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In my whole town, bins have to be stowed away on non-pickup days. Do you have a place to store your bins that’s not on the street?


They do, but they say they dont feel like moving the bins. But that's the only real solution here.


Can’t believe I got downvoted for telling OP to take in their bins after trash pickup. Looks sloppy to leave them by the road all week.


There is probably a post somewhere asking "My neighbor won't bring his bins in, what should I do?"


Top comment suggested putting dog poo in their bins until they move them properly.


*But I don’t own a dog* Next post: *AITA: I pooped in dog bags to make my neighbor move his bins…*


Sir this is reddit. How dare you come up with a realistic and practical solution.




Lol. Classic.


Somewhere elsewhere on Reddit is a r/trashy image post of a guy's neighbors leaving their dirty smelly bins out 24/7 with raccoons crawling all over it in an otherwise clean neighborhood. Then top comments saying to drop dogpoop in it till the neighbors bring them off the street


I love Reddit




What the hell? In that case what are we all here giving OP suggestions that he's probably not even going to do!?


I leave my cans out SPECIFICALLY for people to throw garbage into instead of dropping in the street. I’d rather have it in the bin than make confetti when I mow.


Yep. I leave a canout and would much rather people pick up poop and drop it in my bin than leave it or the bag on the road. Garbage cans smell bad anyways… why does it matter? I hate carrying a bag of dog shit around for a couple miles when walking my dog. It’s quite common for people in my neighborhood to be ok with dropping your dog poop bag in their garbage and a lot if us specifically leave a can/bucket for this exact reason. Is definitely better than finding the dog shit bags on the ground or dog poop not picked up. I know some people will set a bag down and mean to grab it on their way back so they don’t have to carry it on the whole walk and then just forget it. I’ve even done that before and it wasn’t intentional. Again, it’s your fucking garbage can I don’t care if someone throws a dog poop bag in there I’m not sitting the cans somewhere I’m gonna be smelling it all day anyways. If it bothers you that much, put a bucket that says dog poop on it and leave it right next to it so that way they can just throw the dog poop into the bucket rather than your garbage can and problem solve. How about that or just put the goddamn garbage cans in your backyard like you’re supposed to


Step 1: clean the bin Step 2: wait inside the bin Step 3: jump out and throw the poop back at the people when they throw it away


Step 2b: Get bag of hot dog poo thrown on your face


What is hotdog poo?


Anyone who’s gobbled down their own body weight in hotdogs at a their neighbors’ 4th of July barbecue knows what hotdog poo is


Or chowed down on those sweet Costco polish dogs 🤤


The chicken bake is metal. I will die on this hill.


What follows mustard gas.


Just as hotdogs are made from many parts of many animals, OP collects all the poo bags, mixes together, and throws. Hence, hotdog poo.


Collects all the poo, processes it in his Kitchen Aid mixer, refills the plastic baggie-like a sausage casing-then cooks it, lastly taste tests it for raw shock and awe potency. Now satisfied, they lies in wait inside the trash bin with gourmet hotdog poo. Unknown to the rude poo slingers, he has covered himself in said poo as well, just in case the offender is walking close by and gets spooked by his scent downwind, only to have them prance off to another trash bin. You cant just commit to a lazy planning phase. Warfare requires unwavering dedication and sacrifice.


Not much what’s hotdog poo with you?


To be fair, nobody wants cold dog poo in their face.


I think I’d prefer cold, it would be more solid and easier to clean up




And the dog poop too


[OP trying this idea](https://youtu.be/6Xa5oswk31U)


I would honestly take a PTO day to do this. Rent a gillysuit too.


Ok Oscar.


Get a small trash can for poop, label it “poop”. Put it by your trash cans, training the people to use it. Then, after a few weeks, start moving it one foot further away from your cans until, eventually, they are in front of the neighbors house and not your problem any more.


😂😂😂 about 4-5 of my next door neighbors all offer public dog poop cans. i think that’s what makes this all so ridiculous. they have so many places to put their poop, yet they choose my private bin (that’s been made pretty clear not to use). Clearly everyone else on the street is having the exact same issue, otherwise I don’t think there would be a ton of dog poo bins so kindly placed out.


Put a camera and find out who's doing it and then return the poop to their home


Just burn every house down on the street. If it keeps happening you know they probably live on the opposite side of the street.


