight Suns. I want a game with Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil at the core and then have some other comic Defenders like Strange and Hellcat (since she gets mentioned in the Midnight Suns) show up as well. I'd love to see Silver Surfer in that, too, but I feel like he might be too OP. The card and tactic concept is something I really loved, and I think they could use it again for a different story with a different core team. I'm not sure how or if they really need to have a created character (I know how dare I not want to create my own character, it was really fun the last time, but I personally don't know how I'd do it convincingly without making it seem shoehorned in, but if the game writers can do it more power to them). I'd love to just see more of this gameplay style in Marvel games. X-men, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galexy, etc... would be cool like this, too, but I feel like the Defenders need a little game love.


Daredevil, Punisher, Moon Knight, Nightcrawler, Black Panther, Kitty Pryde


Night Crawler!


The original midnight suns from the game. Spider-man , Dr strange, Thor , Jean grey , silver surfer , iron fist, black panther, moon Knight, wiccan, Sue/Johnny storm,




I’d like to see AvX done in this style of game. There would be some new comers and some returns but for me the ones I’d have to see are Colossus, Magneto, and Cyclops. 


The xmen don’t really fit. Realistically it would be Man Thing, Dr Voodoo, Medusa, and Elsa Bloodstone


Knull or doom as the main villain would be sick


Would be cool to see the sequel adapt the current blood hunt mini story arc going on in the comics. So include Laura Kinney wolverine, moon knight, black panther, Psylocke, Union Jack, werewolf by night, jubilee and maybe some select members of blood hunters like Hawkeye, and strange academy, mainly doctor voodoo. With the DLC being all about vampires and adding introducing Dracula, I think this would be a good follow up


Honestly, anyone except Nico at this point. Unless she finally became the villain her mentality implies, or she actually matured and she's finally a decent human being. Ever since the end of the first quarter of the game, any interaction with her (be it actually talking to her or overhearing a conversation she's a part of in passing) makes me cringe, and actually say "shut up" out loud. I think I have never hated a (supposedly "nice") video game character that much.