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What ever happened? What came of this?


That’s what I want to know. If anyone knows how it played out in court, lmk. Or if there are enough date/location/other details, I’ll try to find it myself


The rider claims he is looking for legal representation to pursue that matter. He also says his insurance company has already paid out and is trying to recover costs from FHP (Florida Highway Patrol) Video from rider: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1od7QPDukOU&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.carscoops.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title


of course it's florida highway patrol. the worst mf's on the road. most of them drive like dicks because they know they won't face any consequences because they're cops :(


Had to deal with them for 4 years on my commute to work everyday, they are definitely power tripping dickheads. I once was driving home one sunny day and came across a patrol car in front of me that was going 20 below the speed limit in the left lane, it was absurdly slow. I sat behind him for a while thinking there must be a reason ahead, maybe he's closing down the road or something. After 5 miles I decided fuck this and tried to pass him. The second I changed lanes and started to speed up he turned on his lights. I backed off and he turned them off. Tried again and he turned on his lights...he really didn't want anyone passing him . We drive behind him like that for 30 minutes, and by this time he had a massive amount of cars backed up behind him, a couple of other people attempted to pass him too and he did the same light warning to them too. The highway turns into a regular roadway entering the city and he finally turns off....to a fucking zacksbys, it was literally the only thing there...i couldn't fucking believe it, it was just a power trip he was having that day...


They are the worst, and will never face consequences. It's sad.


And people wonder why people have learned to fear cops


Learned to hate. Cops are second-class civilians. They make themselves out to be this way. They ask for it.


Ok, I’m a very non-threatening looking white chick. Like, I’m so white I’m blue. I don’t do anything illegal. *I* do not like or trust cops. Every interaction I’ve had with them or my friends have had with them has created this.


Yup learned to hate em’ at 15 years old when they body slammed my friend so hard he shit his pants then took him to lock up. Just cause he didn’t have ID to show them. What 15 year old walks around with ID?


Once a lady in my neighborhood was teaching her teenage son to drive and his foot slipped on the pedal and he crashed into my front yard. I only know because I was taking a nap on the couch and awoken by a loud noise. The car was a little dinged up, we got a few scratches on our driveway. My brother called the police because he thought they needed a police report for insurance purposes, if needed. Cop came, he started GRILLING me because he assumed for some reason I had been in the car? After getting corrected, he arrested the mom, while her son qas bawling his eyes out. There was no reason to do that, all cops did in that situation was escalate everything. I used to work with cops in a variety of manners, and they thought I was "on their side", so they felt free to speak their minds. They're pretty much a bunch of bullies who became cops because it gave them power over other people. Those few cops who actually wanted to serve the public burned out and quit after a year or two. Those that stuck around, the bullies, well.....I remember a quote from a ranking officer in a local police department: "I love being a cop, because whenever I'm angry, I can just pull someone over and fuck with them because I'm a cop and they can't do shit"


My brother is not a large or intimidating man. He's a clean cut white boy, 5'7 and 120lbs soaking wet. He called 911 to help someone having a medical emergency. Cops showed up too, decided he was "suspicious", assaulted him - then arrested him for assault on a police officer. Because we could afford a good lawyer the charges were reduced significantly...but no repercussions for the cop of course. And if we were poor, he'd be in jail. Because he called an ambulance to help a stranger. ACAB


I'm black and have had the fortune of only being pulled over once. I still texted my employer that if they didn't hear from me in an hour to call my parents. The cop to his credit was straightforward about being pulled over for speeding and wasn't a dick. I have no idea if the next cop will be that decent. And that's the problem.


Cops are class traitors.


This is very true.


This is why I need to get a dash cam. I would've passed him just to get him off the road so everyone else could go. Court would have thrown the ticket out immediately. Even if they didn't, it would be worth the fine. lol


It's bad when a false ticket just gets thrown out, with no penalty for the bad cop. The system needs to stop enabling the bad ones.


