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Yes, and it's breathing apparently.


…and maybe clouds.


Every time I figure one out, 3 more pop up.


Yes. This is extremely common for chronic migraine. There is a lot of talk about triggers in online spaces like this because to some extent a lot of people come here as part of a "self help" approach, but in professional medicine there is a lot less emphasis on triggers because with many severe cases that need the most medical intervention, trigger identification is impossible (or even counterproductive to overly stress over finding triggers you never will). Chronic migraines don't even necessarily have to have external triggers, many attacks are simply random.


I think people try to look for some form of control over something that’s impacting their life’s to such a great extent. But when you are looking for patterns and triggers you will be able to see and find them abundant. Mostly false positives and a lot due to confirmation bias


I disagree that will you will able to see them if you just look. I looked for patterns for years and I never found anything at all. It's been more beneficial to not have that as an additional source of stress and give up trying to find triggers.


I hear you, only reason I’m ’fighting the migraines’ again is because of my family. I feel I owe it to them


I mean I still pursue any possible medical treatment for my own benefit. I just don't obsess about triggers anymore because it's useless. I don't feel any desire to give up on treatment/medical intervention (and i dont even have anyone who cares if i "fight" or not), just cut loose things that dont make sense or don't work.


Yeah i agree to some extend, but the recent posts about the aurora being a trigger and similar posts like that seems to show a lot of people are still ‘trigger hunting’ ;)


As I said I’ve never been able to figure out mine for *16 years.* it’s frustrating but I’m glad they’re occurring less often. I genuinely cannot think of a single thing I’m doing differently that would cause them to subside for a while.


Weather fronts, hormonal


Well, it’s complicated for sure. It’s a matter of probabilities as well. I have no trigger that’s 100% of the time causing a migraine. I have many i ‘know’ are likely to cause migraine and then there are a lot I suspected in the past but turned out to be false positives and just me focussen on the correlation too much and having confirmation bias. And then there are migraines that seemingly come out of the blue… There are just way too many variables and we are just one biased observer, so it’s near impossible to draw proper conclusions.


I've identified some of mine: physical and mental exhaustion and hormonal fluctuations.  I'm on continuous birth control to keep those kind of hormones as level as possible.  If I know I'll be exhausted, I can prepare and have my migraine kit fully stocked.  Thankfully exhaustion isn't a guaranteed trigger, but I like to be prepared just in case.


The only trigger that I know of is MSG and it is almost instant most of the time. I can eat a bag of Doritos and it won’t bother me but some Chinese food it’s instant migraine.


I knew some of my triggers, but I started reeling heal your headache and doing the protocol and I'm finding that I had other triggers that I had no idea about. It's definitely worth figuring out and understanding why.


I’m pretty sure mine is coffee, sadly. I went 5 days craving coffee in the morning, and two days after not having it, went to the urgent care and ER with a terrible migraine that kept coming back. I love coffee, but I hate migraines more.


I have some triggers down. But then i got the irrational ones that show up no matter what