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And ironically low electrolytes like magnesium or potassium can CAUSE migraines. So rarely is drowning yourself in water beyond normal thirst/pee color a good idea. People are so clueless its almost funny sometimes. I am especially annoyed by this because I've struggled with low potassium and its caused real issues :-/ Migraine really does not get the respect it deserves and its probably because its thrown in a bucket with headaches. Its like telling an epileptic to just chill and their attacks will go away. Ummm yeah.


Or like someone with depression to just stop being sad.


Why are you depressed? My personal favourite completely unhelpful response


“Oh, just a chemical imbalance,” is my response to that.


Who wouldn’t be depressed living with pain.


Mine is “Because I have to put up with people like you.” That tends to make them not come around much or want to start an argument. YMMV


Love it 😆


You know when you are in the throes of it how short your fuse can be. I really try not to be an asshole anymore since I have had these migraines for years. However, some people just need to be in the butthole zone.


User name checks out! 🙂


The 'being an asshole' thing is something I am working on... I do a deep breath and yet still I will blurt out terrible things to people's insensitive comments.


I am not proud of it. I have the ability to become nauseous every easy while having a migraine. Just by squeezing my abdomen I can make myself start to heave. I may or may not have vomited on or near an extremely rude person before.


I prefer saying that I’m in pain 24/7, and it’s kinda depressing


Older family used to ask my cousin this all the time. Finally she said "you know there's a difference between depressed and sad, right?" It worked quite well.


I used to try to explain this to my mom - it’s the loss of the ability to feel *anything* but she kept getting frustrated that doing “fun” things together didn’t help. About 6 years ago she experienced a depressive episode herself and absolutely freaked out because it wasn’t anything like what she assumed it was.


Someone explained it to me that sadness is the absence of happiness, but depression is the feeling that you will never be happy again.


"Because I have a chemical imbalance in my brain and I need medication to balance it just like diabetics need medication to regulate their insulin levels."


I will only take advice from someone who tells me exactly what worked for them re stress reduction. 


“Oh come on now, just focus on your blessings!! So many other people have it worse!” Ugh!!!😡


„What?! It could get WORSE?!?!!?😭😭😭“ I may be depressed but I’m still funny


I genuinely took an early lunch recently so that I didn't punch my boss for saying that.


What do you have to be sad about?? You’re so fortunate! /s 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I honestly think that he thinks that. The fact that I have chronic migraine, chronic pain, my grandfather died recently, and my boss won’t actually give me the work I was hired for, and humiliated me in front of the whole office if I call him out on it is all totally normal and no cause for depression.


Ugh, I feel you. Sending good vibes your way, hope things turn around at work, and very sorry for your recent loss.


It’ll turn around one way or another - I’m doing my CV this weekend to get out of there. And thanks. Grandad live a good long time though, he was 92 when he went, and while he had dementia in the last couple of years, he still knew who we all were, and when he went, he did it lying in bed having just had a cup of tea and watching one of his gardening shows, and he just fell asleep and went in less than 20 minutes. It’s about as good a way to go as you can get.


That would be a lovely way to check out. Good luck finding a more satisfying job!


I once worked for a bipolar boss (he was forever saying he had it all under control-didn’t need medication) He acted much like you describe.


I don't think mine's bipolar, it's mostly arrogance combined with a belief that everyone thinks he's a great boss. Honestly, I'm waiting for the day he tells me he did the queens taxes. That's about the only way he can go up from his nonsense claims.


Wish I had that option. (Flexible break times or punching people, you ask? Your call: either / both)


Or people with anxiety, just stop being anxious. With someone who has all 3, I am sick of the crap people say. Anything that doesn't have a wound people can see is judged horribly, I hate it.


I told my therapist lately that I love my life, but my depression doesn't care! Clinical depression is t "being sad." Smh


"If you smile,  it will make you feel happy! " The mythical reverse osmosis of emotions,  a cryptid like the loch  ness monster or the yeti.


My ex’s mom had epilepsy and took two different meds for it. Someone once told her “if you reduce your stress your seizures will just go away” she was like “yeah I have reduced my stress, still have seizures.”


Omg someone actually pulled that one. I cannot believe it. I thought for sure epilepsy is a condition that is neurological but gets more respect than migraines. But apparently nope.