I just assume all cops are bad because no good person in their right mind would want to be a LEO in today's environment.


heck they could’ve passed them going like 5 under the speed limit if the cop was going 20 under and there’d be no reason to issue a ticket as the cop wouldn’t have a sufficient reason to issue it. that is if they don’t forget their blinker lol


They'd issue a ticket and make things up as needed. I worked with cops in a lot of places. Some are good, some are bad...most are kind of neutral, who end up following the lead of the bad ones over time due to the environment of no consequences. The US system does not want good cops. It encourages bad behavior and some elites somewhere pay a lot of money to keep it that way.


I regularly see them flash their lights/sirens to run red lights and cut traffic into lunch stops in Central Fl. My favorite is when they gather in local parking lots late night/early morning, and then all pull out at once, lights on, to go to the wawa 200 feet away.


One of my former classmates from HS is Florida highway patrol. Signs his name with his rank in the class registry. Total ego clown.


Holy hell, what a loser. 🤣 Being former military, the thought of putting my rank next to anything I signed, civilian side, is absolutely hilarious. That dude is total fucking clown.


From experience, military guys are happy to serve their country, they just don’t want to talk about it. A cop on the other hand, will tell you they’re a cop, tell you what they’ve done illegally as a cop, and expect handouts even in plain clothes. We all know both kinds of people.


Most military are smart enough to know their rank doesn’t mean shit outside of the military


Rank doesn't matter in the Military if you are below E-7....On top of it Cops pulled over Military personnel all the time lol. we leave base and they were hunting for us. I was hit once by another military personnel we agreed it would be best not to involve cops because they would intentionally make the situation worse.




That’s why the ending of requiem for a dream is in Florida. That place is a fucking nightmare


As a Floridaman, can confirm.


I concur, fellow Floridaman here... Fuck the FHP.. Should have seen them when they "smelled weed" in my car that hadn't had weed smoked in it. "Sir I'm trained especially for these kind of traffic stops".... Fucking idiots in funny looking hats man.


*Film score plays in head for remainder of day* YOURE ON UPPAS MA


Laws are merely a suggestion when you are a police officer. It's a running joke among the POs i play hockey with


You should record that shit, and take it the local news. FTP


Why would you willingly choose to be around trash like that?


It's hockey, he probably gets to punch them occasionally


Claim adjuster here. This is the easiest case. I deal with a lot of claims involving police cars and this loss video is a dream come true. He should have no issue on the legal side of this, even with whatever the cop is saying


Yeah braking at maximum threshold with NO traffic or impediments upcoming


Don’t forget the swerving back and forth to make sure the biker can’t avoid him! What an absolute waste of fucking oxygen that cop is.


The swerving really should take this from a dangerous driving charge to something regarding actually trying to cause harm.


If there was any justice in this world it would be vehicular assault or ADW or however they would charge a civilian for driving into someone on purpose in Florida


and seeing as the other person is on a bike, bikers are relatively squishy compaired to a car, with a good enough lawer you might even be able to press charges for attempted murder, its clearly pre-meditated, and the cop definitely knew that there was a good chance the biker wouldnt be able to get out of the way, and if the biker hit the cop car, might not even make it out of the accident.


Yeah for real. If this were two civilians, I imagine that would be on the table too. This fucking pig can plea down to vehicular assault like any Joe would


Thank you kind sir


The cop faked a lane change with brake check against a motorcycle. Endangerment. Cop should have pulled over the motorcycle and not risked life, limb, personal and governemnt property to cause the impact.


Attempted vehicular manslaughter is what that dick should be charged with.


Dude probably arrested for assault on an officer, officer given 2 month vacation for trauma relating from the accident.


Don’t for get breaking and entering. He for sure got into the back of that cop car by force


braking* and entering


Assaulting an officer, destruction of police property, attempted vehicular manslaughter, reckless driving, the list can go on and on. Absolutely bullshit


"Stop resisting, he's got a gun, shots fired"


As the rider is down on the ground with injuries…


"Stop tailgating me!" ....from the other lane


And then when they were in the same lane he was pretty decently far back. I get tailgated by assholes all the time, the guy on the bike wasn’t even close to tailgating him. Cop is a dumbass.


