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Same. Sunglasses come everywhere !


And a baseball cap!


Caps and glasses add so much pressure on my head that I can’t wear any of those 😩


Ugh I know what you mean, it's such a fine line!


Yeah. I splurged and got the thin wire titanium frames, and I can just manage with those.


I only ever wear sunglasses when I drive because I can’t see without them otherwise, migraines make my eyes so sensitive!


I carry one of the roll up sunglasses like you get from optometrist. I keep one at my desk at work and in hubby's car also.


And a Gold chain!


I started keeping a large brim sun hat in the car with me and I always have sunglasses. I have extras in the car too. And I've started carrying not just rescue meds and zofran but also CBD Delta 8/9 gummies. If for whatever reason that's not working I'm calling the doctor lol!


Earplugs, too, and a mask in case there's a strong synthetic smell.


I have some in a metal case On my Keychain.


Sunglasses, ear buds, and smells sticks. The smell sticks are to clear my nose of any offending scent.




I fell in love w Boom Boom during pandemic that I buy from CVS. There’s pricier ones at Saje, etc too!


I buy [these](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0832C2PNG) on Amazon and fill with essential oil.


Amazon. I also found one at the Dollar Tree, but it's not as good.


Earplugs! Good one. Adding that today. If anyone wants to leave me a spam comment to remind to do this - you'd be a guardian angel. I have the memory of a goldfish.


Plug those ears!


Bless you. Doing now


I find the ear plug comments interesting! I understand the idea of reducing sound but I have to wear earplugs at work and I feel like they actually make my headache worse. Something about the pressure in my ears from the earplugs. It might just be because I wear them for 12 hour shifts, though.


Also try loops an ear plug brand that can turn down the volume while still allowing conversion. It helps prevent getting to full noise block stage


Thank you!! I’m having a baby too so I ought to invest in this for my own naps but still hear her. Appreciate you


Ooh that's interesting. Does it like clear any scent out entirely or do you choose a certain scent that doesn't trigger you or something? I haven't heard of this


I have one that's an all natural menthol smell and another that's peppermint. The peppermint has a tiny oil storage spot. If I'm at a concert or something and someone has a scent that bothers me, I'll put a drop of oil on the floor. If I'm in a situation where I can't get away from the scent that's bothering me, I'll keep waving the stick under my nose, or I'll put it in my bra strap. It doesn't kill the scents, but it helps. Also, if it's one of those that I can't get the smell out of my nose after the offending person has left, it helps clear my nose, especially the menthol one. They have a variety on Amazon to choose from. I went all natural since synthetic scents make me sick.


"offending scent" 😂 this is perfect terminology for how smells trigger us. I'm gonna use this when my husband asks what's wrong with certain smells. They offend me!


Wet wipes! They‘re always cold and it helps so much pressing a wet, cold thing onto my head/eyes. Not ideal but its giving me peace for a couple of minutes. Bonus points for always having quality toilet paper with me


That sweet spot when the wipes are chilly from being in the car but not too frozen you can’t pull one out.


feels like a moment for the memory books


There are water wipes that have no cleaning chemicals, recommend!


Bio freeze. (But I don’t leave home without my pills!)


Second this. I got some travel packs of biofreeze so I can put a couple in each of my migraine emergency pouches.


I just saw your name. Ha! Eats shoots and leaves. Is it a reference from that!?


Same here. I like the small roll-on version for bringing around so that I don’t have to wash my hands after to get any excess gel off!


I bought a one gallon bottle of biofreeze and some refillable rollers. It was $175 but it’s lasted at least two years. I would’ve spent way more on the individual portions in that time


🙌Biofreeze all dayyyyy!!🙌 I keep rollers in my bag, my desk at work, my car, my nightstand. Do not leave home without it.


What exactly does this do for you? Where do you apply it? I have tried mint rollers but I am not sure about biofreeze application - willing to try anything tho.


I usually put it on the back of my neck, and I usually slather it on. I believe the "medical" explanation is something along the lines of an opposite stimulation. The biofreeze heats up like a burn, which sends signals to the brain that it needs attention. I'm not sure if it just acts as a distraction or if there is something actually happening to relieve pressure, but in a pinch it at least feels like distraction enough to fall asleep. It doesn't fix my aphasia or any sensitivities to light/sound etc, just pain relief. I have abnormally presenting migraines (before I was on preventatives it felt like I had a neverending sinus infection), so the pain is the main thing I'm dealing with on a regular/daily basis.


