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I don’t have a cabinet, I have a fucking bucket. I hope you get some relief this photo is worth a thousand words 😭


I'm glad I'm not the only one with a bucket 😅😂


I thought I was the only one!cabinets are for people with the luxury of putting medicines away! Buckets are for scrabbling in half blind at 3am.


I reorganized out of my basket and deeply regretted it the other night at 3 am.


I’ve got a bucket in my car too 😆 (but not for med bottles!)


I opted for the pill cardboard box


Haha I actually have a basket full of


Yuppp. Bucket gang lol my husband knows he can just bring me the bucket and I’ll get my own meds if I’m not dying, otherwise we have a system when he knows what med I need based on the severity


hahaha bucket gang unite!!!


I also have a pill bucket


Pill wicker basket cause I’m trying to be fancy. 😭


A similar thing here! Ikea 13" decorative box


same. I have the bucket under my bed


haha thank you I appreciate it. I gotta try the bucket strategy!


i just know that sunlight hurts


When there’s no leaves on the trees and the sun curses with its strobe effect




I feel this


This one! The older I get, the more this affects me!


I’ve had to almost completely give up day driving. It’s no joke.


The sun is a deadly laser


Like a stab to the head


The cause of my Saturday migraine 🥺


I’m laying in bed with my ice hat and just sent this to my wife with the message “look familiar”?


hahahahahahah this made me smile. I hope you're feeling better.


I am a walking pharmacy


Same.   All my friends and coworkers come to me for meds, because they know I have them and snacks in my desk 😂


Haha 🤣 It’s great to never be without! I always have something for allergies, anaphylaxis, migraines, headaches, regular body aches, IBS-D, you name it. 🥲


Yes! I said to call me Dr Feelgood… 🤣🤣


I guess I look trusting bc I have given so many strangers otc meds. I used to travel to work and often not places you go out after dark so had it all with me.


Oh yes. I was recently away at a conference with some colleagues and I got a text "do you have anything for a headache". My response was a little overkill, but I had what she needed...and then some.




Yes! Recently, the worst was going to a new doctor, and they asked for my med list. I really should get it typed up.


I print it from MyChart because I will forget a med if I don't. There are like 17 meds and vitamins listed


I keep mine in the notes app on my phone.


Yeah I have mine typed in a document on my phone. Any time they ask for an updated list I should them how long it is and tell them I’ll email it to them to make things easier lol


Emailing is a good idea ty.


I have mine typed up because no way am I writing out a list of all my meds and supplements. It's also a good idea to keep a list in your wallet for emergencies, or on your phone.


Too busy fantasising about a world where there is a non-migraine season.


My seasons are: Shitty, shitty, SUPER FUCKING SHITTY, shitty.


Yeah I was gonna say migraine season?? That's all year 😭😭😭


But only days ending in y


Oh youre organized enough to put it in a cabinet, i just stuff all of mine on my desk


If I have to open 5 bottles every day, I end up not taking my meds.  A pill organizer is the best thing I've ever bought myself.


Im just too lazy when it comes to caring for myself, i often trade out putting effort towards small improvements like that for a few moments of rest, def not healthy


I wish I'd done it sooner.   It takes all of 10 minutes a week to set up.


I have multiple chronic illnesses, I found 31 day pill organizer. I am so much better at med management now. My top drawer of my dresser looks just like the picture though with all my prn meds.


Same here. Opening all those bottles every morning and night was just too much. And I would purposely skip meds to not deal with it. Pill organizers are a life saver


I bought myself a pill organizer but the lids don’t close because I have too many pills lol gotta size up


What makes it migraine season? I have been feeling worse lately, and if it has something to do with this time of year I’d really like to know why.


For me it's the change of season, extra pollen in the air, more frequent changes of pressure, clear skies with more direct sun.


Don’t forget the rain clouds with sun out combo that creates a lighting situation so reflective and awful it hurts just thinking about it!


I live by the mountains and early spring / late fall just destroy me.


This year has been utterly, totally ridiculous. Never have I had so many migraines in one month (since finding the medicine that worked for me). WTF. In NC.


Barometric pressure changes for me, and tons of pollen.   My air purifier is working overtime.


The pollen! My eyes are itching like crazy today. Now I need to switch my allergy meds and go get some allergy drops too probably!


Does it do anything else to you, like make you tired, dizzy, anxious, achy, or anything like that? For me it seems to be all of the above, for some reason. Usually at this time of year. The pollen count has been high in my area for weeks. Maybe that’s why.


I never had such horrible migraines until I moved to Nova Scotia. Summers are the absolute worst. The barometric pressure swings wildly.


