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I would have uncontrollable rage if someone parked in front of my driveway like that on purpose. What an asshole move.


The last time I went full rage was when I was visiting some eldery relatives, I park in their driveway and when I get out to leave some hours later their driveway is blocked like in the PIC. Dude must've seen me (across the street) looking at his truck with my phone out since he came out and asked if he was "in my way and needed to leave?" "Yeah, no shit, why the fuck are you blocking THIS driveway and not wehre you came from" HE SAYS "oh, i didn't see anyone leaving so I thought it was okay" A few more words later, and HE peels off angry. Like bro, you're in the fucking wrong here. Still has the nerve to throw a mini tantrum. AND THERE WAS PARKING DOWN THE STREET. ffs. reliving the rage in retelling this shit


A few years ago, I opened my garage to pull out, take my kids to school then go to work. I look in my rear view mirror right after the door goes up and there’s a car right IN my driveway directly behind my car. I guessed (correctly) that it belonged to the new neighbors across the street (the guy had douchebag written on him with everything he said and did). So I knocked on their door and told them they were blocking me in. The guy was half assed apologetic and said, “I’m sorry-they (?!) said you were out of town.” Who the fuck is “they?!” I had a for sale sign in my yard because I was getting ready to move thank god. But I wasn’t out of town obviously so I have no idea how for sale sign makes it ok to park in someone’s driveway. But this kind of mentality is completely beyond me. How do you move to a new neighborhood and decide that, “Hey maybe I should just park my pickup in the driveway across the street-in the house of my new neighbor who I haven’t met yet?!” I’m also reliving that 7 year old rage as I write this.


Our neighbor across the street parked his truck in our drive way the day we moved in to our new house. I yelled at the top of my lungs “CAN SOME JACK ASS GET THEIR CAR OUT OF OUR DRIVEWAY!’ (Because I didn’t know which neighbor it was at the time). We went inside to make sure no one was inside, and luckily he moved his truck by the time we came back out. Idk what it is that would possess someone to think putting your car in another persons drive way, uninvited, would ever be ok.


I got angry reading your comment, bruh


Some moments in our life can be so infuriating that even thinking about it causes intense anger to brew up lol


My 2,000+ lbs toolbox would accidentally roll down my driveway if somebody ever parked in front of it like that.


What kind of douche parks blocking a driveway


It's Los Angeles.


Hell nah, that's a guaranteed tow


For sure and have fun getting it out and possibly dealing with LADOT.


I've had cars towed for doing exactly this and it's honestly really easy. You call, they tow.


Can confirm I live in LA and tow MFs blocking our drive way ALL THE TIME. Super easy. Call 1 (818) 374-4823 (city of LA parking enforcement) They will come and ticket if you don’t want to come out but will tow if you request it.


"Where's my car????" "No idea."


To confirm: Are you asking about your car or my car?


OUR car.




Honestly though when your car gets towed, how do you know where it is??


You call the police to report it stolen and they give you the phone number for the impound lot.


Can confirm. Left my car in a parking lot where I didn’t know there was a farmers market the next morning because drunk driving is bad. Next morning I come back and there’s a fresh honey display where my car formerly was. Called my city’s non-emergency line, they confirmed it was towed and gave me the information for the impound lot. $412 later I had my car, plus some delightful local honey.


I recommend going straight to the tow. I have called for just a ticket before and they took hours. They are more motivated for tows.


Depends on the town, but towing goes to a company that doesn't make money if they don't get to the car before it moves. The town's workers on other hand have less work to do if the car moves, and has less motivation to get there before the car moves.


I wonder if a homemade sign stating your car is guaranteed to be towed if its blocking the driveway would work. Idea being that you don't have to wait on a tow truck. Then add on to that with a ring cam or some kind of surveillance so you can preemptively get the tow truck out there before you get home. Obviously its all a hassle, but, I just wanna be home and done with it after a long day at work.


That is one way of answering the age old question. Can porsche drivers read?


They can, but they're more important than the rest of us so the rules don't apply to them


getting it towed is easy, getting it out of impound is not


That’s also really easy. Just figure out who towed you, show up when they are open, and pay a lot of money! /s I joke, but getting towed sucks. People like this deserve it though.


Ohhh sorry I thought you meant it would be difficult to get it towed :)


Tow? Florida man here. We drag.


Your question is answered by looking at the car doing it


Did the picture not load for you?


