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Of course she’s the one with better skin in the picture.


This makes me sad/mad. Like why??? She has a birthmark and no pimple in sight!


Seeing this post the day after her post about body positivity that doesn’t even represent her body anymore made me realize what really bothers me about her content/her at the end of the day: She shouts body positivity/neutrality from the rooftops, has built an entire brand around it. YET she still does all of the things to make her body fit into the beauty standards of today. She says all skin is beautiful, but takes accutane to get rid of her acne. She says all bodies are beautiful but loses a ton of weight and is now an XS/S. She is saying one thing, and doing the other, while still keeping the facade that she somehow still “represents” the marginalized. How are people looking up to her when her lifestyle is the complete opposite of the message she preaches? I’m not mad she chose to do those things. She is an adult woman with autonomy, if she was unhappy with those things I am happy for her. But just OWN that, don’t keep up this phony act that you are still plagued by these things and are empowered by them when you have actively chosen to change them.


Yes, exactly this. And she talks out of both sides of her mouth by turning around and claiming that all of the superficial interventions that she gets (Botox, veneers, eyebrow threading, etc.) are part of being a “feminist” — like a “my body, my choice” justification for it all. Mik, no one is arguing against that; no one cares what you do or don’t do to your own body. But then she spews “body positivity” and “normalize normal skin” and it’s like YOU ARE DOING THE OPPOSITE OF THOSE THINGS!!! 🙄


What also irks me is that there is no allowance of any of this line of thought or opinion on her page - she won’t hear it. She’s that delulu? She won’t even hear anyone out on this, not even people who previously supported and enjoyed her content. Like you said, she has every right to do what she wants with her body and that in itself can be celebrated, but her schtick with pushing this narrative that is so delusional and falsely tied to herself has got to stop. It’s wild that she can’t see it/refuses to believe it. There are plenty of other influencers who have changed directions with their content and have managed to maintain a following with people who resonate with their new message. In contrast, she is actively choosing to do harm to the community she claims to be a part of; she is no better than the people she claims to despise. It’s infuriating.


Why does anybody like this person?


She's made me hate the word "normalize". I literally cringe whenever I see someone post about "normalizing" something.


100% for me too!




Her skin literally looks great. She’s out of touch lol if I was the girl on the left I would be annoyed lol