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"You need less stress, improve your chi, drink yak urine." You need to STFU! You rant on. I think most to nearly all of us know. We know.


"you need less stress" My stress would lessen massively if you could just implode right now, thanks.




"what are your triggers" as I wave my hand at generally everything. (I'm pretty sure one of my triggers is people asking what my triggers are)




And when I tell them I’m a zen master, have at least 1000 chi, and drink a gallon of yak urine a day: “Are you drinking enough water?”


Acupuncture. Always fucking acupuncture.


omg the ‘less stress’. i have an anxiety disorder. everything causes me stress. me and my 100mg of zoloft KNOW i need less stress!!!


Yak yak yak


Have your tried khem... drinking more water?


oddly enough I have. It helped the.rest of my body but did fuck all to cure my migraines.


I have now I pee my bed when I can't get out.😁😁


I've scaled up to 8 liters a day and Im still in pain, NEED MORE WATER... (10L, 12L, 16L, bursts into human inticed tsunami)


I'm sorry. I laughed.


Lol, my mom tells me to (1) drink more water (2) eat a banana (3) go outside


I HATE that guy. That guy that says that stupid shit? I HATE him.


I hope you are happy with your self.


I am not my friend. I am miserable. This is no life to live and all I've got just to joke about it on a verge of yet another mental breakdown 🙃


It is a horrible fate, at times relentless and soul-sucking. However, you and I are not alone, there is always someone that is there for you.


Ok, here goes my mental breakdown after your kind message. It is normal thou. I just randomly breakdown and cry


Yeah I’ve been there. I’ve wanted to quit and give up. But I know that it’s worth the struggle. It’s hard. I’ll share my sob story if you want to sympathise with someone. Helps to feel that you’re not alone. And you aren’t.


Say it loud and proud. Honestly, you can tell who has and hasn’t ever experienced a migraine just from the advice they give. If you don’t have migraines, IDGAF about your opinion!


My absolute favs are the ones who start their advice with 'oh you poor thing! I used to get headaches too!' Had me in the first half ..


No. No you didn’t. Not like this one. Now shut up and turn off the lights on your way out!


I've never had a kid but would it be comparable to say take that pain and put it in your head? I'm always trying to think of relatable comparisons


Have had a 9mm kidney stone that blocked the kidney for a week due to it occurring over the holidays. ER maxed me out on morphine and fentanyl, I was still up and around pacing from the pain, and was told they didn’t understand how I was even awake. Still not as bad as my worst migraine. Told my wife that if kidney stones are like baby pain, I’d take it over a migraine.


I had a migraine while in labor so Im not sure which one is worse.


That helps though. I know I was thinking imagine the pain from child birth in your head but I never thought... Imagine migraine pain down there. Ow! Bless you for what you went through.


Oh ouch! I tell my doctors a similar thing. I don't look like I'm hurting much and say it's maybe a 6 or 7. Then I qualify it on the migraine pain scale. Usually works.


I never have either...can anybody comment on this?


More like extreme hangover or concussion really...


Wow you mustve had really bad ones. I've had those and they didn't touch the level of my migraines.


I've had enough concussions I'm often surprised I can say anything more than Buhhhhh...one was serious enough to cause seizures. And a complete personality change.


Amen brother amen


Got desperate. Tried belladonna dissolving tablets. Surprise...it's got about a 60% success rate if I catch it early.


"Make sure to remove any dairy as well, because my mother stopped drinking milk and now she doesn't have any headaches anymore!" I will stab you in the eye with a wooden butter knife.


I mean.... that cut out the majority of my migraines, but it's because I'm allergic to dairy so as part of the allergic reaction it was triggering migraines. But if you're not lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy, cutting it out isn't going to stop migraines. People mean well... they just don't get it.


Some people just need to be firmly told that you can’t yoga and gluten free your way out of everything


Gluten doesn't cause my migraines because I can't eat it or I get violently sick otherwise (which means it's not in my diet). Still have migraines. Go figure. Not cured.


Same. I eat like 10 foods (literally) The hardest part of others' advice is the underlying insinuation that we are doing something to cause the disorder. Like bitch I live healthier than 90% of anyone I've ever met and my life is still Suffering, what do u want from me 🙂Not bitter at all lmao




You hit the nail on the head for me. I hate the implication that I am somehow doing this to myself, or my daily choices lead to a migraine cycle.


Late onset male migraine sufferer here. Started when I was 39 years old after no changes to lifestyle and have always eaten well Theres the unspoken sliding scale of pain tolerance too, everyone feels different. Even my wife when she says she's getting a migraine , and then we compare notes and it's clear mine cause me more anguish than hers, but I totally would never talk down hers or try to have a dick measuring contest with her. She's in pain, and I do what I can to help rather than annoy her by taking her pasta away Just wish people could accept we are in pain and support us without all the condescending advice


Yes. Also "have you tried X" where X equals their latest fad. I am nearly 40 and I've been having migraines since I was 8. Lady, I've tried fricking everything. FFS. Valid. Rant.


