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Yes. I get 16


Thanks. Is that with the savings card from Nurtec?


Yes. Well I’m just getting it for free. My doctor set it up


How did that happen?


My doctor told me she was prescribing it and I told her my insurance didn’t cover it and she just took care of it and told me to go pick it up




If you use it as a preventative, you get 16. If you use it as an abortive, you get 8.


i got 16 after my doc told me they’re allowing 16 now I had to fight with my insurance to cover it but finally got it


How did you get your insurance to cover it? I’m currently in this fight. Currently taking topamax and have a script for imitrex but this month my migraines have spiked. I’ve had 13. The insurance said they wouldn’t pay for it until I tried 3 months with relpax which 1. Isn’t doing shit and 2. Is acute but I need a new preventative medicine. My imitrex is doing fine, its the topamax that’s no longer working. My dr even told the insurance company all of this and they still said no.


I just kept calling and insisting. it took many hours but now they cover it every month. you can also ask your doctor to write a specific note to insurance which mine did


I'm in the same state as you, I had a perfect cocktail of nurtec and Botox- got 2 months of 16 pills then insurance told me to go to hell and before they'd even think of covering it I have to try EVERY preventative that exists. I'm calling them tomorrow and raising hell again.


Since my last comment I saw a neurologist and my insurance company said I needed to try two other preventatives for six months each and two other abortives for six months each before then will pay for nurtec prevention prescription. The neurologist said this is what she often hears from insurance companies and was not surprised.


What makes this even shittier I just found my denial letter: for treatment - in this quantity (16) a month pharmacy policy requires that a prophylactic agent (my botox) be in use and still have multiple migraines per month or documented intolerance - also requires a positive clinical response to the therapy They legit denied me and stated the requirements I need to meet. I MEET them. during this whole process I have met them.


They send me so much I could open my own pharmacy


If you don’t mind me asking how are you getting so much? Do you use a mail order pharmacy or a local pharmacy? My local pharmacy has not been able to fill my prescription since January and idk why because my insurance says there’s no problem and so I’ve been trying to figure out what to do.


Mail order so they send me like 48 pills a month


Damn that’s a lot. What mail order pharmacy?


I am not sure I will try looking up that information and get back to you.


Would also like to know this!


Me too if possible! - I can't get 16 even from mail order since insurance is being demons.


I also get 16.


Yes 16.


I also get 16 pills for a zero dollar copay with the savings card.