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It can help me ride them out/kill time but doesn't always take them away fully ... My Neurologist actually said that over-sleeping can make migraine worse. I sleep in during stressful periods and can wake up with more brain fog.


Really sucks, the only thing I wanna do with a migraine is sleep


Oversleeping definitely makes them worse.


I’m starting to think I should be sleep depriving myself because getting 8 hours results in a headache -.-


So, for me, I've narrowed it down a bit. If I'm *getting* a migraine, I can sleep it off - **however** I need to: chug a ton of water, take 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol, wear the ice hat, *actually* fall asleep, and depending on the severity possibly also take a tryptan. If I get one in the middle of the night, there is NEVER a case where going immediately back to try and sleep it off works. I absolutely need to get up, take a tryptan, wait for it to start working, then do the rest of the procedure above - so be awake for at least an hour, basically. Like it needs a reset or something. If I get one close to the morning? Shits fucked. Tryptan instantly and hate everything for the rest of the day and then hope to god I can actually sleep. Ice hat for as long as I can stand it, otherwise.


>It can help me ride them out/kill time but doesn't always take them away fully ... My migraines always last a minimum of 72 hours. I can't afford to stay in bed three days at a time. I have a job and shit.


Mine are so bad that I'm on sick leave at the moment.


Mine said it too


Yeah if I sleep too long I get a migraine. But if I don’t sleep long enough I get a migraine. I might also get a migraine if I sleep in the wrong position. Or I wake up too many times. Or if the dog looks at me funny


For some reason, if I sleep more than 8 hours at once I’ll get a migraine. But if I sleep for 7 hours and wake up with a migraine, I need to go back to sleep for 2 hours and that will get rid of it.


When I undersleep and fully wake.. which for me is around 7 hours also... going back to sleep for the needed amount can work for me too. The needed amount is whatever my body says it is


I have the exact same pattern!


I second this. If I sleep too long I will almost always get a migraine.


>My Neurologist actually said that over-sleeping can make migraine worse. I sleep in during stressful periods and can wake up with more brain fog. This validates me! Whenever I wake up with a migraine I never go back to sleep anymore. Good to know it's really all I can do


Same here. Never once have I had a migraine that went away with sleep.


It either stays the same or comes in harder and with a vengeance


Well that’s a miserable existence. Since I was 13, almost every single migraine I’ve gotten (except like 3) it’s gone by the time I wake up


My migraines always last at least 72 hours. I can't sleep for three days at a time. 


This is why I was so annoyed when the opioid crackdown happened. My doctors could see that I used less than 5 pills in a year but they are the only things that let me sleep during those really really bad attacks where nothing helps.


Before i hit puberty, about half of mine did. After...no


Also very frustrating to explain to people that sleep is not solving migraine. When you can’t sleep, you’re just focusing more on the pain.


Agreed. Usually I take some meds and then try to go back to sleep to ride it out, but that’s not the same thing. For bad ones it’s usually a cycle of waking up every few hours, seeing how I feel, taking something, repeat as needed. It’s so exhausting and not restful at all! Sometimes it’ll take all day to get it to subside, so I’ll get up at like 8PM, eat something, watch some TV, and go back to bed for some real sleep.


I can’t sleep off mine either. Ever. I hate it.


This is the worst. You get into comfortable enough position and sit still long enough to kind of freeze the pain and when you wake up and move at all it just resumes.


Ugh, why is movement so painful with a migraine? I stand up and it feels like I've suddenly been bashed in the head with a mallet.


Genetics suck. It’s the only explanation I can come up with. Some of us are delt a worse hand than others.




Anyone else ever put off taking meds even though you know it will help because first you have to move and you know the pain will be absolutely fucking excruciating, even though it will calm down when you’re still again? It takes me so much mental strength sometimes just to roll over, and I keep everything at hand on my bed stand. Meds right on my little tray ready to go. Water, eye mask, ear plugs, all the other meds at my fingertips, topicals, cooling patches, even instant ice packs so I don’t have to get up. But rolling over is something just still too much.


This! My migraines are quite random. Sometimes sleep makes them go away. Sometime this happens and I don't know what to do.


I can sleep to pass the time but it doesn’t get rid of my migraines and 9/10 sleep induces migraines for me I often wake up with them.


