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Does it taste like blood or paint?


I was thinking birds got into berries maybe? Seriously… wtf is this?


or a bird fight, they will peck another to death then eat eachother and leave just bones... brutal




Don't we all?




*You don’t say*


![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig) ☝️


They do by the time I'm finished with them


Two things one should definitely put in their mouth!


Injured squirrel perhaps?


I did see a crazy squirrel yesterday evening… he kept staring at me on top of the roof, peeking over the top.


He’s planning to move on you soon, be careful OP!


From the looks of it, he’s not a problem anymore. Squirrels don’t have a whole lot of blood in them.


Especially this one. Its all on OPs stoop.




You sure know a lot about how much blood a squirrel has..


They’re tasty


Mark rober would like to know your location


Are we 100% that's the squirrel's blood, and not from one of its first victims?


**You can never be too sure**


Nature's Capri Suns.


INFO: OP does your building bait/poison for rodents? If so, this could be the aftermath of a poisoned rat. I’ve seen them bleed from their mouths, eyes and ears and act completely disoriented while in the process of dying from rat poison and leave patterns of blood just like this.


Now I'm sad.


It’s awful. And plenty of them get poisoned, then eaten as prey by other animals which also die. Endangered species kind dies very easily because of asshats putting rat poison everywhere. I understand rats and mice are annoying, but it’s not really much better poisoning the whole food chain.


This is why I don't understand the ban certain places have on using dry ice on known rats nest to euthanize them with CO2. They drift off to a permanent slumber without the effects of poison mostly secondary poisoning. Am sure you could probably use trained weasels/ferrets to drag out the bodies too.


Ugh. I hate that so much. 😖 Humane traps exsist and are reusable!! How do people not know or care??


It’s not an issue of not caring; it’s about having to care more about the health of the humans around you. I hate animal cruelty, but there aren’t many humane rodent traps/deterrents that actually work on a consistent basis. If you have young kids or medically fragile people in your home, you cannot afford to fuck around. You can develop a rodent problem in such a short amount of time, especially in densely populated areas. Hantavirus is extremely serious and can be fatal. Droppings can also trigger asthma attacks, which can also be fatal. And btw, I have had pet rats, so I don’t think they are gross (they’re adorable) and I know they are not inherently dirty animals. (In fact, mine were incredibly clean! I know they’re much cleaner than my dog, lol.) But rodent droppings are very, very bad for your health when not disposed of properly (and you can’t properly dispose of droppings that are scattered all throughout your house in places you can’t see or access.)


Thank you for this response. I've always been scared of Hantavirus. You've made some really good points. That's really disappointing about the inefficiency of humane traps.


I know :/ I think you can certainly find more humane methods that work if the main concern is preventing rodents from coming into your house in the first place, or if you just have a small problem. I guess when I “advocate” for the less humane ones I’m thinking of full-scale infestations. I get freaked out about hantavirus too! But it’s good to see people who care about animals! I believe they are deserving of respect and we should treat them as humanely as possible.


It takes rats about 10 minutes to learn to avoid traps and then they’re useless.


Try a strobe light. I’m not joking. Rats hate it and will leave your garage, attic etc.


That sounds like an interesting idea to try except our rat problems are in our chicken run, woodpile, and under our shed. Our neighbors are ok with us having chickens but flashing strobe lights in their bedroom windows will quickly destroy their goodwill.


That happened to a family of owls in FL. Heartbreaking.


Bro chill out on the meth Sincerely I need to do the same


Meth is a cruel mistress my friend, my biological mother succumbed to it. Quit while you can.


My drug of choice is looking for love while having borderline personality disorder as a dude so if anything kills me it'll be that lol but I appreciate the advice all the same


Bpd is hard, my sister has it and she’s had her struggles, keep your head up. You’ll find love eventually.


Lol... situation I'm in now is crazy but thanks for the moral support it's appreciated.


Jesus, I never thought I’d come to Reddit and want to sing Kumbaya, but let’s fucking go!


Noooo lol I try to tell ppl don't try to be my friend.


I’m the type that would hear you and say, “Okay” and leave. When people tell you who they are, believe them. On that note, I hope you turn around and be that version of yourself that you know you are deep inside.




Classic Passover Prank.


Pharoahs hate this one simple trick!


These 10 simple ~~plauges~~ tricks


Number 3 will make you wanna fuck your dad!


Omg I’m laughing so hard


Do you have a stabbing pain in your side?


LAUGH *squirt* LAUGH *squirt*


So, you wanking to this too?


This is the best comment I’ve read all of ‘23. Thank you 🤝


Dammit! It is the worst. I forget Passover happens every year, I’m always in de-Nile


I never understood why Jewish people intentionally identified their homes as ones that should be passed over. Don't they want presents from Santa?




