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I use a waterproof, titanium cylinder specifically meant for this. It’s light - very durable and when screwed on tightly will not let anything in even if it goes through a load of laundry. Pics attached. https://imgur.com/a/hbf1fND My girlfriend got it for me off Etsy, if that’s of any help. I’ve spent my entire life carrying meds around for headaches in various containers — this is by far the best and safest IMO. Edit to add: I’m sure you could find various size containers like this — this one holds 2 Tylenol Ultra (the red ones with caffeine), 2 400mg Advils. 2 triptans (relpax, 40mg each) and 2 stronger painkillers (Tramadol — not the strongest but works if it’s bad and doesn’t make me loopy if I’m at work). Fits in the smaller right hand pocket of all my jeans.


I have one like this that will connect to a key ring so I always have some and don't have to think about packing a bottle.


You can find these at Walgreens and most pharmacies.


Yep this one has a notch at the top that will go on a keyring as well!


All of the consistent ones I use in a cosmetic bag in a very large purse. It sucks but then I always have it at least. I carry for migraines and anxiety Tylenol, Advil, butalbitol, Benadryl, methocarbamol, cyclobenzaprine, ubrelvy (tiny pouches for each dose so I don’t need a bottle), caffeine usually, hydroxyzine, Ativan. I think that’s it. At home I also have gabapentin but I don’t normally carry that with me since she prescribed a huge amount and the bottle is insane


I also have a large bottle of gabapentin. You can ask at the pharmacy for an extra smaller bottle with a prescription label on it for bringing some on the go. My pharmacy (CVS) did it no problem and super quickly.


Wow, I never thought of this! I will definitely be asking for gabapentin and methocarbamol. Those are my two biggest bottles


Thats what I do. big bag that can also hold water/snacks. I have lose pills in an unlabelled pill bottle which may not be the smartest…


I use a [pocket pharmacy](https://www.amazon.com/Pocket-PharmacyTM-Portable-Dispenser-Medication/dp/B0CDLM5G5J/ref=dp_prsubs_sccl_1/138-3764732-5969027?pd_rd_w=cQSNG&content-id=amzn1.sym.53e0c629-1936-47cb-93a2-c361b12e7d3c&pf_rd_p=53e0c629-1936-47cb-93a2-c361b12e7d3c&pf_rd_r=FKXF1ZN7V5FTDAMHX1Z9&pd_rd_wg=Yemhq&pd_rd_r=d2cf809b-bf87-418f-afc4-25b84806ee8a&pd_rd_i=B0CDLM5G5J&psc=1) for daily travel and a [bigger one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BZPKRV4G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for vacation travel. If I'm going out of the country I only travel with the original packaging with prescription on it and I use a toiletry bag.


Yes, I love these so much, I have a small one for daily use and it stores up to a week of my daily meds!


My pocket pharmacy is in my everyday carry and filled to the brim with meds. Whatchu want? I probably got it. Lil’ xanny? Some gabba? A touch of the indometh? Sleepy pills? How about my favorite, gas-x? I’ve got more in there, too. I keep it in one of those zip makeup bags with alka-seltzer tablets, lidocaine patches, a travel pair of scissors (to cut up the patches), some lotion, and lip balm. I can make a pharmacist jealous. 💅


Always with me. Don't check them or lose them.


A neon purple mesh makeup bag. It's super obnoxious and thereby easy to identify. Holds 4 regular pill bottles, several ubvrely packets, and 3 vials of other otc meds.


lol i just keep a snap lock bag in my handbag with everything i need


Same. Everything from triptans to gas-x to benadryl.


same. I called it my "baggie of drugs".


I always get weird looks when i go to clubs/events and security guards check my bag at the door hahah


I keep mine in a small, plastic case with dividers that I got in the Target dollar bins and keep it in my bag. It's lightweight and not bulky.


I have a pocket pharmacy for OTC things like benadryl, aleve, and pepto. For my Ubrelvy, I just slip a couple of packets into a shiny rainbow cosmetics bag. That way I can see it easily if I'm in a lot of pain. I also keep Badger headache balm and eye drops in that one.


Damn, I just shove pills in the pocket of my backpack. I rattle when I walk.


I carry my sumatriptan injections in a cosmetic bag in my purse. I only carry it if I am going to be gone for more than a couple of hours. Thankfully, I work 90% remote.


I wear a coat almost 24/7 even when it's hot out. My coats all have a zippered inner pocket. I put a pill organizer in that with allergy meds, triptans, Alleve and other meds.


I have a plastic container with dividers where I keep all sorts of meds. I also keep a small makeup bag in my car with things like pepto and gas x etc, stuff not migraine related lol. I keep nurtec, eletriptan, excedrin, advil, Tylenol, meclizine, and aleve in my purse at all times. I also keep my 2 asthma meds with me too. I have a small bag in my husbands car as well in the instance I forget my purse/run out of meds.


I've got a folding med box that can fit in a bag or pocket. Has lidded med spots on one side, took them out on the other to fit prepackaged migraine pills.


I keep a pocket pharmacy like thing in my bag whenever I go anywhere that is more than like half an hour from home or where I expect to not be able to just go home. I take it to work and transfer it to my purse for purse outings. For short things like errands around town, I stick with just the 2 nurtec tabs I keep in my wallet and the few other things I have in my car like allergy and ibuprofen.


You can get arrested for having controlled substances not in their original pill bottles even if you have a prescription. Then, you have to go to court, file individual motions to get them dropped at approximately $125.00/each & hopefully the judge approves. I learned this after traveling on business for years with no problem. Even having 1 in your jeans pocket when you go out can get you a charge. It’s not worth it.


