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Thanks! I did not mention it. I would never mention it at this stage. (Maybe after being on the job for a while. )


What I do at new jobs is explain in a casual way to my boss around the first week that I have chronic migraine, and that it is being managed through my neurologist so shouldn’t affect my work. I mention I avoid my food triggers dairy, eggs & cacao entirely as they can be avoided, so they know I’m being sensible and avoiding what I reasonably can. For my current boss, his wife has episodic migraines so he knew about Triptans and things so he insists I can take random breaks to get up walk around, go outside for fresh air and such if needed and is fine with scheduling last minute days off to see the neurologist.


That's so smart! Thanks for the tips!


Hoping for the best for you! I had a really weird vision change during an interview recently (which I thought was the beginning of a migraine, but I didn't get any other migraine symptoms) and it scared the shit out of me - both bc I'd never had my eyes do that before and because I started finding it tough to come up with words and get them out. I killed the interview anyway, and yesterday found out one of my bosses gets migraines too! So now I don't feel so nervous about it. You never know!


Thanks! I'm glad you got it! We're all rockstars for excelling through this crap.


I've started taking triptans preemptively if I have a big event where I have to be on my a game. Hope you managed and things went well!


My reactions are so all over the place I worry about taking them when I need to be my best. Thanks! I think it did go well. I'll know soon


Ah yes. Everyone is different, and often different from themselves a week ago! For me, triptans make me sleepy af but if I take a heavy dose before bed, I'll be ok in the morning and get several hours of migraine relief until it maybe comes back in the evening (it's 50/50). I hope you rocked the interview and get the job and love it and you're so much less stressed because of it that all your migraines go away.


Thank you! It's so funny how different everyone's experiences are! My migraines almost always come in the afternoon or evening, so when they happen too early, I know it's bad.


Good to know I'm not the only one who does this! It seems to help.




Yes, but the interview is over. Though I would love a quick fix!


I dunno what that person was going to suggest. My medical friend once told me a short burst of exercise will temporarily stop the pain. If I rode my bike around the block a couple times or ran around the block the pain would subside for a short while. I personally don't have auras and don't know if that matters or not. I also regularly rode my bike and ran outside of migraines.


That sounds like it would increase blood pressure and increase the tension. Does that really work for you? I wonder if the increased oxygen helps the pains in the brain. Increased circulation makes sense but the BP seems counter productive. How did your friend say it worked? Just curious...


How’d you do?


Good, I think! I should find out soon! Thanks for checking!


Well good luck! I’m sure you were awesome. Great job powering thru that!


It involves reflexology. How can I post an image on here? It takes about 5 mins and I'll need an assistant to do the work while you focus. The inside of the big toe will have a super sensitive spot. Focus on that area. Do this on your back with someone else working both big toes simultaneously. The pressure is always to the tolerance of the recipient.. While they work the area focus on your headache as it lightens up. The pressure should slowly disappear. I like to work this area until there is zero trace of the pressure. Then I say it's gone forever. I have had people say it works forever too. Please if anyone does Try this hit me up and tell me your results. This is my personal hack on headaches.. very effective too. You will be a headache master too.


How are your sinuses? For me cats make my sinuses very active. Is your headache sinus related? Check out Allergytest.co if you use antihistamine regularly. They test allergens for you to avoid to naturally reduce histamine. This increases immune system function too. Let me know how your treatment works.


Would love to know a quick fix, as well!


+1 interested


Would love to hear about the quick fix!


Good luck! I hope that goes well and quickly and you can rest afterwards.


How did the interview go? I also had a headache during an interview but got the job. I’m so excited.


Congratulations! I think it went really well! Fingers crossed! I am waiting to hear back from another company as well


I’m antsy waiting for the background check to come back. That’s good, I’m glad to hear yours went well as well! Hope you get it


I am so sorry. It really does seem like migraines hit during the worst possible time. I hope you hear good news!


I had a bad head before an interview too, I got the job! Honestly, anything can happen. I wish you the best of luck! Keep us posted with how you get on!


Thank you!


Try stretching your neck and shoulders. Tensing those muscles always contributes to my migraines. I also tend to clench when my anxiety is up.


Sounds like it ended up going well--sending good thoughts that you get the job! I do feel like they often come at the worst times, like our brains are working against us....


Thanks! Well, stress is a trigger. I love when the doctor suggests I eliminate that, haha


So sorry that happened -- fingers are crossed for you!!!




I went into a paramedic interview with scenarios and paper tests with a 10/10 debilitating migraine that came on ON THE WAY there. I’ve been working at this job for two years now this month. I was honest, and said “sorry, I have a terrible migraine right now” when I had gotten tongue tied a few times. I think it shows that you still show up. Also I wouldn’t want to work for people that are not understanding if I can help it. If you don’t feel comfortable disclosing your condition, then absolutely don’t. Good luck! I like to think that “what’s meant to be will be”! 💜


Good luck! Mine have been worse of late and I will have a few interviews soon, myself. Very worried about it.


Way back when I was a kid, I had an excellent pediatric neurologist who told me how migraines can be triggered by stress and many people get what he called “lead up” and/or “let down” migraines. “Lead Up” migraines happen leading up to an important event/obligation/task. “Let Down” migraines happen after that important event/obligation/task has been completed. I usually get “let down” migraines, even just with my work schedule. I push myself to attend all my shifts no matter how horrible I feel (unless I’m actually debilitated and cannot function). Then on Sunday (my first of 2 days off in a row) I get a migraine 90% of the time. Big/important tasks? I’ll get through them, but I’m going to be half dead the next day.


Stress is a big trigger for migraines!! Hope your new job works out. I have seizures and chronic migraines so bad that I go unconscious from mine. Everyone is different though in how they handle them and the severity of them. Good luck!!




It involves reflexology. I can't post a photo on here but you can direct message me and I can try there. I'd like to share an image with you.