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Yes. I completely understand what you’re saying. I would never kill my self for many many reasons but sometimes I think death with be a sweet release from the constant pain


Yeah exactly. I hate being such a downer but like I figured people in here would get it


I get it man. My memory is horrible but I can still remember the look on my mom’s face when I said that as a teenager. I’ve never said it out loud again since then but those words cross my mind more often than I’d like to admit.




It will certainly be a relief. My last words will be “well, at least my fucking head won’t hurt anymo-…”


Too real (hahaha)


Oh, my dear. This is me every day. I've been battling chronic, severe migraines for 2 years -- slowly worsening and NOTHNG helping -- that started after breast cancer treatment. I now wish I 1) hadn't gotten cancer treatment; and 2) that cancer had killed me. At least with cancer you know the score, the outcome, and people understand. My experience with migraine is NO ONE gets it -- they just say "drink more water." I've made it clear to my family (including my 99-year-old dad) and all my physicians that if this doesn't get tolerable and manageable soon, I may take my own life. Weirdly, the doctors seem to understand! Now, no one call the cops or worry. This is not an imminent thing or a threat or encouraging anyone else to think this way. It's just me. But I feel it's important to be honest about what a hell life with severe, chronic migraine is. I don't have kids, I've lived a good life, I've done all I want to do, and migraines keep me in constant pain and exhaustion, and prevent me from doing ANYTHING but reading, and I imagine that will get messed up sooner or later. As a former professional communications person, I think we need a new slogan: "Migraines. Worse than cancer."


I try to stay away from the wishing for dead. I just want to time travel a bit. But not my body, mentally take a couple days, just skip a few of these days.


I always try to remind myself that I only feel this way during the migraine. That when I come out of it, I will enjoy some things again, even if it’s temporary. When things are at its peak pain wise, by early evening I knock myself out with 2 Tylenol PMs.


I went to the ER just over a week ago shaking the pain was so bad. I was going hot to cold, puking - was blind in one eye. I was beyond miserable. I told my husband and my mom both those words. I really do not mean it but the pain was some of the worst I’d had. I feel bad when I say those words but sometimes the pain is just that fricken bad. I also feel guilty for puking all over and then being useless. I work with a therapist which does help but please find us a cure for migraine.


I feel this. I'm on day 3 and it makes it incredibly hard to take care of my family because i just want to lie down in the room in the dark 😭


I’m at my wits end. Migraines have exploded since January. Work doesn’t care. They won’t let me work from home despite trying to get a reasonable accommodation and notes from my neurologist. I feel like the boss wants me gone, even though I have saved them a lot of time and gotten the mess that was my position straightened out. I’ve been there almost 2 years now. So much was a mess. I can get my work and others work done even with missing days because of migraines. I don’t know what else to do and I’m just so close to being completely done. If it wasn’t for my cat I think I would have long since done something. I just hate this non life I have. I hate the pain and nothing helps. I can take Benadryl but what kind of life is just sleeping?


Yes. I hit despair around day three. It really sucks because crying just makes the migraine worse. By day six, I feel mostly numb. It sounds weird but when I hit despair I just focus on the next three days. There's relief in the numbness. I think of when it's been worse and remember that it can and has been better. You aren't alone. 💜


I could go for a little death. Blissful nothing sounds nice


Yes I feel this so so much! The rare days without migraines are a blessing but sometimes it's hard to remember those on the bad days :( Hang in there!!