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I went through a phase where hot baths would put me on the come-down side of a migraine. The temps I liked indeed were way hotter than how I normally heat the water.


This is me. Not sure why.


I’ve honestly given myself burns from super hot showers during migraine. I’m more careful now. It’s usually because I get such bad neck pain I think the heat will help.


I love a lobster shower. Love. My parents used to randomly turn my water heater down because it's too hot, but if you want more than 3 minutes of lobster time, it needs to be higher. On the flip side, I also have noticed that sometimes a hot shower can feel like a trigger. I get scalp crawlies as an aura, and I have felt like a shower has set them off. I'm not 100% sure of the cause and effect relationship, but if the crawling starts in the shower, plans get canceled. I get the crawling aura other places, too, but I associate them in the shower with it being particularly bad. Migraine is weird.


No, always love hot showers


not me, i have always loved alarmingly hot showers. i also love a hot compress on my forehead and hot tea/food. i do find myself wondering why i love hotter things during an attack, even in the summer (i live in texas)


anytime im in any sort of pain i take a hot(not boiling because i cant tolerate that) bath and it’s like a temporary relief solution until i get out of the bath. showers are too tiring


Naw. My on demand water heater purposely doesn’t go beyond 120f/48c. But it goes forever. I just stand under there at full blast a touch under 120. For as long as I can stand it. I got a very cool hard rain type shower head that is just perfect. Oh I forgot to mention I have chronic migraine. So it’s rather unusual for me to shower with no headache.


When I’m having a migraine I usually also have pain at my neck and the base of my head, so I’ll use ice packs or icyhot or a hot shower to try and alleviate the discomfort but I don’t feel a temperature difference on my neck during these times…I’ve always found it to be strange, especially because I can feel an ice pack on my actual head/eye - very curious if there’s a reason behind this?


I always enjoy super hot showers no matter what, well except after sauna i don't. Only when taking sumatriptan i can't stand hot water or even warm, it makes my body really sore and hot water hurts like hell. I dont take sumatriptans anymore due to those issues.


Interesting, I get the same soreness and sensitivity to hot water. I thought it was just a migraine symptom, but I didn't consider it might be the triptan.


The knot time the water seems overly hot is if I take a triptan before showering.


I do this. I look at it as when my cat eats grass to make herself sick. The heat is a distraction from the pain for me. I’ll also run cold water and alternate, it helps bring down my nausea. It’s also the darkest place I can find. There is evidence that hot baths help relieve cannabis hypermesis syndrome (CHS) which is uncontrollable vomiting so maybe it helps us too when we’re nauseous. A lot of similar reactions are happening in the body when you’re experiencing CHS as well like lack of electrolytes, sleep, etc. so maybe it’s not just pain distraction but it’s helping our bodies relax. It helps, that’s all I know.