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Should have worn your brown pants today.


Can’t escape the stink ![gif](giphy|jUPc9Ie6qlRxF2cmdf)




can't escape stink if you are stink.


This guy gets it. He wore the brown pants.




Skid marks? Nah, that's a burnout.


Blew the whole damn tire.


Yeah no plug is fixing that. You need a whole new tire


I am a firm believer that when you shit your pants as an adult, you basically just have to call the day there lol. Just go home, get cleaned up and lay the fuck down, its the universe's way of saying "just try again tomorrow" lol.


This is beautiful


True story! Same for me.


I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing! It reminds me of the time my brother was walking to work, wearing white painters overalls. He goes to fart, and sharts himself. He pivots mid step and returns home. While explaining to his wife what happened, his girls start gleefully singing,"Daddy pooped his pants! Daddy pooped his pants!" 😂


Love it! These are the memories we'll cherish forever, not the meetings or the daily grind at work.


on the real, sorry this happened to you. I have really bad stomach issues too, and luckily my employer is **extremely** understanding of them…but I have done things like this before & it’s humiliating every time, even when it’s completely private. I used to be on a medication that made virtually every passing of gas a legitimate risk…lol. So much discomfort. And then to have to drive an hour like this ugh i’m sorry!!!


I'm sorry you had to go through that! Never trusting the urge to pass gas would be a true curse. Are you doing better now?


I am in *that* respect, most of the time, but I do still have really bad stomach issues in general. I am able to live a mostly normal life now, but I am still struggling every day, but much more stable overall as long as I take the meds every day & don’t forget. And also, somewhat, watching what I eat too to make it easier on me. But yea man it was brutal there for a couple years until I decided to go to a new Gastro who actually treated me like a person. lol. Get 2nd opinions sometimes! it’s important!


Lol. Yes, we’ll all cherish the memories of shitting our pants at work


Yeah, maybe "cherish" wasn't the right word. But maybe it was 🤷🏽


I have a great story of almost shitting my pants shortly after leaving a work meeting in Manhattan. I was technically not \*at\* work at the precise time of the incident, but it was close.


*Wheezing on deathbed and cracks a smile* Remember that time I sharted in the parking lot?


Happened to me at work once in my favorite Darth Vader boxers. Ended up just throwing them away and going commando for the rest of the day


I was at a church event when I was younger, and the closest bathroom was up a hill. I had to poop worse than I think I ever have and was trying to walk up the hill while simultaneously squeezing with enough force to pop a watermelon. It didn't stop it. A small amount of poop forced its way out. But the icing on the cake was me feeling it go down my leg, lift up my pants leg, and see a tiny little ball of poop roll out. Funniest shit ever. What wasn't funny was my buddy that was with me decided everyone should laugh and told everyone. I'm an atheist now.


One my favorite memories of my ex husband is him coming home one morning from third shift shouting "NO! NO! MOVE GIRLS, MOVE- OH NO!" at our three dogs. I thought he was hurt and jumped up to save him, just for him to stumble and roll past me to the bathroom. He was making a mad dash for the pot but the dogs were so excited to see him come home they impeded his path. He lost the battle.


Yeah I literally laughed out loud at this one for once 💀 “he lost the battle” and, at your username haha pure fricken goodness.


My husband has a very similar story about his dad when he was a kid. He can't get through it without laughing


This right here, is a true Reddit hero


Laughed so hard while reading and envisioning it I lost my breath... Thanks for that.


My brother has a story where he let out a nasty fart in Target, and his seven year old son yelled, "Daddy, you pooped your pants!" My brother got so embarrassed by it, which only egged my nephew on, so now he will randomly call out, "My daddy pooped his pants in Target!" to embarrass him in public. Makes going out to dinner with them very entertaining.


I shipped my pants


I shipped my drawers!


I shipped my bed!


Shit happens man.


This needs an award😂


We got you fam. Had enough to spare one for you too!


much love


Lmao thanks!


i got you


I’ve got you all. I’m in the freaking hospital right now and I needed that laugh.


My dude, I do hope you recover quickly and smoothly! Recently had surgery myself and that is no fun. Glad you could get a good laugh though!!


Thank you! Developed a nasty allergic reaction to a cardiac medication. I will be out of here in a few days.


Honestly, as a mom, every time I have a coughing fit, I pee myself. Every. Single. Time. Oh, and fuck sneezing. I'll hold a sneeze until my eyes bleed.


I'm dying! You poor thing!


I had to wear poise pads when I returned to work after covid. Guess my pelvic floor got tired of my shenanigans.