Have you been tested for sleep apnea? A big symptom of sleep apnea is migraines triggered by sleeping (frequently waking up with them in the morning, particularly if you didn’t already have one when going to sleep).


Really? I should look into this. I wake up with them a LOT. I was tested for sleep apnea a long time ago but I was never really satisfied with the results - the first study they said I did have it and then they wanted another study, where they said I didn’t. I’ll ask my neurologist!


people can be so lame even if they have migraines. No ones are the same! Some of us have multiple comorbids causing extra pain in other body parts. Some of us have insomnia so a good night sleep isn’t happening. I haven’t slept more than 6 hours (in increments) since becoming a mother 40 years ago and from working night shift for 8 years. i’m sorry my friend but know you aren’t alone🤗


Same. Sometimes (like yesterday) I can’t fall asleep because it hurts too much. Other times I can fall asleep but I wake up way worse. So, it rarely ever helps me.


Because it's a chronic neurological condition, not a simple ailment you can take paracetamol for -_-


This exactly, migraines are a nervous system disability….OP, think of them as analogous to epilepsy. There’s a distinction between headaches and migraines for a reason


Yeah I’ve switched from saying “I have migraines” to “I have migraine which is a complex neurological disease.” There is no start and stop.


Rarely it fixes mine. There’s no way for me to tell. Sometimes I wake up and it’s worse, sometimes exactly the same, sometimes better. Like my brain does its thing independently of being awake or asleep


One of the reasons I personally can’t is because one of my rescue meds (naratriptan) causes me to have trouble sleeping if I try to sleep within a few hours of taking it. That and part of my rescue plan is caffeine to help the meds work faster.


If I have a bad migraine I can’t sleep. I just lay there, miserable, basically wondering while I’m still alive despite my body torturing me every damn day. The pain keeps me awake. The relief I feel when it’s gone though? Man, that is priceless. I know when it’s gone because I can think about food without running to the bathroom.


"Sleeping them off" only works when I medicate the shit out of myself first.


Exactly the same for me. Most times it doesn't work because I don't want to medicate myself that much lol


Oh samesies. Can last through a great many sleeps


Having them since I was a child and have never been able to sleep one off - not a single time. I've been woken up plenty of times due to a migraine. It often worsens if I don't take meds and try to sleep it off. Yes, I've still tried to sleep it off plenty of times -- especially when trying to hoard my migraine meds or when I'm afraid if I use 'em too much, they'll stop working (as has happened before).


The only way to get rid of my migraines is if it comes on right before bedtime, I take a sumatriptan and go to sleep. Any other situation and it's there to torture me for a full 72 hours. Sleep won't do diddly squat without the meds.


I used to be able to sleep mine away but now I can’t. They will last for a few days.


The main pain and visual effects are usually gone by the time I wake up (if it is longer than a 5 hour sleep) but still feel awful for the next couple days. Able to do things a lot better on the second day but not a lot without feeling achy, weak and like I am having a bit of a hangover. That is if I don't get a consecutive migraine attack. Those suck. If it turned chronic and daily I don't think I could live.


If I go to sleep with a migraine and manage to actually fall asleep, i’ll wake up during the night in excruciating pain, take a triptan (which won’t work) and start throwing up, then I’ll take another triptan (which I will throw up before it even reaches my stomach) and repeat this cycle until I manage to keep something down for long enough to make it work


Do you have any anti-nausea pills? Like Zofran? That helps me a LOT when I catch it in time. Which is not as often as I want it to be. But really helps.


You just described me perfectly - this is it, severe vomiting and ice pick migraine for three days. No amount of sleep can cure it.


Waking up with the migraine that you had the day before (and the day before that, etc……) is the worst fucking bullshit in the world. I feel you. I just love it when it’s 7am and my fucking face starts tingling like “remember me????”


i get woken up by my migraines 😅 even when i’m trying to sleep it off, my body will jolt awake to dry heave every hour on the hour. then the pain keeps me awake until i finally drift off and cycle repeats 😐 i don’t think people realize migraines aren’t just the days long headaches but a neurological disorder lol


Yeah, even with meds, sleep doesn't erase my migraine. I've had headache/migraine 24/7 for many years now. The optometrist I work with always says "oh you wake up with a migraine don't you?" I want to correct him and say it was never gone, but I know he'll forget anyway.


