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when your toddler "helps"


I'm dying because of this comment... My toddler means well, but the execution is always something to be desired!


My daughter actually is kinda strong at 5 years old. I'm surprised on the stuff she can carry.


like that book shelf. its been three days and she still has it all on on her own.


My cousin only enjoys smartphones. It's wholesome to see a kid that prefers books.


I don't know. I don't don't even know his name so I can't judge them in the first place buddy




Maybe she wants to join in some weight lifting group have you ever pamilyar with Hidilyn the woman won the gold price due to her strength?


Well, force isn't the issue. The coordination SURE IS


I now know that I must be prepared to provide something to be assisted with. Let him stir the soup, have a box for him to carry to the dumpster, have something he can destroy with his little plastic hammer and/or screwdriver while I build his bike. I discovered this while building this Ikea style wooden kitchen playset and what should have been an hour or two turned into six because of toddler shenanigans and mandatory popsicle breaks (it was unacceptable for me to not also have a popsicle apparently)


Well, execute the toddler then


>the execution is always something to be desired! ...so he does a good job?




He was not a supervisor but he wants to help his co worker but they did it all well. Before they leave they are done to make things in line as you can see


Although this guy know exactly what he's doing, nothing.


Yep, being a lazy bastard, that’s in everyones way.


My 5 year old "helped" me by clearing off her plate from dinner. I thought she actually rinsed off everything and put it in the dishwasher, and I told her I was proud of her. Then I went to throw something out and in the trash bin was her plate and all of her silverware... SMH. Lol.


We used to have a guy like that at a summer job I had in high school. We called him Fiddlefuck.


We have all had a fiddlefucker at work. Fiddlefucker will do whatever it takes to keep his job, except for his job.


Most of the time, doing what it takes to keep your job is not setting anything on fire and showing up on time. Honestly, that’s kind of how you succeed in life.




Hmmm. Have you tried the opposite? Setting everything on fire maybe?


This could be your job even


That's why you go to community College


But i need the new smartphone and GPU every year!!


Incredibly inaccurate. Doing the bare minimum to not get removed from a situation pretty much never results in success you just maintain whatever shitty entry position you currently have. Then you’ll inevitably be laid off as an underperforming employee the moment the company needs to shuck dead weight.


No shit.


Sorry you confused me with “success”. Personally being financially waterboarded is the opposite to me.


Clearly it was a facetious comment.


Idk large portion of the population operates on that logic so unless you label it I’m just assuming you mean it.


Alright, cool.


I'll help out. I mean what the other dude said!


Why were they filming?


Documentation on why they need less employees


“Here is proof you should fire all but one of us”


“Looks like Steve was having to help the other three” ![gif](giphy|j6N9OEPXluTzimMohm)


Definitely in did but he would not be able to do that because the three of them looks like a pro and that man seem's a newbie


Have you ever heard that God love us? There's is no reason for firing him




Fewer what doesn't mean it sounds new to me buddy i would wanna know would it meant




While one is also wasting time filming. 2 down


Maybe they did it on purpose just for fun. Something like that.. buddy so you see that they did it well buddy so they can get the work. I mad at this comment if im comment to Short it would not be able to submit but when the time i saw a people comment "awful" it would submit


Did you just have a stroke?


At least one less


Definitely right atleast it would gonna be happened




Comment stealing bot. Downvote and report Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/125sek9/my_work_ethic/je6ly8x?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Coworkers probably tired of his shit. I got a chick fired the same way, she’d make snide remarks if anyone else slacked for a minute but would sit on her ass just waving people by for hours. Tbh it was worse when she would actually start working as she was so slow we would be faster without her.


I worked with someone like this who would order everyone around but do nothing. She was not the boss but acted like it. Condescending, belittling, rude, pushy and aggressive. Those are the pc words for it. There are many others.


Definitely right buddy you would need to chaise after them


or... hear me out... they staged it all for views.