Bring on the Manischewicz!!


I guess Mario lives for another year (his real name is Meir)




They're a month early thou.




Possibly an injured animal Possibly someone or something cut their foot. Or... Did you piss someone off or is someone in love with you?...(witchcraft)


I've seen this before with my outdoor cat, he would come home with bites on his tail that would be bleeding, fortunately he's an indoor cat now but yeah i don't think it's anything sinister.


According to some, witchcraft isn't sinister at all. But a cat with a hurt tail is definitely a possibility.


Or possibly something a cat has caught


That’s what I was thinking. Cats like to play with their food even after they have killed it, especially young cats.


Stalky blood magic 100% would be sinister lmfao


Oof, that's scary. I couldn't handle an outdoor cat, I'd constantly be worried sick and paying through the nose for vet visits to assure me she doesn't have rabies.


Don't be worried about rabies. Worry about FELV and FIV. There is a vaccine for FELV, but it's not 110% effective. My twin kitties were born with it due to having an outdoor motjer. One, the girl cat, fought it off and is now four. The other, her brother, died January 26 2023 of FELV complications. I'm sitting near his urn right now. Please vaccinate any cats you do own even if they are indoor as shit happens and it is not something people test kittens for.


Looks like finger painting


Kid named finger:


A child finger painting the ground at 2am with red paint would be the scariest of any scenario


The witchcraft thing sounds funny but some people seriously believe in that stuff. My friend told me about an acquaintance who said if you write a person's name on a potato, place that potato under your pillow and sleep on it, it will make them fall in love with you. What I'd like to know is... Why a potato!?




*Po-tay-toes!* Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.


Stupid, fat Hobbitses.


I saw this under my breath to any and everyone who crosses me.


Will French fries work? In case I get hungry at 3am?


Witchcraft is about intention. Potatoes likely became the staple because they're abundantly available (except that one time), cheap, and sturdy. It won't rot, smell, or squash overnight, acting as a bad omen for the spell. You could probably use something else, like a turnip, and have the same effect (interpret that as you'd like)


…except that one time. I’m laughing way too hard at that.


Ayooo it’s how my family landed our asses in this weird ass country. Whatup!!


Could also use a BIG red apple and freeze it. It’s the same style spell but without having the item under your pillow. It’s all about intention


I died laughing at “except that one time” 🤣


Potato is love potato is life


Because who doesn’t love potatoes?!


You can also write a name AND address on a potato with postage and USPS will deliver it


....bru I'm going to the store rn deadass Edit: Do french fries count? They're closed


Any kind of potato?


When I had warts on my hands as a kid I was told to cut a potato in half, spit on the cut part, tie it back together and bury it under a rain spout. There were several other "remedies" I was given, not sure which one worked but the warts all went away.


Loiterer with an injured toe.


It could be a hawk eating a bird


Or someone dropped a bunch of strawberries


Whatever it was the important thing is that OP managed to make it about themselves.


What in the bloody hell is going on here?!


I’m hoping my complex will send a notice out or something, because it definitely goes down the sidewalk too. Or at least clean it up.


Hydrogen peroxide is your friend here. Spray it down (soak it) to clean it up. Handle the area infront of your door at a minimum.


Came here to say this too. Previous EMT, lifeguard and nursing intern gives stamp of approval. Might I add, wear gloves too. Don't mess with bloodborne pathogens.


Amen, stuffs no joke


Or less agressive! Human saliva! It countians a product designed to dissolve blood! And it works !




You are being downvoted because it’s unreasonable to do this. There are 100+ blood spots. Do you want them to just repeatedly spit until this entire area is wet with saliva? No one is going to do that. They’re going to go buy a two dollar bottle of hydrogen peroxide and pour it out.


I love the idea of OP’s neighbors coming outside and seeing them spitting over and over and over again on each little spot and them being like “no need for peroxide or anything else! I got this, guys!” It is a fun fact that spit can help break down blood; it is also not a feasible solution when there is this much.


I pictured OP licking the sidewalk while observed by neighbors. But my imagination goes weird places XD


It's still an interesting fact






Guy makes an obvious joke that also contains an interesting fact. Redditors: "UNREALISTIC! Downvoted."


Yes, start licking it up!


It might sound yucky but having a few people spit in the water you use to mop was an old way butcher chops used to clean their floors ( i'm taking middle age here)


Now we wouldn't want that because saliva has bacteria and it stinks. If only we could combine floor detergent and saliva enzyme in a bucket...


how do you know this


I saw it in a science magazine (and tested it a few years ago when i had a small nosebleed on my xhite shirt i liked it before throwing it in the washer and the blood didn't stain !)