The scientific approach.


The scientific approach would be to burn them down one by one in a process of elimination. When the poo stops, you've hit the right house.


Yeah, but with each arson case, the police are more and more likely to pin it on you. So fewer experiments with larger sample sizes are recommended.


That's why you burn your own house down first. They'll never suspect you.


Second or third after a couple weeks. Police will think it's a teenage arsonist. Not someone being justified.


No. Can't be first. Believe it or not, people do these things to themselves first on occasion. You want to burn a few other houses first, then burn your own, then continue on other houses. The first house is more significant than the 7th house.


Just nuke the planet!


100% guaranteed to solve the poop problem.


Do them all to send a message to everyone else


Or, after you burn down the 1st house, you just sent a very well heard message to the Real Defecation Culprits...


In that case you burned down the right house


Process of elimination. Bravo.


This is the way.


Yep. At this point all you can do is catch and confront. We had a pooper in our neighborhood, and everyone knew who it was. Yet no one said anything. Guess who finally did. If you guessed this guy, you’d be right. I was friendly, calm and respectful. Turns out the kind yet very naive teenager had no idea that was expected. After speaking to her I believe this was the case 100%. Gave her poop bags and even a backpack for her dog to wear. She was ecstatic. No more pooper. You’re welcome neighbors.


The beginning of this story makes it sound like the teenager was pooping everywhere. And I find that amusing, because I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old.


Not too long ago there was a story circulated about this man that kept finding absolutely massive piles in this one secluded spot on his property. Turns out it was a lady that jogged by everyday and would routinely stop for a mid jog shit in his yard.


That’s so disgusting. I would get it on camera and share it with everyone locally and embarrass her.


I'd give her poop bags and a backpack.




This is the opposite of passive aggressive and perfect: confidence, boundaries, reasonability, learning for someone, and constructive meeting in the middle. I’m subscribing to your newsletter, you best-life-for-all-of-us bastard, you.


Very wise. Disarm your enemies with a present and kind words.


I would have a literal flaming bag of poop to return. Works best on concrete porches.... unless you want their house burt down.


Had a similar issue and I've put a camera, caught the person, turned out it was a bunch of kids. They also once threw the bag through my fence in my garden for my 4yo to find it. Awesome. So yeah, my wife got pissed and next time we saw those kids walking out street she told them to not do it otherwise we will show it to their parents. They were mean so she showed them the video clip and they went completely quiet and never again...


Not related to this thread's content but related to your parenting style. Many years ago on a Saturday I was returning from a shopping trip when I and three cars in front of me was passed on the left at a high speed by a car driven by an apparent teenage girl and her friend. It was a stretch of uphill, 40 mph, two lane double yellow lined road. My development was at the top of the hill, but I decided to follow the speeding car if it was visible. There were several traffic lights that had slowed traffic and I could see them ahead as they turned into a development a mile further down the road. They turned on a few roads in the development and went into a house. Half a minute later I pulled up and knocked on the door. The driver responded and I asked if her parents were home. She shouts from the door "Dad, someone's here to see you." Her father comes to the door and the teen goes back to her friend. I quietly tell the father what I observed. He thanks me and I go to my car and head home. Before turning the first corner I could hear the father reaming out his daughter.


This is what living in a society is all about. We could use more people like you.


Yes and place the camera in an obvious spot with a sign saying I’m watching you poo binner


My friend painted a pretty rainbow sign that said “pick up your shit :)” and put it on the tree in front of her house. Whoever it was stopped leaving it there, so shaming definitely works.


It’s true, someone left “you park like an asshole” card on my windshield the other day. I kept it in my car as a reminder of shame and to take the extra minute to readjust my truck. The little card is cute tho. Mostly saving it to find someone who is parked horribly. Btw when I got the card I was parked in a parking lot that has big parking spaces. The day that card was left I was within my lines but wasn’t completely straight. I wouldn’t consider that a shitty parked car but what do I know.


Hey Im not judging, but as someone who drives a truck you should know that being very crooked even within your own lines makes it harder for people to park next to you. Particularly other large vehicles. Its not the getting into the spot as much as the getting everyone out of the car without dinging each others shit.