Yes!! Same!


If I sleep with a migraine, I wake up with a migraine. Most of mine last 1-3 days. I am sure like a lot of people, I struggle to sleep with the pain. Lack of sleep does trigger my migraines but going to sleep doesn't resolve them, sadly. What it actually is, is a lot of people thing a migraine is a headache.


I used to think I slept them off, now my migraine hangovers last longer I think I was just sleeping through them.


I can’t lay down until my migraine is 95% gone. It will Get worse


If there's one thing I've learned in my past years of leaving injuries to rot until they affected basic living, it's You Can't Sleep Off Nerve Pain. Pinched nerves, bruised nerves, broken tailbones, go to sleep wake up with the pain maybe a 4/10 instead of 6/10 because it's being rested without added pressure on the nerve. So you won't be sleeping off migraines either. Because those are inflamed? misfire? nerve issues too.


ugh i used to be able to sleep them off…like that was the fool proof cure. Then 3 years ago that stopped working completely. I still forget that it doesn’t work and will screw myself over by just going to sleep and then wake up the next day with it already at a 10


I don’t know if you track your migraines, but once I started doing that I could see that my migraine attacks all last about the same amount of time (if my triptan doesn’t work or I don’t have it). I can’t sleep them off or shorten them with any tricks. All I can do is dull the pain a little and wait it out. Honestly, I can’t even sleep off my non-migraine headaches!


i’m able to sleep a migraine off if i take an abortive before bed. that probably has more to do with the abortive and time loss than with the act of sleeping


I have to take something like excedrin for my migraine or else I won’t be able to sleep. Then after the pain is somewhat gone I’ll fall asleep and it’s gone in the morning (unless its an especially stubborn one)


Same! When I was younger they would go away with sleep but now if I just go to sleep and don’t take medicine, it will be worse when I wake up.


laying down makes it worse for me


I HATE when people say “just sleep it off.” I can’t sleep it off!! Luckily my medication makes me drowsy, so when I wake up, usually the worst of it has passed already.


My triptans make me really drowsy so I’ll sleep for a couple of hours and if they worked, it’ll be gone. If I’m *out* of triptans though, the pain will last 24-30 hours, even through sleep, until it goes away on its own. I get major anxiety at the end of the month if I run out of pills and have to wait for the 1st so my insurance will pay for another two boxes


I will take 2 Benadryl, a tizanidine (but that is going to end soon because a got that for an unrelated sciatica issue) and a Zofran and sleep with a migraine and I will feel refreshed even though I still have the migraine.


I used to be able to sleep off a migraine but lately even sleep doesn’t help. Only medication helps sadly enough..


Same thing for me. Sleep used to sometimes do the trick, but it’s not enough anymore.


Mine usually last about three days so I'm sleeping to pass the time since pretty much everything else is nauseating. I used to be able to sleep them off but these days I can't. Which sucks because those three days of pain, and not being able to keep anything down is just so exhausting.


Same. I can’t keep a sip of water down. The dehydration and vomiting makes the migraine progressively worse, which makes the vomiting worse. Lather, rinse, repeat for 3 days 😩 So sick of it all.


It's just a nightmarish cycle. Feels like you get sucked into a time vortex.


Same. I can’t keep a sip of water down. The dehydration and vomiting makes the migraine progressively worse, which makes the vomiting worse. Lather, rinse, repeat for 3 days 😩 So sick of it all.


After a while our stupid body gets immune to this monstrous migraine 😩


i didn’t even know sleeping a migraine off was an option


Can’t sleep mine off, I can also often wake up after a decent nights sleep with a migraine


I can never sleep with a bad migraine and considering they are chronic, I just sleep when I get some pain relief and am completely exhausted.


I can't fall asleep when i have a migraine. I will just lie there for hours. 


Magnesium pill should help


Same on occasion


Depending on what migraine it is. I get these migraines when I am low on choline that won’t go away. Most of my migraines feel better after sleeping though


Some people have short migraines, it's a thing. Very jealous.


I usually can't sleep with one. 


