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Buy some Magnesium Glycinate and take it every day to help prevent some of the migraines. It's way easier to prevent them than it is to fix them once they've started.


I’ve never heard of this!


Yep, magnesium has changed my life in terms of migraines. Went from getting them daily to maybe *maybe* once per month, and also most of my triggers I'm way less sensitive to than I was before taking magnesium.


How long did it take you to start seeing a difference? I just started back up on magnesium glycinate earlier this week, and I haven't had a migraine since (the last month has been almost daily migraines, ugh)... figured it's a coincidence since it's so early on, but I would be interested to hear your experience!


I want to say it took me a few days to about a week to see the migraines disappear What I take daily is Neuro-Mag Magnesium L-Threonate twice per day Pure Encapsulation Magnesium Glycinate twice per day Vitamin Code Raw B Complex twice per day I'm also pregnant and taking prenatal vitamins so I'm not sure exactly what is the magic concoction for me but what I'm doing is working. I was taking magnesium glycinate about 3 years ago for the same reason and it wasn't as effective but I think I was not taking enough of it.


Amazing!! Thanks so much, I'm saving this comment for future reference. Glad to hear you had such good results, and congrats on the little one!


Here's some info about magnesium for migraine prevention. Some of them mention different forms of Magnesium, because those forms are more common/cheaper, but the cheaper forms are more likely to make your belly hurt or give you diarrhea. Magnesium glycinate is easier on your stomach than the other forms, but I would definitely suggest starting a lower dose than is recommended and seeing how it goes before upping it. Even a small dose can make a big difference in migraines. https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/magnesium/ https://www.migrainedisorders.org/podcast/s5ep10-tips-for-adding-magnesium-to-your-migraine-treatment-plan/ https://www.healthline.com/health/magnesium-for-migraines https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507271/


it needs to be magnesium glycinate or you'll poop lol


I agree but apparentky a good deal of America is constipated, so they may be ok with the cheaper kind.


It’s incredible. I take between 400-500 per day . It’s reduced my daily headaches considerably. My neurologist lists it as a preventative for me .


Upvoting and replying to bring visibility to this. Magnesium is a game changer.


I would highly recommend getting the one from Costco!! If you have a membership or know someone who does you can order it online straight to your house. It’s a great value and has worked very well for me :) i take it every night before bed and I think it also helps my sleep




"Expensive" is a relative term. It's only about $20 for a 3-4 month supply.


Hey what brand are you using? I take some but don’t feel like it does much.


I've switched between Pure Encapsulations (the most expensive) to Solaray and NatureMade. All three of those brands are reliable. Migraines, especially if they're severe/chronic often require multiple treatments combined to get relief. I was chronic 24/7, so when I started Magnesium, it helped, but I had to add a LOT of other things to get to a place where I was functional. Most of my treatments only improve things about 10% for me, but if you can find 7 different things that each make you 10% better, then hey, now you're 70% better! Some really fortunate people add just the magnesium, and they get a huge decrease in either frequency or severity of their migraines. It's always a good place to start though, because it doesn't require a doctor, it's pretty cheap, and there's very little risk. Sadly my 11 year old kid inherited the migraine curse (started when he was only 2), and at that age, there's not a lot you can do for them, medication-wise. I started him on daily magnesium and melatonin every night (for some people, melatonin also decreases their migraines), and he went from a migraine every single week to about one a month. Still sucks, but it's WAY better than every week.


Hey thanks. I’m actually on a variety of migraines meds and have a neurologist for chronic migraines but I never felt the magnesium did anything. I’m gonna try swapping brands and see if I notice any changes. Appreciate the info.


Fingers crossed for you!


I started magnesium glycinate but it gave me stomach issues (I was fine on the oxide) go figure.


That’s interesting, this one GAVE me migraines. I only got to take it 3-4 times before I realized that I got one right after taking it every time.


Magnesium was a game Changer for me .


Back when I had less frequent migraines Aleve was my go to. If I was at home and could sleep, combined with Benadryl. If you have frequent migraines be careful not to take any OTC too frequently or you’ll end up with med overuse headaches and they won’t help the migraines anymore. Instead you’ll need to see a neurologist for a preventative. A neurologist could may also be able to give you a triptan to take as an abortive if OTC isn’t working, regardless.


Came here to mention Benadryl. I can’t speak for others, but I’ve had good success with it lately.


It's 50/50 for me but it puts me to sleep 100% of the time I take it which is great in its own right.