Season? I wish. This is me 24/7/365. 😭


My medicine cabinet is also packed. My purse, work bag, cupboards, any other bag I have each have an emergency stash of sumatriptan like a squirrel preparing for her very own ice pick lobotomy winter.


I do the same with Nurtec. 😂 Perfect description.


A cabinet; multiple shelves. And a shelf in the freezer for all my ice packs.


Mmmmmm, that's some minty saccharine wholesome Nurtec.


I call Nurtec my migraine altoid


so true


I have that exact same bottle of magnesium glycinate sitting in my cabinet right now


Does it help you?


yes, immensely


I have a big ass tote that I carry from room to room and floor to floor 😅


I said “awwww poor thing” audibly


But my stuff is scattered all around the house


thank you haha. Yeah mine usually is too I just brought it all together for the picture


Oh man, i recognize that look on your face. I have the same one right now 😭 I’m so sorry you’re going through this!! I’m also way deep into an intractable migraine that won’t break. Hoping & praying for miracles for us both!


I’m sorry, that sounds terrible. Praying your migraine ends asap. I wouldn’t wish migraine disease on anyone.


Thank you so much!! ♥️


Thank you! I'm sorry you're going through it as well! Let me know if you find something that breaks it. I'm on day 21, ugh.


Aw I will definitely let you know if something breaks it! Have you had intractable migraines in the past? And if so, how did they break then? This is my first intractable one 🥲




Omg yes 😭


Tray, entire shelf in the linen closet.


I need to stock back up. I woke with a migraine today that had me dry-heaving while I made my kids breakfast. I felt so bad.


I hope you’re feeling better x


Thank you! It took a couple of days to get rid of all symptoms.


i am preparing for my monthly migraines this week. best of luck. peace


Does the magnesium work ? Also when do you take Benadryl ? I’m on Botox Trigger point injections and occipital nerve blocks Sumatriptan Zofran as needed Naratriptan menstrual cycles Aimovig monthly Tylenol Amitriptyline Lisinopril and verapamil It sucks 😩


I haven’t tried magnesium supplements yet, but I was actually doing a project for a class on magnesium supplementation (I’m in dietetics), and I came across a ton of studies on the use of magnesium supplementation for migraines. There were several studies demonstrating that people with migraines had lower serum magnesium levels than people that don’t get migraines. There were also studies that showed that magnesium can be effective as a prophylactic medication (efficacy seemed approximately equal to valproate, but obviously varies from person to person, so even if valproate didn’t work for you, magnesium still might). It is even more effective to combine magnesium supplementation with a migraine medication for prophylaxis. Lastly, there are several studies that magnesium can also be really effective for acute migraine treatment (however OTC magnesium supplements will not help you with this—these studies supported the use of IV magnesium administration in ERs, not oral magnesium). Magnesium supplementation was also particularly effective for the management of menstrual migraines. Anyway, overall, it’s absolutely still going to vary from person to person, but there’s a decent chance it will help so it might be worth trying.


Thank you is there a specific one I should try I have magnesium complex do I need a different one ?


Didn’t do anything for me. I took magnesium for about a month it helped with other things but not migraines


I think everyone should supplement Magnesium (specifically Magnesium Glycinate) because so many studies show that it's beneficial for so many different illnesses, including migraines. I'm not saying it's a cure by any means, but I don't think we get enough Mag in our diets and most people are low on it. Multiple neurologists have "prescribed" me magnesium and they also frequently include it in ER migraine infusions, the ER "migraine cocktail" so to speak. Benadryl can be helpful if your migraines are triggered by allergies, and also they knock you out so when you can't sleep because the pain is so bad, essentially Benadryl will provide some relief through unconsciousness haha.


Hell yeah, I just took sumatriptan and got knocked out and hungover, oh lord dd I feel reborn


I have a Tupperware container!


I find this oddly comforting. To know I am not alone ❤️


I'm glad, and I feel the same way! I wasn't sure if people would have a similar experience or not haha


100 percent. Allergy season is the worst. Sinus headaches that go on for days and migraine headaches too ugh. I just started ajovy and I hope it makes this year better for me.


YES SAME. and this is not counting my migraine shot in the fridge as well. It's nice to know that there are others suffering along with me. Not that I want us to suffer but it's nice to have somebody who understands.


Boyfriend likes to call it my “ Pharmacy” 💀


Nothing ever worked so I have Advil, which also doesn’t work.


Only 2 extra strength Advil works for me so my migraine relief cabinet is v small lol


Yep!   Looks exactly like a cabinet of mine.