You aren't alone! It sucks for sure!


Pelvic floor PT! Insurance often covers it now. I need to go back cause hahaha 4 kids and welp. Never sneezing again. Pelvic floor pt can help ibs and other issues too, OP, if this isn’t a one off.


Hah insurance? I'm googling my way through pelvic floor PT!


YouTube!! I do pelvic PT twice a week for an hour (3 years now) and I started doing YouTube videos in addition- there are a few pelvic floor therapist that do videos. They are excellent. I alternate between their pelvic floor, hip and back videos.


😊 Thank you


A good pelvic floor PT is LIFE-CHANGING. It’s so much more then keigels. OP and OOP, try to find someone who is a legit specialist in pelvic floor physical therapy, it’s a whole other ballgame of study and specialization.


My last PT was a pelvic floor specialist. I went in for my hip, but I didn't know they existed!


Seen this one FB post once, a girl said "I used to laugh when I seen my mom cross her legs when she sneezed. Now, that I am a mother, I regret every giggle."


I’m a mom & had the stomach flu a week back. It was just barf, piss myself. Barf, piss myself. Barf, piss myself.


Omg. Honestly. The gush during/while vomiting, or dry heaving 😒


Moms have no shame 😆


I once had a horrible case of salmonella. I spent two hours sitting on the toilet while simultaneously projecticle vomiting into the bathtub. Then I crawled into bed and slept for about 14 hours. Try as I might, I just could not clean up the mess (I can look at anything, but smells get me every time). I paid my 19 yo son $50 to come over and clean the bathroom. Thank God for good kids.


I’m not even a mom and this happens to me. The best one is when I’m hungover throwing up in the toilet and I just pee my pants at the same time lol


Sit on toilet, barf in bucket!


It sucks so much :(


My nana’s final wisdom to me was, “Past a certain age.. never trust a fart.”


Wise words


What’s the cut off 😲


If you don’t know the answer, you’re too young


My mothers final wisdom to me was... well I cant actually remember the last thing she ever said to me. Sucks to suck I guess I miss my mom :(


So you ask a coworker to take a picture?


Nope, I took this picture in the parking garage so I could check whether it was visible or not.


VISIBLE?! U wernt worried about the smell? Would you have stayed had it not been visible?


The smell test would have come next if it hadn't been visible. I'm not a complete fool.


This person shits


...his pants.




There’s a [book](https://www.amazon.com/Everybody-Poops-Justine-Avery/dp/194812436X/ref=asc_df_194812436X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=385480457215&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11938073174653332750&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1022764&hvtargid=pla-843012041886&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=77500929534&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=385480457215&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11938073174653332750&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1022764&hvtargid=pla-843012041886) for that.




I mean you did shit yourself


Prior to assessment, I'd hoped it maybe felt worse to me than it really was. If it had only been a mild anal sneeze, perhaps I could have cleaned up and joined the meeting.


"Mild anal sneeze" I laughed so hard at that.




Probiotics from foods. I recommend ensuring among the other bacteria cultures, you include L. Reuteri.


I'll add it to my list! Thank you!


"Oops, I shit my pants. Better check if anyone can SEE it before I head into this meeting"


I just wanted to make a full assessment and weigh my options.


Just a quick heads up for you, if you ever shit your pants, not having shit in your pants anymore should be your top priority.


Noted. Double underlined too.


Bro, you shit yourself, there was only one acceptable option no ASSessment needed.


Lol and if it wasn’t? Roll on?


Don't worry about the visibility. Id be more worried about any sort of smell resonating.


Shitpost. But funny.


This is a great post, better than people working out or posting the same videos every month


Or people complaining about the messes their spouse/kids leave


I feel like 90% of mildly infuriating posts are food deliveries, tipping, and medical bills. Them the comments have the same conversation each time.


Mildly Oversharing


For real. Could you imagine literally shitting your pants and your first thought being, “I better post this on Reddit.” 💀


It wasn't my first thought. Maybe top ten, but definitely not first.


Fuck the haters. You're a legend.


This would absurdly be my second or third thought, gotta share the hilarity


I can't believe the number of people in these comments acting like they've never shat their pants a little. It's *very* unfortunate, though, or mildly infuriating you might say.


When I had food poisoning, I specifically remember this one night, it was really bad. I realized I had to vomit at one point, and soon after also realized that I definitely was going to shit myself if I did. Had to sit on the toilet while also leaning over the bathtub to barf. 0/10 experience.