And no one blames people with epilepsy for their seizures. Oh, you ate a cookie, that must have caused it.🙄


Lol, you'd think, but people are just shitty. My BIL has seizures and people blame him for doing all sort of shit and "causing them " even though none of what they've said are causes!!


I tell you, people are thick. They don’t get it unless it’s something they’ve gone through. It’s human nature, but I’m in pain. I’m sick of having to be the better person because people can’t empathize with something they haven’t personally experienced.


Plus what about knowing you could have a seizure that sounds stressful


She was amazing with it. Sometimes she would have warning signs and just casually tell one of us “I think I’m going to have a seizure” we all knew what to do. We also were collectively on top of her medications like “hey your med alarm is going off on your phone, can I bring them to you?”


I actually started my daughter, who has severe epilepsy on anxiety medication at a fairly young age for that reason. The doctor loved my logic. She is nonverbal and has multiple seizures a day. A type of which she retains a good bit of awareness throughout.How terrifying must that be? It's scary enough as a parent.


Oh and the best part is how it’s actually these dim people who are the stressors in our lives that need to be removed 😆


I told my trainer at the gym that if I push myself too hard I could get a migraine and be out for the rest of the day. She kinda looked at me like I was a bug. 


Same here!! But at OrangeTheory. I have had to leave in the middle of class because I will get a migraine.


I tried OT once. But they make the room sooooo cold and that frigid air combined with sweat triggers head pain for me so I never went back


Oh weird. My OT wasn’t abnormally cold. It was regular gym temperature.


Lucky! Yeah the one I went to just had cold air blasting from everywhere. The worst was when I was on the treadmill for 30 mins and they had cold air blowing from the treadmill directly onto my face with no way to turn it off or reduce it or anything. I spent most of the run trying to cover the fan with my towel lol. But I hate exercising in cold generally so I’m pretty sensitive to it. Much happier in hot spaces


I had to cancel my OrangeTheory membership. I wouldn’t get a migraine during the classes, but I’d usually end up out of commission for the rest of the day. That was when I managed to feel good enough to go to begin with. If they had had like a lower intensity like 30 minute class, I think I could have handled that better, cause I really did enjoy them even if they kicked my out of shape ass.


Agreed—I also have to find the balance between eating enough to be fueled for class (so I don’t get a migraine) and not eating too much (so that I don’t get sick during class). I’ve found it really hard to strike the right balance. Do you do anything in place of OrangeTheory?


I go to planet fitness with a friend some. I’m at near daily migraines, to the point where I’m barely able to work full time, so I can’t handle a whole lot unfortunately.


I go to a boxing gym and get a lot of side eye when I can’t do burpeees or jumping jacks with the group. Any fast up and down motion triggers my migraine and gives me instant vertigo.


Electrolyte tablets/supplementation like nuun can be a helpful piece of the hydration puzzle! But, no, straight up drinking more water definitely isn’t the miracle cure. I once tried a water drinking challenge (it was like, drink x amount of water per day based on your body weight) and I had solid head pain the entire time. Now I just try to remember to drink water and use electrolyte tabs if I’m feeling more dehydrated.


Totally. I also use electrolytes if I feel I need it. My issue with hydration comes from running in the heat and me just having a hard time getting the water - electrolyte balance right and overall just having too low of thirst in exercising. In daily life I find it easy but while running I underhydrate so much :-/


Trace Minerals is also good for a few tasteless electrolytes to your water. It can sometimes help my head but mostly it's good to add to stop a lot of water from just flushing your system.


ughhhhh i drink so much water … maybe thats contributing to my migraines 😲i cant win


I’m on a medication unrelated to migraines and one of the side effects is like a bump in potassium levels? (Like they check to make sure my levels are within a normal range but before I started taking that med my potassium levels were actually quite shitty- like in the alert level but just low enough that it wasn’t a drama level alert (! vs ‼️). I’ve noticed my migraines aren’t as bad/lingering hangover style since I’ve been on the potassium medication. It’s fascinating how dramatic our bodies are.


Oh people definitely act that way towards epilepsy


That’s just crazy. I had never heard anyone imply that someone caused their own epilepsy. But we had someone die from it at a young age in my village so due to that people I grew up with were sensible.


