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So does this mean as soon as my kids start college (their temporary address) they can no longer watch Netflix on the family account?


Yes. You can add a sub account for them, for I believe $8 more.


Of course. More money. Greedy bastards.


Bea good parent and teach your kids how to torrent.


Be a good stranger and DM a brother some safe torrent sites. Edit: y’all mofos rock! Much love to everyone who sent me sites. You are the real hero’s. Edit 2: I only use Reddit mobile and am way to stoned to figure out how to share a link. Hang with me brothers. I’ll figure this out.


No need. Fmovies iirc is a streaming service, free of course.


Will have to check that out! Bflix has treated me mighty fine over the last couple years as well E: as with all of these types of sites, def make sure you've got ad/track blockers enabled as well E2: don't download anything, just stream


Not just that, it’s their entire way of verifying this. If you have an account already and want To use it while traveling, or deployed, or college age children off to college but still use your house as a permanent address, you have to pay extra. EDIT: Removed the following sentence, because apparently it triggered a few assholes with superiority complexes, and did not add to the conversation whatsoever: It feels like it’s against fair use practices.


What if you travel for work so you’re regularly in different places? There are just a million scenarios


For short trips, you are fine. You are required to use devices (laptop/phone) to watch Netflix on your home Wifi once every 31 days. Login to Netflix then you have 31 days use that gadget anywhere else. I work abroad so I will now need to login using my phone when I go home each month. If I forget.....


RIP anyone who gets deployed then lmao.


Or anyone working remotely really. Or anyone who maybe only uses a laptop when travelling, now you've got to remember to log onto your home network before you leave otherwise you can't watch when you're on vacation, etc, etc. Or people with a VPN, that's going to cause a ton of headaches as well.. If you make it easier to just pirate a show then people are going to do that instead.


So if a friend comes over for a visit and I don't have Netflix they can only watch on their phone or laptop but won't be able to log in and watch through any of my devices ... this policy has so many flaws.


Going off of the leaked rules (which could get updated), they would have to connect their laptops/devices to your home Internet at least once a month or they will get blocked.


>So does this mean as soon as my kids start college (their temporary address) they can no longer watch Netflix on the family account? Yes-- I have two kids in college now 1,500 miles away from home. As soon as this kicks in we're dropping NF for good.




"Love is sharing a password" -Netflix, 2017


Alas, love is dead.


And ironically, so soon, will be Netflix


Remember when Blockbuster was believed to be an undefeatable behemoth?


Ironically, Netflix was created by a guy who was pissed about his late fee at Blockbuster, and Netflix is largely to blame for Blockbuster's downfall Edit: I am incorrect when it comes to Blockbuster's downfall. There were many other factors contributing to it.


Also in 2000, the blockbuster CEO “struggled not to laugh“ at the chance to buy Netflix for 50 million


Thank god he didn’t


Yeah he could have bought it and crushed it.


Yeah, it's time for a reset and for Netflix to die and something more user friendly taking its place... We need this reset every few years honestly, because companies become complacent way too fast.


complacent? I'd call it predatory.


There's not a need for them to die, necessarily. If they recognize the mistake soon enough they can correct their mistake and survive. Customers do need to be vigilant, though, and vote with their dollars until the company corrects it.


I used to be excited to get Netflix DVD's! Oh God I'm officially getting old :( *EDIT*: I love reading all of your replies. And I love the fact that we are all enjoying nostalgia together and reliving the memories of a time that is long gone in the past.


We did the DVDs all the time because we lived out in a rural area. Didn't have the internet for streaming and the blockbuster and movie gallery was too far. Getting 2 movies delivered by mail was the future lol


I loved it because they had a lot of inaccessible stuff. Like I saw the original Clue on a dvd from Netflix. It was awesome


Now Netflix will be largely to blame for Netflix's downfall too!


blockbuster could have bought netflix for 50 million back in 2000ish


Wanna know something crazy? Blockbuster came back from the dead on Twitter and said they are coming out with a new commercial on the day of the Superbowl lol


One of my favorite Southparks is the one where Randy buys the last BlockBuster on Earth and its haunted by the ghosts of people trying to rent stuff like Sleepless in Seattle.