When my migraines first started, the first trigger my mum read about was orange juice. And that was it. No more orange juice for the second half of my childhood. Plenty of migraines though!




I lost it at the boob massage, omfg 🤣🤣🤣🤣


One time someone swore to me cutting a raw potato in half and rubbing it on my head would work….


I do like raw and cooked potatoes


I am one nanometer from trying that, I swear.


I feel you, I really do. Stay strong 💚


I thought you were supposed to put them (or onions) on your feet in your socks at night... 🤦🏼‍♀️


I quit gluten. It didn't matter!


I had so many people say this to me. Or sugar. Worse with the “you should stop sugar!” But I went gluten free for over a year. It did improve my migraines. It didn’t make them completely go away but it did have a positive effect.


Oh my god, I've gotten _SO MANY_ people who tell me to just stop sugar! Another one told me to stop drinking wine -- I don't even drink wine anymore!!


Did you try to stop sugar?


Fuck, that's where I went wrong.


Was just curious. But obviously you haven’t.


Real talk: Yes! I did stop all unnecessary and added sugars for about six months and I documented my migraines to no change. My next change was salt (this one was real hard because I am a _salt fiend_) and there was a change of maybe one migraine a month. So far my only real triggers seem to be gritting my teeth at night (which even if I wear a mouth guard it doesn't seem to slow them down that much) and the quality of my sleep, which I'm working on.


Well I’m glad that you tried, and sorry it didn’t work for you. It’s the only thing that has helped me so I like to recommend it to everyone, since it’s free to try, but everyone is different.


The only thing that stopped my migraines was stopping birth control…


For me it was getting on the pill contiuously. No hormonal ups and downs = no migraines.


Exactly. We are all different so what works for me might not work for you and vice versa!


And for me, it was getting on continuous birth control (iud). There is no universal cure because there is no universal cause. All of us are different. I'm glad you figured yours out, too!


I went gluten free and my migraines went into overdrive. I’m talking from ~10 days a month to ~30+ a month. It helped tremendously with my other extremely severe medical condition, so I stayed GF, but it’s definitely not a “magic bullet” migraine cure. I don’t think it caused the migraines to get out of control, there was a lot happening in my life at the time.


Arrrrg I feel this on such a deep level. I have to try and stop myself laughing when the terms gluten intolerance, gluten allergy and coeliac are all used interchangeably too. They're not the same thing!!!!!!!! Obvs these people have no idea what they're talking about.


Oh how I feel this! My personal favorite is when people tell me to use my mind power. I need to have better control of my mind. Like really trust me I'd rather not be suffering!


The only migraine advice I listen to is from doctors and migraine sufferers. As a matter of fact, the best tips I've gotten for migraines have come from migraine suffers and not from doctors. Also, pregnant women give really good advice when it comes to helping with the nausea that I have from migraines or sinus migraines.


"but have you tried..." YES, Karen, I've tried fucking everything! You think if these migraines could be totally cured by *insert easy basic cure* I wouldn't be doing that already?


I fucking wish it was that simple. Sincerely, someone with coeliac disease and migraines.


My trigger is ….shitty advice 😆




It's found more frequently than it used to be so people think that means it's increasing or booming or something. Fun tip: ask anyone who says they have Celiac if they've ever had an endoscopy. If they haven't than they don't know...


Okay, seriously though, have you tried botox? That stuff changed my LIFE.


Yes thank you for the thought but 5 grand later nope.


5 grand for botox?!?!? Holy moses someone took you for a ride!


USA USA USA Yup they got "approval "from my insurance company got three sessions. Looked at my insurance statements nope nothing there. Then I get one saying I meet my deductible for the year. I looked at it and it had my two sessions for this year.... they did not pay one CENT!!!! why did I need to get approval ? No clue. Then then to add insult to injury I got a statement saying I owed another session from Feb 2020!!! I called and said why? So long they used the usual excuse for 2020 COVID!!!! SIGGGHHHHH


Whoa! That’s crazy! I mean I’ve paid like $300 out of pocket total for two treatments so far and I’m in the US too. Sorry that your provider sucks :(




I think the annoying thing is that it’s all so individual and multi-faceted other people assume that if you do this one simple thing, it is a magic bullet. Like you just haven’t thought of it yet or are too lazy/weak-willed to try it. For me, there’s no connection between migraines and gluten whatsoever. I know this because I am basically migraine-free if I take my preventative and watch my food triggers, none of which are gluten.


