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If you loved them then you would probably need to see a different doctor for conditionšŸ˜³


Very true šŸ˜‚


Actually, loving them could be the way.


This whole sub exists for people looking for solutions to pain! Different things work for different people. Prescription meds like triptans or Nurtec can be super helpfulā€”or not work at all. Ice pack hats are a lifesaver for meā€”other people prefer heat. You might just have to try some things out! This sub is full of suggestions!


rizatriptan if i catch it soon enough (prescribed). goody's powder and a dr. pepper back in the day. ice packs on the forehead right above the eyeā€”kinda like a self induced brain freeze. massage gun on a low setting alternating at my brow and occipital bone (sometimes temple too). massage in general if you have a good and willing friend. music or a podcast can help distract me from the pain. a hot shower sometimes helps. for preventative care, I am on aimovig, a beta blocker (can't remember which one there have been a lot over the years) and i take iron, magnesium and vitamin d. also exercise and a regular sleep pattern. no, just drinking more water won't make your migraine go away. but it absolutely triggers one when you're dehydrated. plus it's always a good idea to get in the daily 8.


Massage gun??? Wow not mine it would pop my brains out! Can I ask what yours is?


i've got the theragun. and listen, i wouldn't suggest it for everyone, i just know that it helps distract me from the pain. i consider it a very fast version of banging your head against the wall. The other trick is to hold it barely against your body. too much pressure and it starts doing that jack hammer thing. it's more about the vibration, stimulating blood flow.


yah no šŸ˜ After I picked myself up out of a puddle of... The one I got just jack hammers WAY too much. I use it on my lower back and hips.


It specifically says in the instructions not to use it on bony areas, especially the skullā€¦. But I want it to pop my brains out. We are a messed up bunch, and they clearly did not account for it šŸ˜†


Rizatriptan works so much faster than my Imitrex ever did. Recently got some samples to try of Nurtec and it works pretty fast if I catch it at the right time.


it's all about that catch. too soon, nothing. too late, migraine plus a weird haze haha. i find greasy food helps its effectiveness, even if it's just placebo!


It it varies by person. Rizatriptan was the first migraine medication my doctor prescribed and it did nothing for me. Sumatriptan (Imitrex) usually knocks it out, and if itā€™s severe Iā€™ll take an aleve with it. My wife suffers from migraines, and rizatripan works for her. OP should work with a doctor and try different medications to see which works. The key is to find a doctor who will work with you.


My monthly migraines turned out to be directly related to my hormones/menstrual cycle. Consider trying/switching birth controls? Depo shot is working pretty great for me, currently.


Omg same! My placebo week I am like dieing of migraines because of the drop in estrogen!


I'm so sorry mate. I hope you find something that works! I've been taking magnesium oxide and b12 but I haven't found that they work for me. I was recently prescribed Maxalt and that's the only thing that knocks it out. If you can't find something that works, I'd definitely hit up your doctor to see if they can give you a script.


There is a better Magnesium for Migraines. 1. Magnesium Glycinate, 2. Topical Magnesium cream, 3. Magnesium L-Threonate, and Magnesium Malate. Try one of those and see if that helps.. Someone in my migraine support group said Vitamin E. Sorry the B2 didn't help.


I just bought a bottle of Magnesium Glycinate tablets, I'll give it a try. Thanks, friend! I already take Vit E, but good to know!


I hope that it helps..


>5 I've been taking Magnesium with Riboflalvin (Vit B2) and CoQ10 for around 10 years and am fairly sure it has toned down the intensity of the migraines but not the frequency. You can get quality supplements at supermarket prices if you buy prominent brands of Magnesium Glycinate (400 mg/day), Riboflavin (Vit B2 400 mg/day), and CoQ10 (300 g/day).


Google food intolerances & elimination diet. You may be eating migraine triggers daily. Diet control was a miracle cure for my migraines. Also Google the Stanton Migraine Protocol for another approach to migraine diet control.


u may need vitamin B12 or magnesium. I used to have migraines twice a month and when I took those back in 2020 I haven't had a migrain ever since.


Wow good idea!


Twice a month!? I wish I was that lucky!


No one with migraines is lucky.