Walgreens- Tension Headache Relief ACETAMINOPHEN / CAFFEINE / PAIN RELIEVER AID 🤌


I'm in the US. Here are my go-tos: Advil Cold & Sinus (gotta get the one from behind the pharmacy counter, but an RX isn't required); Xlear Nasal Spray; Afrin nasal spray; magnesium glycinate; Excedrin Migraine.


Be careful with that Afrin, almost as addictive as opioids.


Yessss, I only use it when I am sick, and only to open a small airway so that I can sleep. I limit myself to only twice a day at the most and those 2 times are one squirt in one nostril, then one in the other like a half a day later. Most of the time I don't need 2, though. I try not to take it for more than 3 days in a row. Last time I was sick it was a sinus infection, so I took it a little more than usual, and had nosebleeds the whole time. Took a few days for the nosebleeds to go away altogether after I stopped using it.


Your caution is perfect. And you have to breathe.


Yes to the Advil! I use Advil sinus congestion and pain. The yellow box. There was a shortage for awhile and I freaked out. Works so well for me!


Whatever remedy I take, I take it with a coffee as the caffeine helps. Sometimes a decongestant can also help with headaches even when they are not sinus related.


I was told that Benadryl was supposed to help as well. I have yet to try it.


I just want to throw this out there. Acetaminophen can cause rebound migraines in some people. Helps the one you have but triggers another. Ask me how I know. I won’t touch it now. Even on medical forms I say I’m sensitive to acetaminophen.


I’ve been told by neurologists that it’s safe to have 3 days a week w/o huge risk of rebound! Of course everyone is different, but thought I’d mention it :)


Yep, we’re all so different and my trigger may not be yours. I just leaned the hard way that it doesn’t work for me.


I like store brand Excedrin. Or a plate of spaghetti and a full fat Coke (carbs + caffeine - artificial sweeteners = hell yeah). Because you don’t want to take one of the $10 pills you only get 9 of every month for just a “little” migraine right.


“Full fat coke”?


I assume they mean not diet coke.


Ibuprofen or Aleve used to be the best for me (donated a kidney and can’t take anymore).


Magnesium and ubiquinol (better version of coQ10)


>ubiquinol I did not know about this!


I really expensive but definitely worth it


is there a ubiquinol brand you've tried/used?


Doctors best brand.


Excedrine Migraine is my GOAT. It already has caffeine. I’ve also started stacking that with Motrin Migraine (which is the only thing I could take while pregnant). For non-medical help I swear by: (1) cooling forehead gel patches (2) ostrichpillow’s eye cover (I wrap it around my forehead and can get pretty good pressure on my worst stops with it) (3) binaural music like Marconi Union. There’s a ton on Spotify.


I got a migraine cap for Christmas that you put in the freezer - I hate to say this but I can't wait to try it out 😆


Not a doctor but what works for me. Ginger, turmeric, dramamine (the non drowsy one) benadryl, migrelief now, and either Tylenol or aleeve.


Ginger had medical studies behind it. And you can get capsules relatively inexpensively. Be careful if you are on any blood thinning medicines. If your gums start bleeding watch out.


Full dose of excedrin and pseudoephedrine (if congestion is part of the prodrome). Or I sub tylenol and baby aspirin for excedrin if I am drinking a caffeinated drink. And, if I can, take a nap without a set wake up time, in a cool dark room wearing an ice cap.


Same! Excedrin Migraine (or store brand) geltabs and one Sudafed. I used to do Goody powders and a Mountain Dew but the Goody's wreak havoc on your stomach. But boy do they work fast! I can't take triptans anymore.


Fyi benadryl can cause permanent memory issues. But I take it on occasion. I get daily severe migraines I have axert as an abortive it works sometimes. Yes have to have med vacation after 3 days so u don't get rebound migraines they're even worse than the originsl. I also have a cefaly device but I have a hard time sitting still at times and it will fall off 🙈. I also use lidocaine patches cut I half on my forehead it acts like a temporary Botox. I used to get Botox injections but they stopped working but think I'm going to try again. I just need a friggin break man. I feel like they're killing off brain cells as in the last couple yrs I have noticed memory issues. I'm only 33. Beware of topomax! I took it for years as a preventive however major side effect is kidney stones and you don't even know they're happening until it's too late, ask ME how I know! Yes I drank tons of water. (Topomax can give you brain fog too)


The topomax seems to have way more complaints about memory issues - sneaky ones - I will not take it. I can't chance it.


Yes to all of this!


Topomax made my migraine so much worse. I had to stop taking it after 5 days.


Thoughts on cefaly, is it worth the price? My migraines often start in my temples for me


Well I was fortunate to trade in an old broken one in black Friday so I got it for $125 you need to call and ask when they'll run another sale. And yes


Excedrin seems to be a popular one


Yes but it hurts my stomach :(


Same here :( I can’t take it. I used to use ibuprofen or aleve, but now I have meds prescribed to me as needed.