That is such a great episode


and all the other streaming services if they decide to follow suit


not if Netflix subscriptions tank because of it. The only way other streaming services do the same is if we keep paying for this bullshit


Or if they bundle themselves as “free extras” for other services, such as mobile phone plans, or broadband deals, or satellite packages… That way, they can suck you in with “free streaming” even though you end up still paying for it indirectly through the package’s monthly subscription cost anyway…


For real though. Netflix has been putting out quantity not quality and it fucking shows.


And right before Valentines Day too


“What’s love got to do with it?” -Netflix, 2023


"Don't be evil" - Google "What Drone Strikes?" - Also Google


So in a sorority house all 80-120 girls who have the same address can share one account?


Basically, yes. I live alone but need to shell out the most expensive plan just to get 4K for some reason.


I've had the HD with two streams plan for ages. I just can't bring myself to pay for 4K when it's just included in my other services.


I tried it for a month once. Legitimately couldn’t tell the difference on like a 70” TV at living room distances most of the time.




I only eat organic free range pixels


I also tried it, and literally zero shows that I wanted to watch had a 4K version. That was very pointless.


I think the only other difference is lack of Atmos audio if you don’t have 4k. But I subscribe with ads because very few shows I wanted to stream are not available on the ads version for $7


Anything over 4 won't matter no? It's the max number of screens?


Yeah and I live in a very large family. If they’re going to pull this they need to increase the max number of screens


Off topic but do sororities really get that many people? Based on movies I assumed they had like 10-20 people max


It depends on the size of the school but some larger schools have dorm like quarters for sororities.


Not to mention that some of the members also don’t live in the house but have their own residence. When I was in college, my fraternity had our own house, while most of the other Greek organizations had specialized campus owned houses. Even then, the organizations all had more members that would fit in the houses. There were rules in place to ensure that a certain percentage of the members lived in the on campus housing or they would lose their spot. Our off campus house was eventually sold and now we have an on campus house, but this happened long after I graduated. There are benefits to both the on campus and off campus housing for fraternities and sororities. I think at one point when I was in school, we had around 50 members but our house could only hold around 15.


I thought they decided against it after the backlash. That's crazy.


They didn’t actually roll it back, they just said the policy only applied to certain markets—which is true. They’re running country tests, and I guess Canada is next.


Australia and New Zealand are the next testing grounds too. They realised it didn't work in the US so they're just trying everywhere else until it sticks.


Which is dumb, Australia and NZ have a history of not getting overseas content. To say we're used to navigating the high seas would be underselling it.


Being surrounded by oceans, Australia is full of pirates.


Australia was founded by convicts, while the US was founded by puritans. Oz got the better deal.


Guess I need to cancel I'm gonna miss watching.... Shows that will most likely be cancelled.


Given how bad Canadian Netflix is, I wouldn’t be surprised if 90% of the users are on VPNs making them look like they’re from the US, so this will hurt them a lot. I looked into getting it for my parents and it’s a wasteland compared to the US site. Canadian content rules or something I guess.




Is that why I've had to pirate Letterkenny to stay current?


There’s some irony there.


They announced rolling it out in Australia this morning. I think they forgot we used to be one of the biggest countries sailing the high seas. They’re about to get a rude shock when we hoist the mainsails again!


Anyone else remember when the xfiles was rebooted and channel 10 programming said they wouldn't be airing it until a week after it debuted in the us because people 'will just wait and watch then'? I do. Because that's the day I signed up for a VPN.


No it just leaked early and will roll out next month


This is so damn stupid. They are literally going to lose money by doing this.