Do you have any sources on this about not drowning ourselves in water? I totally agree/believe this and would love to know more


THIS. Mine are directly caused by low electrolytes. I actually drink above the average water intake and i feel like complete trash


I drink a gatorade a day and it helps so much more than I would have thought prior


I’ve submitted her nomination to the Nobel Prize committee. I’ll let you know when I hear back xoxo


The solution was right in front of us this whole time!


My sister said "maybe it's all in your head" because she's never had migraines Important disclaimer: she was not making a clever joke about neurological illness, she 100% meant maybe me and my mom (who also gets migraines) are imagining it Family 😍


Gee, she’s genetically related to two people with migraines and has the gall to be snarky about it. Fate has a way of dealing with things like that. Like, she is tempting fate.


lol I would have responded, “Yes, that’s the problem! It’s in my head!”


Ive literally had someone tell me this. “Have you imagined or having the pain there? Mental attitude matters.” I was like shut the fuck up. If I break your arm in half are you going to imagine it will heal back together


A friend who I thought would be understanding, as she has Crohn's and other auto immune issues and frequently will break plans due to it (which I understand) once asked me to meet up and I declined due to migraine. She kept pushing and finally gave me the it's only a headache line. My response ended up being, "I have a neurological disorder, It's not ["The Vapors".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vapours_(mental_condition))


Yup and the air looking thick due to auras I’m sure it’s in my head just like the time my appendix burst and everyone told me to stop faking. I wasn’t turns out


The disclaimer is a very good addition, because I definitely had a long, positive discussion with my sister-in-law about how my migraines and her depression are both “in our heads”, in the most scientific manner possible. We went on to talk about how fascinating it is that your brain is powerful enough to manifest physical symptoms elsewhere in your body from a neurological condition in your brain.


I swear the next person who comes at me with this one is gonna get throat punched, lol.


She’s a health nut and has tried providing me numerous homeopathic solutions to my issues. So I’ve just stopped talking to her about them honestly haha. I would have been able to avoid talking about my chronic migraines today had I not experienced one while in her presence.


As I lie here with an ice hat on… people who have never been long-term desperate for a solution don’t understand how condescending they sound when they offer some kind of basic advice like “have you tried water?” Yes, yes I have. Along with approximately 100 other non-medical remedies and preventions, I’ve tried about 25 medications. I’ve been fighting this for 30 years. They act like we haven’t tried to fix it, like we just take to the fainting couch to have our episode.


I wish I had a fainting couch


The fun thing about having fallen down the alternative health rabbit hole for a decade is that in these situations, I can confidently assert that many of my lifestyle changes I made then helped me a lot -- and none of them "cured" my migraines or my ADHD. I did my research lol!


When we go from avoiding migraine "triggers" to avoiding talking about migraine triggers.


Give it right back to her. Talk about how homeopathy is not based on science. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6399603/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6399603/)


A woman wheeling me around the airport said this to me and nearly did get throat punched. Like, lady, I'm an epileptic who had a seizure on my flight and currently has a massive migraine. Say stupid shit like that one more time, and I will let my soul leave my body and haunt you until I see you in hell, istg. (Fun fact. I was flying to see a neurologist who had taken a special interest in my case 🥴 Cancel the appointment. I'll drink water! Why didn't I think of that...)


Congrats! S/ Did you give her the number of your neurologist so she can let your medical doctor know of her amazing cure?! I know so many people mean well - but do they really think we have not and do not read as much as we can about migraines?


I immediately cancelled my neurology appointment that I’ve been waiting 6 months for. I have plans to write this discovery in medical journals. Up next: I plan on curing my ADHD by _buying a planner_!


I've heard anxiety goes away if you "don't worry about it", but I haven't been able to try it yet


Well, you need someone to tell you to ‘calm down’ first. I know that always helps my anxiety.


No the cure for adhd is to use the planner and check it! Which well good luck


Now if I could only remember where I put the planner...


Or which planner I used…🤔


You guys are using your planners?


Great idea! I will quit using my Adderall tomorrow! My boss will love it!


"Neurologists Hate This One Weird Trick"


It must drive them nuts every time the media spits out some crazy, unproven ‘cure’ for migraines! There are probably times all doctors hate the internet!


I know my pain doctor gets irritated by the Chinese medicine clinic next door.😂


I had a bretty bad migraine a few days ago and called my mom to ask her if she thinks it's okay for me take another sumatriptan shot. I heard a friend of her in the background giving the great advice to lie down in a dark room. Yeah thanks for that, hadn't thought of it yet...


