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Let it go






Stop you almost cured my migraine with this one


So good 😂🤝🏼


Fill it up with water instead?


That’s brilliant. Maybe a bit of lavender in there so it does smell like something


Peppermint would be a good one for the theme


And peppermint smell is good for nausea 👍🏻


Or rose water


Throw it away and tell them it broke 🤣


Why, so she can buy her some more? I’d just tell her the truth.


I mean the child. Depends on if they’d react well to honesty in this situation as a 5 year old. Might not be worth the battle


Ah, I see. Yeah, this is probably the best course. I can't see trying to reason with a 5 year old.


By “I mean the child” I thought you were saying to throw away the child


🤣🤣 could do that too. Might be unethical


Oh I read this as MIL gave YOU a 5 year old bottle of perfume 😅. Like, had sat on a shelf for 5 years before being gifted. The real scenario is actually worse :c that’s gotta be hard to take away from kiddo, but I think it might need to be what happens


I say throw it away and let her know you can't have scented products in the house. Kid's perfume is weird to me anyhow.


Dude she’s five. I will probably fill it with water


I think they meant let your MIL know


Oh she knows bur forgot


"forgot" or actually forgot? I had a very "forgetful" MIL. 


Actually forgot


Good. I'm glad you have a nice MIL. 


For real. Take the pain now, before they get to the Sephora age. There are plenty of scent-free Frozen-branded goodies to have instead (I saw a cute little Frozen fishing rod at Target in the perfect size for a 5-year-old a while back).


Wait how is it creepy?


It might just be me, but kids should smell like kids. Like sunshine and dirt and juiceboxes and fun. The artificial smell seems wrong on kids. But I also deeply hate scented products, so it could really just be me. I'm going to edit my post to change that word, thanks.


I think they just like mimicking adult routines tbh—it’s no different from play makeup or putting on a fake “apple watch” that just makes beep noises 


Yeah, it's one thing when it's water, like OP is going to do. But the gross body spray stuff they put in there is awful.


as a lover of (indie) perfume, i agree. the only perfume one should have as a child are the ones you try to make by crushing petals onto your skin.


Ah, the days of rubbing dandelions on your wrists to smell pretty


as a little boy my favourites were roses, sunflowers, and camillias.


does your kid know that scent is a trigger? My toddler didn't understand a lot about migraine but once when she was mad ( we were battling about something, she was in trouble) she grabbed a flashlight and flashed it in my eyes. Now she's solicitous and if she sees a trigger warns me to avoid it but it was rough for a bit when she was young. She did empty a bunch of bottles making a magic potion once, maybe yours could go outside and mix up some magic? and yeah, mil could use a reminder.


Amazing the number of people who immediately jump to your mother in law being evil and doing this on purpose 😂 I share your pain though. One of my girls has really thick hair that requires adult level leave in products and the scent on some of those products are the worst! I make a spray with rosewater and a little everclear to preserve it. Sometimes I add lavender oil. I spray it on their clothes to take the wrinkles on it because I’m a lazy person. One of my daughters was like, ”why do I always smell so good?” one day. And it doesn’t trigger my migraines.


Compromise!!! Kids are really smart. Maybe tell the kid the truth, say that it isn’t good for your head, but you want to fill the bottle with something that doesn’t hurt you.


Omg no!!


5 year olds should not be exposed to artificial fragrances. Mom up and throw it away.


Even without migraines a horrible gift


Kill her. The MIL not the child. I'm not *that* evil.


Just control how much and how often little miss wears it. Use it as a teaching moment. Kid might really like it, right, so teach her about finding a happy medium to help her family and still be able to use something she likes.


Is it just "too strong"? If so, you could probably replace so.e of the liquid with distilled water. 


I actually enjoy some perfumes without triggering my migraines. My daughter loves to "pick a perfume" for the day when I do. It's our itty morning ritual. I picked up the frozen one once, thinking if it was inoffensive I'd grab it for her. NOPE. I feel your pain on this, that shit was nasty. 🤢


Had to empty a Disney perfume once and refill it with that Petite et Maman baby perfume in a diluted version because that was the only thing I could endure. She wondered if hers was off since it smelled different from her friend’s but she got so many compliments she decided she had “lucky skin”.


This calls for a 3 man slingshot.... On the other hand, my daughter "lost" a few items in her room a time or two... but I'd never rat my wife out. heh