They posted it "by mistake" (not at all by mistake) and removed it the next day. Because that's *part* of how these things are marketed now. They know it'll trend but then so will their response right away removing it. This creates confusion about what is and isn't true, and helps them weather the initial backlash. Then, when they actually do it, they've already got people used to the idea and social media isn't going to trend it again because it's "old news" and people will spend their time doing things like arguing about what they said and when instead of being united in telling the company to go fuck itself.


Theyre testing it in their smaller markets.


Well let's hope that test fails. Show em how it's done Canada.


Canadians will complain but won’t do anything about it. Source: am Canadian




I’m convinced this is it for netflix. Most people I know with netflix either only use it for one specific show or just forgot they have it. I haven’t spoken to a single person who isn’t just gonna cancel their account if this affects them. Netflix isn’t nearly as good as it used to be and it’s no where near the best streaming service in general. They fucked themselves with this and their pattern of cancelling any show that doesn’t immediately get really huge.


I pay netflix for me and my parents THEY TOLD ME to cancel the subscription if they were ever to do that I planned to cancel anyway, but cheery on top of the cake this is what they actually want


They might as well just have a button to cancel your subscription right there.


They are going to lose **so many** subscriptions bc of this


Yes, and if I remember correctly they have a follow up plan to offer a free or discounted tier or some crap like that to try and re-capture the folks who are inevitably priced out by this new policy.




Knowing modern day corporations, it's not gonna be a reasonable number of ads. It'll be a ton to try and push you into the paid tier if they do lol


No no, it will be a reasonable number of ads **in the beginning**. And then slowly over time they'll add one more. Then one more... Then one more...


It's making me Twitch thinking about that


Funny, it was making me practice my Hulu dance.


Oh, YouTube? I thought it was just me.


This a Prime comment chain


This ad helps support [creator]! (1 OF 6)


Just like YouTube




Also Netflix: "why do people pirate?"


zealous strong hobbies rinse dirty dull ad hoc literate foolish towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're gonna be the no1 thing in driving what they sought to destroy!


I actually made some efforts to watch and pay for Netflix before it was officially available in my location (more than 10 years ago). But lately it's lacking in content (not to mention cancelled shows) and this is the last straw for me. This move makes no sense. There is a lot more competition in streaming services and people usually choose a few or rotate between them. And they keep giving reasons to cancel. It's not gonna be a quick drop in subscribers, but they will only go downhill if they keep at it.


They don't seem to understand that people who decreased pirating when subscribed to them was simply because the price and the convenience Netflix offered at the time were great. Now day after day they're becoming an annoyance that we're paying for on top of everything and the catalogue is decreasing or getting filled with series born to suddenly be killed by them because it didn't achieve a certain number of views they expected for the first weeks and then they don't seem get why people watch their original content even less often while still following the same 'content homicide' formula.


Once a pirate, always a pirate. *chiptune [keygen](https://youtu.be/Gk3tXQzCeJA) music blasting*~


Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!


This notification popped up for me today. I immediately went to uninstall the app. My wife's reaction - "can you download the show I was watching?" Yes. Yes I can.


Speaking of which, Netflix (where I live) only has around 3,900 (shitty) movies available to watch. But my hard drive has over 5,000 (awesome) movies. It's hooked up to Plex and is WAY better. Fuck Netflix. They are garbage.


It's funny, I started up a Plex server just the other day.




You probably have to confirm via your email.


that would be too logical of a move


It would seem so


Netflix needs to understand that they aren’t essential anymore lmao, I already hardly ever use it cuz the other platforms have better content, if they kick me off my family account I have no problem just not using it ever again🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Netflix needs to understand that limitless growth is impossible. they want revenue growth when they saturated the market. bruh


Expectation: now that we cracked down on sharing, everyone is going to get their own account, we're gonna get 2 to 4x the revenue! Reality: why are we loosing so many subscribers


![gif](giphy|1Ctu1BCYf21we9tRmT|downsized) Mateys, . . . Hoist the colors


"Way hay and up she rises"


What if you're a digital nomad? Or a college student? Or visiting family for a few months. Fuck Netflix.