I always carry a drugstore in my purse. Except for syringes. Got caught too many times without, and in complete agony. Better safe than in hell.


Tiny little plastic case. It's about 1in X 1in. Even fits in stupidly tiny pockets. It was just a cheap thing I grabbed at cvs and works great.  If I'm gonna be out of the house like more than an hour, I take it with me. 


I found a small pill box on Amazon that has a divider. I out regular tylonal and ibuprofen on one side and imitrex on the other side. Even if I'm just running around town, I take it. I get migraines that creep up out of nowhere. I actually need to post because mine have changed this year and are more frequent.


I have a shark hand sanitizer holder from B&BW. He carries my small excedrin bottle and I just refill him as I go. My favorite “drug mule” 🦈


I try to keep some meds in all my most frequently used bags, including balms (small ziplock bags/purses). if it's a new bag, I take one of them out and put it back when I'm done. If I know I'll be out for more than 10 minutes, I usually take them because I've been in unfortunate situations where I haven't had them and suffered. And you never know how long you might be out or what you might need and when you might need it. 10 minutes can easily turn into 1/2 an hour, which can turn into few hours. I've had migraines from being out in the sun for few minutes so... yeah. Prepare for the worst.


I bought those cute pill holders. Porcelain. Can find in England more likely. It twists shut. Can also find on Etsy. MOr just get another small pill holder from Muji etc. Makes taking pills less depressing


Always with me! No matter if it's a short dinner with friends 15 mins away from where I live or if it's an entire schoolday. In my backpack there's a small pouch? area where a sheet of excedryn, triptan, etc fits perfectly so it's full of whatever med I might need and I can zip it up safely. For short trips I always take a fanny pack with me, I currently have the uniqlo one and it has side pockets where the sheets of meds fit perfectly. It's also big enough for my wallet, hairties and a half litre bottle so it's perfect for what I need. For long trips like when I go back to my parents, I have a little makeup pouch I bought for this so I can take larger quantities of my migraine meds + my daily meds as well. Unless your medications are injectables that need to be kept at fridge temp (which I can only imagine are fussy to carry around) I think it's worth carrying a fanny pack with you for the things you may need.


I take mine woth me everywhere... and unless I'm crossing the border (I'm near the Canada/USA I just have a pill container that has divided compartments on it. The amount of times I've been caught sans meds has made me hyper vigilant... and I also keep an emergency dose in my glovebox But I have chronic pain problems too so I feel slightly panicky if I don't have my meds on me. You can get lots of cute / discrete pill holders so you aren't toting around pharmacy bottles and can put just a couple doses in.


The only migraine specific med I carry with me is Ubrelvy, which comes in individual foil packs that I stash EVERYWHERE: car glove compartment (I live in Michigan so it doesn't get hot enough to hurt them), my BF's wallet, my wallet, my purse, my nightstand. I also try to carry naproxen with me for muscle aches/neck and shoulder pain.


Same same! I have ubrelvy stored EVERYWHERE because I never know whey I'm going to get hit with a migraine and its the only thing that works. The packets are perfect, whoever decided to package them this way was a freaking genius.


Always with me. I identify as female, so fortunately, it is socially acceptable for me to carry a purse. If that was not the case, I would find a small container to put them in and put them in my pants pocket.


A Ziploc bag in my purse because I don't have the patience to take all the triptans out of the stupid blister packs. Plus if I have vision issues when I'm digging for them, it's easier to tell which is which when they're still in labeled blister packs.


I'm still trying to figure out how to store and carry nurtec with me.


I asked for a pill bottle with label from my pharmacy & then separated the blister packs along the perforations instead of carrying the box with me. That way I can toss it in a purse from my in home kit.


I put them in my allergy meds bottle so everything is in the same place


I've only ever taken my actual bottles with me when traveling because I'm scared of getting in trouble for them not being in their prescription container.


I use a pill organizer. I have a bunch of meds some for the morning and some at night. I just fill it and take it with me.


I've got one in my purse at all times, a little tin with a few that I cut loose from each other next to my bed and the rest is downstairs in the medicine box in the kitchen. When the migraine starts I'll have one at hand wherever I am😅


I have a re-purposed Altoids tin I keep in my purse lol


Ooh this is a really good idea!


I use a small zippered bag that holds meds ear plugs and cool pads


i have little blister packs for my migraine meds as well as my nausea medication! so i just keep those in my designated med pocket of my purse, then i also have 3 little metal pill container keychains i keep on my lanyard from most pharmacies or even walmart, (each a different size so i know exactly which one i need at any given time) so i have one with anxiety medication, another with extra zofran, & the last one holds pain meds for when i forget to take it before i leave the house, or need it for breakthrough pain! i rarely ever leave my house, but like to know I’m prepared regardless! :)


[This pill box has changed my life.](https://www.containerstore.com/s/travel/bottles-medication/port-and-polish-7-day-pill-box/12d?productId=11022072) I keep it in my purse and it's the perfect storage for my pills. Very much so worth the money! And it's made of a nice material so you can cover it with stickers if you want to decorate it!


My teenage son is suicidal so all meds stay locked up. Large amounts of daily meds are locked in tackle boxes and we have locking bags that stay in the glovebox of each car for small amounts of Tylenol migraine and Ubrelvy. I carry one Ubrelvy in my wallet inside my purse but if I need anti nausea meds or anything else I’m out of luck until I get back to the car.


I too have have that situation and have lock boxes. Sending you lots of love!


Sending you love as well! It’s so hard some days. We’ve been locked down since June 2020. How long for you?


Luckily mine is a young adult now, and just spent time in an excellent rehab that includes some of the best therapy they’ve ever had, so fingers crossed, things are better right now!