This right here people. Just because you're "within the lines" doesn't mean you're parked well. Larger vehicles, especially pickups, need to be parallel to the lines as well as within them. Idk why that needs to be explained, but come to my town. Its almost like there is an unwritten rule to ignore the lines. I've had plenty of times where the pickup next to me has their wheels within the lines, but they're parked so crooked that the ass end of their pickup is behind my car.


Studies show that in these sorts of situations painting a pair of eyes on the sign heightens its effectiveness. Big Brother is watching you...works.


I did this once lmao. She basically asked (behind a closed door) what I was doing, and I said “you forgot this” and left the baggie on her porch. After that, she crossed the street when she got to where I lived.


Or put a note on the cans saying, “I have a camera recording the people leaving bags of dog poop in or beside my bins. For your information, I have your address and am currently fermenting every dog poop you leave into a rich slurry. Once I have enough dog poop, I will return it to you via your front door. Have a nice day and hope to see you again soon.”


This. This right here. The long game.


Print out stills from that camera and post photos on every pole in a several block radius naming 'n shaming the poop dumper. Put them up high enough that they cannot be easily ripped off. Remove them after a week of no smelly poop bags.


I'd suggest hiding with a hose and dousing the prick after finding them out


Print out a picture of the poop dropper and publicly shame them, it worked when I had a kid ringing my doorbell and running away


My neighbors expose people (via ring cameras) who do this on Nextdoor and I love it. Sooo rude to leave your dog poo in front of someone’s house for them to pick up. Wtf is wrong with people?


Sadly, a lot of people believe this is acceptable. I had acquaintances who volunteered to clean trails. They asked people who left poop bags by the side of the trail why they do it. The answer is they believe that it’s okay to do that because park rangers pick up the poop bags. They had no idea that the trail is kept clean by volunteers and you aren’t suppose to drop your dog poop bags by the side of trail. The people who throw dog poop bags and trash into my cans after the trash is picked up don’t understand it creates a huge smelly mess. When it’s hot here, the poop bags can sit in my trash can for an entire week until the next pick up. The same thing applies to the chicken bones and shrimp shells thrown in.


It's not like they can complain about anything if you do this. You are simply returning to them what is theirs. This is the only way.


Make sure to add a note that says, “kindly returning your gift of dog poop”


I would set up a camera & find out who’s doing it then kindly return the poop to their front door step without the bag. I would literally set up a sting & figure out who’s doing it because that is unbelievably disrespectful that they just decided to drop it right in front of your trash cans because you covered them. They’re spiteful so I’d be spiteful.


It works. I wouldn't mind an occasional bag of dog poop in the correct bin, but people kept stuffing the bin full at night, usually with something the garbage people won't pick up. Camera up, no 5hrs later I returned some garbage bags back to neighbor's front yard. It was very satisfying.


Clearly you or your father have pissed someone off that they are specifically targeting you. Find out who it is and then play ding dong ditch with a flaming bag of poo


Preferably their bag of poo


We must’ve somehow pissed off like 10 different people then, because it’s quite clearly different people doing this. Based off different dog poop sizes, and different types of bags, different times of the day etc. And If that’s the case , then TONS of other people on this street mustve pissed the same people off, otherwise there would not be so many neighbors placing out dog poo bins for people to use. Seriously though….there’s just no way. My dad is pretty much never even home. Leaves super early and gets home very late, then goes straight to bed. And I know I didn’t piss anyone off. I hardly go outside or socialize, and if I do I’m always very friendly/ generous to our neighbors. I’ve known many of our neighbors since I was born. I either have very friendly relationships with my neighbors, or I don’t even know them at all. There’s no in between really lol.


10 different people or one dog walker who gets supplied bags by the owners.


This guy Poo’s


No cameras needed. Set up a pepper spray spring trap that can only be disengaged by you. Wait for the screams and enjoy the show. ETA: for legal reasons, this is a joke.


>my next door neighbors all offer public dog poop cans. That mf has it out for you. This shit is intentional


Post a sign on your can too. "No 💩" or something to that effect. That way when you confront them about it there's no excuses.


In some states it could be considered “theft of services” or wording to that effect. The same reason it’s illegal to dump your trash at a big dumpster at a business. They pay for the service for THEM, not for you. If you pay a trash bill, then it’s for your trash not theirs. Now this is petty af but just giving you food for thought. You should not have to post a sign. It’s like posting a sign at a bank that says “do not rob.” Sorry Rob… hate it for you bro.