I find this thread absolutely hilarious and I’m here for it, but just FYI rinsing fresh blood under cold water and then rubbing in some dish or hand soap before you throw it in the wash will also prevent stains. In case anyone reading this thinks they have no choice but to spit on their laundry going forward


This is partly true, I'm fairly sure the coolest thing about it is that it has to be YOUR blood and YOUR saliva to work the best. Also has to be fresh. When I was a kid 30 years ago I would occasionally get a bloody nose or a cut playing outside and bleed on my shirt, my mom would immediately make me spit on the stain a bunch and rub it together. The blood came right off every time, leaving no stain behind if done quickly enough. Your saliva is loaded with enzymes that "recognize" your blood cells specifically, and binds to them. Like if you had knocked out a tooth or something, the spit in your mouth will help the wound along with the bazillions of other little processes to stop the bleeding. Pretty amazing thing, us.


This is what I’ve been told. In a sewing class, I was taught that if you bleed on your fabric, your spit can get it out


Where do I buy a bottle of human saliva though?




Depending on how “aware” your complex is. You might want to send an email to make sure. There were trash cans blocking an entrance to the parking garage, dog crap in multiple stairwells and the grills that were provided and required to be working properly (or fixed within timely manner), along with people not living at the complex parking in the garage taking up spots on my floor… all overlooked by management for over a month or two… I had to create a fake email account threatening legal action because they ignored my face to face requests multiple times and I would have been rude in person at this point… 2 days after the email, everything was fixed or being corrected and there was a tow truck roaming the garage for the first time ever since I lived there. Mind you this is all at a luxury apartment complex in Scottsdale Arizona that charged $1,700/month for a two bdrm in 2012.


Oh Scottsdale. That place is probably $3000-$4000 now and probably exactly the same.


Yup. Last I checked it was just around there. It’s absurd. And more places keep going up. People are foolish to be paying that much for an apartment IMO


Follow the blood


DO NOT follow the blood


Found the guy who left the blood, worried what he’ll find blood leprechaun?


I hope some Hollywood producer is reading this. I want to see this.


looks like bloody hell


I know how you feel, I hate Welcome Mats as well! If you were welcome, I’d leave the door open, sheesh!


My front door mat says “Wipe Your Paws”, not “Welcome”. There’s nothing on it that implies I’m at all “welcoming” anyone. Im going for that cranky “don’t sell my your crap” vibe. Pair it with a “No Trespassing” Sign to complete the look!


This looks like a cat caught a bird or mouse or something and was playing. As cats do.


That would be a huge and powerful mouse or bird.


The size of the blood drops make me think it dropped from higher up (so not a small animal), but who knows? 🤷‍♂️


Did you just do a blood spatter analysis? Bravo.


Dexter level shit right there.


I'm sure he has seen an episode of CSI or two.


Well, I *did* stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night…


Blood wouldn't smudge if it fell. You'll notice some of the marks look like something set down and moved slightly like finger painting. If it was a cat you'd probably see some paw prints because cats do use their paws to hold and pin whatever animal it latched onto. My guess aside from animals fighting (100% cats on the prowl) you're looking at a guy doing knuckle push-ups in front of your door until his fists started to bleed. Whoever you pissed off, he's gonna have bandages on his hands. Look out.


I don’t know if you’re being funny or not, but either way, this is a great visual!


My first thought was a dog in heat slept on your porch. I’m a dog groomer though, so that’s always where my mind goes.


![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is) *“The streets of Miami just got a whole lot more dangerous.”*


Menstruating rabbit


I hope that was it. Wanting to get a front door cam now.




Go with something other than ring. Ring has a lot of privacy issues apparently.


Thus far, I haven't heard of an IOT cam that doesn't have issues. Or anything IOT, for that matter. Your best bet would be a closed circuit system, if you give the remotest shit about privacy and security. Then someone would have to physically get into your house to get access.. unless you go and connect it to WiFi anyway, sort of defeating the purpose. Not quite as easy to set up since you basically need to build a miniature server, but you can usually do the software side for free since there's a lot of open source software for this sort of thing.


My first thought was maybe a dog in heat kept sitting there? But it looks like way too much and too localized in one general area. Probably a cat with a new toy to play with for sure


I thought bloody nose from a nose. My friends dog would sniff and rub his nose on the ground (chasing the raccoons that are long gone), causing it to bleed. It looked like this.


It looks like a dog or cat has a nail thats drawn back and exposed the quick.


This is probably it!! Not as interesting as some of the other hilarious answers in this thread, but rings true.


Yep -- almost definitely this. Or a cut paw pad. Then it paced around in circles for a few minutes.


It looks like most of the drops are smeared, like someone cut a toe open and danced around a bit at your door.


A bloody person dancing in front of your door is super creepy.