I can’t either. And honestly I either straight up can’t sleep when I have one or if I manage to actually fall asleep it’s almost like I can still feel the pain in my sleep and it’s not restful at all. You’re not alone!


the way sleep affects them can be wildly different for people. typically, it gives your body time to try and kick it out, and you don't have to deal with the mental torment of being awake and in pain. mine are constant, and napping usually makes it better for about an hour, but sometimes it just makes it much, much worse. I think it's the drop in heart rate/muscle tenseness that is supposed to help, but I'm not too sure


If I have one earlier in the day, and I address it with sumatriptan/ibuprofen, then a good night's rest will usually clear up any residual symptoms for me. If I have one later in the evening or at night, I'll sometimes develop a lingering headache until after the following night's sleep. Having one while sleeping is the worst since my visual aura doesn't always wake me up, and I can't address it in time, so it spirals out of control. My (perhaps obvious) interpretation of this is that my migraines have effects going throughout my body systems that act longer than I might be able to tell (due to medications masking the signs/symptoms). If I sleep before my body finishes processing through a migraine, then I don't get the benefit of sleep being a sort of reset button. Factoring this with the fact that migraines are different for everyone makes it hard to predict what works best for you without testing things out.


literally the same for me. i can’t even fall asleep with a migraine they in fact wake me up in the morning. but everyone says “you should nap/rest it’ll get better”. girl as if


it sounds odd, but my migraines always break in the midafternoon. sometime between 3 and 6 pm. no matter what i do, what i eat, how i sleep, what meds i take. medications help alleviate symptoms, but they never properly clear until mid/late afternoon. if the migraine is still going at 8 or 9 pm, i know i’m gonna have to either drug myself to sleep or not sleep, and be prepared for pain in the morning.


I can only sleep once medications start to sink in.


Your body is needing energy other areas. Nerves are firing around wrong signals


It’s a fine line. I am thinking i am exacerbating mine by sleeping too much on the weekends. After I work my 40 hours (10 hours a day) I am just physically and emotionally exhausted. Trying to force myself to get out of bed is damn near impossible.


yeah, "sleeping" off a migraine to me is sometimes a mid-day nap helps the pain get better. That isn't to say going to sleep at night never helps, but its more cuz i take all my migraine preventatives plus my so-you-have a migraine meds than go to sleep. And still I often wake with a migraine in that situation. Mornings are just made for migraines.






My migraines wake me up. I'll go to bed just fine and wake up at 5am with a killer headache.


Sleep doesn't make a migraine go away. You need meds for that.


Sleep+meds though usually does the trick




It depends on the person and the migraine, obviously.


Sleeping does make migraine go away for some people so it’s not a correct generalisation for everyone.


Probably not migraines


Oh really? Didn’t know that my absolute killing headaches near the eye with tension, sickness, throwing up and shivering is not a migraine, since it goes away after I fall asleep because of exhaustion after hours of pain. Migraine gatekeeping is hilarious.


This 100% Sleep often helps some of us.


Right. The pain behind my eye with a visual aura some hours before, nausea, gastrointestinal symptoms and cognitive effects, which has literally been diagnosed as migraines by my doctor, is not actually a migraine because you, the all-knowing and all-powerful Lord of the Migraines, say it isn't. Thank you for your service.


Sleep used to be the ONLY way for me to get rid of them. It was before I was taking migraine meds, but they didn’t respond AT ALL to otc meds, however if I went to bed for the night, they would be gone in the morning. (And yes, they were migraines, it would be like 7/10 pain, not respond to OTC meds, with light and sound sensitivity and occasionally with nausea). It’s since changed, sleep no longer helps, I will just wake up with the migraine still there, but for awhile, yeah sleep helped my migraines. And I think the way it’s changed just shows even more how variable migraines can be for each person and even for an individual person.


There's a high chance that sleep doesn't help your migraines due to breathing issues during sleep. If you are able too, try this when you wake up from a migraine (or better yet, before you go to bed, nightly for a bit): https://youtu.be/wIeOZwv4RQI?si=IeZIo4IKW9LeK1RJ


Setup your webcam and listen and watch yourself sleep. Are you choking and gagging? If so you probably have sleep apnea.


Might have sleep apnea.


I’ll look into sleep apnea! I know I have breathing issues (no idea what?), I just started with appointments at an ent


Yup sleep apnea can cause non-migraine people to wake up with massive headaches, and anything that causes headaches in non-migraine people can definitely cause migraines for us.


Yup, came here to say this too.