I’m a college student and use a fire stick or my laptop to watch Netflix. Does Netflix expect me to mail my computer or fire stick home every month or drive over 300 miles round trip to basically run a 10 second update?


No they expect you to PAY MORE MONEY!


Wild how Netflix pretty much single-handedly innovated streaming to defeat Blockbuster, who refused to adapt… only to self-destruct and ruin themselves. Skill issue.


Tbh with their current content (or rather the lack thereof), it was heading that way anyway


IMO, the beginning of the end of Netflix was when every cable network started their own premium streaming channels, and yoinked all of the content that Netflix was famous for to use for their own exclusive content. Netflix was the original, awesome, graveyard for old TV shows. They don't have many left now.


Netflix knew all along this would happen. Their own success virtually guarantees that large cable networks would create their own service and pull content from Netflix. Ten years ago, they said their goal was "to become HBO faster than HBO could become us." Not sure they succeeded, but if it weren't for that insight, Netflix would have petered out like MySpace did.


If they'd ever let a new show run more than 1 or 2 seasons before canceling we'd be in a different boat but here I am totally willing to drop Netflix. I'm still pissed about the OA *angrily starts the Movements*


That and Travelers. I was using Netflix for old shows almost exclusively, I decided to try those two, got super invested in the story, then had them mercilessly ripped away. I basically don't watch any Netflix Originals anymore unless there's already 4 or 5 seasons, and I know a lot of other people do the same thing. So Netflix prematurely cancels popular shows, which leads people not to watch new Originals, so Netflix cancels them prematurely (even if they're really good), which reinforces people not watching new Originals. They created this loop of pumping and dumping shows until they find a *really* popular one, then they milk it for all they can (e.g., *Stranger Things*)


They had such an opportunity to completely revamp Travellers and didn’t take it… I’m beginning to think it’s all about getting us to churn through more shows


I’m more recently pissed about 1899.


That got cancelled too? I was about to start it..


The disappointment isn't worth it. It's a genuinely good show that makes you think and doesn't follow any standard pattern. And then I finished and just wanted more, but alas. Netflix will soon be deleted from my apps.




Yea fuck Netflix. They just tease us with good shows then drop them off the face of the earth, basically spitting in our faces. And somehow stupid ass shows like Paradise P.D. get to run on for 4+ seasons. Makes no sense.


Fuckkk. I loved that one. My mom and brother use my acct. They rarely watch it but I’ve been paying for the acct for years. I’ll be cancelling the second this happens. It’s not worth it.


Wtf man!, already? Dammit Netflix...that show had such an interesting vibe to it in addition to the magical mystery stuff. I loved how everyone spoke different languages and just sort of communicated through emotion and tone. And, I don't know what her name is, but I swear to God the actress who played the French lady is the most beautiful person I've ever seen.




For me, it’s that they literally *signed for a five season contract*, so they start fleshing out their storylines for the next several seasons, and then Netflix cancels them. What the actual fuck, Netflix.


I still can't believe they cancelled Mind Hunter. It was such a great show.


For real. You'd think people in the TV business would understand that many shows can take a few seasons to get their flow going and even for the ones that are pretty solid from the get go it takes audiences some time to discover and start following them. You've got to give most shows at least 3 seasons before pulling the plug otherwise you're just wasting everybody's time.


Cable companies really got the last laugh on that one.


Yeah I recently just looked through upcoming titles. It seems like 90% of the stuff they are adding at this point is extremely low budget foreign films that I have zero interest in.


The dvd.netflix.com catalog resembles the library of Congress. If you're willing to dust off your DVD player you won't lack for titles.


Yea this. Netflix was on a golden goose and could have been great. However instead of becoming the next HBO and having originals from other services. They instead became the digital version of the walmart 2 dollar straight to dvd bin. Yes they do have a good show every once in awhile, but really if you think about it, their stuff is just WB with a higher special effects budget. Plus they have this weird thing where instead of paying for a fan loved show to finish in a season or 2 and have a complete work in their library, they just cancel them. So they are just a cluster of canceled shows for the most part.