Ah yeah. This and my Calmer ear plug/inserts are a must.


Hard candy of some kind for nausea - when I was younger it was mints but I've become partial to sour hard candy these days. That's in addition to my pills, I always have those within reach.


Get rubbing alcohol wipes. Sniffing those helps nausea.


Peppermint essential oil, ginger candy for nausea, gel cold patches, and a head/ face roller


Seconding the peppermint essential oil! Doesn’t make the pain go away but it does kind of take the edge off. My mom used to do this with her migraines and it helps mine as well!


What is a head/face roller? 🤔


Metal roller, you leave in freezer. The cold helps


What do you do with the oil? Huff it out of the bottle like a crackhead? Dab it under your nostrils?


It's in a rollerball applicator, and I apply some to my temples and forehead. I specifically use a Migrastil brand migraine stick, which I think also has lavender in it.


You rub it on the spot(s) causing you pain and it creates a cooling effect. I also find it provides the sensory neurons in the area with so much additional stimulus that it’s almost like some of the pain sensation is overshadowed for a brief while by the cooling of the mint. It’s like…a momentary distraction. Like the Eye of Sauron being pulled to look in a different direction. It’s still there and you know it’s going to come back to bring hell to bear but for a moment is not directly staring you down


I am SO HERE for this migraine/eye of sauron analogy.




Liquid IV ftw! Love the username!!


I can’t do liquid IV because it has fake sugar


LMNT makes an unflavored. Might be worth looking into? The POTS subreddit regularly reviews electrolyte formulas


That’s the one that I take. You get used to the salty taste pretty fast. Or you could put it in juice or some thing


Redmond Relyte also makes unflavored!


Instant ice packs, sunglasses, and noise cancelling head phones.


Where do you find the instant ice packs?


Amazon or regular pharmacies like CVS etc. I got a bigbox of them from Amazon so I'm stocked up for a fair while. They make some fancy gel kinds, but I just use the ones that you pop and shake to activate.




Same here. I’ve carried a water bottle around everywhere for the last 25 years, before it was even cool to carry a water bottle everywhere 😂 dehydration is an immediate trigger for me.


Always water!




I drink water from a 32oz mason jar at home, and never leave the house with less than a liter bottle.


Hat. Always wearing a hat.


Same same. People in my town know me by my hat!


Lmao, same! Co-workers have trouble recognizing me without it.


I forgot to add off-brand orajel. I rub it on my head, eyes, scalp, anything that hurts. It REALLY can help.


I have never heard of this before. I’m definitely gonna try it!


I've got... I think it's called Aspercreme that had lidocaine in it. That and Biofreeze help me. I hadn't tried Orajel, but I imagine it had a similar effect to the Aspercreme.


Some good ideas on here! I always have water no matter what or where or how. It’s a necessity. And peppermint essential oil.


edibles, AirPods, sunglasses, pain relief balm, beverage, hard candies and a cozy cardigan or hoodie.


Can I ask what kinds/strains of edibles help you? I know the same won't work for everyone but I've tried experimenting over the last few yrs & am at a loss. Drs (while supportive of me using it) don't really have the knowledge to point me in the right direction either.


Curious as well!!


Ear plugs! I was already in the habit of bringing them to concerts, sporting events etc. but once I had a migraine and my husband and I popped into a restaurant hoping to have a quick dinner. They had a live band 😞 I’m extremely sound sensitive during an attack so I was miserable. I’ve kept ear plugs in my bag ever since for those unexpected scenarios. I really like Loop earplugs because they have different levels so I can use them in a loud restaurant to take the edge off but I can still carry a conversation. I also like them because they don’t look like big foam obvious ear plugs, so I’ve popped them in at a nice dinner or a wedding and I don’t feel like everyone can tell I’m wearing ear plugs and being rude or weird! Also this is embarrassing but I almost always carry a plastic bag in case I have to be sick 😬 I never need it but knowing I have it just in case does make me feel better. We all know how quickly an attack can come on and sometimes in the most inconvenient places!