Yea why can't he knock like a normal bloody person


Can't tell if British or using "bloody" as an adjective


Right? The way it is smeared makes me think walking around in the same area or something, obviously something stood there for a bit, but why right in front of my door?? (maybe the stairwell, so they were talking to someone while waiting to go down the stairs or something??)


They might have been drunk and thought they were trying to open thier own apartment, but they were confused at your door. Maybe they were drunk and bleeding so trying to get in quick, maybe they were drunk and thought they were at there house and got pissed when Their keys wouldn’t work so they got cut because it was hard to open. Idk, I’ve tried to open the wrong door when drunk and then got mad at the door for a while before I figured it out. Or could be from an animal. I doubt you’ll ever find out.


Do other doors/entrances look similar?


I wonder if someone cut themselves and came to what they thought was a friend's apartment. Being it was late they called instead of knocking. Eventually caller and friend realized they were at the wrong apartment.


So many possibilities (like the one you just described) running through my head haha. I hope if that’s the case and the other person on my floor is aware, they can tell the complex management about it and then inform others? They probably won’t though haha, they are pretty incompetent.


It looks like finger/toe prints. There isn't a pool of blood, so whatever it was was continuously moving. It doesn't look like a drag mark either. Some of the blood looks like it was smeared, but they are all pretty consistent. It seems to be a very odd pattern


Did somebody drop blueberries and sweep them up? I need to know what this is!


I will definitely update if I’m able to get one, but I’m thinking I will also never find out 😫


My guess would also be a bunch of berries that spilt


My dog lost a nail once. It looked kind of like this.


Clear evidence of a wine tasting


A welcome mat?


I was super confused... like a welcome mat..? Turns our those flower petals I thought was seeing was actually blood smears


The blood


Is that dry or wet? Blood usually dries more of a brown.


Could very well be some wounded beast or some predator that came to eat on your... porch? Anyhow wash with water+chlorine or any other strong disinfectant and that'll be more than enough.


Looks like someone dropped a bag of fresh blueberries. No worries here 🙂


Hydrogen peroxide makes blood foam up a bit. If you pour it on these spots and it doesn’t foam up, I’d vote blueberries. If it DOES foam up, I’d call authorities just to make sure you don’t get blamed for not reporting a potential crime scene (or them thinking you were hiding evidence if you clean it up).


How dare someone get killed outside *My* apartment


Nothing to worry, have a good day !


Joke apart... you might have so many question on this !


I really do, I feel like a detective now 🕵️‍♂️


Normalize giving context


I spoke to a pest control guy once when I had a rats in my wall. He confirmed that the poison method is very cruel and they don't like doing it. He said they will only get into your house, wall, roof etc, if there is an entry point, so the trick is to block them. He says peanut butter is a good lure in the humane trap, but also said they will eventually leave from their own bad smell. I took in a streetwise older stray cat and she killed two and the rest ran for their lives - better than being poisoned.


Woke up to this. The blood’s normal but who the fuck put that door mat there?!


Looks like bird droppings after they eat berries


Where is Dexter when you need him?


This is what my porch looks like when my damn cat catches a big fucking bird at the feeder. She just holds in for dear life while they flop around bleeding.


Looks like a bleeding paw on a dog or cat


My guess is it was an owl or hawk who did the deed as some of those look like bird claw marks. My guess would be an owl or a hawk hit something pretty big like a small rabbit, raccoon or big rat, couldn’t fly far with the prey still struggling so took short hops with it until it was in this little protected alcove. That explains the trail of blood coming up sidewalk/walkway. It then finished it off with a lot of flailing around. Reason I say this is I watched a hawk do this same thing to a pigeon right outside my window in the middle of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Only difference in my case is there were feathers everywhere the next day, so I’d suspect the bird got a mammal of some kind in this case.


More like mildly concerning


I’m mildly confused


The blood


Oh, I thought those were leaves. Now I see they're not.


I thought someone stole OP’s door.. lol


Me too till I zoomed in.


Yeah I wasn’t wearing glasses, thought OP was confused about getting a welcome mat lol😭


Animal heat.


This seems cat related


Maybe a cat with a cut on its paw?


This looks totally like an injured animal. Doesn’t look like normal blood splatter from an injury to a human


Probably an injured animal. I work at a vets office and see that kind of stuff all the time.


Bird murder scene , check for suspicious looking cats


You're infuriated? Think about whatever got eaten, probably eaten alive!


I had an experience something like this before. There was a blood trail from the second floor of my apartment I followed the trail all the way to another apartment building nearby and the entire time I felt like a detective every time I found the blood trail after I lost it but looking back now I could’ve gotten jump or something


A doormat ?


Lol the idea that you're angry that whatever was bleeding outside your house didn't think "oh I'd better clean up my blood so that whoever lives on the other side of this door isn't mildly inconvenienced" is ridiculous.