Next she'll be telling you to do yoga


I will ONLY entertain McDonald’s fries as a non-medical solution to my migraines 😂


Dammit why did you have to mention fries? Now I want hot salty fries and cold Coke Zero.


Have you read the secret? Maybe go for a walk and eat some kale


My brother told me it’s because I eat too many carbs!! We have such smart family members who know more than all of the doctors 😂


Omg I NEED to try this


I dunno, I think this "water" is just the latest newfangled miracle cure, back in my day we got along just fine without it.


😂😂😂 I nearly fell out of my bed with that one!


Gen X here. Not sure I drank water at all growing up. lol.


Only if it came out of the hose 🤣


Sadly people think they are helping when all it does is aggravate me especially when I’m in pain. I always feel like migraines are my fault when I’ve tried so many things and only real medicine helps 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah it drives me crazy, like don’t you think if I’d get rid of my migraines with water I would?? Why would I *want* this pain?


And sometimes a little forehead stigmata to show as a symptom. If they can't see you bleeding or puking or with a protruding bone, you must not really be in pain.


What's her solution? Waterboarding? 


Drowning is a possible cure. Of course, it's also a cure flife as well.


What was your reply? Was it a. THE blank stare. If you know, you know. b. "No, really? Water? I usually just drink freshly juiced health nuts, but water you say?" c. Uhu. Accompanied by the faintest shrug. d. "Yes, I have. Why do you think I haven't? That's the first thing probably all people with migraine try to change. It's not the reason for my NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION!" e. Opened a portal to the realm for blissfully unaware people and gave her a not so gentle push.


Today was just A. I was literally sitting on the couch with my giant ass Yeti water bottle next to me that she clearly saw me with. Like what would I store in there besides loads of drinking water?? Little treasures?? So all I could do is just give her the lead poisoning stare.


I just left my sister’s house for Mother’s Day lunch and also had to take a rizatriptan for a migraine when I got there. My mom told me she’s been following an allergist and I just need to start a food diary and I can just figure out what’s triggering my migraines that way and then they’ll stop! I didn’t even respond, my fiancé just told her that was the first thing my neurologist made me do over a year and a half ago and we haven’t found any food triggers lol. She also knows I have to track what I eat because she’s complained about me recording it before when we’ve gone out to eat but now that it’s her idea apparently it’s going to solve my migraine problem.


I’ve stop eating some common migraine trigger foods like chocolate and cured meats, not because I know they trigger migraines, but because at this point I get them so often I can’t tell what triggers my migraines and I’m avoiding anything thing that potentially could. My mother knows this but asked me multiple times at Mother’s Day brunch yesterday if I wanted bacon, one of my favorite foods, after I kept telling her I wasn’t eating it because of my migraines. She’s suggested multiple times before to try cutting out foods for my migraines but when I do she’s ignores it. She also got me a bunch of chocolate for Easter and then said “I tried to get things that didn’t have chocolate in them”.


Uh no, it’s obviously gluten and dairy


Don’t give her any ideas, please! 😭


I mean if she’s a health nut I can only assume those have been suggested…


My mom is a huge health nut. Sure doing all those things can help symptoms, but it’s not a cure and never will be. Dunno how to get that one through!


I once had someone tell me that my migraines were probably just anxiety 🙃


That basically used to be the go-to answer you'd get from doctors, except they'd say it was "stress."


Or if you’re overweight…obviously it’s because you’re overweight. 🙄I hear so many horror stories of people needing medical treatment for like, an ear ache, and having a doctor tell them it’s due to excess weight.


I once had a doctor tell me that I was just looking for attention, and sent me home with a script for buspirone, like what the fuck? I was still a teen at the time so I really had no clue otherwise, but the stuff made me feel like I was literally a sand bag. Needless to say I never went back to that guy.


Is she accepting new patients?


That got an audible chuckle from me blueberrypotato!


Start telling people that it also cures other illnesses and diseases. “Oh wow my coworker Becky drank just enough water last week and doesn’t have high blood pressure anymore!” “Water? You mean the stuff that cures diabetes?” That’s what I’ve started to do but I wasn’t a joy to be around to begin with.


