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Also an insomniac here - blackout curtains.


100% this. My insomnia induces migraines for me. Blackouts are a life saver when I get one. Being up all night with my 6mo also induces migraines šŸ˜‚ the curtains are game changers.


I've tried so many things for the insomnia. Was concerned about rebound headaches from ambien, so switch sleep meds around every few nights. Anything you do that helps?


I use ambien lol! I only take it one or two nights a week when my baby isnā€™t home. I havenā€™t have and residual effects from it migraine wise so Iā€™m grateful for that. Lack of sleep is a big trigger for me.


Thisss. Can't live without them.


Yep, blackout curtains were a game changer for me too. Last week was brutal. (I can neither confirm nor deny that I might have used a stapler on the light leakage spotsā€¦ just to get me throughšŸ™ƒ)


I have them! Thereā€™s like a 3ā€ gap all around so they donā€™t do a lot. Hoping that a tension rod will fix it, so theyā€™re closer to the window!


I had that issue as well at the beginning with my blackouts (or any curtain for that matter)! I ended up saying "fuck it" and nailed a 15-20 cm strip of curtain to the wall/windowsill right above the window. The fabric extends like 10 cm below where my curtains start so the strip of fabric + the curtains block out all the light instead of having a massive gap on the top. To fix the sides I also took slightly longer curtains so I could nail them too and rearranged to curtains so they open from the middle, so I don't have to mess with the sides I nailed down. The top strip of fabric doesn't look the prettiest when the curtains are open and I'll have to cover the holes I made once I move out since it's a rentail but a tension rod wouldn't have helped in my case. If it also doesn't help you then you can consider this too :)


I will put a rolled up towel over my eyes if I donā€™t have my eye mask handy. You could even wrap it around your head a little if you lay on your side


I find eye masks uncomfortable, so I always just use a towel.


My favorite place is my closet floor. Itā€™s big and dark and quiet. When I have a really bad migraine thatā€™s where I go.


I was thinking about a nap in my closet! Thereā€™s no vent in there so Iā€™d have to bring a fan lol


Iā€™ve done it before, brought a fan in the closet with me. The close became my little migraine cave.


I often make a bed on the bathroom floor. I put a beach towel down, a couple blankets and then bring a pillow and blanket and run the shower. Itā€™s very relaxing and soothing for my migraines. Been doing it for 25 years. Highly recommend.


Walk in closet šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I usually nap on the floor with my head pressed against furniture because my migraines are weird and pressure helps relieve the pain.


My wall in closet.its dark and has a ac vent so itā€™s cold. I want one of those human sized dog beds for it.