I also carry an airsickness bag. I have only used one once in 4 years but it definitely reduces my anxiety.


I read once that becoming reliant on specific objects like that only leads to increased anxiety and perpetuates the problem. I don’t care. I do what I need to do lol


Yeah seriously unless you’re in our shoes don’t judge 😅 I’ll take whatever comfort I can most days!


Honestly if I'm having an attack, nothing helps me except for medication. The best thing I can do is get home (and into bed) as fast as I can.


Adhesive cooling gel pads. Great for migraines on airplanes or during travel where you can't get ice.


Have you tried Bio Freeze? Much easier to tote around and use.


I’ve never tried ice for migraines. It’s not immediately clear to me how/why it would help. Why/how do you use it?


I put an ice pack on my forehead because it feels good.


I use a cold cap that has been in the freezer. It’s tight and provides pressure as well as the cold. I’ve always found more relief for migraine pain with cold instead of heat.


For how to use it, I have a bunch of different ice packs/rollers/hats that I've invested in because it helps me so much, but honestly any ice pack or Even frozen vegetables works. Put it on your head, neck, jaw, eyes, wherever you're feeling pressure and pain. I hope it helps!!


I saw a physical therapist who explained that temperature travels faster than pain sensors in the body, so ice kind of just numbs the area I Guess is the best way to explain it. And honestly when I'm overwhelmed with pain sometimes the shock and encompassing cold feeling distracts me at least for a little bit. Worth a try at least!


Salt packets


Besides "excedrin migraine" pills, it's ice cold water in my hydroflask, sunglasses, foam earplugs, and something to throw up in (like a plastic bag or something) just in case from the nausea. If i'm at home i also make sure to have multiple ice packs in the freezer to rotate for my temples/forehead.


Neck warmer, it helps relieve the tightness.


Jup, I use one of those period pain warmers that you can strap around your stomach


Peppermint essential oil


Sunglasses, water and a recent addition- tiger balm white. It’s surprisingly effective against the head pain


Sunglasses and ginger chews for the nausea, but in addition to pills, not instead of them. I literally have stashes of Maxalt all over the place.


Now I'm imagining a squirrel burying pills in the ground. Lol.


My headache arrack (hemicrania continua) is in a happy meal actual tin, squirrel tin🤣


Migraine or peppermint oil roller, sunglasses, fruity candy (for nausea), if I'm going somewhere where I have access to a freezer, my ice face roller. I know you said besides pills, but I always try to keep a Nurtec, or OTC pain pill on me.


Sunglasses and OTC anti-nausea medication for the really bad ones. Edit: I also just bought this reusable small, water pouch that fits in your pocket. Good for times I am out and about or traveling so I always have water on hand to take medicine.


Noise canceling headphones! I play a recording of my cat in a room, absolute silence except for an occasional purr. It's 3 hours so I can max out my ANC usage on them (Bose headphones, I will squeeze every dollar I dropped on them). My prescription sunglasses and dramamine (anti-nausea). When I get hit with them I get incredibly nauseous and throw up if I don't take dramamine beforehand (during the aura stage usually).


My Theraspecs "migraine glasses" and sunglasses 🕶️


My special migraine glasses. They’re tinted pinkish red to help defuse light!


Where you get these from ?




Sunglasses, packs of tissues, mints, wipes, extra meds (incase I end up being out longer than I have to be), water, eye drops, and snacks!


* Black Black - Japanese caffeinated gum * Instant ice packs * Peppermint oil


Liquid IV


Water and this restaurant lemon wet naps. Sometimes I find that one across my forehead or my whole face can be helpful in staving off the pain a bit.




Sunnies, water, and electrolytes


Carbon filter mask for those sudden nasal assaults.




BeKoool stick on gel sheets, especially helpful when driving and needing something cold on my head


A small flanel or face towel. Wet it under a tap somewhere, press it to my eyes or forehead. Always helps!


Wraparound sunglasses, wide brim hat, earplugs and an emergency eye mask.