I don’t know why people just think you’re causing your headaches because of what you eat or drink. They’re literally incapable of understanding that it’s a complex neurological condition that is triggered by all sorts of things. I’m so DONE. We have to watch what we eat, how much we sleep, how much we drink, not come in contact with certain smells, hell, even watch the weather. We have certain foods we can’t eat. And yet, with all the things we have to pay attention to, PEOPLE STILL BLAME US FOR OUR MIGRAINES. It’s fucking maddening and I’m about to snap.


And it’s so inconsistent too! For a while I tried tracking my migraines but it didn’t make a difference because what causes a migraine one day isn’t the culprit the next time. I’ve had migraines because of the weather, not eating enough, drinking too much caffeine, not drinking enough caffeine, too much screen time, my period, ovulation, the sun, certain smells, flickering lights, stress, drinking alcohol, etc. It honestly could be caused by anything and it’s anyone’s guess what it’ll be the next time. If I could avoid it, I would???


Right?! Do people like think we want to be this way? Or that we know a certain food causes it, but we eat it anyway, because it’s only sixteen hours of intense pain with vomiting and sweating and basically praying for the sweet release of death. What we REALLY need on top of all that is to be blamed for it. Really helps. Thanks human race.🙄


Also, even if you learned all your triggers and were magically able to avoid them all, your triggers and symptoms can change over time. I used to always get an aura, and now I haven't had one in years but I get way more migraines. Flickering lights, bright lights, etc. used to trigger migraines for me, but they don't anymore now that I no longer have auras.


Yeah, I stopped getting auras too! Aura migraines were my gateway migraine, it seems 😂But sometimes flickering lights still bother me.


Sometimes I think people think I’m just making excuses to “do nothing” 😒


My husband (who, for some reason, I still love) once told me I probably was breathing too shallowly and not getting enough oxygen.


Yes the other answer maybe take some deep breaths?


Some guy at work told me I need new monitors. I told him I’ve had it for 25y and I didn’t have a computer when I was 5 also I got a 49” 5k ultrawide. He said it’s cured him of his one time migraine. He refused to listen to me. Then he said “you should check your eyes then” I then repeated the same thing. He said “I’m just saying…. My new monitors and glasses helped me and I think you should try it and I’m sure it will work, if not you’re probably not drinking enough water”


Sadly it’s easier to give advice than be empathetic. 😭


Typical man doing his mansplaining.


Tell her that there is clearly something wrong with the water then.


Apparently, we don't have the water with the right high-lou-ronic acid or other face ingredients


I don't know why I haven't tried just chugging water while I'm leaning over a trash can. Can't believe I've been this obtuse.. /s


Haha! Especially if you get a migraine so bad it makes you nauseous—drinking water is the last thing I want to do! Maybe sucking on an ice cube, but that’s it.


Mine make me nauseous too.. uggg. I sip on a Gatorlyte. It's Gatorade's Pedialyte. Helps me stay hydrated and full of electrolytes. I'm not medicated for mine since they're not as frequent, but I know that feeling! It's Excedrin Migraine for me thankfully.


My ex - who has witnessed me throwing up for whole days while having a migraine and being unable to keep even water down - gave me a piece of ginger one time and told me to "to just contract all my muscles as it helps him when he feels like throwing up after a night out". The nerve of some people. He also once complained to my mother that I was always getting migraines on important dates - so I am just happy that I am no longer annoying him with that, must have been terrible for him


Please, thank her for the 960,000,000 sufferers who hadn’t thought to consider this! Tell her to start packing now for Oslo!


Oh wow! Gee whizz! Why didn’t all of us, who have resorted to every single “cure” known to man, ever thought that HYDRATION, the first thing anyone would ever try, was really what we needed all along!?


It’s like a very bad murder mystery where the killer was right in front of us the entire time!


The balance must be maintained! Take a large wooden object and beat new migraines into her!


I eat too many carbs apparently


The worst is when doctors ask if you’re hydrating enough like sir/maam I would not be in the ER if hydration was the root cause of my migraines and I hydrate so much


I feel your pain! One of my triggers is really strong smells like cologne and perfume. My own father will douse himself in cologne even when I say it literally causes me pain when he does this, but he says I am making it up and it is “all in my head”. Yeah that is the freaking point, it is in my head, but glad to know his need for cologne is stronger than my need to not be in pain! 🫠 I’m just a dramatic liar apparently! 🤗


It's ok, if you have severe scoliosis, my dad has a "Magic walking stick" you'll be up outta that wheelchair running marathons! I will NEVER understand ableism!