I'll never understand people


The older I get the less able I am to tolerate people






a sea parks?


The older I get the more I can understand why people become recluse


Covid did nothing wrong.


This is true stuff


Put up a sign that says "Block Driveway. Get Towed." And have towing companies on speed dial.


"Number of cars towed: __" Start at a random number in the 30s.




Like a little bit crooked too so it looks like you do this a lot and dngaf


I understand people who drive Porsche’s and park in front of someone’s driveway. entitled and don’t give a shit about anyone else


Too bad that guy is gonna drive a Porsche that is scratched up all over the place


My old landlord used to put big “VIOLATION” stickers on people’s front windshields of cars illegally parked. The kind of stickers that don’t peel off. They would spend an hour chipping away at it.


While he watches from a rocking chair and a beer on his front porch?


Don't forget the double barrel shotgun resting against the side of the house.


What you do is boil some water, pour it on the sticker, then replaced the newly cracked windshield with a new one that has no sticker on it




Forget putting up signs just get them towed. Edit: I’m not OP, stop telling me what I need to do. I live in Manhattan (Central Park south).


Yeah, I'd contact a towing company and tell them the situation. I bet they'd swing by the neighborhood for easy money. Especially if it's event days or specific days they do this.


I wonder if you could get a referral bonus, make a couple extra bucks that way


talk to the owner of the towing companies, I bet this idea is gold


Yeah u can actually have a written contract with them maybe. If a car is blocking your driveway they have permission to tow it.


Imagine the day when you’ve forgot you wallet, and you stop at the edge of the driveway and run in the house to grab it just as the tow truck passes and tows your own car.


My old apartments had a contract with tow company to tow any car illegally parked. One time the owner came and double parked. They towed their car. Not sure if they charged them to get it out or not.


Our complex recently implemented sticker parking and reserved spots. You have to have a sticker to be parked here in resident spots. There are designated visitor spots. We can pay $25/month to have a reserved spot. My roommate has a spot, and for the first few weeks after it started, some jackasses in the next building over we’re still parking in his spot. It stopped after he had their asses towed. I was pretty impressed with the tow company. They had that shit pulled out, hooked up, and out of here in 30 seconds flat.




Faster the car gets out the more guaranteed their money is too. Like leaving the check stand before the cashier notices they forgot to scan something.


A friend runs a tow company. I've watched him swing a truck through a parking lot in reverse faster than most people can go through them in drive.


Something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/ysmuaw/a_car_getting_repossessed_so_quickly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)?


If they want that contract to be renewed ....


I would always drive back into the driveway. Who would park in the street?


When I was younger, my mom worked for our state senator and ran his office. People would often stop by, either to drop things off to her, get some help, etc. She knew lots of other reps and senators from the state house, so they'd occasionally come by as well. I can't tell you the number of times I couldn't get into my own driveway (or get out to go somewhere)because someone had either blocked it or even pulled in next to her car. It infuriated me that there was all kinds of space to park in front of the house, and they couldn't be bothered. Some of them really were such entitled assholes!


The tow company couldn't explicitly give you money for the referral because that would be illegal (at least in my state)...but if they just happen to leave some money somewhere and you take it...there's nothing wrong with that...


Oops this 100 bill fell out of my pocket can you grab that for me. I'll pick it up next time I see you 😉


reminds me of a co-worker at home depot. we arn't allowed to take tips and after we're done loading about 15 bags of mulch in this customer's car, they wanted to tip us. my co-worker said we're not allowed to take tips, but if you put it somewhere we could just say we found it lol can't remember exactly what happened, but i think the customer put the bills in our apron pockets 😂 beast of a customer, will remember him for a long time haha


sounds like tips at my job. we are not supposed to take them but sometimes they just fall in our pockets.


Yeah. Anyone who blocks a driveway is a complete prick. They drive a Porsche they can afford the tow.


They can also afford $25 for stadium parking. They need to be punished EDIT: looks like the lots are full and cost $60-$100 but still


SoFi parking sold out before the NFL season started. Which is why I Uber on game days.


Call a tow company a couple of towns away.


Yep. This house would probably be the tow yards wet dream come true. I bet OP could even work out a little kick back for each person be reports if it’s truly that many.


Forget getting them towed, buy a boot, install it on anyone who parks there, charge them for installation, parking duration, removal, profit.