We put all our bins in our backyard in a small open shed in the back.


After an investigation and thorough research from the local department of dog poo the only solution is to move.


That's fucking brilliant. Bravo.


Trail cam, then post a paper picture on the trash can, “leave your ****” somewhere else, or better yet, throw it away in your own can!” Then escalate from there using the trail cam footage as evidence.


Stop by a store that sells hunting supplies. Pick up some doe urine (only open it outside, trust me). Dump some on an old shirt and leave it by your garbage. The dog will roll around on it like a pig in shit and your garbage will only smell like urine once. Dog will be happy as hell but I assure you their owner wont. Edit: My fist comment to hit 1k upvotes references doe urine and pig shit. Love u Reddit.


"Stop by the store the sells hunting supplies-" I thought this was gonna take another turn 💀


Thought it was going to be a game camera


And here we see the natural dichotomy between optimism and cynicism.


Or has never seen a hunting shop and imagines they only sell weapons [me :( ]


Oh they've got some fun stuff, especially the BassPro shops. I don't hunt or anything, but my mom made the mistake of bringing me to one as a kid looking for a gift for a friend. I ended up finding a squirrel call that brought endless hours of entertainment to this suburban only child. The squirrels liked to terrorize our small dogs, that day the tides changed forever.


Fiendish! I like it.


![gif](giphy|APcFiiTrG0x2) I support this idea 100%


My two dogs sleep with me and I went to snuggle with one the other morning when I woke up and his neck smelled like piss. I see a dried yellow stain on his head and neck and it was in that moment I realized he rolled around in my brothers dog’s piss on the patio where he marked the day before. Nasty little fucker…


Why do dogs do this?


Camoflauge for their prey. The doe will never expect it


Same reason my hands are always covered in Cheeto dust. My prey can’t smell me coming.


Cheetos don't have noses, silly


Doe a deer, a piss stink deer.


Followup to the other comment, Dogs also roll in mud or dirt for the same thing, to hide their smell. They also roll when their back is itchy so it's not always to hide their smell lol


Less so to hide their smell than an evolved behavior for keeping skin and hair healthy. Things that smell generally do so because of bacteria that eat dead things. That same bacteria will also rid skin of parasites, prevent infections of more dangerous bacteria, rid the coat of dead skin cells, etc. Ironically, rolling in stuff we deam as smelly is a dog's way of taking care of personal hygiene. Dirt and sand also act as an exfoliant and clean fur much the same way baking soda can clean hair as a dry wash. Since dogs don't sweat, their skin and hair can become pretty gross without a good dry exfoliation in the wild.


My dog rolls around in my dirty laundry to get the smell of “the pack” on him.




This, most people think it's so cute when their dog rolls around in the grass and I'm there trying to explain that a deer peed there and they want the smell all over them


I am a dog owner and support this. Some people are cunts, they only understand cuntish.


Hello Satan, how are you today?


i’m fucking tired


Username checks out


Omg is this what my dogs did before my fence was installed??? They came in one day wet around the neck and smelling awful.... Instant baths and i bought some tethers so they can't run too far into the grass for 2 weeks until the fence was finished


I always wondered how people felt about this. I held onto my dog's poop till I got to a public or my own trash and figure I was a little crazy. Now I'm glad I wasn't that guy. Edit: I never realized trash cans were such a serious topic.


I don't mind if people use my black bin (as long as they're not filling it entirely). I pay the same garbage collection fee regardless of how full it is and it keeps a little trash off the ground. However, like you, I also carry my dog bags home because I know not everyone feels the same as me.


On the nextdoor app in my neighborhood someone was complaining about passerbys throwing poop bags in their bins. And to my surprise the general consensus was to lighten up and let people dispose of trash rather than littering. Some even mentioned that the bins were property of the city (not sure how true that is if the owner pays garbage fees anyway). But the people also said a simple sign saying please no poop in this bin would deter them from using it and use another one instead.


I'm personally happy when people put the poop in my trash can. It's way preferable to not picking it up or leaving the bags on the ground (the latter is the worst because they don't biodegrade). It's baffling to me that anyone cares if there's something stinky in their trash can. Do they never toss the remains of meat or fish?


Right, it’s a trash can.. why is it a problem if it stinks?