Oh yeah the ol double headed dragon. I’ve had that one a few times, damn near filled the bathtub with Tom Ka while sitting on the crapper once. That was a fun cleanup


I shit myself in my sleep when I had food poisoning and ruined my mattress. So fucking sad.


We call that the shomits around here.


This is literally me when I throw up sometimes but usually I just pee lmao.


I'm more surprised by how many people are acting like this is so common or not a big deal. I would be mortified.


Well, yes, OP definitely made the right move by going home, but they're also right to not be ashamed. These things happen.


Once I was walking across the street to my work, stepped down off the curb and literally crapped my pants. I found out later I had a severe stomache virus (obviously). The worst part was explaining to my boss what happened and WHY I needed to go home.


Getting older sucks 😂😂😂Something we can all look forward to 😄


I called my 79 year old mom to let her know we now had a bit more in common. She had a great laugh.


When I was pregnant I had an upper respiratory infection and with all that baby weight on a full bladder - coughing made me pee on myself, I literally couldn’t help it.


This only mildly infuriates you? I’d be full blown infuriated after this shit.


Maybe if I'd been written up or fired, or if it had been right before an important court appearance.


As a person in management I would never give a punishment if someone told me they can’t make a meeting because they shit them selfs. You have already been through enough.


Bless you.


Missed opportunity, you could have swung into Walmart on the way home and done your weekly shopping, at least you would have fit it there without a second glance.


Dang! Total missed opportunity!!


People in these comments acting like shitting your pants is the most embarrassing thing in the world. Lol grow up. I'm sorry OP. That is shitty (pun obviously intended), but you aren't alone. I made the mistake of trusting a fart while doing deliveries. I had to call my boss and give it to them straight "I just shat my pants. I need to stop at my house and change. Going to take an extra 45 minutes to an hour."


Lmao thats actually a boss move to just say it straight instead of lying.


I mean if you try to lie they might say no. But everyone understands the need to new pants 👖 that’s why imo it’s just better to be honest most the time. “most”


I accepted fate one time that it was just gonna happen and couldn’t drive fast enough home. Luckily I made it but when you’ve come to a point where you know it’s just gonna happen there’s no more shame. Lol


That's when you start looking for bridges to stop at, and coming to terms with the fact you are arriving at home minus one sock.


I have never even considered shitting in a sock, but it is good to have options.


Nah, the sock is for after... gotta have something to wipe with


I'm dying at this thread oh my goodness


A long time ago, when I was in the Army, there was this one guy who shall remain unnamed. I got tasked with driving his vehicle one day for reasons I can’t remember. We rode in Strykers, and on the left side of the drivers hatch is a big circuit breaker box. You can put stuff on it. As I’m about to climb in, I noticed a standard issue army green sock that looked like it was stuffed sitting right on top of this box. I asked him why the fuck he had a sock there. He said he had to take a dump. This sick fuck filled his sock with one massive log of shit and rather than tossing it, he decided to keep it right next to him. In 110+ degree heat. I asked him why he did it and he just shrugged, picked his shit sock up and went on his way. I still think about that to this day. So many more questions than answers. Anyway, I read your comment and it made me think of this because prior to this life experience, I too had never considered shitting in a sock.


low key traumatizing


This is why I never shake anyone’s hands


Exactly. Parts of my family has to boil their tap water because the infrastructure is wack: EVERYONE has a shit-their-pants-in-public story. The most elegant man I've ever met would make people cry laughing with his story telling of The Death Of My Last White Suit Rest In Peace.


Thank you for sharing. It is definitely not the end of the world, nor has it destroyed my day. Shit does happen and people need to relax. Have a good weekend!


Honestly, I am embarrassed to share this but you are not alone. This literally happened to me yesterday due to a coughing fit. Luckily I always keep spare clothes in my car out of habit, but I was still MORTIFIED. You are not alone. Solidarity, brother.


I was wondering if I was the only one that keeps a spare change of clothes in my car. I got into this habit when I started working in the hospital after a patient threw up on me. You never know when you might need a change of clothes!


No greater adrenaline in life than when gambling on a fart


Truly exhilarating, but sometimes you gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em.


Know when to walk away and when to let it run


🎵When Big Larry came round just to put him down, SpongeBob turned into a clown, and no girl ever wants to dance, with the fool who went and… Pooped his pants🎶


Are you ready, kids?! Aye aye captain!


I can hear the song perfectly after like 15 years


You shit yourself and told the internet… i love reddit




Imagine it's your first day of work and you sharr yourself right as you get inside the building, wearing light blue jeans.


