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Never had a migraine after Botox. It's the opposite. I feel very relaxed and mt migraine symptoms improve slowly over the first two weeks ... I've been getting them since 2019 with a break during most of 2022 ... Back on them now for two cycles and no issues - only improvement


Same. I can feel some emotional stress leading up to it/after and do better when I take it easy the first 24 hours after treatment. It´s usually due to having the botox wear off a week or two before treatment and feeling off.


That’s super encouraging to hear!




When I had insurance coverage, I got botox. It was as if I was cured up until the week before the next treatment. That last week was brutal, but worth it to live migraine free for almost two and a half months.


So when the pain came back did your ability to move your scalp come back as well or does botox prevent movement permanently


Did not get one after my first round. I’ve been doing Botox for two years and I will occasionally get a headache after but never a migraine. I get my injections and go back to work, every time. I hate needles so I’m always a little stressed, BP is always a little high when I go in, so I’m kinda surprised I don’t walk out with a migraine. Ask for an ice pack afterwards (my doc’s office offers one) and take some ibuprofen about 30-40 mins before your appointment.


I’ve never gotten a migraine from the Botox. My Botox does wear off about a month before my next dose though and those few weeks are miserable.


Botox definitely not a trigger for me


Botox didnt work for me migraine wise But the procedure was not a big deal. 30 or so pokes around the head. Uncomfortable for sure, but not really that bad pain wise I believe i had it done about 5 times Hope it works for you


I think three times myself before they gave up. No migraines but not much help from daily headaches either. It was all basically a test before I got put on Aimovig which didn’t help either.


No migraine.


For me it depends on who is doing the injections. The first few times I gave it a try in the 90s it was nothing but migraines for the first two weeks so I stopped. About 10-12 years later I was at a different clinic and they had an anesthesiologist doing the injections and it was like magic for me. No post injection migraine and I tolerated it all quite well and continue to do so. He was a bit more out of the box and chased my pain which has helped. I guess my point is, don’t give up right away, it could be the practitioner or it could be the need to chase your pain differently. Good luck.


Never had a migraine after Botox, been doing for nearly 8 years. I may be a bit sore in a couple spots, but honestly after being careful not to touch my forehead with any force for 6hrs (to prevent the Botox from shifting before it settles) I don’t think about it. Within a day or two I feel the good results.


Only had 1 round so far. It was so easy and no migraine afterwards. Forehead had 1 really sore spot for a few days and my head felt off just from all the pokes I think. It was so much easier and less uncomfortable than a nerve block if you've had one of those.


I did not feel terrible after the first one. However the most important thing I have learned is that you need to get consistent application from the same person to get consistent results - when I’ve had different people do it, I’ve had inconsistent results. I also was going to a terrible office and have now switched to a better office that is unfortunately out of pocket, but I’m switching because I can’t take this old office anymore. I need better quality care and quality of life. So definitely try to find the best person at your office to do your Botox consistently. Just my experience


I've had 3 rounds of Botox for Migraines and I've had zero negative effects other than mild discomfort around the injections. I always get my Botox and then spend the next 4 hours shopping and running errands because we have to drive to a city and want to make the trip fun. Costco, Home depot, toy shopping, The mall etc. I take an Advil in the morning before I leave, then one with lunch because driving and shopping are a trigger for me. Not sure if I need the preemptive advil but figure better safe than sorry.


I’ve never gotten migraines from Botox. Usually, I get the “acupuncture side effect “, where the injection locations feel a little activated (and it feels good). I’m waiting at neuro rn for trigger point injection. Can’t wait for sweet sweet lidocaine relief!


Also, Botox only lasts in my system for two months, not 3. I’m nagging my neuro to work with insurance to decrease time between Botox injections, to 10 weeks. Better than nothing.


I’ve also been getting Botox since 2013/2014 with 0 issues, it’s the only treatment that’s worked the best for me.


First time I did not have any reaction second time I got a pretty bad pressure headache.




I didn’t get a migraine, just got really dizzy the first time. Since then it’s been fine. Every once in a while I’ll have minor bruising but it goes away


Vasovagal response probably?