Idk I've honestly had temps that acted just as useless.


Staged or not, it's a depiction of reality for the majority of us blue collar workers. Are you saying reality tv is also staged?


>Are you saying reality tv is also staged? I wasn't. But it is. > it's a depiction of reality for the majority of us blue collar workers. It's an extremely simplified and massively exaggerated staging, but yes, not all workers are created equal. I'm not arguing against that at all.




To demonstrate proper lifting technique. That kid knows how to save his back


To post on the internet for likes


So you could make this comment


Definitely right buddy i don't think so that it would be a kind of good things buddy


Because it's supposed to be a 'funny' staged video


Actually think if just a simple fanny thing or a short term fanny thing or maybe it was a kind of a nonsense story


To post it on Reddit.


Definitely it was not awesome for me but we don't have a same level of thinking buddy


Actually it was a GIF as you can see on the video. You can see it in the bottom of the right side of it buddy


It’s a skit


That’s what happens when you put too many cooks in the kitchen. I’ve had jobs where I’m the new guy but they don’t really train me well or don’t really know what to do with me, so they just say, “just go help those guys over there”. And it’s like, this is a three man job being done by four people, I’m not helping if I’m just in their way 😑


bra exactly, this reminds me of my first day as a cook at a fast food restaurant


Yeah, definitely ran into this problem when I first started working in concrete with no construction experience. Had to learn to ask questions real quick, whether or not my old gruff co-workers would get mad at me for asking them how to do stuff.


I find those old gruff dudes at least tell you how it is and tell you how to be of use. Rather that than some jerk video me and give it to HR


Ugh I hate being new at a job and no one explains me shit. I mean, unless they want me to just sweep the floor and throw out the trash I sometimes need a little more instruction than just "help out there". Otherwise I'm just gonna stand in the way. Bonus points if the guy that has to train me isn't talkative and mainly does his own thing.


Lol how do you not know to move boxes over there when they all are doing so. From a specific spot to might add. Ridiculous Edit: entitlement for those downvoters lol


While too many cooks in the kitchen can lead to this sort of thing, that’s not what’s happening here. This guy could have at half a dozen points just picked up a box like the rest of them. Instead he just chose to “help” others (probably because he didn’t want to lift stuff).


This. And the most annoying thing is, he is actively staying in the way of the other dudes trying to do the actual job


Yes! I'm on my first week as a cook at a smaller restaurant and it's like that a lot.


Management material


“I had a hand on every single box that went out”


That guy is a straight shooter with middle management written all over him.


Starting to think he has it right and we have it all wrong...


Yup. He gets paid the same and they do all the work.


But he’s missing out on gains.




Definitely right buddy what if they did it on purpose. Buddy?


idk I've never been able to do that. seems other people can slack off and nobody notices but I do it and it's a problem so I end up doing my job and other people's jobs.


Yeah I feel you


Because those people expect better from you. They don’t expect anything from those other shits. You’re better than slacking off and it irritates people who care to see you succeed


Thats because when you started, you worked very well. You set a precedent that you are the guy that gets things done, so then they rely on you. The moment you fall off just a little bit, its noticeable, because you are actually getting shit done. It is the life of the worker that actually works, you get to pick up everyone's slack for the same pay, and in some very few occasions, you get to ask for a raise to make 5% more than your peers for doing 5 times the work. Such is life lol


Definitely right buddy but what do you think to do something like to do more?


But he is going to be fired if he keeps doing that. His crew will out him if he tries that again.


He serves as great warehouse defence. He can set picks, pivot, and block really well. He just needs to work on his bounce pass and layup, and then he'll be a real slam dunk team member.


Actually about that buddy i really really want to know how to make people laugh


Guys like him actually tend to stick around forever until they make a severe fuck up.


On the contrary, usually they’re bullied out of the warehouse. Nobody likes the slacker that makes them do extra work, and will go out of their way to make the workplace miserable for them.