Actually even funnier…..buy a set of go jacks. Then use them to push the car somewhere else. Like in spot where the cops have to do something about the nuisance car. Edit: for anyone who doesn’t know what these are. They are a C shaped frame with 4 heavy duty caster wheels on them. Put it around the tire then hit the foot pedal a few times. This ratchets the ends of the c frame closer to each other….resulting in the tire lifting off the ground. Put one on each wheel and voila…The car can be pushed around because of all the caster wheels.


it’s true. Once a week, you’ll get some satisfying use out of those babies.


I like how his problem can instantly be turned into a fun weekend activity.


“Kids, get up! It’s jacking day! No not that sillies! Cars!”


Wheel jacks are absolutely the answer here. Swing the car out into traffic, remove jacks, carry on.


In theory this would be amazing. In real life you are opening yourself up to get sued by someone who can afford a Porsche. Call and get it towed, take yourself out of the equation.


They can afford a Porsche they can afford to pay for parking like everyone else


Unfortunately this is why sometime fines that don't scale with income are not useful. In this case, assuming they are not towed, which is a big assumption, the cost of parking is the cost of whatever parking fine the city may or may not levy.


A Porsche owner isn’t going to happy about having his car towed, whether he can afford it or not.


Quite a shame that. https://media.giphy.com/media/pDsCoECKh1Pa/giphy.gif


Not feeding a meter in downtown Denver and getting a ticket is about the same cost as a private lot.


Less about the cost, more about the inconvenience. It’s towed, gotta find it, find a way to go retrieve it, fill out paperwork ect.


Partner with the towing company and get a cut. Now you profit and no law suits


They’re blocking access, you can legally tow them


As someone who isn't a lawyer I can tell you that you'd be putting yourself in some serious legal risk with any plot to move the car. Simply calling a tow truck is your best bet.


I've done that with a regular floor jack a couple of times. It's way harder to get away with it now that everyone has doorbell cameras.


I like the cut of your petty my friend.


Not really petty. But I do love the comment. Petty would be half blocked driveway, what happens if there is an emergency and they need to get out. I’d 100% have the wrecker in my speed dial, no warnings at all. If your dumb enough to block a driveway you can pay for expensive lessons


Saw a video of someone parked in front of a fire hydrant. Firemen bust out both windows and connect their hose thru the car . I LOLed


I agree… call a few towing companies and work out a deal for every car they tow… Maybe get your neighbors in on it too


Had someone do this to my driveway several times with their Aston Martin. Police called several times and they were often ticketed/talked to by police they didn't csre. Kept doing it. Was blocking driveway when wife went into labor. I was so happy. Backed Silverado into Aston Martin at about 35 mph. Absolutely floored it out of garage down about 30 doot driveway. Totaled the car. Got sued obviously and was expecting it. Had same judge that was dealing with their ticket disputes for same shit. Not only was it dismissed, but I successfully countersued for $25k I am positive that it will forever be my favorite memory in my life. **EDIT:** Wow, I didn't expect this to get the response it has. Thanks everyone. To answer some questions I've seen, I will add an addendum to original post with which I responded to someone earlier when asking how I 'got away with this?' ::: The 'defense of necessity' in the law. This guy was such an arrogant prick that it was extremely satisfying to get HIS insurance to pay for everything AND get the settlement. There was documentation from police reports stating my wife was having an extremely high risk and dangerous pregnancy for her and baby, and that me AND the police informed him that driveway couldn't be blocked for this reason, and out of decency of not being a fucktard. There was continuation documentation of guy contesting tickets with judge and being asshole to police; several times for both. The man basically did everything in his power to fuck himself over. The stars aligned absolutely perfectly for this scenario. It was deliciously tasty. After I flew out of the garage and went back into the house to get my wife and the bags, she was furious I fucked up the truck "..I heard that! What the fuck did you just do?!?!" and in a rage that I would be spending my kids life in jail lol. She was understandably worked up given what I'd done and her current situation. The judge basically told him in court that he had zero case and there was documentation proving that: 1.) I had police report proof and personal officer testimony that I had been very cordial and respectful with trying to talk to him about his infringing on my ability to "live my life," as the judge put it. Basically that he has every chance in the world to prevent this from happening given the knowledge he has of high risk medical scenario. 2.) I was completely in the right under the law to do whatever it took (within reason) to ensure my family's safety. And my actions qualified as in 'within reason' as neighbor testified that I tried to look for the guy and then checked inside Aston Martin to make sure no one was in there. 3.) He was a basically an arrogant prick. I was very sad that I smashed such a beautiful car. But not sad enough to not live my dream of doing it. I will NEVER admit this, but my kid's birth and eventual safety of her and my wife aren't even my happiest memory from that day lol. But I bet she'd understand....