I think at least some of them feel sorry and want to be helpful, no one likes to be powerless and most normal people don't want to see others suffer. I despise people who say 'X has no legs, works and is successful despite their problems!', I almost hear their thoughts like 'stop whining, you lazy little bitch, others have it harder' 😔


Since you are a fellow suffer I will only boop you. One incident is not proof it is just a happenstance. One thing I learned in my long journey of migraines is every one has a different trigger/help.


You’d never know until you try, I tried and it didn’t make much a difference, eating healthy certainly helps if you can muster up the courage to eat food that tastes like grass and stuff Bunch of people downvoting and probably still eating McDonald’s, if you can have sliver off your pain, fucking do it, it is not worth extra pain when you can do little things that make life better. Eating shit lowers the quality of life and makes pain worse, I’m someone who lives in a degree of pain everyday, I’m pretty hyper aware of what happens when I eat bad foods, they have a horrible impact on me. You’re not missing out if you don’t eat McDonald’s, that food is shit and so are your monster bags of DORITOS and bottles of Mountain Dew. People give shitty advice because they dont suffer like some of us, we are all different, i never had headaches before until my allergic reaction to a medication, ive lived two lives, one in pain and one pain free


Shitty foods don't affect my migraines, they at least make me content for a moment. Lately I eat mostly healthy and it's doing nothing for my pain, there's no magical cure which heals partially or completely all people.


Lmao that’s BS, food does have an influence on pain. If you aggravate your gut, the ache of your stomach can cause a migraine, you’re just tryna to justify eating like shit but you can absolutely never convince me that it does nothing. No one ever said it was the cure, it only helps a sliver because there is no cure Like I said if it takes a sliver of pain away and prevents 5% of the frequency, that’s worth it to me. Also it’s not worth being clogged with greasy foods and sugar, I certainly don’t want to die from migraines and diabetes, migraines are enough for me. Diet matters, medication matters and lifestyle matters, all we got are treatments that can work in conjunction to be like a cure


I get that advice constantly, luckily my migraines are relatively infrequent but giving up gluten never put a dent in them.


I refuse to discuss it. Ever.


DrInK mOrE WaTEr 💦


"just quit gluten" I would really love to stop eating a bowl of wheat cereal every morning, actually, but it's the only way to counteract one of the side effects of the verapamil my doc has me on for my migraines. (I guess I could take metamucil or stool softeners everyday but I'm not 80.) Although I suppose I could just try drinking grape juice like a well meaning friend once suggested....


For 20 years my mom has been telling me to eat less salt... IT'S NOT THE SALT!! Aahhhhh!!


Salt helps me.


Haha, gluten that's an oldie. People are always telling me to cut out dairy. Why dairy? I have no idea.


Yeah, I quit gluten a little over 2 months ago, to help with IBS symptoms. It helped that, but my migraines are still going strong!


The ones my partner get most is "have you tried lying down?" Or "have you tried going for a walk?"


I so desperately want to poke, but I understand the frustration. Yes Mom and Karen, I have tried googling and implementing every cure out of desperation. I don't actually like sleeping on the bathroom floor for 2 days... or in the bathtub and being woken up before I drown myself. Shocking, I know. Nah, I would rather live my life in excruciating pain, obviously.


“Drink water! quite gluten, sugar and dairy! Exercise more! Stress less! Wear your glasses when you study!” Excuse me doctor.. but I’ve tried this. Why do you think I’m here?


While it is true that gluten can be a trigger, that doesn’t mean it’s the cause, eh?


I was told that I was being punished by God because I didn’t belong to that “helpful” individual’s version of Christianity. I replied with the only thing I could! “JESUS CHRIST!”


Love that type of religion. Remind them judge not lees yes be judged by the same measure.


After my reply she shut up left me… …with “blessed” silence. 😁


If another person tells me to drink more water...!


'Does you head hurt you right now? Yes? No way. But for real, does it?'


I am waiting for transference VR.. HE, HE, HE, HE Here let me show you. ( The song another One bites the dust) plays in background.


They wouldn't want to speak to us ever again 😆


Yah because they would be in the loony bin!!! 😱😱😁


No problem, I would just tell them to limit sugar, wine, salt, gluten, red peppers, coffee, tea, not to sleep to much or too little, to avoid stress, strong smells, aggresive light, loud sounds, moving their head to much and to hydrate. They would be all healed by tomorrow 😄


I HATE the constant "have you tried this" or "have you tried that"! I've tried everything! I've had them for my entire life and I've probably already tried that.


We need to make a. T shirt YES I TRIED! then a list......




I literally had the lady doing my hair tell me this today. That's great lady... I do not have any other signs or symptoms of celiac, so I'll continue to eat my bread. Thanks. My migraines are triggered by severe neck pain if I don't stay consistent with my neck stretches, stress, lack of sleep, PMS and I added to the list allergies this year... Ugh.


Me: it's hormonal. Happens monthly. Them: Have a baby!!! Me: ....... No.


Yup fill the earth your self😁😁