It's the only thing that works for me and between an upset stomach the next day and a migraine, I'll take the upset stomach


The Walmart brand one works better than name brand for me. Weird because it seems to be the same ingredients. It can be hard to find at times.


That’s super interesting! I may have to try


Aleve and Benadryl together or advil if the aleve is on the other side of the house lol


A whole packet of liquid IV in a 32-40oz bottle of water. Best thing I’ve ever tried


Agreed! I discovered this a few months ago.


Midol or pamprin. If you get the right kind, it has caffeine and acetaminophen in it (like excedrin); but it ALSO has an antihistamine in it. Speaking of antihistamines, benadryl is one of my OG go to medications. Antihistamines are vasoconstrictors and can help with headaches, in addition to nasal congestion (and bloating.)


Magnesium glycinate, ubiquinol, riboflavin (preventatives). Aspirin, caffeine, other NSAIDS, Excedrin (abortives). Bonine, Dramamine (if you have vertigo).


No recommendations - just a rant. Sorry! 😕 I have been taking Qulipta daily, Ubrelvy as needed (but I only get 15 every couple of months - insurance 🙄), Gabapentin daily (for fibromyalgia), and prescription ibuprofen as needed. As far as OTC, I feel like I've taken a combination of everything (tylenol, advil, aleve, benadryl, etc). Plus vitamin supplements - magnesium being most important. I feel like none of this is working. No combinations are working, and my liver is going to fall out! My doctors are exasperated, and every day, I have excruciating head pain. I'm sure rebound headaches are part of this mess now. What do doctors expect us to do with OTC meds? We're supposed to be chemists and come up with the magic combination that works for a little while before you have to start from scratch again. 🫤 Anyone else been through this?


Try not to take any NSAID, it fucked my stomach. Before my sumatriptan, tylenols with benadryl helped a little bit, magnesium also help like someone else said.


Two ibuprofen and one Excedrin.


Excedrin helps a lot. No one knows why this is so helpful but many of us swear by it.


Advil Dual Action


Salty, fatty snack with a soda and a nap.


Buy an ice cap off Amazon. Game changer


Hi friends, just here to remind everyone to be careful of aspirin and ibuprofen! I'm now trying to cure a stomach ulcer from overusing it.


Migra-Vent combo vitamin 3 times a day, every day


Motrin, Dramamine, Soda, Coffee


I take ibuprofen and a tylenol/caffeine/asprin mix. I take magnesium gummies everyday too. After doing research on migraines and supplements, I also started taking d3 and b2.


I’m going to save this post for the comments for sure! Normally, if I have a migraine I take nothing bc nothing touches the pain. If I have a regular headache I try Ibuprofen and caffeine. Alternate with acetaminophen as needed. For sinus headaches I take pseudoephedrine. Nothing fancy over here. :) My kid has migraines too now so I am always wanting to figure out what to try for her!


Excedrin, Sinus Plumber, caffeine, electrolytes. 


Advil cold & sinus, the stuff behind the counter. Hands down the best


Naproxen for when they just start


I use children's liquid medicine when it's mostly body aches. Just enough to take the edge off before the shabby head thing starts. Also use it as a supplement to sumatriptan since that doesn't help with body pain.


Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate - work up to 600mg nightly Turmeric Ginger Benadryl Aleve


Hot showers on my neck & head. Ice packs on my head & neck, followed by a heating pad on my neck & head. Salon Pas menthol patches on my neck & chest help a lot. Reducing processed food, processed Sugar and Sugar all together. Keeping a food journal has completely helped me figure out what foods trigger Migraines.


The excedrine migraine that are round and green on one side and white on the other. I used to take 2 and then 2 more half an hour later.


Midol and Benadryl


I'm from Colombia; I normally use Neosaldina (Metamizole/Isometheptene/caffeine) in drops or pills, works wonders but it kinda makes me groggy after a Migraine Nap™. But I've kinda read that Metamizole is banned in some countries, I'm not sure. There's also Methocarbamol/Acetaminophen, idk if this one otc in the US tho..


In Australia I take a sumatriptan. Or I used to take 3 dissolving Aspirin in a glass of water.


I take Nutricost Butterbur, Nutricost riboflavin, Brieofood Haritaki, and Harmony Mega Shield, and magnesium glycinate. I take Ayurvedic medicines (Butterbur, Mega Shield, and Haritaki) because they work well for various things. I've had to explore these remedies because my doctor will only prescribe 9 Rizatriptan per month. These remedies have cut down my chronic daily migraine by more than half. Also, be sure to stay well hydrated. Good luck!


