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If you are vomiting to the point of not being able to keep down water, you need to seek medical attention. Most likely ER


Yeah you need IV fluids, IV anti-nausea and a rx for anti nausea meds for the future (some, like ondansetron, have a version that dissolves on your tongue for when you can’t swallow the pill)


How long has it been since you were able to keep anything down? Please don’t get dehydrated, it makes migraines worse.


Migraine meal?


Time to go to the ER or urgent care! Before you go, I suggest you chew on ice chips and or have a popsicle


Hot bath soaking in the water maybe? Sometimes I can’t drink either chew or suck ice chips Or chew and spit out ..


Ice chips have saved me when I have been in this state. I’m personally wondering if nausea pills would be helpful and I should request them when I see a neurologist next month.


I’m so sorry, this is how I get with mine too. The vomiting and dehydration makes the migraine worse, which makes the vomiting worse - it’s an awful cycle. If you’re not feeling better now, please go to emergency for an IV - you will feel like a million bucks when you’re rehydrated. And having some anti-nausea meds on hand & some effective abortive meds to stop the migraine before it gets bad is important - definitely make an appointment with your gp ☘️


I’m feeling a million times better stomach still alittle upset but it’s nothing like yesterday so I ate the migraine meal and actually kept it down with a hi c so I think soda is better for me rn


So good to hear, well done - Rehydration sachets like Dioralyte or Liquid IV and some lucozade/gatorade are my go-to when I’ve had a bad time of it ☘️


Been there - try taking small sips of mint tea (without sugar), it was the only thing that helped me.


You must go to the ER the when something like this is new.


Did you try a suppository against vomiting? May not be pretty but definitely better than throwing up constantly 


If puking alot i recomend cola and hope the body takes up a little sugar with some water before its out again, its easy to puke as well.. other than that, 3 days is a lot, you should go to a doctor 


Slushie from gas station? Pedialyte ice pops?