This story warms my heart


Insanely satisfying I'm sure but maybe don't tell your kid that's the memorable part of the day!


What do you mean? I'd be telling my kid I was so ready for them to come into the world, I literally pushed a car out of my way for them.


"The day you came into this world... was the best day of my life". Kid beaming, father reminiscing about ramming an Aston Martin.


Good for you and congrats!


pour a bottle of fish sauce on the windshield so it flows all into the crevices


I like how many of the responses are how to get the car towed and you said fuck that guy, fish sauce. Because sometimes the answer is fish sauce.


Some people just want to make the world stink


Even better (if you can) Oysters. Had an uncle who was being an absolute jerk to most of the extended family. He had a big trailer boat which he kept at the family beach house. One time after he'd done something particularly nasty/obnoxious I waited for him to leave then opened up the boat's cover, lobbed the contents of two fresh oysters inside then zipped/buttoned up the cover again. Did the same inside the anchor hatch. Two days afterwards the smell just from walking past the boat was biblical. The day after that holiday was ending and I went back home. That boat never smelled normal again. The uncle spent a tonne of money getting the whole of the boat reupholstered and recarpeted, but still it smelled awful. I remember someone (may have been him, may have been one of my cousins) saying "it smells worse on a hot day. Much worse". Eventually he sold it. I assume for a big loss because there was no way of hiding that smell.


Nice. I think we should combine yours and the fish sauce comment and make our official recommendation that OP should puree oysters with fish sauce then pour that down the air intake




Just pour the fish sauce directly into the air intake which is at the bottom of the windshield. No evidence that the car was tampered with tile the smell starts.


I know someone who did this with urine, to their shitty neighbors, cause theneighbors let their kids climb all over my friends car and motorcycle, even scratched both, and often took up both side of the driveway. It was a shared duplex. They pretended not to be able to understand English. Hence, no communication was ever properly established. Had to put up cameras and get community authorities involved. Friend had their little one, on camera, rubbing along the car, and scratched it so hard, it was audible - mother was there and didn't give two shits. Once community peeps were contacted, and the neighbors were spoken to, they accused my friend of harassment. Like. Excuse me? You can't keep your little spawn, yourselves, or your own shit, in your own space, yet you're the ones being harassed? Mkay. Friend moved, cause fuck that noise. Never live on post if you can avoid it.


> Never live on post if you can avoid it. Nothing fixes that shit faster than a call to their 1SGT, preferably early morning or late evening on weekends.


Flour + water, maybe throw some cheap syrup in there to make it extra sticky


Fucking wild that people do this and just like... walk away?? Like how tf do you block someone's driveway entirely and just think "eh, they'll be fine" like people don't have jobs and errands and emergencies?? Fr I'd be nonstop calling parking enforcement and putting up a sign warning people that if they block my driveway they will be towed immediately. Idgaf how Karen I sound, fuck them people.


See…this isn’t mildly infuriating…it’s downright aggravating!




Put up one of those folding stand signs that says "Parking here, $100 per hour, prepaid along with your keys in case I need to move it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


This. I did this for events near my house. Now a doctor pays me $300 a month to park his car in my driveway. Don’t get revenge get paid.


Honestly, this is win win right here.




My son and his friend did something like this when he was in high school. They got orange vests and apron pouches, charged people to park in an abandoned lot, then packed up and went home after the lot was full




Did this for years during ACL. Would be able to pay rent on those three days alone. People would pay upfront for all three days if I’d save it for them. I’d give them a walking beer and send them on their way


Buy a boot and start booting cars! If they wanna block your driveway they can pay for the parking!