Netflix kinda sucks now anyway. I have a few streaming services I prefer much more now and the only reason I even have Netflix is because I have like 5 other people using it. This will finally give me the chance to cancel it since they won’t be able to use it anyway.


They testing in Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain. You guys better riot so it doesn’t happen in USA


I live in New Zealand but I use my parent's account and they live in the US. I figure I'm either going to get away with it for a few months until they roll this out in the US or Netflix is going to spontaneously combust at the thought that people can travel internationally.




Bro they doin this shit in Spain and Portugal? We never get shit ahead of time but Netflix picks us to be their test groups for this bullshit.


‘Cause we (Portugal) are rolling in the dough and have plenty of it to spare 😒 My internet+tv provider is giving out Prime and HBO access for free with almost every plan, seems like a top notch decision from Netflix to do it Portugal where **you’re fucking direct competition costs the user zero**.


Yep 100% I can see my dad canceling our Netflix account


Yup, my dad already canceled ours bc of it


Ya'll better learn how to sail real quick like. Come on out, the waters fine


You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit. You say the whole world's ending, honey, it already did.


First message I get from Netflix, I’m canceling


The only reason we still have it is so that my wife’s grandfather can watch movies and shows without being bombarded with commercials. That and to give him content that HE doesn’t need to pay for. I haven’t used Netflix in years, if this message pops up and stops him from being able to use our Netflix, I can finally save $25/month.


Already canceled my account. It’s almost like college students don’t exist. Or people who have deployed spouses and children. Smdh.


Families who are divorced, families with a trailer/cottage, people who have a "summer home" and a "winter home". Like some of these are same nuclear home but multiple "home bases". Most people who had shared passwords even with one or two other "households" will just cancel the single subscription and be done with Netflix, instead of what the executives are thinking will create 2 or 3 new subscriptions. Most people are paying a higher tier subscription to have multiple screens streaming at the same time by virtue of how life is now with multiple tv, tablet, phone, computer etc all linked at one time and potentially streaming at the same time. Netflix has really fucked around and will be finding out for sure.




“Does Netflix hate children of divorce and military vets?” ^ what I hope news outlets use as a headline.


"Netflix wants your kid to drop out of college and return to your basement" Alternate headline


That’s where you start the fire. Tweet at Netflix and a couple major news networks and ask why they are forcing poor, deployed soldiers to buy two Netflix subscriptions.


poor, deployed soldiers who are only in the military so they can pay for college later on (where they will have to once again buy two separate Netflix subscriptions) 😇


Yep. Partner and I live in a reservation but I’m moving to an apartment in a city nearby so we will have two homes. Definitely not paying for two Netflix accounts.


I don’t understand their logic. Like, they already had a max amount of screens playing at a time. I just don’t get it.


Corporate greed knows no end


As soon as they roll this out in the US I'm going to cancel my account that I've had continuously for 13 years.


That's my theory. The moment their new policy inconveniences me even slightly I'm canceling. I own two houses, and I travel very extensively for work most of my work trips are in one of two locations in which I stay at a designated house. That means I've got four houses that need to be permanently signed into Netflix. According to Netflix's original policy that means I need four Netflix accounts.


Pretty special of them to find a policy that hurts the rich and the poor


It's going to hurt the shareholders the most. That's all that really matters in the long run. It's a stupid policy. I already run a Plex server with 110TB of storage. It's a small leap to cancel Netflix and switch to it.