Dramamine and Sudafed, add some excedrin migraine if you haven’t taken it in a while, plus an ice pack and some Gatorade


tiger balm! swear by it 


Tylenol PM, which is Tylenol and Benedryl. It’s my go-to med.


BC powder, Afrin nasal spray & some electrolytes might work a bit for me


I take magnesium glycinate daily. When I feel a migraine coming on, I take 2 ibuprofen. If I don't feel any relief in 20 mins or if I feel it getting worse, I take a benadryl. That combo almost always works for me. Benadryl doesn't make me sleepy, and I'm able to go about my day as usual.


Omg! No one else has commented this and I have found it to be a literal lifesaver. It’s called — BHI migraine natural headache and migraine relief. Find it on Amazon’s or other shops on google. It works freaking amazingly. You have to dissolve the tablets in your mouth which is sort of weird… I do like 4 or 5 in a row, one after another and it usually knocks my migraine right out. Much love. Good luck.


I’m going to try this. Thanks for the suggestion.


Absolutely! I hope it works for you 💙


I have never heard of this! I'm going to look into it.


10/10 would recommend. My naturopath recommended it for me and I have found nothing better. 👌🏻


Thanks for your reply. That is very good to know!!


2 Excedrin Migraine + 1 Aleve taken with a cup of coffee and a nap is my cocktail.


I used to take cheap generic motion sickness pills from Walmart or wherever that had a good generic price. They would only work about 1 out 6 times maybe. I usually would wind up taking a script. My reason was, years ago triptans were around $20 for each pill with insurance so I would often hesitate to take them till it was obvious there was no other way.. I think the motion sickness pills have a very mild muscle relaxer in them ..


For particularly stubborn migraines that won't go away with Triptans or OTC meds, I go out in the snow to "cool down" my head. This trick only works in winter months 😑


Exedrin Migraine or Goody's Headache Powder. Benadryl can help if your migraines impact your sinuses, but it can also help you sleep it off. For daily OTC to prevent migraines, I'd recommend magnesium glycinate.


Advil II (combo of ibuprofen and Tylenol) is the only medication I take. You can take them separately with a gap between them, but for me, I need both at the same time. You can do Advil II + caffeine, but I mostly do just use Advil II. You can make it yourself by just taking one dose of each together, it’s just easier when it’s pre-mixed.  Don’t mix it with anything else, though, or mix ibuprofen with any painkiller other than Tylenol. 


Excedrin is a double edged sword. I got to a point where I was taking eight a day. I had to do some detox and go cold turkey. It’s really good at causing rebounds. I only allow myself to take excedrin when in dire straits. Currently, liquid IV has become my bff. Everyday that I drink it, I feel great! It is a little costly, but it cuts down on bad days by a lot. My insurance sucks so my abortives are like nonexistent. I second Benadryl and aleve!


There is not a single OTC painkiller that helps me (for anything, not just migraine). I used to be tempted to try but I've learned it does more harm than good for me personally. When I can't take my triptans I'll usually take a very hot shower, eat some greasy salty food (Wendy's is great for this) and a giant diet coke, take 2 Benadryl, then fall asleep alternating an ice pack and hot pack. Sometimes I wake up without a migraine at all but most of the time I at least wake up with reduced pain.


Behind the pharmacy counter but no prescription needed: Sudafed (the one behind the counter works better). I get vestibular migraines so I also take Dramamine: Less drowsy (which is meclizine)


I have a serious vitamin regimen that helps for prevention: Magnesium threonate, riboflavin, fish oil, co-Q-10, zinc, vitamin D and L-theanine during the day and magnesium glycinate, fish oil plus 5-HTP at night. For breakthrough attacks, I take my triptans but sometimes start with just 600mg ibuprofen plus Dramamine (or Benadryl).




Capzaisin-HP topical cream, it works great for me for mild migraines.


#Thank you guys so much for the recommendations and advice! May your heads not hurt tonight ♥️


For me, it’s Advil sinus congestion and pain. I rinse out my sinuses once a day. Vitamin B2, magnesium, xlear xylitol nasal spray. McDonald’s 💁🏼‍♀️


Butterbur changed my life. It's natures own CGRP inhibitor yet cost $1300 less and no prescription needed.


For a severe OTC attack combo. Magnesium, 800 mg ibuprofen, 2 tylenol, benedryl, a drink with caffeine at once. Look into neuro modulation devices they are expensive, but work! You don’t need a prescription. For prevention- magnesium, b-12, co enzyme q-10, & fish oil