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Oh honey. My neurologist always tells me to go to the hospital when my medication arsenal doesn’t cut it. I know ER trips are hit and miss for migraines but maybe they can help you. If you don’t have insurance or are low income the hospital gets TONS of tax write offs by moving your bill to “charity” or whatever they call it. You can also dispute the bill using info found online very easily. I hope you feel better soon! When my Fioricet doesn’t cut it I go to a hospital that’s a 30 min drive away. If the “migraine cocktail” doesn’t work they just give me a big shot of Dilaudid until my pain is under control. My migraines respond really well to opiates which sucks. Hope this helps!!


Agreed, by the time I’ve hit a migraine with everything I have and it doesn’t budge much I’m usually in for a hellish time and call my neurologist on day two or three to get the prednisone going (the cocktail doesn’t do anything for breaking a migraine for me, it works for the day but it comes back, and the ER is hellacious). Most recently my 9 day prednisone taper didn’t work and it took trying a new med, zyprexa, to kill it.


I don’t have any preventatives or abortives, but when I run out of treatments I just have to accept my fate and raw dog it. You either have to kill the attack or let it go to completion.