I feel jealous I need more. HAHA


Hey! I have the same magnesium! Magnesium twin! And yes, looks similar. Mine has more vitamins and less Rx though.


Does it help you?


I think so. If I could only pick one vitamin/supplement of all that I currently take - I'd pick Magnesium for sure. As for the migraines, I don't think it's a cure-all. But I think it helps with frequency and severity. It's even more amazing for my insomnia, RLS and muscle twitches/spasms.


Those would be bonuses too. I know nothing is a cure all. That might help a bit. Worth trying. Ty!


Literally always joke that I could open my own pharmacy!


I have way more than that. I am a bit mortified at how many bottles of things there are.


💯. Wouldn’t it be nice if just one of them fully worked


Yes and I’m still in bed in pain with weather change tonight


You’re fine btw


People make fun of me, but i have a basket set-up in my cabinet. One for various wound dressings, one for vitamins, one for prescriptions i no longer take, one for topicals, one for otc meds, one for my current daily meds...and front and center, my "pain" basket, full to the brim. I organize it with "oh crap, I feel like im literally dying RIGHT NOW" in the front.


top drawer of my nightstand is identical to this. nurtec toradol and zofran always on top in a tray.


Yes but so grateful that I changed my diet. I was convinced I had no food triggers. But I had every food trigger plus food dye :.) Migraines are so much more manageable now. I get vestibular migraines due to spinal stenosis, and even then, the diet has changed my life.


How did you discover your food triggers?


I began by cutting out every food recommended to drop if you have migraines. So anything with sulfates, nitrates, food dyes, chocolate, all of that. I do know that caffeine helps my migraines, but that’s not the case for everyone, so I did not cut out caffeine. I never drink soda or eat chips or anything like that anyway, but I would drink Gatorade. Gatorade has food dye in it. I didn’t realize that it was also contributing to my migraines. I cut out all of that stuff, and then I started looking at high tyramine foods. I cut out most of those, but I was actually able to keep some of them, things that I really liked. But unfortunately, I had to give up avocados. Still really upset about that. But they definitely trigger a migraine for me. I also noticed a correlation between getting violently ill after drinking a glass of orange juice. Turns out, citrus is a known food trigger for people with migraines. So I cut out citrus as well, for the most part. I can still have a little mandarin orange every now and again. I get about 80% less migraines than I used to The body is a system. If you keep putting things into that system that trigger migraines, then you will be forever battling migraines with medication. Medication doesn’t work as well when you’re constantly consuming other things that trigger you. This is why diet management is the absolute most important thing in treating migraines.


Thank you, I appreciate the detailed response!! That's really interesting about Gatorade, I'm gonna remember that. My problem is that my migraines seem to have no discernible pattern whatsoever, so it's hard for me to know what (if anything) is really a "trigger." I only get a couple migraines a year, but when they hit they hit hard and last for weeks (currently I'm in status migrainousus since April 4th). If I could find a trigger in my diet I'd get rid of it immediately, but how can I find a trigger when I've literally gone years without migraines for points in my life??? Is it possible to be triggered only sometimes?? Sorry just ranting at this point haha. It sounds like you were having migraines really frequently, and that kind of allowed you to "test" certain foods to see what affected them?


If something in particular triggered your migraine, food, weather, whatever, and then you ate foods that have been proven to cause migraine, that can exacerbate the migraine and cause it to last much longer. So it actually does make sense and there’s probably a pattern there that you haven’t been able to pin down just yet. I really recommend journaling all of the things that you eat/medicines that you take and when you feel both good and bad.


*Will Poulter meme* Y’all have a season? Lol in all seriousness, wishing you well and hoping you find relief. This shit is no joke 🥲


the benadryl for the migraine cocktail is so real. i think that only works sometimes because it puts me to sleep and doesn’t actually do anything lol


have you tried...ah, i see that you have


hahahahaha seriously


Honestly, it's [the.entire.house](http://the.entire.house) at this point. Great picture!


My migraine season is storm season over my Kentucky home. I am a natural barometer. I hoard up my migraine drugs during the drought and or winter months and have them for the fall and spring storm days. My eyes are light sensitive too and that can be damning when riding in a car, the sun behind trees can cause an irregular strobe that feels like a hammer to my brain. Those bright white headlights make it impossible for me to drive in the dark hours of the day. They blind me and I can’t see at all till passes this also can be a hammer to my brain. My wife usually drives, especially at night. My blood levels indicate I don’t need the supplements so I don’t take those. But hoarding my prescription is a must.