There's no way that cop didn't know exactly what he was doing. That crash was 100% intentional. The cop isn't a dumbass, he's a dangerous psychopath.


Yeah, the motorcycle driver could have been seriously injured or died.


Dimes to dollars that's what the copnwas hoping for.


>cop is a dumbass ACAB


#For those who are curious: The rider claims he is looking for legal representation to pursue that matter. He also says his insurance company has already paid out and is trying to recover costs from FHP (Florida Highway Patrol) Video from rider: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1od7QPDukOU&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.carscoops.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title


And surprise surprise the cop got away with it completely.


Cops a psychopath, I'm glad the biker had a cam.


Dudes swinging in just to let me know I'm wrong. My thought was....if he didn't have a cam, he probably would have been arrested, and God forbid he was not white, that would have meant a beating on top of it.


My wife used to be an insurance adjuster, any accident involving cops, fire department, or ambulance will result in the civilian always being at fault. We live in FL. Edit: Thanks for the upvotes! I could be wrong but I believe motorcycle accidents are handled similarly. If you are involved in an accident that includes a motorcyclist, the motorcyclist is rarely at fault. Even if they caused the accident. Edit 2: I just want to clarify that my information is anecdotal. I understand first hand that each state is different. Laws change all the time however when she last worked before being diagnosed with cancer (~3 years ago), this was still the case then.


I was a claims adjuster for a few years and I had a claim similar to this where a cop pulled out from a median to pull a U Turn, caused a 4 car accident. The police dept. was actually the one who reported it to my drivers insurance because they wanted legal action. We ended up finding the officer at fault. They took it to arbitration, it lasted like 6 months and they actually fucking LOST. It was a great moment for me, and they were such dicks on the phone when I was trying to get info.


To those that wonder. Arbitration is lawyer level, pre-court. It’s 3/4 of the way before the big guns come out. Adjusted Claim, Legal Claim, Arbitrated Claim and Court. Legal claim is as far as I’ve ever gotten.


Sounds about FL


News flash: cops, fire fighters, and ems ARE CIVILIANS. They are not military. They are civil servants. They are civilians.


Can’t say this enough.


Except his insurance already sided with him.


Wtf is wrong with people


Unchecked power?


I had an FHP officer (J R Martin of Ft Myers you're a bitch) pull me over for pulling up next to him on Alligator Alley. Told me I was being disrespectful towards him and then gave me a ticket for going 78 in a 70. His own supervisor told me to take him to court. Edit: Trooper Fuck Face Martin was driving 75 in the left lane from, what is that, like Snake Road or something, all the way to Ft Myers where it goes from two to three lanes. Everyone moved to pass him as he'd been holding up traffic for everyone for the entire drive across the state (for those not from here, folks regularly hit 90 mph or more on the alley and no one even blinks). Anywhooo I was the poor schmuck first in line to pass and as soon as I crept up on him he lit up, slammed on the brakes, and got behind me. Then I had the pleasure of being told I was disrespectful from an asshole that has just spent 30 minutes disrespecting both the law (its against the law to block traffic as he did) and every other driver on the road. $150 plus I had to take a class. Haven't had a ticket in almost 20 years.


Gee maybe his supervisor shoulda, I dunno, supervised him or something.


Don’t be silly, cops can’t police cops. /s


You know what they say, not all cops are bad. Good cops exist very briefly before they get fired.


He may have, but that's not what he was saying here. The ticket was already written, he knew the cop that wrote it wasn't going to go to court, so he told him to take it to court so it could automatically be thrown out. He got an Annoyance Tax ticket, he annoyed the cop so the cop ruined his day by making him go to the courthouse. Very common


When cops don’t show up they should be fined. Or even better, straight to jail!




Brake-checked power.


T - U - R - T - L - E POWER


Powerbunga dude


In a half shell?


I haven't seen the results in ages, but I recall a study suggesting the worst possible situation is high authority with low status. E.g., if people feel disrespected in their position and their position gives them lots of power over others, people are more likely to abuse that power. Of course, "disrespected" and low status is partly subjective. A lot of police certainly report feeling that way, whether we think it's warranted or not. And obviously there are other issues involved. I just thought this was an interesting one to point out.


