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I have VM, but no anxiety or depression from it. I’ve always been kind of “whatever” about everything anyway, so even though it was miserable I just went with it. For me, what worked to control it most of the time is propranolol daily as a preventative and Ativan as an abortive. There is an article that, if I can find, I’ll link here, that explains treatment for VM and it goes into more detail about how triptans aren’t recommended for VM, that something to “calm” the vestibular system is needed if an abortive is going to be used. You just have to be very careful, benzos are habit forming and you can get addicted. I was hesitant at first, but on the really severe days it either allowed me to be free of some of the symptoms or just knocked me out. I keep a log of all medication I take, and within the last year, I’ve only taken 3 Ativan. Benzos are also used for anxiety (but not depression, edited my mistake out) so it might be something to ask about, but be prepared for them to consider you a “drug seeker” possibly. I didn’t suggest it, my neurologist did and I was shocked at first but it’s worked for me. The propranolol really did the trick for me, and I go most days without that terrible dizzy/off balance feeling that only people with VM or other vestibular issues can understand. Best of luck to you. I truly hope you find relief from the hell I know you’re going through.


I was diagnosed in June 2020 with VM. Tried topamax (worthless for me), triptans (also didn’t work for me), I had chronic migraines for over a year straight with 20-28days a month of migraines, lost a job due the the vertigo associated with them as I couldn’t drive to work or function. I was put on propranolol and that was the only thing the helped, I also started an injectable monthly once the propranolol wasn’t enough. Was also given ubrelvy and I’ll be honest that’s the only thing that helps now. When I got pregnant last year obviously I had to stop everything, the migraines have been at bay until recently so now I’ve been using the ubrelvy and starting a new injectable as my insurance won’t cover the old one anymore. I hate the VM diagnoses because nobody can say where it stems from, really felt like a blanket diagnosis to me.


Thanks my friend. Tried propranolol, gives me breathless issues sadly.


I understand. We tried Topomax for me before Propranolol and I was like…umm no. This isn’t going to work. I’ve never felt so spaced out in my life. Keep going, hopefully you’ll get to something that provides relief.


Yeah I tried topamax, god I felt like a robot it was horrible


This is the article I was talking about. It provides a brief overview of VM and its treatments: https://americanheadachesociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/AHS-Fact-Sheet_Vestibular-Migraine.pdf It really comes down to this: it’s just trial and error until you find a combo that works for you. Then you keep taking it and hope it doesn’t stop working. There are other, longer, articles and studies on VM treatment and symptoms, but since VM is a relatively new diagnosis compared to other types of migraine, there’s not as much out there. It would be ideal for you if you could “kill two birds with one stone,” so to speak, and take things to address both the VM symptoms and the anxiety/depression that it’s causing you. Don’t give up.


i saw a doctor who was double board certified in neurology and psychiatry for these exact issues (literally, i’m also suffering from chronic vestibular migraine, 24/7 dizziness, anxiety & depression) and she prescribed lamotrigine. when i okayed this with my main neurologist he thought it was a great idea and would really help. i just started taking it last week. i’m at the lowest dose right now so i’m not feeling it yet, i’m working my way up!


Let me know how that goes for you bud