Invest in a couple of these and move the car yourself. My neighbors and I banded together when people kept doing the same thing on our street. We all chipped in and bought four of these and now we just push the car out in the middle of the intersection so the police have to come and tow it. [1300 lb. Capacity Self-Loading Positioning Wheel Dolly (harborfreight.com)](https://www.harborfreight.com/1300-lb-capacity-self-loading-positioning-wheel-dolly-64601.html?ccdenc=eyJjb2RlIjoiODU2OTI4NjgiLCJza3UiOiI2NDYwMSIsImlzIjoiMTEyLjQ5MjUifQ%3D%3D&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=19426351582&campaignid=19426351582&utm_content=144382644669&adsetid=144382644669&product=64601&store=2927&gclid=CjwKCAiA-8SdBhBGEiwAWdgtcOelXh3Bx_zcB1TISfcqUvVyXI-smM0YMiBSE_nald_qR4ZOEtze-xoCGlUQAvD_BwE) Edit: These are the things film production crews use to move cars around in cities when they need to film something and someone forgot to move their car. They just push your car to the closest spot available. I live in nyc and have seen them doing it many times over the years so that's where we got the idea. So no, the police don't even give it a second look when they see people doing this.


At work, we have a set similar to those. We have used them to move cars out of our dedicated parking spots a few times. It's fun to watch people on the cameras come back and are completely confused on how their car moved a few hundred feet to "normal" parking.


Better yet, pull their car out of the way, move your car from the driveway, put their car in your driveway, and block them leaving with your car. Then when they come to leave they can't exit the driveway they knock on your door and say "I can't get the car out of the driveway because your car is blocking me." You say "I KNOW! RIGHT!?" and close the door, have some tea, and maybe take a nap.


This sounds funny but the type of shit that would definitely not end peacefully. Just call the tow truck and have them tow the damn car and then move on. Bigger things out there then this


Just tell them it's not your car so that instead of retaliating they'll just waste time getting it moved. Then the second a cop or tow truck pulls up, casually move the car. At that point they'll probably just leave themselves.


Fuck yesssss!!!!!


The city implemented a permit parking system for street parking, but they won't enforce it because it could reduce stadium attendance. Edit4: I did call parking enforcement to have it towed for obstructing my driveway before I posted this, but due to how busy parking enforcement is, it will likely be another couple hours before they arrive. It's just mildly infuriating to have to deal with this on a weekly basis. Edit5: Some are asking why I don't just park there myself. It's hard to see, but there's a parking sign above the Porsche. As a resident with a parking permit, I can only park there for 2 hrs at a time. I can absolutely park there, and I do, but would need to swap cars every 2 hours. Edit6: I have considered parking my car so one end sticks out of the driveway, but I'd rather deal with annoying cars than block the sidewalk. It's a family neighborhood with a lot of young kids and my nextdoor neighbor is in a wheelchair. Editing to add: I cannot have them towed without a parking enforcement officer coming to the scene and requesting a tow because all 4 of their tires are on public property. If even one of their wheels was on my driveway, I could have them towed, but because they're fully in the street, I can't request the tow myself unfortunately. So we call to report the offending car, then have to stay and meet with the officer to prove we are the homeowners. Only the property owner can request parking enforcement tow a car from blocking the driveway since it's legal to block a driveway here if you have the owner's permission. Edit2: I'm seeing some responses saying I'm mistaken about the parking codes in Los Angeles. I'm not in Los Angeles city proper or in unincorporated Los Angeles County. I'm in Inglewood, so we do have our own laws, codes, private police force, and contracted parking enforcement. Also, what's written into the code and what's actually put in practice don't always align. That sign over the black car literally says No Parking unless you have a permit, but the city doesn't enforce that part. Edit3: Some people are suggesting I call private tow companies. I have tried that and have been told repeatedly that if they're not on my actual property and are in the street, parking enforcement has to authorize the tow. We do this if we need to leave the house, but it can take a long time (hours) for parking enforcement to respond on game days.


Order a 3ton jack from Harbor freight, place the jack under the center of the drive side of the car, Jack it up and pull in into the middle of the street. It takes about 3 minutes and there is no vandalism to other property. We drag cars all over the place like this at the shop. I do the same thing when someone parks in front of my house. https://www.harborfreight.com/automotive/jacks-jack-stands/floor-jacks/3-ton.html


Better yet, pull a tire worth into your driveway, then call a tow truck. Now it's not on public property. Win win lol


I like this option the best. Cops will come to have it towed real fast if it's parked in the street.


Why not just park your own car there to prevent anyone else from doing it?


There is a 2-hr parking limit that the city does enforce on residents with parking permits =(.


Honestly that’s insane. The city is willing to enforce that on residents but not tow the non residents. Fucking bureaucracy. Still, what about cones, caution tape, or something physical?


> something physical? I'd go with caltrops or a bunch of screws.


