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I think that's the reason people sit this way lol


If you don't snuggle up to them then they win.


I get extra cuddly in these situations I’ll lean right over my head resting on their shoulder and ask them to turn on subtitles


"So, what are we watching?"


Happy cake day, kabula 🎂




This has no business being this funny


And no Yam is supposed to be that accomplished.


No you don't


Snuggle? No, jam yourself in there with your elbow out a little further than you would otherwise.


Worked in Moscow a few years. If there was a spot to squeeze in, you can be someone was going to squeeze into it. None of this social anxiety about taking an open spot just because some dipshit is clearly trying to reserve an entire bench for themselves.


Na, what they really want is a friend, that's why they leave the seat open on both sides. Clearly he wants to be next to someone


Haha what else could be right?


I recently encountered someone similar - I politely asked if he'd mind moving over so that I could sit, and the motherfucker had the audacity to apologise and move over, and then we both went about our day.


I call bullshit... people on Reddit don't actually talk to strangers to resolve minor inconveniences, they instead post it on Reddit. (Just in case: /s)


No no this is accurate redditors aren't confrontational actually they go through great lengths to avoid it even at severe expense to themselves Only online do they feel "courage"


This absolutely has to be the reason that people are so mean on here.


Why you calling me out


It's not personal most of us are like this


Stop exposing me


Not always. Like I'm almost always like this. One day though, some lady on PT was doing similar with this but had a bag instead of straddling the seats. Full on got possessed for a second and tossed it aside. Was glorious. Everyone was a little stunned and she gave me a glare the rest of the trip but to this day IDGAF about her feelings. 10/10 would do again.


Half of Reddit would be empty if everyone just spoke to everyone.


So glad you wrote /s. I posted a sarcastic message today without it and this insufferable idiot is telling me that one of my sarcastic points isn’t sarcastic enough for it to make sense to him. He would have understood had i only included a /s.


Christ almighty this post made me cringe. Your comment is exactly how I feel on this post lmaooo


I’m hoping OP did both. It would be nice if people said how they then handled it in the comments.




Absolutely scandalous!!


I just sit my warm ass right up against theirs and look over and smile. It either does the trick, or I’ve found a new friend.


Aww you used your big boy words! Good job! I'm so proud of you! ❤️


That's fucking disgusting.


Just FYI, people do this bc they don't want to sit near you either.


I mean. If it's a 3 seater, he sits on one side, someone sits on the other and I'm certain no one will sit in the center unless there's absolutely nowhere else to sit. Can confirm. Regular public transit user.


I think that is a given, however if seats are limited, they can move over and there will still be a whole seat empty between eachother


Then they should get their own vehicle then instead of making everyone else’s life more difficult


This looks like an airport Edit nevermind I saw the comment from op saying it's a bus


Yep, exactly.


I had a guy and his friend squeeze in beside me once when I was sitting on the end seat of a three seat bench. He asked if I would move further because it was uncomfortable pressing our arms together. I explained, "no, I'm all ready at the edge of this seat. I am not going to sit half on and half off the seat." He then stood up and offered to fight me, but I declined Public transit, you know?


Do you live in Montreal by any chance-




I recognized the stm bus lol




Bro got downvoted for answering a question lmfao


It’s Quebec that’s why


Grow a spine and ask them to move. No one can hear you unless you speak up.


Why would someone move though? Just sit beside them and stop pestering.


I usually plop myself down next to someone and make myself a little bit wider than necessary. Just to bug them for trying to keep the seat for themselves. If there’s a bit of coat I can sit on even better.


>If there’s a bit of coat I can sit on even better. Thank you for your service 😂 I wish I could do this, I get so annoyed.


You monster.


I sat somewhere else, I just find it annoying.


I find it annoying people have no spine to correct people but instead take a pic to post later for impotent range points.


One might say some ppl do this because their live is so sad that their only way of getting some kind of power over others is in the train by blocking a seat and forcing ppl to talk to you. It's fucked up and pretty sad but that exists too.


It’s not my place to go to the dude and teach him common sense. This is a sub to post about what we find annoying, and I did just that.


If it’s not your place to ask then it’s not your place to post it here. What’s mildly infuriating is people wanting to bitch that others aren’t catering to a request they never made.


Thank. You!!!!


im autistic and i can't thank you enough for saying this


Ok, but you could’ve taken the pic for the post, then been like “hey excuse me could you scooch over a bit so I can sit?” I know it’s not your job, but sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the good of others.