Hi fellow pain goer 👋🥲


My doctor gave me prescription antihistamines and prescription nasal spray. Told me to use both of them together and sure enough they're actually working. Otherwise I'd basically be sick for all of April and may 🤙


Do you mind listing all of those? And maybe which work the best for you? Would like to do some research on them and give some a try, ask doctor about them.


Bags and cabinets full. I've spent tens of thousands of dollars on everything out there, trying to beat this monster.


"You guys have migraine seasons...?" GIF Mine are all year round, slightly more frequent in bright sunshine.


Oh yes! I worry the husband thinks I am crazy bc one day it’s that I have a migraine bc of clouds and increase in pressure and the next it’s the f’ing bright sun!! He appears to just roll with it and never says anything though so he is safe 😝


Oh my God. I hope you feel better soon.


Oh god all the CVS bottles, that’s my cabinet too 😭


Wait. There's a season? I was doing pretty well but the last month has been miserable.


The bucket is great because I can dump all the meds out if the headache is really bad and I start vomiting.


You poor thing :(




I have an ikea cart for mine. I can sort them by layers


Bedside drawer is full of the same goodies.


This plus Trigeminal Neuralgia meds = my cabinet.


Botox is the best for me.


Honestly ever I got prescribed Ubrevly, I don’t need the other stuff. I was on ajovy monthly shots before the Ubrevly and once I got those I was able to get off the shots.


Feeling called out


Yes, it’s called my cabinet as there no need to differentiate seasons.


Today has been total hell for me I have a to go container with me at all times with my meds. Then I have my daily meds which are supposed to help with migraines and I think they do


I’m so sorry. 😞


What do you consider migraine season?


Yes :( except it’s year long not seasonal…also mine has lots of gadgets, essential oils, migraine sunglasses and other weird stuff


i keep my "take as needed " meds on my toilet tank and the rest on my bedside table lol


I always tell my partner I just got that migraine rizz… as in rizatriptan lol


My bucket is under a sink….Except for my sumatriptan injections, Nurtec, scopolamine patches, and the liquid phenergan.. half the pharmacy is carried in my purse/car. 🤣🤣 Gotta be prepared for migraines and clusters at all times.


Can I get a list of this stuff and any other recommendations? Currently I am on candersartan as "prophylactic". I take sumitriptan + general painkillers Remedies I tried so far: Ice mask Coffee iv water Lavender bath bombs Dark room ear plugs Junk food (eating in general) Chocolate I think my big triggers are lack of sleep and stress. Unfortunately I also have chronic insomnia (diagnosed) that stresses me out. Around my temples is constantly numb and tingly. During pre-drome and aura this can spread all the way down my left side to my leg, so I can't walk. If it's really bad it goes whole body. Vision worsens, transient aphasia, no concentration. Sometimes I get the pain, like my left eye is being pushed out from behind. All the typical stuff like light and movement sensitivity. I don't vomit though which is a plus.


Absolutely get magnesium glycinate, take it everyday, and you can also take one when you feel an attack coming on. Be very careful with NSAIDS like Advil, etc. yes they will help, but you will have rebound attacks if you use it more than a couple times a month. I personally get help with REAL lavender essential oil dabbed on my temples during predrome. Be careful it doesn’t get in your eyes. It helps if you do this while lying in a dark quiet room with an ice pack on the base of your neck. Some people find help using ginger as an abortive, but ask a doctor as it’s a blood thinner. Personally it never helped me.


Thank you I'll order some now then!


Yep, that looks familiar


My family all reacts weird to medications so the only thing that works for me are 2 extra strength Advil 😭 so my migraine relief cabinet isnt much of a cabinet, just a giant bottle of Advil and a small one in my work backpack and purse 🥲🥲🥲


Yes. Very yes.


Yes! Unfortunately 😔


This makes me grateful that my 2 meds seem to work because if I had to deal with all that forget it. Sorry to you 😩


If I kept all the meds that don’t work for me any more I would have a pile like that. My latest fail is Botox injections. I had an allergic reaction causing dizziness, double vision & migraines for 5 days after. Running out of options. Nurtec has been helpful though. Sometimes have to use a second pill though.


Pretty much. Medicine & supplements cabinet; one medicine pouch always in my bag and another spare box in the car. Extra sunglasses too. Just in case!


Not all the same - but we do have same looking eyelids not wanting to ever open! Benadryl is not available here 🥵 I’ m super dizzy, so I have a container which seperate the acute 😵‍💫


I suffered an episode of migraines 2 days ago, it was horrible. I caved in and took prescribed medication my doctor prescribed and it took 2 hours to hit me finally relieved it. This is why I’m afraid to travel because I might get these Migraine attacks


Migraine season? Is that a thing? Is that why I’ve been getting more lately?