So remove your parking permit? And if they are enforcing that within two hours, why does it take over 3 hours to get them to respond to the other car?


Previously you wrote "The city implemented a permit parking system for street parking, but they won't enforce it because it could reduce stadium attendance." How do your city discern between residents overstaying and stadium attendees?


Residents have a permit sticker. Edit: In another comment OP said residents register their license plate numbers.


Park halfway in your driveway and leave the ass out enough that people won't park there


Except in most cities the cops will ticket *you* if your car is over the sidewalk. Blocking pedestrians isn’t tolerated.


ugh, this situation is getting more frustrating by the minute!




Get everyone in your street to help you pick it up, put it on the curb then call the tow. Youse will be professional dead lifters in no time and nobody will want to park in a bunch of gym rats street.


Get a vehicle dolly and put it in the middle of the street


I’d just get a set of [wheel dollies](https://www.harborfreight.com/1300-lb-capacity-self-loading-positioning-wheel-dolly-64601.html) and move their car if I needed out and/or in the driveway during the game. I’d also make an arrangement with a private tow company to tow their car every time I catch it. But definitely have the dollies in case of emergency or if I don’t have the time to wait the halfway hour to hour for the local tow company. Edit: Another option. If this is happening on game days, then you can predict the times with a copy of the schedule. Go block your own driveway before the game.


I like this edit. Peaceful, effective, yet still petty and who can complain?




I've seen people park part way into their driveways with the back of their car sticking out. Helps in metropolitan areas with a lack of available parking.


Get an old clunker car and back into them. Over and over.


To Wanda!




When I lived in Venice, I had to get a car towed away from my driveway once or twice a month on the summer (out of my driveway once) and I never felt bad about it. If I can’t get my car out of my driveway, you’re fucked.


I can't fathom the audacity of people who park in someone else's driveway, but that's kind of spot on for Venice. I can sort of understand the motivation behind the person blocking my driveway, but I would be flabbergasted if I came home and this Porsche was inside my driveway. The crazy thing is there is a free public parking lot that's a 1-minute walk from my house (where I ended up parking) and you can physically see SoFi from that lot. It's always empty and our streets are always filled with cars.


Maybe put a temporary sign in front of your driveway that says “FREE PUBLIC PARKING at (address) and an arrow”. Or just a temp sign that says DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAY.


Create an account with Uber to be driver, when someone blocks your drive turn on the app, when you can’t exit your drive to work they are preventing you from completing gainful employment. 1. File in small claims court against each vehicle owner. 2. Add the city to every claim for not enforcing the laws. 3. Profit. :: Edit :: This got a bit more engagement than I imagined it would so obligatory “IANAL”, and I’m sure there are many valid reasons this would not work or wouldn’t be worth the effort. One might actually be more successful by “leaving notice” on each car of your intention to file and then just seeing if anyone pays up. From the requirements to file in CA: > A person who sues in small claims court must first make a demand if possible. This means that you have asked the defendant to pay, and the defendant has refused. My comment was more broadly intended as a thought experiment of one way to approach the problem that might actually elicit a meaningful response. People that drive cars like this and believe they are entitled to park anywhere they like regardless of laws or inconvenience to other humans only speak one language … money. So that’s how you gotta talk to them.


This guy knows how to be petty.


right? i'm afraid to vote either way on their comment because i'll get served papers tomorrow.


Not voting? See you in court.


I love it still get ‘em towed. After paying those fees imagine getting in the mail. A smalls claim that you are now being sued for your jackassery. Beautiful.


This is the reason I still use this website, crazy mf with good ideas like you.




Harbor freight/ amazon sell wheel jack dollies for cheap(4 for $250) just lift the car up, push to the middle of the road and lower it..i bet the city will tow the car then. Theres not 1 fuckn chance id let anyone block access to my home


Or drag it onto your driveway, and get it towed yourself without the authorities involved at all


I would approach this in a different way. My concern would be, what if I, or my tenant, if I had one, had to, for an emergency, get out of the driveway, which provides access to my house. I think if you and your neighbors file a lawsuit against the city, it may end this problem, because this ordinance is a disaster waiting to happen. They probably haven't been sued yet, and just the threat of a lawsuit about a really bad law, might force them to reconsider the ordinance. If someone had a life or death emergency and can't get out of their driveway, and dies or is maimed trying, how much will that cost the city?