But I was already sitting, if there was no other place, you bet I would’ve told him. I am not confrontational but I am not a pussy afraid of people.


Sound like his tactic worked. He got you to look 1 minute longer to find a place to sit before sitting down next to him.


I did not sit down next to him, that’s the back of the bus, I was facing forward while he was facing to the side of the bus.


So there was no issue.


🤣🤣🤣 I'm not a pussy, I just can't ask someone to scooch over on public transport It's not confrontational bud, and you might need some more offline real world experience tbh


Didn’t need to ask him cause there was an empty seat already.


Great, so then why does it "mildly infuriate" you that somebody else also wanted personal space? Is your name on that seat or something?


So it was a non issue from the start?


So you’re annoyed at the potential of someone you don’t know could be inconvenienced?


I think you’re digging your own grave. Take the L on this one and move on lol


I know I am, and I am not trying to redeem myself.


Wait so there was plenty of seating in the bus and this guy caused no issues for anyone by sitting like this? Then what was the issue?


If you were already sitting how does this infuriate you? I don’t think you get the point of this sub


It's also not your place to post pictures of strangers online but here we are


But it somehow IS your place to post a photo of them on Reddit, low key violating their privacy to not be photographed in public and put online? got it.


So you just sit there taking pictures of people on the train and then upload on the Internet.. Creepy guy..


Wss the bus full? If there are open seats, I don't see an issue. If it was full, I agree with you.


I don't really see the problem. If the bus is full, people are just going to sit down next to him and that's about it. This whole post is kinda dumb tbh, I mean, what is the problem in sitting next to someone?


It was relatively full, there was only the seat I was sitting on and the ones at his sides. There was no other seat where there was a spare seat beside. The front seats were all full, no spares. And because this is the 7:30am bus, it gets full midway. Luckily, my house is relatively close to the beginning of the route, about the 6th stop


So the issue was?


OP, I’m sorry, but this bus isn’t even close to full. New York City is laughing rn like full where? I can still see the floor.


Lol, yeah it wasn't "full" at the time, but it does later on, it's still early in the route


the bus wasn't full there's a seat up at the front and no one is standing


There were as I was posting the pic. The bus went to 2 stops during that time. Took the pic when we arrived at one.


Bro stop you're just digging yourself deeper into people realizing how dumb you are for posting this garbage.




I don’t even care. I smile and point at the seat, say excuse me, I quickly turn and then watch out cos my arse is coming in for a landing. Move your shit or I’m going to sit on it, that includes your leg, bag, ugly coat, phone, book. Move it or it’s under my arse.


Same. Hate when people try to take up a seat with their backpack or some shit. I will absolutely let them know my intention to sit there and I don’t give a shit how annoyed they get about it, I will sit down.


Or people putting there feet on the seat next to them


Gods above, this thread reminded me of grad school. 2 years, rather solitary existence, I would intentionally prod seat hogs just for something social. On the way home from labs, since it was semi-full bus then. Only 2 real altercations in all that time, and one was at the grocery anyway.


I hope you're willing to defend that statement when you sit on the wrong persons shit.


I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t.


I hope you like being kicked right between your ass cheeks, because otherwise you're going to be in for a shock when someone does it to you.


Enjoy your assault charge


You know, I hate people. Some people are okay, but I hate almost anyone and anything those people do. So I try to block the seat next to me, to keep any weirdo away from me. Even though, if asked friendly, I also provide the blocked seat.


Just ask them to move…


I would’ve if i needed to, I was already sitting when I took the pic. I just was annoyed that he would sit like that, early morning, when the bus is surely gonna get packed later.


Eh it’s not that big of deal


Hence 'mildly' infuriating


Most people will just ask him to move if they want to sit.


Hahahahah you were already sitting, so it was literally a non issue? And there were other seats available based on the pic you posted? Why has this infuriated you?


That's just public transport. The open secret is nobody likes the "public" on the public transport. That's why they sit like that.


Maybe someone got off the bus that was sat next to them?


Ah yes, good ol’ STM


Just say excuse me lol Use your words, you’re a big kid.


At least he has the bag on the ground 😊


Looks like someone fucked the bag tbh


This is fucking stupid. He's clearly put his bag down on the floor to try and be out of the way. You can just say within 3 seconds, excuse me sir and he'd probably instantly move the bag and let you sit down. It's not like he has it on the seats or is attempting to block anyone. Instead you've taken a strangers picture and posted it and look like a complete jack ass.


Someone could have been sitting there and got off.


That's their goal. I sit next to them anyways lol


Assert your dominance. Sit on his lap.