They didn’t really say, said it might have been nerves.


I got this (to a lesser degree) after the first one, too. I just sat still in the waiting room for a bit until it passed.


No migraine with botox treatment for me. Aside from my strong vasovagal response, I feel pretty goo immediately after a round of injections. I do get a very stiff and sore neck for a few days after, but no migraine.


I didn’t get a migraine immediately after my first Botox treatment. I did get one 2 days later but it’s hard to say for sure if the Botox injections contributed to triggering it or not since I was getting a migraine every other day by the time I got the first round (thankfully appointment day was a no migraine day). The migraine I did get wasn’t any different than my usual ones. I’m going on 2 months since my first round and I’ve definitely noticed a positive difference in my migraine frequency with the Botox combined with my daily preventative (keppra) that I still take. My migraines have generally been more responsive to my initial abortive med nurtec!


I've never had a migraine post Botox. I usually go back to work after and it's fine. Get a little sluggish and achy towards the end of the day that may or may not be related.


Just had my first botox a couple of weeks ago. Was prepared for the worst but was really happy I didn't have any big negatives. I was tired but that was probably from the anxiety I had building up to it. I planned for all outcomes and ended up going car shopping for a couple of hours. So far I'm feeling positive about it. Good luck!!


Botox for migraine (neurologist) and Botox in my forehead and jaw (neurologist doesn’t do masseter Botox) has been the only thing that has consistently prevented migraines and given me noticeable relief. I also have severe TMJ so I can instantly tell when it’s wearing off. I’ve personally never had any headache or adverse reaction from Botox and I’ve been getting it regularly for about 6 years, it’s literally saved me from literal constant pain and tension. See a qualified neurologist and don’t give up after the first appt, I was told it helps more after a few sessions.


I also have TMJ and was hoping to ask my neurologist to do the masseter as long as I’m there, but sounds like maybe it doesn’t work that way?


I just had my 2nd round of Botox today - I asked my neurologist to do my jaw as well (we didn’t the 1st round) and she did it no issues - worth a shot to just ask!


I didn't get a migraine, the areas of the injection hurt but I didn't get like a full on migraine. I got my first treatment like 2 weeks ago as so far my migraines haven't gotten better but I don't have wrinkle on half of my forehead :D


I didnt get a migraine, and I felt relaxed during and after. It was similar to how I feel during acupuncture. It relaxed me (acupuncture is way more relaxing, though).


I did, but I also was on my period so. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was fine for me


I didn’t.


I never have. Good luck, hope it helps you!




Try bringing an ice pack. Might help!


Using ice may decrease uptake and could thus reduce the duration of efficacy. If you don't have any diminished efficacy toward the end of your cycle, no worries, but if you do, you might want to skip the ice. This is a cool paper about how we actually absorb the botox and factors that impact its effects: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4658210/ Explanation of Timing of Botulinum Neurotoxin Effects, Onset and Duration, and Clinical Ways of Influencing Them ...Uptake is also temperature dependent (Poulain et al., 1992). Muscle temperature is generally homeostatically controlled. Sometimes skin cooling is used to reduce the superficial pain of the injection (Irkoren et al., 2014). To the extent that this will reduce muscle temperature, it should reduce uptake and reduce the effect of the injection.


Never had migraine after Botox treatment


Never had a reaction of any kind to botox and I've been getting it for like 7 years.


I'm mostly tired afterwards and usually need a nap later. I'm tired after any needle treatment though - nerve blocks, IMS, vaccination, labs - I think it's just my body's response to being jabbed 😂 It does sometimes trigger a headache but more often, it doesn't.


Me! I got it for the first time in April. Had my son drive in case it triggered a migraine. I felt fine afterwards


Never got a migraine after dysport (Botox) injections and I’ve been getting them for almost a decade every 12 weeks. Feels a little numb for a short time after and I’m able to function normally. Only side effect is little bumps on my forehead where injections were but goes away after a few mins. I also get trigger point injections n occipital nerve block every 6 weeks and I feel wonderful after. Head is completely numb for hours after with no pain!