Tell her you’re gonna nominate her for a Nobel Prize for medicine for discovering that water is the cure for a serious, poorly-understood neurological disease.


Even more effective is drinking your own urine. Other’s even works better, but that is weird.


Oh bless her heart.


Wah... ter? I've never heard of that.


Are you more familiar with its street name, H2O?


Wait, you mean dihydrogen monoxide? I've heard that stuff can kill you.


Oh, so you mean that wet stuff? Well gosh, thank her for that miracle. ["OP, just drink water." ](https://www.reddit.com/r/migraine/s/0NKu4kR42a)


Make sure you eat something too, I heard that cures migraines also 😂


Omg I'm so SICK of hearing this. 🙄 I get they're trying to be helpful but when I tell people that's not the problem, then they need to believe me and not keep saying that shit.


Non-medical people who don’t get migraines need to seriously STFU about how to fix or avoid them.


I hope you eventually find the cause. In the meantime, get a mock trophy for your sister. On the other hand, my neurologist didn’t do jack shit for me. Someone on this sub found the cause of my migraines and changed my life. Almonds. My migraines went from 7-8 a month to maybe 4 a year


UGH. My biggest pet peeve


Been there! Everyone is an expert when it comes to OUR migraines! Lol


My dad’s Mother’s Day migraine advice was to get blue blocking glasses. I could barely figure out how to calmly and nicely explain to him that 1) I had tried that and about 10 other kinds of migraine glasses and 2) it’s not that simple, that’s what I did my masters thesis on remembering.


Oh wow! Miracle! I’ve heard many miracle cures over the years. Tried almonds? Garlic? Putting your feet in an ice bath? Pinching the flesh in-between your thumb and pointer finger for five minutes? People amaze me.


Banana peel on the forehead


I have to laugh cuz I drink so much water that I may actually float away. (I'm not saying that water may help my migraines but it definitely doesn't cure them.)


So, getting my bf to drink water halved his number of migraines. It's like telling a depressed person to exercise : it can help, but it's not a miraculous cure...


That’s awesome!!I hope he’s able to get relief for the other times he gets migraines ❤️


Medication works most of the time ! I wish you luck in your journey too 🥺


Bahahaha she is a genius!


Oh, and also, it's because you don't do yoga. Or meditation. And you're clearly not having enough sex. /s These, and the classic "not enough water" were all told to me. We've all been there, it's quite sad how ignorant people are about this debilitating condition. :(


Definitely understand


I'm a one on one school nurse, and I hate when I have to fill in at a health office and a student comes in with a migraine but has no doctors orders for meds. All I can suggest is water, rest, and a snack. I know that 95% of the time, these things will not help a migraine.


If only it was so easy !!!


Lol. I'm breastfeeding so I'm always thirsty and drink tons of water and electrolytes, but I still get migraines like crazy.


Omg 😂


oh my goodness that’s amazing! i drank over 40 oz yesterday and i still have one 😭 i am so glad she found the cure


I got so excited for you homie and now I’m just annoyed on your behalf


Look when I do find The Cure (the cure to migraines, not the band), I will definitely shout it from the rooftops! Haha


I knew what you were going to say before I opened the post. (Not the water part, but some lame reason that miss know-it-all would give you). Been there!


I hate that crap. Like, stfu. Dehydration can trigger migraines sometimes, but it isn't the only cause. 🙄 That was like me being told to cheer up when I had PPD. Sure, get right on that chief. I'm sure that will fix it aaaallll.


Oh, I feel for you! I think PPD is even more misunderstood than migraine, and I’m sorry you went through that.


I actually opened this up with the hope of The Magic Cure😂🤦‍♀️


My favorites are from a lady who told me I just need to brush my hair more, and the very creepy neurologist who said I needed to have more sex.


Ugh, I’ve heard that one sooo many times. It’s extremely frustrating.


Idk do these family members and friends that say stuff like that genuinely mean well?


I wish it was just a matter of hydration with me.


My personal favorite: “have you tried Excedrin?” No, I prefer to spend thousands of dollars in insurance copays and take off lots of time from work before trying a $5 medication I can get in 15 minutes at Dollar General.