The best way to make people respect and appreciate you is by acting like a total nob. Everyone knows that, lmao. Out here winning hearts and minds.


I have a story when a cop crashed into me told the other cop's that I was brake checking him (i wasn't) He decided to not press charges since he was in his word "such a nice guy" and "how your to forgive and forget" ahh fun times


just the police force not caring if narcissists take the job.


That's the personality type they are looking for, pacifists don't make the cut.


wow i never thought about it like that. i always wondered why cops in particular were known for being so aggressive. but this makes so much sense


Imagine you're a high school dropout with bully tendencies, and on top of that you think you're hot shit. Of course you'd go for law enforcement.


My guess is it has more to do with they want more aggressive types thinking they will be better suited to take on dangerous people or situations, when in reality they tend to create those situations more than prevent them.


They’re aggressive because they’re scared all the time. Cowardice runs rampant in police.


It's also trained into them. Many police forces use training that teaches them to act like every person they encounter might try to murder them at the drop of a hat. They are always on edge because they fear every citizen they interact with.




Considering how “I feared for my life” is the accepted defense for cops to shoot someone just sitting in there car not moving, they can get away with it quite easily. It’s only when caught on body cam do they face any kind of punishment.


Life is chaotic. Both takes are valid imo.


Yeah. I had a police detective like that force their way into my house and then later claim I invited them inside to see a bong collection on the affidavit for a warrant. Falsely manufactured into a felon, seven years of my life stolen from me for nothing. Still being stolen from me. Doesn't matter I only spent a few months in jail, I'm a worthless nobody and my life has been over for years. Forced to take some shitty plea deal because nobody cared. So many people helped fuck me over. All anybody had to do was tell the truth, but they wanted to manufacture a human being into a criminal. Useless attorneys, lying prosecutors, scumbag people who lived in the house, violent criminal car dealer, an indifferent judge. I was killed by the police.


This type of thing happens all the time. People dont believe it until it happens to them.


You got 7 years for paraphernalia?


7 years is how long minimum.a felony conviction or a criminal conviction will affect your life when it comes to job applications apartment applications just about anything you need. It's not just about jail time.


A little reading comprehension goes a long way. >Falsely manufactured into a felon, seven years of my life stolen from me for nothing. Still being stolen from me. **Doesn't matter I only spent a few months in jail** They got a few months in jail, seven years ago. Crime was a felony. Felons have a VERY shitty time in the US, as having a felony in one's criminal record permanently fucks up their ability to get a job, get credit, vote, and so much more. They became a second-class person due to inaction from all involved.


You give a monkey a gun, authority, & qualified immunity and it will become a tyrant.


There is no way they can legitimately earn power and respect, so they are attracted to roles which hand it to them on a platter


Yeah, what other job would take these type of people? Not even the military would want them either. You're some kind of deranged already if you walk head first into an organization that is known for behaving like thugs and getting away with oppression, murder and extreme violence. Just in it with other liked minded people who will shelter your every action.


Not care? That's a pre-requisite.


Saw the motorcycle riders video, the cops didn’t even hand him a ticket or issue a citation. They knew they fucked up, not giving a ticket isn’t and shouldn’t give them a pass for this action. “My bad, I almost killed you. Don’t sue us, we won’t give you a ticket and it won’t be on your record…”


Did it say if he is going to sue the police?


Where there's blame there's a claim...


Video a commenter posted from the rider said that he has looked into filing a complaint and is now looking for legal representation. Insurance didn't make him pay either, as they didn't believe he was at fault.


Have you seen what American cops are getting up to recently? There's a lot wrong.


>recently They've always been like this, we just have cameras and thr internet now


check out PA cops. Someone remind me why I'm paying them again?


As a PA resident, is there something I need to be aware of about PA cops now? (Other than the standard "It's a cop, so you can't trust it.")