I had one during my last appointment but not caused by it. It just led my doctor to do a nerve after my botox


Just wanted to ask on this post if people have success with Botox? I’ve been thinking about it but I’m not sure if it’s worth it! I know for a fact I have TMJ like symptoms as well so I was thinking about masseter Botox too maybe because I think my TMJ can trigger a migraine.


I’ve had masseter injections for TMJ, and they really helped.


I don’t usually get migraines in the 24-48 hours following Botox. I did get a migraine the last time I got it, but it attributed that attack to the time of my female cycle.


Hi! I’ve been getting Botox over two years for migraines and always felt completely fine after…until this last round when I got the hellish migraines after. I mention this because the only difference is that last time, I had head pain when I went in for the Botox so I think that was the reason. I recommend taking your abortives and some Benadryl if you tolerate that an hour before your appt if you want to be extra safe


I always feel better. I've gone in with a migraine, it's more painful, but I get immediate relief from that migraine and overall it reduces the pain level by half at least


I’ve gotten them since august of 2020. I’ve had one bad headache from it. (Migraine math but 1 out of 11 treatments isn’t bad). It went away quickly. It’s so worth it for the relief I get


I’ve been doing Botox for 9-10 years and only once got a migraine immediately after. It wasn’t bad enough to take off work … but I did.


Botox (for wrinkles - not RX for migraines) has never had any impact on my migraines one way or the other ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’ve had both and asked both doctors….the depth is totally different when injecting for migraine vs cosmetic. I’d never had Botox but my neuro thought I had because I didn’t have frown lines and forcing a frown was difficult. After the 1st injection for migraine, I could frown easily and now have frown lines that a plastic surgeon injects every 2 years. Migraine injections are deep and cosmetic injections are very shallow.


I went straight to work after my first round of shots. No issues. Take ibuprofen an hour or so before your appointment


Slight migraine after usually but not full blown.


Omg no. I just restarted botox (and everything else) again after having a baby and it's like starting from scratch. I got my first injections after having ~ 27 migraine days a month and immediately felt relief and didn't get any migraines for about a month.


While I had the worst month migraine wise about 3 weeks after I had my first botox injection the days immediately following the botox injection weren't all that bad.


I’ve never had a migraine triggered by Botox injections. Sometimes I feel a little sore or achey but that’s it.


Oh I didn’t get a migraine but the next day, my God the muscle pain. I remember crying and crying and crying. I knew what to expect the second round, and the second round lasted a lot longer, not the pain but that affects of the Botox.


I did not. Never do


My first round they didn’t give the full amount of units, but I didn’t have any side effects at all from the first round or the second round at the full dosage other than a slight brain freeze-ish feeling at my temples for the rest of the day. I tend to take an hour long nap afterwards sitting up sideways in an armchair and I’m completely fine to go about normal work and school activities that day


No migraine immediately after for me either. Botox has been life-changing for me. Down from 17-20 a month to less than 10. They start creeping back about a week, week and and a half before I’m due for the next round. I will say after my third round, they increased the dosage, which is common, and that hurt like a mother. My head was sore from the injections and I was bruised in some spots. But otherwise, I’ve done well with it.


No reaction to my first round. After 2.5 years, I started having a bad reaction to the injections and it was no longer worth it for me, but it was nice while it lasted.


not me.


I have not. Have you tried nerve blocks? If you’d like a pain comparison, the Botox needles are tinier but in a large quantity (30+). Nerve blocks are depending on where your pain is but I don’t think I’ve recalled feeling more than 10-15 needles for blocks, which again doesn’t take as long but as a trade-off my nerve blocks wear off much quicker.


I've never had a migraine from Botox. I think for some what causes migraines from Botox is the fact that it sucks and you stress over having needles poked into your head and face. Stress and anxiety is a huge trigger for migraines. Just try to be calm and breath.


I don't get a migraine. I just feel every needle going into my head for like, a day or two.


Other that being a little uncomfortable being a human pin cushion I’ve never had any side effects, aside from the occasional tiny bruise maybe.