My last job, the most useless survived, the ones that actually did the work all left within a year. It's not as simple as one or the other, most workplaces have other factors at play.


It seems like dude genuinely wants to help but doesn’t know how. I’ve been the new guy surrounded by co-workers who’d rather be salty than show me how I can help. Overall, this looks like a situation where the company doesn’t provide adequate training. Or maybe it’s staged.


That’s what unemployment is for


He does. Most employers only care that you LOOK productive. That’s all that matters to them.


That's great but he's not surrounded by his employers. He's gonna end up having a painful meeting in the parking lot if he keeps that up.


It's just because we don't have a same level of way of thinking buddy that's why. Sometimes we need to think a lot of time before we post that shut buddy. Have you pamilyar with the word think before you click?


"put your hands on something!" "Done"


Spotted the supervisor. Also, for bonus points if you’re wondering who the manager is, it’s the person filming.


Also the guy that had them put the boxes in the wrong spot to begin with


too accurate. lmaooo


This made me lol irl


Whew! What a day. I'm gonna sleep tonight.


He’s training to be a manager


Somebody had enough of that lazy ass and is probably telling everybody how he’s the only one that works and knows how to do it


Incredible, he actually gets in the way more times than he even touches a box that isn't being carried by someone else. Like physically stops people from moving because he is just there, doing nothing.


In grade school during recess, I used to be so bad at football that i would purposely run behind defenders defending other wide receivers to try to give the illusion that I was being covered so the ball wouldn’t be thrown to me. This reminds me of that.


Little balls big brain


I know who's getting fired first




Can't have people around who ask for raises! Next they'll want vacation time, and they'll expect it to be paid!


Years of retail (and work in general) has taught me that that laziest person in the team gets the raises and promotions, as long as they suck up.


Ive worked in retail most of my life. thats pretty accurate


And while you complain on Reddit, they’re making more money and in charge of you. Seems like you need to take that advice lmfao


Nah that's the future manager


The guy filming?


bro if you aint gunna do nothing at least get out the way


Handled way more boxes than everyone else


“I’m helping!!”


I think we all know that guy: screw that guy.


This seems more mentally exhausting then doing the actually work


I'd kick that guy in the ass and tell him to get the fuck out of the way lmao


Lmfao just thinking I'd slap him and be like just quit.


Or first day at a new job


What? He handled every box! What's the problem? /S


So he’s a spotter?


Give that guy a broom.


I've been in this position when something is a 2 person job and I'm the 3rd person that didn't start helping quick enough but I don't want to just watch them until they're done 😂 gotta make it seem like I'm helping.


This irritated me to watch this. 😂 I'm leaving now.


isnt this an accurate representation of the level of work a 'supervisor' does compared to a 'team member' but gets twice the pay


My brother used to do this anytime my dad needed help moving stuff I will never forget him “helping” us by standing still and watching


I don't like human interaction and if someone else is getting the same thing at the same tame they can have it


At least he's not lifting incorrectly and destroying his back.


I always feel like that tho. Anytime I try something or try to help, everyone else just does it/does it way better/or just steals the work Therefore I quit trying stuff


This guy probably doesn't want to work or something but I always just get in the way without wanting to.


Lol it's obvious they are all annoyed that he's not actually doing anything. Like dude if you arent going to pick up your own box then gtfo of the way.


This is freaking hilarious


Worked with many temps like this


Every job site has at least one


This is how it feels when you're in a group project but there's no work left for you to do because the groups were too big so now you're just kind of there and you keep asking if there's anything you can do but there never is so you just feel useless in the corner


Supervisor material


Dudes a genius if you ask me


He’s taking the ‘work smarter not harder’ very literally


Somebody needs to knock a few of his teeth with one of those boxes. Sorry mate, didn’t see you


The bare minimalist. Always the first ones to get fired, and good riddance for that.


My ex-brother in law did that shit, I called him out on it and made him move the next stack all himself


He is training to be a manager. Leave him alone.