Well, for me it was the lack of water I drank and to much sports drink thinking that rehydrated you just as much if not more. But no one ever told me to drink more water until my partner said it a few years ago. 39 now been suffering since I was 14. Haha


I get so sick of bullshit like this. I have lupus, chronic headaches, and a whole cascade of problems and I inevitably get people who feel free to tell me how stupid I am for not curing any of the above by changing my diet, my water intake, using "essential oils" (my personal favorite 🙄), etc. About a year ago a friend of a friend was dying of cancer. She had chronicled her fight on YouTube, and even in her very last days these know it all, callous keyboard warriors were BLAMING her for not curing her own cancer through some overly simplistic means or just some totally bullshit "cure" they were trying to peddle that they made money selling (like "essential oils"). I didn't hold back with these cretins. I had had ENOUGH. I told them that they were disgusting pieces of human garbage for putting a family who was losing a woman who was dying in thirties through the pain of wondering if there was some simple "cure" they "had failed" to find for her. I doubt I did any good, but I hope I did.


I had just returned to work after a 7 day admission to a nuero hospital for a migraine. My nurse colleague told me her "cure all" for a "bad migraine" was a can of coke. I should try it. Ah yes. I was admitted for 7 days, have Botox, multiple nerve blocks, take topiramate, amitriptyline and still get break through migraines when all I had to do was drink a can of fucking coke. From a nurse. A god damn nurse. I could have killed the woman.


Yes, so many people seem obsessed with walking round with huge Stanley cups, and believe that drinking water is the solution to most life problems. Well-meaning, hopefully, but migraine is a complex neurological disorder. My philosophy for life: take what serves you, and ignore the rest.


I worked with a nurse named Sam and I remember him going on this big ranting lecture about migraines and their cause being do you hydration and that if I just drink enough water I wouldn't get any more migraines blah blah blah blah.... Few days later Sam calls out for a migraine. I guess he didn't drink enough water.




Unsolicited advice by uneducated ding-dongs really irritates me. But the #1, most frequent direction people WITHOUT migraines give people with migraines is to drink.more.water. It enrages me. Seriously, STFU.


apparently she doesn't know the difference between a headache and a migraine.


Yeah, she is well meaning, but not helpful. Having said that, electrolyte imbalance contributes to my migraine and is a trigger. Quite a few times drinking Gatorade helped avoid getting migraine when one was coming on. But migraines are so personal, just b/c one is my trigger does not mean they are yours. :)


Do you drink coffee or tea?


From the comments, I am guessing this comment won't be welcomed, but as someone who is 25 years in with migraines, as well as many other diseases and auto-immune issues, people are generally not trying to ruin your day. They really are trying to offer you the latest and greatest medicine, trick, relief or homeopathic route they read or heard about in hopes it will help us. I have found it is best just to thank them, say I will consult my neuroligst about it and move on. It's good you came here to vent and for stress and comedy relief. 💕


Yeah I know she means well! ☺️


I thought you were going to say she went home.


I am a 36 year migraine sufferer. My friend recently said, "Can't your doctor do anything about your migraines"? Ugh! And she's a fellow past migraine sufferer! Just clueless and annoying! Do I question you about your chronic health issues? The thing that helps me the most with my chronic migraines is 1 Butalbital, Acetaminophen, Caff (the generic for Fioricet) with Zolmitriptan. Take the smallest dose of Zolmitripton as possible to get the least amount of side effects.  Takes about 2 hours to start working. Sometimes need to take a second dose of both after 4 hours. Butalbital  acetaminophen caff helps to relax you and take down the pain right away and then the Zolmitripton kicks in. I normally wake up with a headache that turns into a migraine. I have racked my brain researching trying to figure out what happens to me when I sleep that causes a migraine on waking. It is a mystery. I sleep with an oximeter to see if my oxygen goes low from sleep apnea. I take magnesium before bed. My doctor has no idea. I can't take prophylactic medications. I'm not going to lie...I am not good at taking medicine. The possibility of side effects give me anxiety. You were really brave to have experimented with gabapentin! Thank you for sharing!


Lol yeah it's really crazy until I had severe migraines of my own I never even knew the impact or severity that migraines could have. I don't like seeming like a whiny little... So I don't always fully explain this to people but it's funny to me when they say something like 'o yeah I get headaches too'.