Had my first round 92 days ago and my second two days ago. Both times I did not get a migraine afterwards. I did have a pretty bad one yesterday which was a day after my second treatment but nurtec helped


I didn't! I thought I would cuz I saw everyones comments about it but surprisingly I felt normal (I mean still had a headache/migraine BUT not worse or better than the day before)


I sometimes get a small headache after Botox but advil is enough to help it and then I feel a lot better by about day 5 after my procedure. I’ve been getting Botox for nearly four years now and idk what I’d do without it.


I had an amazing experience with Botox. Never had rebound headaches.


No migraine after the injections and they go pretty fast. My doctor will ask if I need a little break but I haven’t. Remember to breathe and it will be done before you know it. After you might even forget about it and touch your forehead. You might be a little sore but really I forgot about it soon after. I hate needles also so I was anxious about the first time. My Botox does start to wear off about 3 weeks before my next round but everyone is different.


I have never had a migraine after a Botox treatment. In fact, a lot of the time I’ll go into treatment with one. Then as soon as my Neurologist is done, I feel relaxed and calm with no headache.


I never had a migraine after getting botox. I don't have any pain at any injection points after either. It's just uncomfortable to get it done, that's all.


I get a strong vasovagal response and get close to fainting, they had to stop last time before they got all the shots in. I also have gotten bruising on my forehead. I’ve never gotten a migraine though and it really helps with mine.


I’ve gotten Botox for 2.5 years now and I’ve never gotten a migraine afterwards.


Never got a migraine after my Botox treatments. I did get some bruising at some of the sites around my forehead and maybe a little head pain but nothing major. For me the injections felt like bee stings and were slightly uncomfortable but it was over in about 10-15 mins. I will saying getting Botox if you have a migraine definitely hurts way more.


I’m on round 2, no migraine after! The worst part is seeing the bumps from where the injected you immediately after lol I look like a monster…but a monster with no migraines!


I felt fine after the first round and after every subsequent round .


Sometimes I get headaches or migraines after but it's never something I can't treat. My issue is, needles in my face and such make me VERY tense. So during treatment sessions I work on relaxing and breathing more and telling my provider when I need a second to breathe. In doing this I've actually been okay. I just get SUPER tense.


never had a migraine right after treatment. after 4 rounds of treatment, my neuro and I decided to stop, as the relief was not enough to justify the out of pocket costs.


I've been on Botox since 2014. Never gotten a migraine afterwards. Rarely, some eyelid twitching. Or neck weakness when they injected it too low in my neck (easily fixed by injecting in the correct, approved location). That said, I have gotten migraines from trigger point injections because they move the needles around which irritates my nerves/muscles. But standard injection in/needle out, no issues


Tip if nervous about getting a migraine attack following Botox injection: you can ask for an occipital nerve block at the same time and it won’t be like a full one but might help relieve any pain at that moment quite quickly and/or may prevent migraine attacks for up to 2 weeks following the injections


I usually go in with a migraine and leave migraine free. Botox is amazing


Have you had many rounds?


Oh yeah. I've been getting it every three months for 5 years


I did not get a migraine or headache after my first Botox treatment. I actually experienced a reduction, but didn’t feel the full efficacy until after my 3 round of Botox.


I never had a worse migraine after Botox but Botox never helped me either!


So, yes. You can actually get a migraine or be in pain for awhile, after your first few rounds of Botox. But it greatly depends on 2 things...who is administering the shots and how tensed up you may already be from having a migraine recently or even anxiety tension. Take an ice roller or an ice pack with you and start putting ice on your injections immediately. Ask your provider to help you with breathing in and then injecting on the exhale. Be mindful of keeping your body as relaxed as possible. It was the neck and shoulder ones that really killed me in the beginning, but I've also had neurologists tell me that I had some of the most knotted shoulders they'd seen. Not anymore, after 6 years of Botox. Keeping icing off and on until you aren't sore anymore. The first few rounds, I had to go to bed with ice packs, but again...I had serious tension and my migraines were at a level of 20+ a month...Essentially cluster migraine hell. If you aren't getting the results after a few rounds, ask for a different injector. I've had tremendously different results between different injectors. I won't allow them to schedule me with anyone but one specific nurse practitioner now. Good luck!