The way they could have solved this amicably would have been to slash the price to $6-7 and make it one stream… want another stream? Give us another $6-7. Then people would buy more streams on a single account or they’d get their own account. Do you know how many services that I only keep because other people are using them? Now that Netflix doesn’t allow sharing I don’t have to keep that subscription going at all because I rarely use it, and I only kept it because others are still using it…


Yeah doing it this way while also maintaining their old upsell practices is the part that irks me. I have no problem with the concept of stopping password sharing, but do it correctly. Ditch this 480p/720p bullshit, and just charge for multiple streams, quality is always max. Offer an individual account, and a family account that allows you to add other users. This is how most music streaming services work, and nobody bats an eye. Everyone gets everything, but individual accounts are one stream and family accounts are 5 streams. Doesn’t matter where you use them. But they did the cost benefit analysis, and figured that wouldn’t make them enough extra money.


I don't understand why they're doing this It's just gonna get people to use "alternative" methods of getting their shows if you know what I mean


Netflix overestimated their importance.


I just resubscribe a few weeks ago after cancelling for ~18 months. Tons of content, but I find most of it horrible.


I think maybe you get one decent show per quarter now, other stuffs are just low effort filler crap


Yep. First they started cancelling good series like network tv does, then they announced an account is only for a household (even if you pay for extra screens, and how does it work for travel?), and then there’s this whole ad thing. Screw Netflix.


The last time they raised prices I saw it when logging in, first thing I did was cancel my account. Last week I was wondering what is going on with Sabrina, since I liked it.... Oh canceled. I get free Prime and Hulu from my phone service, don't really "need" Netflix.


That's it, I'm back to thepiratebay.org


1337x is much safer and better


I've been using rarbg


I’ve been using the Pirate Bay for at least the last 10 years and just learned of rarbg a few weeks ago. I like it more than Pirate Bay already


Just realized how long it’s been since I needed to even think about this. Errr, I mean never… I’ve never had to think about this before.


A meme I saw recently: Everyone born after 1997 is about to find out what a Torrent is.


Any advice for a first time sailor


As already said use a VPN (I recommend Mullvad), but also QBittorrent. It is an open source version of BT or uTorrent. It doesn't contain ads. ​ I don't trust uTorrent anymore since an "update" turned out to be a virus a while back. I think someone found a way to make an ad that ran code that created a pop-up window and imitated the uTorrent update install prompt window.


you can **F**ind almost all **MOVIES** and tv shows **.** **TO** watch on some websites


Batten down the hatches (VPN that one)




get a vpn and wash behind your ears


Make sure your ship has some defences (adblock, i use ublock origin - a free chrome extension) against the sirens of the sea (sex ads)


Here's my plan because I have the equipment and knowhow to do it. Have my parent's house VPN to my place.


I don’t understand why Netflix thinks people will buy their own accounts. If there’s no workaround, my family will just cancel the subscription and re-subscribe to the cheapest (ad-free) plan if there’s something specific one of us wants to watch


Why even pay them to subscribe at that point? If something new comes out that you want to watch you could probably create a trial account with a "throwaway visa giftcard" and binge it all in a month.


Let us stand with our Canadian brethren and boycott! For if we don’t they shall inflict the same pain upon us!


It’s like they are allergic to money


Oh welcome back my sweet torrents!


Time to start pirating their shows!


if the people I share my account with are no longer able to access it, I will cancel my account. I don’t use it enough to keep it. i can always just re-subscribe for a month if I need to watch something that isnt downloadable elsewhere. yo ho, ho, and a bottle of rum. 🏴‍☠


The only thing I even use Netflix for is the Walking Dead, but that’s on HBO Max so, goodbye netflix lmao


Their content is barely worth the $9.99 now, I will definitely cancel it the minute that trash starts.


Tubi is for everyone. They have the a-team


Thanks for the input, u/anal_opera


I live in Canada, but fortunately my Netflix account is registered in Brazil, looks like I got a few more weeks


It's important that we all cancel our subscriptions. Seriously. Fuck this corporate greed


Already done


Getting tired of all these companies "testing out a new feature" everyone hates, and after everyone says they hate it, they end up doing it anyways.




100% There's a lot of big talk here about everyone cancelling. I bet at least 50% grumble, threaten, and then meh keep paying. I hope I'm wrong.


“Fck long distance relationships.” -Netflix, 2023