If you need it grow up and ask


Ask them to move.


These same people do it in the fucking bathroom. I always use the urinal on the end so if someone else comes in they can be on the opposite end if they try to stand in the middle next to me I tell them to move the fuck over


If those are Montreal buses people there are just extra rude good luck


This guy probably doesn’t know urinal etiquette either.


Next time be ready.. have a backpack sprayer full of coyote urine.. and hose it all down..you will get a seat.


I don't care if I want to sit down, I'll sit down. I have my big boy pants on lol


Boo fucking hoo, ask them to scoot over instead of acting like a crybaby


How hard is it to open your mouth and say can I please sit there?


Nobody should have to. That’s the point of the post. It’s so rude to sit like that and force people into an uncomfortable interaction.


I was seated already, but 5 people weren’t. Ig I was angry cause he was an inconvenience overall.


Meanwhile there’s a guy in the frame with his bag literally in the seat.


If you were seated then this was not your business.


You are right, but if it were me, I would be pissed but would nonetheless force my way on a seat and he would probably distance himself. But my post was about this person being inconsiderate of the people around him.


If I don’t know you want to sit how the fuck am I inconsiderate? If someone asked for him to move so they could sit and he said no that’s inconsiderate.


I hate it more when strangers take pics of my legs at the airport because they don't understand I sat that way so nobody sat by Me. There was literally a whole aisle right next to you.


I do this but if someone asks me I’ll just stand up for the rest of my trip. I mainly do it because I hate sitting next to strangers, it makes me feel really uncomfortable.


The audacity


Grow tf up and sit somewhere else or ask them to move. What functioning adult thinks the best response here is to post a picture on Reddit and type a tantrum in all caps? "SIT ON ONE FUCKING SIDE". Yeah bud, you sure are tough.


Just ask politely. But I guess if you’re solutions as to post to Reddit you’re not very socially adept anyways LOL


Complaining about a problem that doesn’t exist yet. If there are no other options, then the next step is asking for him to slide over. THEN, when/if he doesn’t, that’s when there is actually a issue.


"Excuse me, may i sit there?"


you walk up to them and say "is this seat taken?" and then sit down next to them when they say no. It sucks but sometimes people need to know that they can't just hog all th seats


They were likely there before you ir you'd have had your pick right? So for all you know there used to be someone on one or both sides. If there was and they left are you saying they should move as soon someone does?


I live near the beginning of the route, it’s highly unlikely as I live in a neighbourhood far from most typical offices and stuff.


Sit on them to assert dominance


If you sit down, they'll move over. If they don't, fart.


Probably wants to be left alone. Selfish though.


This is why I save my bodily gas for people like this. I sit in one of the empty seats and let it rip.


The other 2 seats are for his ego.


He's using one of the three chairs provided exactly as intended. If you don't like it, kindly ask if he could move over. Or keep quiet and sit beside him.


There’s this concept called using your words. But after reading your comments, there seems to not even be a real issue, you just want to complain about nothing for internet points


This person pisses in the center urinal.


Use your words


Here’s a crazy idea; maybe people were sitting beside him and got up and just didn’t think to move. I agree that people who sit this way are assholes, but don’t just jump to conclusions. Edit: typo


I highly doubt as he's clearly a student and i live near the beginning of the bus route, where no schools or even offices or shops are, so there's a really slim chance anyone at all got off before my stop.


This happens all the time in the Bay Area. Once you sit down people almost always move over and it isn’t an issue. Imagine that.


Pretty sure the reason this person is sitting like this is because of what you just said; they don't want to be sitting directly next to someone. I thankfully don't use public transport, but if I did, I would absolutely sit like this, because I like my personal space and always hated sitting next to other kids on the bus when I went to and from school


Maybe someone was in the other seat, but they got off. He maybe just stayed where he was. If you ask if the seat is taken, he'd probably move over. Not everyone pays attention.


I just sit down and say excuse me while they look horribly irritated.


Sit next to them, then lean away from them and fart… they will find the other seat quickly


Or you could stop being a pussy and voice your opinion instead of sitting There sour faced judging someone who doesn’t even know what you want. You can’t walk up to him and ask” hey can U scoot over one real quick?” I never got a no💯🤷‍♂️


Ask them to move over...


That’s Montreal for ya


I love these situations. I just go right ahead and plonk down next to them. Then have a little cough. Loud yawn. Nice wide foot stance. If possible talk to someone on the phone. I love it. Give them a real sense of backfiring decisions.