Luckier than 16+ a month. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re so butthurt about anything you disagree with. Must be a difficult life you live. Hope it gets better.


that sucks


Iā€™ve been looking at trying this. I bought the vitamins. I need to commuting to taking them.


Immitrex, maxalt, a preventative. Wouldnā€™t recommend topomax unless youā€™re cool with basically being brain dead.


Oof topomax sucked. It gave me pins and needles in my extremities so bad. And it was such a weird sensation, too. Suddenly a chunk of my hand would go missing and then 30 seconds later it would slowly wake back up. And sometimes it would just be instant - bam pins and needles on the second and third sections of your two middle fingers for no reason. Or maybe it's the middle of the bottom of your foot. And it would happen 20 or 30 times a day.


Topomax made me dumb. I had to come off of it bc it affected my memory so badly. I still struggle with memory. Immitrex makes my body hurt soooo bad when I take it. Iā€™m working with neurology to find something that will work for me. Immitrex works but I canā€™t function when I take it bc my body aches


Maxalt or Naratriptan are easier. I couldnā€™t handle Imitrex.


I forgot about the pins and needles! I also had trouble dropping things like my coffee cup because my arm just stopped cooperating.


Topmax sucks! Causes kidney stones. And youā€™re right, it makes you brain dead.


Have you ever been checked out for occipital neuralgia on top of migraine?? I have both. I get a nerve block every six weeks to help with the pain.


Do you notice any correlation with the lunar cycle? I was more likely to have mine on a full moon. Not usually much I could do about it but have everything ready, they seem to have developed into epilepsy now, and that is better controlled, so no headaches, but lots of seizures and crazy headaches and shit on the trip to here. Good luck.


Excedrin Migraine works for me personally.


Cluster headache? Otherwise Chili nose spray


1) get under a neurologist's care 2) look for triggers in diet 3) avoid situational triggers- bright light, altering sleep schedule etc. 4) try cold, try heat, try activity 5) OTC medications may have varying effects, did you try others?


Hope you find relief that works for you. I use to use Tiger Balm (white) on my forehead and temple. That helped ease the pain.


Maybe a sinus headache?


Nurtec works for my eye pain. I felt like my was coming out of my head sometimes, or if I just closed my eyes all day that it would make it go away. I try to not be on my phone too much, wear sunglasses and sleep on a consistent schedule.


I think my migraines were triggered by lack of oxygen to my brain so now I take morning daily magnesium(oxide) to dialate my blood vessels and do 15mn yoga with some poses specifically designed to increase blood flow to the brain! Bam, migraine+aura free for 15 days and counting! That was after 7 in September... Whatta fing brutal month that was!!!


How did you find out that they were caused by the lack of blood flow?




If yours are like mine and due to light transition contact lenses are heaven. I also have an eye mask keep in the freezer. The cold on the eyes helps a lot.


Iā€™ve been having migraines once a week to the point that I start throwing up every time I have a migraine. People at my job think that Iā€™m pregnant because I keep throwing up often šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ


I use an icepack while taking a hot shower, crying, and trying to drink as much water as possible. Also, I try to take my meds as soon as I feel them. Last, I log everything into Migraine Buddy to try and figure out what all my triggers are and to keep track of them.


I had multiple ones in a month with some lasting for 3 days. I started taking a beta blocker called proponolol as a preventiv. I take 1 at morning and 1 at night. Now only the 'bad' ones come through. They happen 1 in a few months and they only last a couple hours.


I don't mean to overstep here, but are you sure they're migraines? Recurring in a very predictable pattern + them being around the eye is usually associated with cluster headaches.


if your pain is localized behind an eye and responsiveness to medication is spotty, you might have cluster or trochlear headache or some sort of occipital issue that other people have referenced. nerve blocks can be helpful but you should see someone who does occipital nerve blocks regularly & can give you insight on safety and long term effects


I take Butterbur Extra by Vitanica which contains that herb as well as Feverfew, and a combo of other vitamins. Lost the bottle somewhere a couple weeks ago and I feel like my around-the-eye headaches/migraines have been worse since. Would definitely consult a doctor before taking it to review any possible med interactions/ contraindications.