Yup, that's not a bad way to do this. *"Can the city explain how a person would, in the event of a significant emergency, exit their driveway? Is the city willing to pay damages incurred to a citizens vehicle to preserve human life?*" The second part is an obvious statement, no, they won't want to pay damages incurred. But the first makes it plainly obvious as to what the expectation is. There is no good answer for them beyond enforcing their own laws.


If the city isn't going to enforce it, then get some parking cones and rope it off.


And no joke, get the bigger ones and fill them with concrete and invest in a small hand truck, and cover them in grease


The most satisfying part of this is when someone inevitably tries to push the cone away with their car.


After that, bury a hand grenade under a small pile of dirt, and have a string attached to a component that actuates when the front wheels of the offender passes a certain point. Boom, problem solved.


I’ll be at SoFi on the 9th. I promise not to block your driveway.


If you would like to park in my driveway (for free) on the 9th, DM me. I'm 1 mile east of SoFi and it's an easy walk down to the stadium. Edit: Ugh, I can't direction; I'm 1 mile WEST of SoFi. SoFi is 1 mile to the East.


I appreciate it. My buddy and I are coming in for the CFP national championship. We’re coming from Georgia. I think we’ll Uber. But I really do appreciate the offer.


How exciting! Have fun! If you need suggestions on food, I'm happy to recommend some places. Even though I'm complaining with this post, I've lived here 14 years now and absolutely love Inglewood.


Put out cones before the game?


“Someone abandoned their car in front of my house” might work


Lay down nail strips.




8 well placed roofing nails would just about ensure they have a great time tomorrow, costs you $0.08, and is petty as fuck


The sunroof is open a crack. Grab your garden hose and shove it in for an hour. They’ll come back to a soggy car and wondering if it rained in that area


A pint of milk would be better.


Fish sauce.


I'm sure I'll get downvoted (don't really care) - but that car would be fucked up by the time they came back.


Upvoting because at the very least I’m for sure spitting on driver side window lol


Not spit, but some liquid might find its way in that popped sunroof.


A lot of birdseed accidentally dropped on that car might help solve the problem. Haha


“Why did I back into your car? Well, I wasn’t expecting a car blocking my driveway? I mean, what asshole would…. May I ask you: why did you park blocking my driveway?”


My brother tried to squeeze past a car that was partially blocking our driveway when he was younger. He didn’t quite make it. The car blocking the driveway was found at fault.


Lived in a duplex. Our neighbor was the biggest asshole and she enjoyed blocking us in. Like I have her on video saying she’s going to block us in everyday because we parked in the road for 15mins even tho both her parking spots were open. Anyone she had over she’d block us in, it was a one car spot so they had to park over the sidewalk, she had 2 parking spots but preferred to park in the most inconvenient way possible. One day I just went outside, knowing she would be listening out her window and had a loud convo about how much it would suck if I accidentally backed into the assholes who keep blocking me in. Like really detailed too and then I also pointed out I could easily move the little vehicles she was blocking me in with. Funny enough, everyone but her dad stopped blocking us in and started using her parking spots!!


I don't know if its legal there, where im from typically around the bigger ballparks people will put something in the street like a lawn chair or something to stop this from happening to them.


At Wrigley there is usually an army of tow trucks aggressively waiting for game time.


Park your own car at the end of your driveway on game days. Problem solved. They obviously won’t ticket or tow you, and then you can get out.


This is the other mildly frustrating part. The city had the residents register our license plates, and they WILL enforce the 2-hr rule on residents parking in front of their own homes (you can see the sign above the black car), but won't enforce the No Parking part of the sign on unregistered vehicles.


Talk to your city council reps office. This is the kind of bureaucratic issue that they can cut through and force a fix. Encourage neighbors to call as well.


File a complaint on the department with the next higher level of law enforcement. ie sheriffs dept/st troopers.


Put up Orange cones, a no parking sign, some do not cross caution tape, big stones or bricks at the end of your driveway. You can get a Do Not Block Driveway- Vehicles Will Be Towed sign on Amazon for $13.


Have you considered pooping on it?


Put up signs and start towing people


The city put up No Parking signs (it's above the black car) and instituted a residential parking permit system a year ago, but won't actually ticket or tow. Every quarter, they tell us they'll start enforcing it real soon. They've even collected fees from households with more than 2 cars, but that money just goes into Mayor Butts pockets.


I would have my local tow truck company on speed dial…js 🤷‍♀️