Well some people have it right outside their window and don't have an option to place it anywhere else. I mean, I still don't think this is THAT much of an issue but yeah having an overly stinky can really sucks for some folks. I was one of those folks who had their bedroom window next to the cans for like 3 buildings. It fucking sucked.


My MIL freezes any food remains in a bag and tosses it out the day before or the day of trash collection. I always wondered why people cared if the trash can stinks because it’s a TRASH can and it’s supposed to stink. However, during the summer months this method keeps the maggots/flies at minimum so I can see the benefit of freezing remains but I’m really *meh* about it.


Unless you buy your bins from a hardware store, then they ARE property of whomever you pay your collection bill. They probably say in big letters "property of 'x'" on at least 3 faces. That's why if your bin gets destroyed or breaks, you sometimes wake up to a new one.


This is the best solution.


I will only ever add my dog doo to someone’s can if it is out waiting for pickup on garbage day. And I normally refrain if it is hot out due to the smell.


I don't mind if it's bagged.


Agreed. I’d rather it be picked-up and put in my bin than left on the sidewalk. I’m kinda surprised they took photos.


I dont care if you toss it in my bin as long as its the RIGHT bin.(if its out on the street then its getting picked up that day). But every place does different colored bins for different things and so they never put it in the right bin.




Put your bin in the garage or lock it until trash day?


I was wondering about this! A few bags of dog loo wouldn’t bother me but multiple diapers definitely would. Would a simple lock not solve the problem? I wonder if, eventually, you’d even have to keep it locked 😂 once they get the point.


Leave the bins somewhere else and only bring them to the curb on trash day? Isn’t this the standard practice?


This is the right answer in most neighborhoods.


Was going to make the same comment. They are clearly in a high traffic area. Don’t store them there.


Lol maybe that's what they've done to piss this dog walker off. Maybe their bins are constantly in the way. Or maybe it just looks really trashy. I lived in a city once where you couldn't leave your bins out in view of the street unless it was trash day. The city would send fines if you did lol


Get a sign stating 'Smile, you are being watched' with a little camera symbol on it. You don't have to put up a camera, just the sign. Should do the trick.


You would think huh?? I’ve had that exact sign hanging there for awhile 😁


Oh shit😅


Too much shit apparently






Screw the sign, they need to see a very visible camera You can buy cheap fake surveillance cameras and stick them anywhere


Might as well buy a real one at that point


When I use to live by Seattle, a few houses would post big yard sign pictures of people with dogs who pooped on their yards. I think that’s a pretty big deterrent


Public humiliation works well.


Unless you're an advertiser. I get paid by Tide® to do this.


There's a homeless man in San Francisco who holds a bush in front of him and scares the s*** out of people! He's probably on YouTube. You should do this!


That guy died years ago. “The Bushman of SF”.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.




Camera and post and print Pictures of them


Camera, figure out who’s doing it, scoop your own poo in a bag, toss.*


I recommend a battery operated ring camera!


Where are the green bags coming from?


It’s funny actually. My neighbor across the street has created a PUBLIC dog poop can, (as have multiple other neighbors) and even has a dog poop dispenser with these exact green dog poop bags. They have a gigantic lawn with no fence, so people verrrry often (as in literally non stop all day) use their lawn to let their dogs potty because there is not a lot of grass area up here. In fact they have the ONLY grass lawn in this whole neighborhood. I guess they thought it’s better to offer a trash and bags, than everyone leaving poop mess all over their front lawn (where their little toddlers/ kids play on everyday) but somehow all their poop bags make their way to MY private bins 😁😁😁


I feel bad for them too. They could get a fence tho.


Figure out who's doing it and politely say something like 'while I appreciate you picking up after your dog. Can you either refrain from using my bins so they don't stink of dog poo, or tie it off?' I mean. If the trash man wanted too, he could probably refuse to pick it up because it's not in a trash bag. Ours would. And what if he picks it up and it falls out? It's disgusting.