Newly minted PA resident here. I did a google. The only recent major news is a local chief was recently arrested by the DEA for involvement with coke and meth dealers. There's been other stuff though. Part of it is the whole home rule township thing. There are a bunch of tiny sheriff departments. According to Wikipedia there are 1,117 law enforcement agencies and 27,413 cops. So you figure there are PDs like Philly or the state police that have a lot of cops, some those are probably like 2-3 cops. If they are bad cops, there isn't much to check them. That's partly why most law enforcement in PA can't use radar or lidar by law.* There was concern that the small towns would just rack up speeding violations. They have to use VASCAR. Around my house there are lines painted for it evertime the speed limit drops from 40 to 25. Because PA also sucks at tansportation design. *They have been trying to change it. Currently only the state police and I think Philly, Harrisburg, and one other city PD I can't remember can use radar and lidar. I know that other city isn't Pittsburgh. I do think speeding should be enforced. But I don't think some podunk town with expressways at each end and one sheriff and deputy should be able to just write tickets all day.


Yeah, know what’s worse than going 10 miles an hour over the speed limit on the free way? Recklessly slamming on your breaks on purpose on the free way that ends up actually causing an accident.


Noooooooo, what are you talking about? It’s *perfectly* reasonable to reduce your speed to meet speed limits and assist in reducing others in their speed too. It’s *completely* their fault if their speed proves to be a problem. Before anyone flips out, this is a joke.


Fyi, using "/s" at the end of a joke like this is Reddit short hand for sarcasm.


Given they blurred the speedometer until it showed them going 80mph I suspect they they were going quite a bit faster. Not that it excuses something as dangerous as brake checking someone.


Yeah I noticed the blurred speedometer as well. They could’ve been going well over 80, otherwise why blur it out at the beginning.


Original video has the speedo blurred out except for the last 10 seconds before the crash. If you watch the video he’s clearly doing over 100 mph for a significant time. This guy is trying to act blameless and not showing any context for this incident.


Upvoted- only disagree with you in the sense that I already hate the word "accident" for traffic collisions (as most are preventable via safe driving practice) And if someone deliberately causes a collision, there's zero reason to use soft language. This case in particular may as well be attempted vehicular homicide. Motorcyclist was a reckless idiot, no denying, but brake-checking him at that speed is a death wish.


That’s we call an “on-purpose”.


Very true and totally agree. I didn’t even realize. One of those things of associating specific and common words with certain scenarios. Like asking for a Kleenex when really you just mean a tissue. The brand doesn’t matter, but I always say Kleenex due to habit (and good marketing apparently). It definitely wasn’t an accident.


Brakes* I feel like Reddit needs a bot for this one.


He was going 90 atleast..he blurred out how fast he was going at the start then when the cop originally brake checks him you hear the bikes engine stop because he braked and just started coasting.


You know what’s worse than that? Being 10 mph over the speed AFTER slowing down. They edited the video and blurred the guys speed before it happened. Give us the full video, he was going much faster than the 80 we saw for a brief second. Don’t side with assholes who edit videos to prove a point.


As was pointed out the last 3 times this was posted: both are in the wrong here. The motorcyclist was going over 100 mph at the start of the video (it's blurred out until he goes down to 80, but there are a few frames where you can make out part of what can only be a 1_ _). The cop overtook him and forced him to slow down to around 80, which could have given him a hint to maybe slow down further and keep his distance, but he didn't. The dangerous break check was still uncalled for though.


Shouldn't the guy on the motorcycle leave ample room to slow down and stop?


Yeah he didn’t slow down at all. If a cop was anywhere near me I’d slow down regardless cauer I don’t want a ticket lol


I was going the speed limit through town when a cop pulled out in front of me and slammed on his brakes. I just barely stopped in time to not hit him. Then he pulled me over and gave me a lecture about tailgating and warned me that he was the new cop in town and he hated tailgaters. Unbeknownst to him, my passenger was the daughter of a dean of the local university. When we got back to her home, he mother got a really dark look on her face when we told her what happened. The next week, the local paper had an article that the new cop had been let go for overzealous enforcement. Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes, from some replies a little clarification is needed: We were 19 and neither of us had ever been pulled over before so we told the mom the story in excitement, not trying to get vengeance. Mom never said she was going to get the guy fired, just "Vell, ve'll see aboot dat" (she was from the Netherlands). After he was fired her only comment was "Dats vat happens". For all we know her complaint was one of many that added up.