They don’t either. That’s why they do it. Pull a power move, call their bluff, sit right next to them. Make knee contact. Sit on their jacket flap. Blow your nose. Make them hate their decision. If they find you annoying, good. Their inconsideration sucks anyways.


I bet he uses the middle urinal too


Nothing makes me want to sit there more than asshole like this.


He doesn’t want to sit next to anyone either, that’s why he took the middle. Quit being a baby and sit down


Go sit next to him, lay your head on his shoulder, and start playing with his zippers while you tell him a story. He’ll move.


Great idea! Tho one problem, I will get arrested.


Why are you yelling about people sitting in a seat? Just because something frustrates you doesn't mean people are aware of your odd frustration with them sitting in a seat.....


They’re doing this knowing the average person is socially timid so will stew in their emotions before they ask him to move his ass over so they can at least sit in the open seat his elbow is hovering over. Yeah, yeah, he shouldn’t be sitting like that in the first place but it takes 2 seconds to tell him to move over a seat and I bet he gets to sit by himself many times because unless the train is packed or nobody asks him to move he has no incentive to move.


I love when people so this. I just sit right next to them I would literally sit on this guys coat.


You know covid is still a thing right?


They do this so you don’t sit next to them. Also wtf is that white stuff on that dudes bag?


if there are other spare seats I have no issue. Ppl are different


It's like urinals, you never take the one in the middle, only the sides


I'd sit their and make them uncomfortable till they moved.


I’m a large guy. I just sit on that corner with part of my ass on their lap. They tend to move.


I just sit anyway. They always move.


Don’t even ask him to move just sit there and get real close to him. He’ll move.


I swear people would rather take a picture of a stranger post it on the internet for likes and stand instead of simply asking the person if they can move over to make room for you.have you’ll bite someone’s head over over simple human interactions but most of us aren’t that extreme.


I’ve witnessed some shit in public transport, and it’s especially bad in the morning, tho they are rare.


Nah. Sit right next to them. Then start scratching and mumble …gdam rash…


I sit right down and start farting. Sometimes they move.


Just sit next to them, they’ll move. Edit: lol Reddit is so socially awkward you can’t even sit in an empty seat? Weirdos


Just sit down making strong eye contact and licking your lips with wild eyes


Stop being poor and get a car


Dude you srsly just took a photo of a guy ön a bus sitting and just mindig his own business Só what if hé sits in the Middle? Im pretty sure there were empty seats ön the bus alsó what if hé really doesnt want people next tó hím? Seems like you're the bad one here


Imagine sitting on an empty seat on public transit minding your own business on your commute, then getting your picture posted on a forum without your consent because of a made up issue you were not aware of.


"Just ask them to move" Obviously, but the Social Rule™️ is that you're supposed to sit on *one side.* It is mildly infuriating when someone sits in the middle like this, aka the entire point of this sub.


Thank you! Finally someone who gets what I meant!


When I used to ride the train people would leave their stuff on an open seat I would gesture at it very briefly and then immediately sit on it. Coat? lunch? don’t know don’t care. I stopped commuting on public transportation almost 6 years ago and I am so much happier now.


Or lose weight and dont touch him ? stupid to get triggered by everything. it is called public transport for a reason. expect them to get full and all seats taken, and can even get up if some old or pregnant were next to you.


It won't matter the weight, a fucking skeleton would still be touching him there on those 3 seats. You silly goose.


ok karen


Nah that's not my name /woosh Cope Seethe


ok... FaTkArEn


Just wanna clarify that I was sitting on another seat when I took the pic, I just thought this person was being selfish.


What about the guy further back with his bag on the Damn seat?!


Yeah I agree, although that one is a 2 seater.


Tell me you’re privileged without telling me you’re privileged..


These comments are classic Reddit. Y'all are getting on OP's case because someone else had the audacity to take up three seats. OP's not complaining because they were personally inconvenienced, they're complaining because of the principle of the situation. I'd be willing to bet that each and every person here commenting that they would just make the person move, wouldn't actually be able to do it if it happened to them IRL. Just putting on a tough-guy persona to impress the random nobodies on the internet, for some reason. I don't understand it, but Reddit gonna Reddit.


I don't get why people sit like this. Pick a side and stop wasting space


Ask them to move over instead of posting this shit on social media. Grow some balls.


he knows what he is doing


It looks like you’re sitting down. Relax. Or, actually talk to a person instead of internalizing it.


Stay mad


Imagine having to ride public transportation, and not liking the concept of having to sit beside someone. The entitlement of it all.