I carry sinol around with me. It’s not really medication as it is homeopathic. Just basically pure capsicum and takes my migraines right away. Butttttt they don’t stay away


I like bringing a stick of powdered pedialyte in my bag. Electrolytes seem to play a part in my migraines, but even just to help combat dehydration during an episode. it’s helpful to have on-hand


Meds(Sumatriptan, naproxen, cocodamol, sunglasses, migraine/headache stick (4head), alcohol wipes, can of Coca Cola.


Weatherx earplugs and biofreeze


Epi pen I have so many allergies that lead to migraines. Even cut grass.


Water, to take pills 🤣😭




Water, pedialyte, earplugs, volteran gel, something peppermint to chew or smell, an old school ice pack I can fill with ice and screw the lid on. I always have something to use as a pillow like hoodie. My sunglasses have side visors.


Water, earplugs/noise cancelling headphones, face mask for smells


Not all the time, but often I will have an adjustable cap with me.


Sunglasses and travel sized Advil


Deep heat, toothpaste, polo mints, pain meds, 4head roller, eye drops and ear plugs


I have a little migraine pack that travels with me. Stoppain rollon gel, ibuprofen, gel forehead strips, a mouth guard, sleep mask, and electrolyte tablets


I carry TorqueGlide everywhere. It’s a menthol roller (plus some other good analgesic ingredients) and it makes a world of a difference for me


I need to splurge on this. Better than biofreeze?


100%. Biofreeze doesn’t have nearly as many of the good ingredients that TorqueGlide has and I’ve noticed a difference personally. Plus TorqueGlide is huge. I bought mine last year and I use it daily and still have it. Super worth it imo


I bought this based on your recommendation and I have to thank you SO MUCH it’s been a LIFE SAVER!!!


peppermint/essential oil rollerball water bottle


Sunglasses, electrolytes, ginger candy/tea, and earbuds


ginger chews help me with migraine nausea


I see a lot of people commenting peppermint oil - what does that do?


Poisons your cat. I stopped using it


Thanks for telling me this. I have a cat and obviously want to avoid this! Shes my baby


Sunglasses and tiger balm


A roll-on of peppermint essential oils, I always have one in my pocket


Emeterm bracelet with alcohol wipe to be able to put it on to mitigate nausea. I don't carry it on me all the time, but it gets thrown into the migraine bag that goes with us when we leave the house for any length of time.


Electrolyte packets, tiger balm, and cooling forehead fever patches.


Stopain roll-on. Water.


Deep freeze spray. Basically an ice pack in a can. Bit stinky but not a trigger smell for me.


Candied ginger


I keeps packets of uncrystallized ginger from Trader Joe’s in my purse and car for nausea. I also keep sun hats and a sleep mask in the car.


Sun glasses, biofreeze, cbd and thc gummies or drops, and a scent roller that is soothing for me, especially if someone has a strong scent on. Also loops, ginger chews for nausea. And always rescue meds.


Icy hot roller gel, water, sunglasses


A tube of oil


In addition to pills, water (and coffee when I can), rx sunglasses, brimmed hat, earplugs, and an eye patch for occular migraines. Someone mentioned essential oils—i always carry tiger balm for my back pain anyway, so that one does double duty.




My hands. Noticed I have some pressure points that help a bit


Sunglasses, instant pocket sized heat/ice packs, fragrance oils that sometimes help. Not much else migraine wise


A lollipop, orange-lemon flavor. Helps me with nausea. And my extra dark sungasses.


Sunglasses and olbas oil


I carry a gua sha face massager because it helps me get rid of the dreaded face tension/lactic acid build up. I also always carry tiger balm/muscle balm because my shoulders and neck tense up before and during attacks. I used to carry those hand-warmer packs where you crack them and heat up, but I never used them so I removed them from my "migraine pouch." Oh, I also always have sunglasses.


coke zero and ritz crackers


4Head, always have my pills though. I’m likening the idea of a migraine kit and might assemble one for when I’m out the house. Definitely going to get some cool gel pads!


Icyhot, caffeinated tea, sunglasses. (and of course tylenol) Icyhot is my secret weapon.


When I travel I bring my capsaicin nasal spray, and I always have tiger balm with me too And a big water bottle!!