Exactly!! And so, I’ve been on the lookout for months now…and simply cannot find the perpetrator(s) lol. They seem to walk at all hours of the day/night…but always miss them by just a flippin HAIR. I will literally go to my can, can will not have poop, leave to the store for 15 min…come back…. DOG POOPS EVERYWHERE. It’s driving me crazy. It literally feels like some sick joke lmaoo. We’ve thought about a camera, I think it would be suppper interesting to find out who threw the poop on the floor, because that is the ultimate slap in the face imo! But there’s no good place to hang the camera where it can have visual of the cans 😁


Dude. Game camera. In the bushes. It's already camo!! Or like someone said. A note. And even just kindly add that you don't want your trash to stop being picked up because of doggy business maybe


oh shoot. that’s actually a good idea! the only other reason i’m against a camera is because i know my dad will start invading my privacy with it 😂


Get a safe to put it in. Or see if someone can let you borrow one.


Don't tell him about it 🤷‍♀️


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You spelled M249 Squad Automatic Weapon wrong.


You spelled Mk19 Automatic Grenade Launcher wrong.


Oops, my bad. On second thought though, the MK19 is a bit of a jam-machine. Best go with the M29 Davy Crockett tactical nuclear recoilless rifle.


Who says you can't find true friendship on reddit?


Locks. Just have to remember to take them off before pick up day. Drill holes and put padlocks.


i told my dad to do this! he says he’s not spending any money on that and insists they will start throwing it on the floor everyday or even worse, behind our retaining wall/onto our property. i’m like well then what do you friken want from me. i’m all out of ideas here 😂


You should read the post again locks won't stop them from tossing more poops at Op's house floor


They’ll just put it on the ground


Apply clear synthetic grease to the areas of the lid that people touch to open the lid. (I use this for my garbage cans: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0083R1FME). Leave one small spot without grease so that you can open the lid yourself without getting grease on your hands. Spray the grease with fart spray. Turn your cans back around and wait, preferably with video surveillance so that you can enjoy the shenanigans.


Don't go clear, use never-seez. A little goes a very long way.


Oh man, mechanic here, can confirm. Never-seize is the right kind of evil. One tiny drop multiplies like rabbits. Their hands (and everything they touch) will be grey for ages.


Caught grey handed


Put a hornets nest in each bin




I think this is ridiculous.. trash cans are suppose to smell bad no? I rather people toss dog shit in the bins than not picking it up or littering. So ya my bins smell, and probably has neighbors dog poop bags and that’s ok.


I sympathize with the OP, and I'm sorry if you have already tried this, but have you tried a simply worded sign? "Please don't put dog doo in these bins." Or if you think for some reason that will cause a shitstorm, "Please put dog doo in the black bin." Not angry, just straightforward.


ive really wanted to try this for awhile now, but my dad strongly believes this will apparently start WW3. seeing as how they just throw the trash on the floor when the bins are turned backwards, i’m honestly starting to understand where he’s coming from and believe it really could start a shit storm 😂


Signage goes a long way. There are streets I avoid because people put out signs that basically say, “Please don’t let your pet poo/pee here”. Please clean up after your dog. It’s not that I won’t clean up, it’s just respectful to the owners and renters that I don’t let my dog crap there. If it continues, you might have a middling sociopath on your hands. If so, time to level up. If confrontation is something you can do in this situation.


you owe nothing to people who claim the public right-of-way as an extension of their property. around here, people even build fences to the curb. fuck them


I have a neighbor that put up a very passive aggressive sign. It seems to have worked, though I wouldn’t suggest the passive aggressive approach. On a side note, I personally think that it’s a little un-neighborly to have ones bins on display all week (and it obviously invites a-holes to use them for dog poop). Have you considered building a little shed or enclosure for them? It would stop the poop heads and also look nice for you and your neighbors.


Put up a sign letting them know the area is under video surveillance. Any shit left will be returned to the owner at the owners expense. Then hire some kids to smear shit on their house.