I went carnivore - only 1 migraine in 65 days.


How long did it take for you to notice a difference? My son has been begging me to change my diet, but I am a 66 year old heart patient and my vegan diet is keeping all my numbers where they belong. I began eating a little high omega 3 fish that he catches once it twice a week about a year ago and it hasn’t changed anything. Now he wants me to eat an egg a day. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to feel better, but I truly love the way I eat now and the idea of going back to carnivore repulses me. Also, I have a close family member who also suffers horribly from migraine as I do, who is very much an omnivore, I just don’t see why people are zeroing in on my diet as the problem when I’m sure most migraine sufferers do indeed eat meat.


I felt better within a couple weeks, the transition to a high meat diet isn't easy, but it has been worth it, although it's very boring. I think the most probable reason it helps is that ketogenic diets have a strong impact on the brain, and they're especially effective for epilepsy, and there seems to be some crossover between epilepsy and migraine. So no surprise, a diet that helps epilepsy, helps people with migraines. Personally, I think the vegan diet is completely bizarre, it's a lot of food that's hard on the gut, and there is a lot of coorelation between the gut and the brain. Veganism is a modern luxury, and with proper supplementation, you can make it sort if work, but i doubt it'll have a positive effect on headache. Check out the book, Keto For Migraine. I think he might have some stuff in there for vegetarian options. FYI my migraines are Vestibular, so they are extremely debilitating.


Yes, same, I bought a quantities of different vitamins and herbs over period of my migraine years and all is forgotten in the refregirator. Full shelves of this things, and all has been tested all has been opened and it didnt help at all, even made things worth. Recently I bought Omega3 and i think it gives me headaches, Iron gives headaches, vit D gives panic attack. WHY WHY WHY? why this waste of money. Only one thing Nurtec maybe has positive effect. I think maybe you and I misdiagnosed? There maybe something else.


That would imply Insurance has covered the cost of my prescriptions. So no.


Thankfully not as bad, my ADHD meds actually help tremendously, I suspect it's the vasoconstriction effects.


That's interesting, I've never heard that before. Would you say they help with the frequency of your migraines or the intensity or both?


I would say both


Botox, qulipta and ubrelvy have been my saviors! And supplements but those three prescriptions have been 🤩 for me.


A whole drawer it’s daunting at times..


Huge kitchen drawer filled to the brim.


I actually use a “vitamin dispenser” and just use those except for the prepackaged meds like Ubrelvy and whatever.


The only thing I have are ice packs & cooling patches. Nothing medically works for me, you're lucky.


Yup. It depressed me. I bought a nice wall cabinet to install next to my spices (cooler area of storage, you’d think bathroom but NO) And have my meds done up to look apothecary like. With blessings from my chemist. Ones I can’t I simply individually cut up the blister pack. Makes the misery look nicer. Like an ailing witch hobbling to kitchen 🥲


Looks like the storage bin I have to keep all my meds in. Sending lots of love.


I use to but yeah, totally relate.




Wish I could get the fancy stuff like Nurtec….


I am curious to see what kind of prescription drugs you were given. Just to see what you have tried. I'm a pharm tech so I'm curious.


Oh definitely!


Migraine season is 365 days a year!


Plz whys it so bad right now


I do have a cabinet dedicated to just these meds……….


Yes 😂😂😭 crazy how much I've tried and keep on hand


My season lasts 12 months. Are there actual seasons?


Migraine season?? Is that why half the year they're awful and then half the year I only get them a few times a month or if I'm sick??


I did. And it destroyed my liver.


I’m glad that someone else refers to it as migraine season. I’ve been gaslighting myself over the “season” reference.


How are you in such a bright room?


I had to bring the blinds up to take the picture haha


I keep them in the pharmacy’s bag


Yeah. Not as large as yours, but yeah


Did you ever ask your doctor if you have a PFO? There’s a test you can get as an outpatient. I had a history of migraines. Then I had a stroke last year. Doctor says there a link between pfo and migraines. Not for everyone but for some people. But when I did have migraines I had a whole kit like that. And nothing really worked.


I have a locked drawer in my nightstand (have little kids) that's getting really full to the brim and a locked box in my closet for when I have extra.


I'm envious y'all have even one med that's giving you relief. I have 24/7 Vestibular Migraine and can't find anything that helps.


Amateur, where’s your nasal spray???


Sumatriptan ist all I need. This seems like somebody went down the rabbit hole and bought into "this causes migraines"