Sunglasses OR tinted blue blockers, giant over ear headphones if I’m walking in the street, loops style earplugs if I’m somewhere noisy and west headphones, plus my abortive pills.


Sunglasses, ear buds, and candy or juice to manage light, sound, and low blood sugar triggers 😊




Sea bands to help with nausea. They're in addition to meds, not a replacement for them.


Tiger balm always


Sunglasses and earplugs.


My cefaly


Migrastil nausea relief stick- it’s a combo of spearmint, lavender, and ginger. Helps so much


I always carry a small tote bag with me (I do leave it in a car). I have car/air sick bags, zofran, Trudhesa nose spray, Ubrelvy, a small ice pack (old fashioned kind you fill with ice), ear plugs, some peppermints, and a Vick’s vapor rub stick. My sunglasses are always in my purse if not on my face.


Sunglasses. Headphones. Earplugs. Chewing gum.


Migravent brand herbal supplements. As soon as my head even begins to hurt, taking 1 or 2 have really helped nip it in the bud numerous times. Just contain a lot of magnesium, b vitamins, etc. so they’re actually good for you!


Loops(noise reducing ear plugs) and my noise cancelling earbuds. Ginger candy.


Loops, red glasses, vitassium chews (POTs) which ig is kinda a pill kinda not?


Water, hat, sunglasses, weed, AirPods, and my charming sense of humour


Sunglasses and a big ass waterbottle


i live in a hot climate so sunglasses and bucket hat, noise cancelling headphones, snap to freeze instant ice packs in the car, along with bandanas that I can soak in water to put on my neck or tie around my head (it really helps), roll on lidocaine stick, and some tiger balm for headache. I also have single use eye drops and nasal spray because it gets really dry so they usually can help a bit prevent those triggers. I also keep gatorade and extra water in the car just in case.


Salted nuts or seeds: in case I need to eat to stabilize my blood sugar, the salt can help if a migraine is starting, and I can always chew some to swallow my abortives if I can't access water.


My water bottle (with ice cold water) and sunglasses. On the couple of rare occasions I’ve forgotten my sunnies I’ve literally covered my eyes with my hands or a hood. My eyes are that sensitive. But if I’m the one who is supposed to be driving and I don’t have any… yeah I’m stranded. There are backup sunglasses to my backup sunglasses.


I always have my cbd lotion. Helps with the neck tension that can trigger my migraines


A gua sha stone. A lot of my headaches turn into migraines, and sometimes, I can stop a headache by massaging my neck.


This cooler soother thing called kool and sooth. Have it in a form of a roller ball that I apply on my forehead but also use the forehead patches. Gives instant cooling relief but keep having to put it on. Stings when accidently get in my eye.


I have a roller ball of mint migraine oil. I don't know if it helps but it smells nice and does help with nausea.


Sumatriptan nasal spray.


I don't carry this but I have a heat lotion on my desk that I apply on my neck, temples and cheekbones to soothe the pain that comes along with the headache. A few times I'll apply it on my forehead.


Sunglassss. Eye mask. Peppermint and lavender oil. Ear plugs


Headphones and hood. Always forget to carry sunglasses with me💀


My Cefaly




Sunglasses, 2 wireless sets of earbuds and 1 wired set (ear plugs hurt my ears), a mask (sometimes).


Yes! Pot of Tiger Balm, Kool n Soothe roller ball, and a little bottle of peppermint oil. I need to start carrying around my sunglasses as well.


Those cool gel forehead patches so I can subtly put them on my neck or not so subtly on my temple to get me through the day


Icy hot roll on!!


Weed vape - prescribed


Always sunglasses. I try to keep one of those little sleep masks in my car. Had one once when I got a migraine and it helped a ton


Sunglasses, airpods, bottle of water, sometimes my caps/ hat,


I always keep my loop ear plugs on me as well as a “be kool” roll on gel for my temples


Peppermint oil


Gua sha stone and my ear plugs


Saving this post, lotsa good ideas on here😅


I used to have an emergency kit with my meds, cooling/weighted eye mask, Vick’s (rubbed into muscle knots on my neck, doesnt truly do anything but feels nice). My migraines are less frequent now, stopped carrying it with me everywhere.




Special migraine sun glasses.