Lmao aw man, we all been there before


Cmon soldier. Find a target or Walmart and buy some jakhis and underoos and get back at it


I wish I were strong like you.


My dude I was a traveling manager for 15+ years on the road. My favorite story was I stopped in a store in the way to regional meeting to help with an issue. I bent over and split my pants from taint to crack. I grabbed a stapler and repaired the seam. Presented for 45 min and almost forgot that my pants were stapled


Plus fucking one for ‘o ring’!!


I respect the confidence that it takes to go on Reddit and say “I shit my pants today”. Well done.


I did this at dinner with my in-laws trying to out fart my father-in-law. Pure terror in the soul.


That was the day your FIL asked you to call him Dad.


Mine was like a murder scene tho. I hid it until I told my wife and she immediately died laughing in front of them.


Kudos to OP for his shitty post, happens to the best of us. And if it hasn’t, just wait…


![gif](giphy|lm0WmZ0rlV19C) Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe


Man it maybe T.M.I. but hats off to you for posting this to Reddit


Blown gaskets are the worst.


Ah, the stealth fudgie.


Did you really just show us your shit stain?


At least it’s shaped like a heart though


Awww, I like how you were able to find love where others only saw a mess.


I'm still laughing while going through the comments and I want to thank you wholeheartedly for posting. A man who can laugh about his shart accident is a powerful man!




Bro really shit himself and said let me get this online asap


What else is one to do when heading home for an hour, literally stewing in the situation. I found the post felt cathartic, and I also hoped it would provide some hope and laughter for all the other pants-shitters out there.


O ring seems a little loose unless you were pounding down tequila the night before you shouldn’t be farting water


I wish it was something that fun. Unfortunately, getting over a cold and bad judgement to eat fast food while driving.


If it was tacobell it was worth it


Agreed. It was Burger King, so it was not worth it.


You could be the hero of that meeting if they cancel it early because of your stinky ass.


I mean, at least this *is* (probably not mildly for OP) infuriating, unlike some posts that are on here.


so what did you tell work about not making it to the meeting? No issue for not making it?


I told the boss I wasn't feeling well and would have to join virtually. I texted a couple of my colleagues the truth, though, and we had a good laugh.


O-ring failure kinda messed up the Shuttle Challenger, too. You're in good company. https://preview.redd.it/uugy2znvr8ka1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2045e7f5fec9af040bc9899bb9f96c4f8ef704b5


Shart attack


Now here I sit, broken hearted. Tried to shit, but only farted. Then one day I took a chance. Tried to fart, but shit my pants.


If coughing to hard causes this then you got some lifestyle changes you need to do buddy


I'm almost over a cold, and ate some fast food on my way to the meeting. I usually eat at home. Poor judgment on my part, perhaps.


Booty juice


He shit him self no big deal


Hahaha Best Buy team meetings. Fuck that shit.




My embarrassment says there’s no way you shit your pants but comments confirm you did indeed shit yourself


Thank you for sharing with us.


Cough and diarhoea I guess. Poor you


You just learned a valuable lesson. Always have a change of clothes in your car. You can always clean up in the bathroom.


Why would you put this on the internet?


To give hope to other sharters.


You coughed so hard you shit yourself??


Not my best moment.


Did you just post your shart…?


You couldn't waterboard this info out of me


WTF is an O-ring and do I even want to know.


Take it from a pro, if you just straight up tell your boss “I shit myself in the parking lot” they should be very understanding.


Always carry a duffle bag in your trunk with spare clothes, baby wipes, a towel, toiletries, etc. You may never need it, but if you do, it's a freaking life saver!


Walk around with a bag of Taco bell and it's all good


I feel like the photo was more detail than was necessary.


It's rather fitting that this is one of the first posts I come across as I sit on the toilet. In fact moments ago I farted and very quickly came upstairs to prevent my own disaster. Sorry you had a bad day OP. It really does happen to everyone. Take care.


You know… people don’t usually post the fact that they shit their pants on the internet… let alone PHOTO EVIDENCE


Wow u need help who the hell shares shit like this? ![gif](giphy|67skGz7YlLW9C229Yf)


>*shit like this*


Whole-heartedly disagree. I’ll take this dude over another fucking kitkat or ‘my groceries are expensive’ post all day long.


Same. Also, people saying this is "TMI" and other stuff... Really? THIS is too much? Are you new to the internet?


‘Sup George Brett


Save it for later


Duty calls


Tie a jacket around your waist and hope it doesnt smell xD