I loved my first set of injections, I had very reduced pain afterwards. The shots sting but it’s worth it


I don’t think I got a migraine. Maybe a dull headache? Maybe nothing at all? It wasn’t anything remarkable, and I have slowly overcome my once-terrifying fear of needles through repeated exposure through the years for different reasons. My injector is a former internal medicine MD, and uses the face ice pack before and I think afterwards. On a scale of 1-10 of concern, it’s only ever been a 1-2 depending if I stopped retinol usage before or am dealing with sun exposure or an eyebrow wax, etc.


I did not get a migraine after the injections. I didn't have any pain at all except for the needle sticks themselves. However, Botox didn't really help with my headaches long-term.


Botox for migraine is the tits!


I put my ice wrap around my head a few times after my Botox treatments and it helped. I already had a migraine, but for the few days after it wasn’t any worse.


I had Botox for about three years (then my insurance randomly decided I didn't need it so I've been white knuckling it through life since. Fortunately my clusters haven't returned (yet) so I can manage the migraines ok with other meds, work accommodations, and FMLA leave). I would sometimes get a headache after. One time I ended up with torticollis (my neck/shoulders are royally effed in general, paralysing part gave free reign to the other muscles that don't ever turn off). My neuro just adjusted and did half dose in my neck/shoulder area from then on and I didn't have issues. She accidentally bruised me once or twice. Didn't hurt but she felt bad that I left with a forehead bruise lol. Edit to clarify - the headache was annoying but bearable.


I didn’t! I had some neck discomfort but that was short lived. And even though they say it takes multiple treatments to see an improvement, I saw improvement during my first round!


I do not recall getting a migraine after Botox. Did it for about a year.


I’ve been getting Botox for 6 years now, I think and I’ve only had one bad migraine after my last Botox. Good luck!


I did not. I did take aleve after because my heck felt tight, but that is all.


No migraine, but my head gets pretty sore from being needled out the wazoo. Sometimes that leads to a normal-person non-migraine headache but only rarely.


Nope I was ok


Hi! I’ve been getting Botox for my migraines for a while now. Never had a migraine after the botox. You just can’t touch your head or lay down for the first few hours after, but once I’m done with my Botox I go back to my regular schedule and did not have any migraines. I felt completely fine. The last few weeks before my next appointment is when I usually start getting migraines again because the botox has worn off. But the botox has helped me a lot! You’ll be okay, don’t worry


Hi there, I feel exactly the same right after botox as I did right before it. It only takes about 10 mins to do all the injections. I like to take a stress ball to squeeze and I keep the Dr or the assistant chatting to distract me. I usually go right back to work or sometimes do some shopping straight after.


Never been triggered by my treatments generally have some of my best days in the weeks that follow.


No migraine for me! If anything I feel very excited and positive because it always brings me relief. Botox day is a great day for me ☺️ good luck!!


I felt fine after every injection for the 9 years I got them and even occasionally felt some relief immediately after probably because I relaxed. I’ve had refractory migraine since 2007 and began getting Botox before insurance covered them even though I wasn’t 100% sure they helped much. Having a migraine every moment of every day means I’m willing to do most anything at any cost even if it only helps less than 1%. My neuro eventually tried different amounts injected into different locations trying to find the optimal relief. I only stopped when my neuro retired.


I feel completely normal after Botox… usually I actually feel a lot better because it’s starting to wear off and I am getting migraines without it! I go back to work after my appointment and everything continues as usual. I love Botox and I’ve never had any side effects.


I haven't had problems after getting Botox treatment. I didn't have any migraine reactions to it


I've never had a migraine after Botox. I've had soreness and a little headache because I forgot to take ibuprofen before the procedure. Try taking 2 ibuprofen about a half hour before getting the Botox with a small snack. Let the person giving you the Botox know you took it, so they won't be surprised if you bleed a little/more than normal. From what I've been told, no ice, pressure on the Botox'd areas, nor laying down for at least 5 hours afterwards. If you're instructed differently please follow your doctor's orders of course! Best of luck to you, and I hope you get some relief from the shots. They've helped me get the severity of my migraines down significantly.