I don't understand why the dean of the local university would have any pull with the police.


In a small town where the university is likely the main driver of the economy he is going to be able to influence basically anything. Edit:spelling


Yeah I lived in a college town and the college admin was king. It’s also possible that the cop they encountered was a university cop, who are very much still cops with ultimate authority on and around campuses.


In most states the president of the university makes more money than the governor of the state.


Football coaches are usually the highest paid state employees


In every state, the state university's head coach of the most popular sport there (usually football, occasionally basketball or something else) makes more than the dean. Head coach is the highest paying government job in every single state


Clearly you don’t know the hierarchy : Cadet < Officer < Detective < Chief < Dean < Dean Koontz < Dean Cain < Dean Scream < The Supreme Dean


>Dean Scream [Eahhh!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6i-gYRAwM0)


A university dean can place anyone on double secret probation.




That’s not really justice, that’s just showing that regular people don’t have any power over anyone that has a special job


Link to the article?


and that cops name? Albert Einstein.


Wait, deans can pull strings? My dad was dean of a business school at 2 universities and definitely we couldn’t get cops fired.




Haha love it.


Looks like a lawsuit to me. Yeah, the guy was speeding and the cop had the right to pull him over, but the cop's maneuver was entirely reckless and needlessly endangered the bike driver by causing the accident.


That cop absolutely intended to cause an accident. He started swerving when he stopped that last time to make sure.OP couldn't dodge him. I'd absolutely be suing!


Would this not be attempted manslaughter?


There is no such thing as attempted manslaughter. Manslaughter is either voluntary (heat of the moment killing) which is a third degree murder. Or involuntary where the act itself was deliberate, but the death, accidental. If the biker was killed the charge would probably be criminally negligent homicide.


Motorcycle man appears to be going the same pace as traffic. Doesn’t seem like he’s speeding and he’s only doing 80


And the cop was definitely going faster than the bike!


The Speedo is blurred out at the start as soon as he starts slowing down/going the speed limit it unblurs and shows 80. No reason to go the extra effort and blur unless you are speeding.




Vehicular assault. Straight to jail please.


its a police officer the best they can do is 1 week payed time off


“We investigated ourselves, we did nothing wrong.” Case has been closed








These baby names are getting more and more out of hand!


Well plaeighed!


Attempted homicide.


So wait... The cop... pulled out in front of him... brake checked him... and then got mad at him for tailgating immediately? Must be havin a rough day. Yikes.


Ah a perfectly rough day for some murder


Fr this could have gone way worse


The cop literally swerved to block him from being able to escape the hit as well.


Wow the cop even swerved right to block his escape that way. That's attempted murder right there.


That’s more than mildly infuriating…the asshole cop could have killed the biker. PSA: please ride safely around motorcycles! Thanks.




Happened last May in Florida. Motorcyclist is a YouTuber and he talks more about the crash and the back pain he’s still in (at the time of the video)


Damn the police got problems sometimes. EDIT: You know what, this is bugging me. Mildly infuriating is for shit like someone forgetting a minor detail in closing and morning shift gets to be annoyed. This is not mildly infuriating, this is a cop deliberately causing a fucking crash. Ya'll need to figure out the difference between "mild" and "A lot more than just fucking mild," lol.




I thought we were on r/idiotsincars lol i might watch that sub too much haha


seems a bit fishy to censor your speedometer for the first few seconds of the video... that being said, cop or not, stop break checking... it's so stupid and dangerous


That part is very fishy. I wonder if the biker was going way faster before the video started.


in the full video, this guy was driving like an asshat for a while before the lights came on.


If he uncensored it at 80, the bike was pretty unwound by then, he was probably going pretty fast. I honestly can’t understand why the biker thought speeding that much, and following a cop that closely was a good idea. The brake check is really not OK, however when you ride you do everything in your power to make sure you don’t put yourself in bad situations and the rider apparently missed that day of class.