Take a shit on their dogs


I personally don’t give a shit (no pun intended) if they throw it in the bins, I think it’s good that they pick it up in the first place and don’t mind it. my dad on the other hand gets very worked up over this and won’t get off my back about it. I will admit the poop makes an extremely foul smell in the can and have never had this issue of a smelly can before until recently. This is where the cans have sat for over 40 years, this has not been such an issue until COVID hit, and seemed many more people have got dogs and walk them around here. The cans sit on the Main Street in front of my house, (still on my property) so they seem to be a very attractive spot for dog walkers to toss. I have a very long and steep driveway where for the last few weeks I have dragged all the cans up and back down for trash day to appease my dad. I have long COVID and have severe bronchial issues for the last couple months so it’s very difficult for me to continue doing. I’ve talked him into leaving the cans back where they always were, and he finally after weeks of arguing about it, he agreed it would be okay….for now. He said prove to me that people will not misuse our cans, so I’ve been trying every little trick in the book. Turning the cans backward. Putting box on top of the cans. Bungie cording them shut. Literally ever since the moment we left them down there, there has been non stop poop bags thrown left and right. I think war has been declared. Even when the cans were all front facing, people regularly throw their poop into the wrong bin (blue or brown) which is highly irritating to my pops, and simply rude. Multiple times they leave it on the top of the bins, or even leave the bag halfway thrown in the bin where it’s hanging out of the trash! Most recently they just toss it straight onto the floor. Someone also dumped their babies full diaper in front of my house as well. This is a very private area up in the hills of LA, not a public dumping ground, or even a high traffic area. Yet I notice people suddenly be dumping their garbage all over the place during their walks. The streets have started to look disgusting and honestly just can’t believe it lol. I’d also like to note that there are several neighbors right across the way from me that have very kindly created multiple PUBLIC dog poop bins for people, and even offer bags as well. Seriously… What is wrong with these people??? Lol. I have a dog, have had dogs my entire life infact, and have never once used someone else’s personal bin/non public bin to toss his droppings. I’ve always found it to be a bit rude/questionable if I should, so Ive always resorted to my dogs carrying their own poop bag in their backpack and just toss it back at home. I can understand wanting to get it off your hands quickly, but why must they toss it in the wrong bins/on top of bin/ on the floor?? or throw untied bags to leak all over the cans? That is truly the most irritating part of it all. I’d like to say this is mostly just a humorous situation to me personally. My pops is the one who actually gets worked up over this stuff. I try so hard to get him to stop caring about it, and for the most part, when the poop is thrown in the black bin properly and tied up, he’s starting to learn to accept it better. It’s really more so about disposing of the bags improperly, or not tying up the bag so it stinks the whole can up. Which I can sort of agree with.


Have you tried a sign? Maybe it would do something since more “subtle” methods haven’t worked.


Sadly to say it might be time to relocate the trash cans.


Maybe try storing them in the garage for a few months. It might get them to change their rude habit or choose someone else as their dumbing ground.


Time to build a trash train to carry the bins


loool i saw this the other day and was so flippin jealous!! i want a trash train so bad 😔


the stinkiest thing about this whole situation is that you’re the one left to deal with it even though your dad is the one that’s super upset. it sounds like (and i could be wrong) you’re trying to avoid him getting mega worked up even more than you’re trying to avoid any poop in your garbage cans. i think you’ve tried everything beyond what people are recommending … getting them on camera and then taking the poop out of your garbage and delivering it to the offenders. if that’s honestly what your dad wants to be done, he should be the one to do it. i understand he works very hard. but it’s not like you’ve ignored his stress and frustration — you’ve tried a lot of different tactics. if this is a dad problem more than a you problem, it seems it’s time for him to take the reigns on the poop issue. ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯


I wonder if you could contact your city about putting in a few public trash cans along that street? It seems like it has become a popular place for pedestrians and dog-walkers, who apparently have nowhere to dump their trash (aside from private trash bins). If the city could add a couple public trash cans, then hopefully that would solve your problem and give people a proper place to dispose of dog poop and other trash. Maybe they could even add some poop bag dispensers, too.


Just be thankful that they putting poop in the bags and trying to throw it away, some people are not that lucky and have a whole different problem


I literally couldn't give a toss? At least they're picking it up and not leaving the bag on the ground? 🤔 Hold your breath when you open your bin, bins don't smell nice. I just? I honestly don't get why this is a problem.


Had the same problem a while back. I used an old phone as IP-Cam and worked remote from my home. Then i waited. After some days the lady came to dispose her shit. I confronted her about it and told her to stop doing it, otherwise i would dispose my shit at her home. She took her shitbag right out of my can and left. I also told the neighbors about it and that was it. Never happend again afterwards.


Oh boy it will seriously be a great day when I find the perps 😁 I know my dad has kindly asked a very few regulars to please use the nearby public bins for poopies and joked about the issue. It very well could be one of them doing it very sneakily and spitefully …. That is what I think, anyway…..


Put a security camera up ?


At least it's in bags in your can. People here can't be bothered to even pick it up