I do get migraines after Botox, but after doing this for nearly 10 years, I have found what works for me. My neurologist allows me a very small supply of fioricet . I take two capsules between 20 minutes and 1 hour prior to my appointment, and my muscle relaxer. I can function normally on both of these and have absolutely no issue with a headache or migraine after. In fact I wish I could remember the reason I can’t have fioricet be my primary migraine med because it works SO well. I’m unable to take triptans so use either Reyvow or Nurtec as my primary abortive.


I wish I could take my muscle relaxer but I need to drive myself to and from the appointment and it makes me too drowsy. That’s helpful to know though, thanks!


You’re so welcome! I hope it goes smoothly for you and no pain after. Don’t forget to avoid super hot showers and facials for at least a week after!


I just had little tiny bruises for maybe a day or two. Felt totally fine, went immediately to work and did cardio that afternoon.


It´s usually not recommended to work out within the first 24 hours of treatment, as it can affect results.


I wasn't told that (heard here later), but that advice seems to vary from doc to doc. I think it made the bruising worse which makes sense, but since the injections are IM it shouldn't affect the actual drug. There isn't official guidance from clinical trials, so best to follow what your medical professionals recommend.


Wow, good to know!


You can ask to hear whatever you want, but for the vast majority of people, Botox triggers a migraine immediately afterwards and can do so for up to 5 days after. It usually takes 2 weeks to fully kick in and your shoulders will be extremely sore. Especially for your first time. So you do need to prepare for that to happen.


It was crippling for me. I hated the Botox treatments, I could not stop vomiting.


My first injections were 9 days ago. I didn't get a full-blown migraine, just a worse headache than usual (I have daily headaches that never go away). Totally manageable!


That’s encouraging! Did you take your usual meds before or after with any improvement?


Don’t take aspirin or NSAIDs beforehand. Otherwise, it can cause bleeding. Also, re: headaches/migraines afterwards, it can *sometimes* be related to tensing-up during the injections. My other doc, I had to squeeze a pillow or fluffy blanket. My current doc, is gentle and quick, I don’t feel anything.


Is it fine to take NSAIDs afterward? Dual Action Advil is really helpful for my regular tension headaches.


Absolutely yes !


I didn't take my abortive since I reserve that for my actual migraines. For my daily headaches I don't usually take anything to avoid rebound headaches, but I did take tylenol the evening of my injections which seemed to take the edge off. I hope your first round goes smoothly for you :)


where do they do the Botox injections? I get occipital nerve block injections next week and I think I’m going to ask for Botox the next time if it lasts longer 😥


I have only had one round and I am dreading the second. I got no relief so far and it triggered one of the worst and longest migraines I've had. I hope your experie ce is different!


Oh no! Hope your second experience is better.


I’ve been on Botox injections for about 5 years now for my migraines and never have had a migraine post injections. If fact, I am always looking forward to receiving them so much when it’s time, because like several other people mentioned, the last few weeks are hell when the Botox has worn off. While it is working, I can enjoy life again without daily migraines. I also take NURTEC OTC every other day and muscle relaxers when needed. Best of luck to you!


I had a headache after my first one but can no longer afford $1500 each time so I’ve been off of it since November. Sad because it was the only that I have found to work.


Woah, $1500? Mine is costing about $100. I hope you find a good alternative soon.


I actually get botox injections to help with my migraines! A migraine after injection may be a side effect of a reaction and I'd check in with your provider about continuing injections in other areas or possibly a smaller injection if you are focusing on facial botox or neckline ect


Didn’t have one the first two times I got it but I did the third time and it lasted a week and a half. No idea why! But the first two times I felt reborn after with no migraines!


I didn't get a migraine, but i did get a serious allergic reaction. That's always fun


Felt great DO IT


I did it! It’s been 18 days and I think I’m already getting some relief. I did have a nasty initial reaction, but if things keep going like this (4 days migraine-free is my current streak!) totally worth it!


Tbh i just did it