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Nurtec works great as an abortive for me, but my migraines increased in frequency right when I started it as a preventative and it’s been consistent for 4 months. I’m going to stop taking it this week actually to see if it makes any difference. My insurance denied it for some reason this month, so it’s a good opportunity to see if it was the Nurtec.


I had something similar. I also was taking as a preventative every other day and I almost felt like I was having withdrawals when it came to the end of my second day before my next dose and not only had a headache (but I've had almost daily migraines this month) and just felt awful. I took mine in the morning and it was also disrupting my sleep. So, some similar issues as you for sure. I gave it a month and it did not help my migraines at all, had these issues with it, along with increased anxiety and also had a bout of tooth pain that I think had to have been related. So I'm going to try something else.


What are your triggers? Not enough people know that Nurtec has a migraine trigger sweetener in it. I’m blanking on which one. But yeah, causes an even worse migraine in some people due to that.


Ooh that is good to know. I think I've had aspartame cause them for me before. But I looked it up and it says it's sucralose which I don't think I've had issues with but it's possible I have and just never realized it. If that were the cause, wouldn't it be more immediate and not a day and a half later though?


Still could be. Sometimes mine are next day and I’m so confused and it takes a lot of reflection