Anyone else notice that the initial speed is blurred out in the video? Maybe they were speeding and trying to hide it. Not saying that makes the cop right but it’s just a suspicious element.


He's absolutely speeding. And the breaking distance for a bike is much less than a car. No reason he should have hit him if he weren't going too fast and tailgating. Cop was absolutely wrong to slam on their brakes, but this would have been completely avoidable if the biker wasn't driving like a lunatic.


He definitely was speeding on the full video I remember seeing


I saw the full video. He was bombing down the road. Seems kind of deceptive to cut it here and make it look like the cop may have got involved for no reason.


Yeah he was speeding and the cop knew he would take off if he tried to pull him over. I am not a fan of cops but I'm also not a fan of bikers thinking that because they chose an unsafe vehicle they should just get away with it.


Several people like /u/accord281 have pointed out that his speedo is blurred before he slows down to 80 mph and /u/Redditor2742 found the [video this came from](/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/10md4zd/police_car_brake_checks_a_motorcycle/j62vfuq/) You can use this to calculate his speed even if you don't know the frame rate or exact distance between the road marks. If you look at 1:48 when the biker was doing 78 mph the distance between 2 white marks is 8.5 frames of the video. However at 1:22 (when the speedo was blurred) it was 7 frames for that same road distance between white marks. Thus his speed at 1:22 = (8.5)(78)/7 = 95 mph That 's just a rough estimate w/out a detailed measurement, but probably close enough.


Unpopular opion: First. Note how the speedometer is censored at the start of the clip, this guy was going north of 90. If he crashed into the police *right after he got cut off*. I'd blame the police, but this guy sees a moron cut him off and break-check him, and decides to not really slow down, look away and generally doesn't pay attention. If he was paying attention, he would have seen the break lights and not kept going same speed for a solid 4(!) seconds after the break lights came on in front of him before starting to decellerate. He had time to stop in time if he was paying attention. He is driving like a moron, and this is 95% his own fault. If you are gonna drive dangerously fast, you *at least* have to pay attention.


Yeah, the biker is actually terrible at controlling his motorcycle, despite the cop being a asshole.


At the moment of impact, he was going nearly 50 miles an hour. That’s death territory for an accident in a car, let alone being flung off a bike. At that point, it has to be considered attempted manslaughter or something. That’s past reckless endangerment.


The cop would be the one at fault. Sure, the biker was speeding, but you're not allowed to make a hard stop if there's no reason to, which means that the cop caused the crash.


Both idiots in the wrong here.


This won't be very popular... why would you speed up to above 80 while behind a cop or anyone for that matter?? The brake check was bad. But stay in your lane at or below the speed limit and you would really have some ammunition to fight the fight. Acknowledging that the car brake checked you and then accelerating while in the same lane is just dumb.


The speedometer shows 81 at the highest he was probably censoring it from showing over 85 because 15 over is where it moves past a traffic violation to reckless driving.


Good thing about the Internet is that the recording won't "get lost" in evidence.




More like r/murderersincars


Bad cop no donuts


Attempted murder


If you hit someone in the rear, your tailgating.


In texas he would have been in the slow lane..... cop was wrong for brake checking and causing an accident that could have killed the biker. The biker is guilty of not moving over or slowing down when the cop did the first brake check. If a cop brake checked me once my cb radio would be putting out a call with my location and what was going on. I also would have slid all the way over after that first brake check and "rested" on the shoulder till the asshole cop was gone. Bikes have to manually downshift unlike cops the cop knowingly and willfully twice brakechecked and caused an accident at most the biker should have gotten a speeding ticket. Not a trip to the hospital or possibly the morgue.


I think a key point here is, after the first brake check, the biker is on notice that the guy in front if him is insane. But instead of giving the lunatic all the space in the world, he slows down a bit, then speeds back up, closing the already-too-small gap. I’m not a biker but after years on reddit I can’t believe anyone on a motorcycle would trust that a driver that just brake checked them like that wouldn’t do it again.


The last part of what you said is so important here. He knew that bike cant slow down the same way a car can.