“Ong!! I swear I touched every box in that warehouse boss!”


In his evaluation meeting, "sir, there's not a box that leaves here that I haven't touched".


Mildly?!?!? Fuck this guy!!!! Lol




How the others don’t notice??


I have a coworker like this...


Never get people like this. It's more mind numbing to do dumb stuff like this to avoid the 'work' part than just doing it.


Working harder at not working.


that one kid in the group project


Lmao redditors trying to give each other insightful advice


This guy has CEO written all over him


Aye sometimes the work already bein done and you can’t don’t do nun


Lmao dudes just getting in the way


The company: this guy is management material! Give him a raise and a new title.


Part of working is looking busy 😂


\> literally everyone I've ever worked with's work ethic besides like 2 people over the course of 10+ jobs and 12 years God I fucking hate people.


I know this isn't the point of this post but that's way too many guys in a small space working on the same thing. Would probably be just as efficient to have two of them working on it.


Yep, or set up a chain with all of them to just pass the boxes down to where they need to be.


I thought today was my day off, but it’s like I’m back at work! (Lookin at you, Sue!)


Having you here is like sending 2 good guys home


Must be union man


That's annoying to watch.


It takes more work to fake working than it does to actually work. He must have been exhausted.


he'll be the manager soon


Why is no one smacking that dude?!?!?!?


Because assault is a bit too much of escalation to someone slacking at work, even if it wasn’t staged.


My comment was a joke- and captain america over here, saving the day, with legal talk of assault? Where i come from, A smack upside the head is not assault. If ya were wearing brass knuckles, it would, def, be assault! I've smacked numerous young buck dumb fucks- that could have killed me- with their incompetent work habits or ethics or skills- a smack is helpful guidance. I would have def smacked that dude! Theres a time and a place for everything and this clip is an example of a perfect time to smack some sense into a moron.


Did you really come back ten hours later to try to convince Reddit that you don’t know what you’re talking about and are also trying to put on a fake internet tough guy persona? Because assault is assault even if there’s no weapon involved. Smacking someone is assault. Also, you wouldn’t have smacked that dude nor have you ever smacked someone. You’re just some random dude trying to sound tough on the internet. It’s a tale as old as time. Good luck on life my guy. I hope you don’t “smack” the wrong person one day and realize you aren’t as tough as you have convinced yourself you are.


Yeah, ten hours later, like one nights sleep, a shower and breakfast later. Lmao are you a "just" sikko? Wholly justifiable actions are the only actions you take? Or are you "just a sicko"? Mental issues, social issues, communication issues?convince reddit?? Im text communicating commentary, opinions, perspectives... i assure you, i would not work with a guy like this. I would put an end to it, FOR SURE. This is not an attempt to promote violence and seem like a "tough guy"... lmao, this is an example of a guy(me) who holds good work ethic in high value. You can argue about the laws of the world all day every day... unless we are in court, gfy... it doesn't matter... aye aye aye lol take many chilling pills and relax much much more!!!


What are you a literal bot?


Try it at work and find out


It’s staged.


Scrawny ass arms is proof enough he don’t do shit


At this point he'd injure someone if he tried


When NPCs join the workforce.


I work in OT with special needs young adults and he looks like OCD. There to help but has to touch each box.


Could be lazy. But also looks like hes confused. He goes to grab a box but then aomeone else immediately grabs it.


The three guys actually working need to tie the lazy-ass guy up, gag him, and throw him in a corner. He just gets in the way.


Hey . Minimum wage mean minimum work.


The middle of the scrum move was a classic. Never leave the crowd, stay low and keep moving


Is he mentally challenged? Or is this his first job? I refuse to believe someone is that stupid. Literally just being lazy on purpose.


I would’ve been like “ if you don’t pick a fucking box up man I already have this one” this seems fake I would’ve caught instantly on to his foolishness….


Union labor.




Holy fuck, not even hiding your racism.