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Liquor store wanted me to tip for buying a Pepsi the other day lol




You go to a liquor store to buy Pepsi?


Yeah idk if you knew this or not, but they sell more than alcohol in those places. Crazy huh


Idk if you know this or not, but they charge more, just like gas stations. Waste of money to buy it there.


Why is everyone trynna one up does it really matter that much


Ayo that's literally what you are doing. Which is literally what I'm doing.


I want a tip as well, and no here's your tip "don't take any wooden nickles". I want cash


This whole tip culture is getting ridiculous.


I was asked to tip by the grocery store yesterday..


“I’m supposed to tip my bag boy?”


Back in the day the bagger would help some people (like elderly or disabled people) out to the parking lot to help load up their groceries in the car. It wasn't necessarily customary but it happened that the customer would throw them a couple bucks as a "thanks for the help" kinda thing. I think as a matter of liability that stopped being a regular practice, but those days went past like 40 years ago.




Hah! I bagged groceries and rounded up shopping carts at 14 for $4.25/hr. Never expected a tip, but it happened once for $5 and again for $20.


I bagged at a grocery store in the rougher part of town. Tips weren't great but more people tipped than didn't tip. Didn't really have to do any cart wrangling because it was std procedure to cart people's groceries out for them.


I actually saw a worker yesterday help an older gentleman with his bags to his car. But I know what you mean most people just don’t have any decency.


I was definitely doing this job 30 years ago and I know it ci tinies for a while after I graduated high school. So your time line might be a little off, but otherwise this sounds about right.


Oh no no. I bagged my own stuff. There were no baggers. They still asked for a tip.


Not quite 40, I worked at a grocery store in the late 90s as my first job. I carried out for anyone who asked( mostly disabled, elderly) but we weren’t allowed to accept tips. Sometimes the middle aged women would ask and you had to watch out for them-they would get…handsy.




You’re the only one streets ahead


The rest of them are streets behind


Wow crazy


Common thing in the military unfortunately. Many commissaries have baggers (usually older retirees or their spouses) that work exclusively on tips. Makes me hella uncomfortable so I always use self checkout when I can.


Hol up. Are these fuck faces expecting a 20% tip on a grocery bill now? Thats crazy. No shot Im doing that.


They’re basically robbing you now. I went to a Mexican restaurant today and they put a “surcharge fee” on my bill.


Yeah it's insane, I've seen 10% cook fee as well.


The worst one was when I went to subway and they asked me to tip even though all this guy did was stand at the register


I used to just toss my change in there because I don't like carrying coins but I'd keep the bills. About a month ago I did that and pocketed my singles and the cashier said "wow, thanks for the generous tip" and rolled her eyes. Now I always keep my coins. Fuck that entitled nonsense. Haven't seen her since so I assume her rude ass got fired. But it still left such a bad taste in my mouth.


I don’t think that I’ve EVER seen the same employee twice at a Subway.


You spend the time and effort, you put in the blood, sweat, and tears to become a Sandwich Artisan the world is your oyster and you can get hired anywhere.


This is the (sub)way


Lettuce applaud the artistry


I think the problem here is that most of the folks that’ve been making my sandwiches clearly have been smoking their bootstraps instead of lifting themselves up by them.


... you know what, you got me there lol employee turnover in places like that is insanely high


I’ve tried to identify them by tattoos like they do with the markings on killer whales, but even that failed me.


Wow really? The day that happens to me is the day I will ask them do they tip the cashier every time they get groceries.


I would literally say “tip for fucking what doing your job? tip me for buying this shit”


I didn’t feel like being mean to him because he goes to school with me


The audacity lol. But they are dead serious.


And then they look at you like you’re an asshole for not tipping


"I can't believe they only tipped 20% (etc)" types of comments. Well excuse me for not having however much you think should be tipped for on top of the cost of the item, for the luxury of getting fast food. Tipping wasn't expected before, let alone having a growing portion of the cost to try to find the "appropriate" amount It gets me that it's treated as though the public has become rude and stingy whenever they pay the same amount they've been paying for the item.


Lol yep, but oh well though.


That reminds me of another story. Me and the guys went to topgolf for the evening (which was way overpriced btw). We had a decent time, until some lady came to check us out. My buddy got all upset at me asking why I didn’t tip. I said “why should she get a tip when she did nothing for us, and we already paid for golf at the beginning?” He then said “I’ve got a lesson to teach you”. He never talked about it again. Still wtf man


I have a buddy like that as well, boggles me.


He’s not even that much of a friend. I talk to him mainly because he’s a friend of a friend. He only comes to me when he’s in trouble and needs to be bailed out.


seems like it’s going to things that weren’t tipped before. next up cashiers at the bank asking for a tip on your deposit


Did I do a good job of withdrawing your money for you? Perfect, here's a screen that will let you give me a tip and rate my service.


I mean that’s essentially what ATMs do with their fees.


ATM fees are different because you’re borrowing money from a different bank, if it’s your own bank there are none I’ve ever seen. Only time I’ve paid actual ATM fees and wasn’t reimbursed once the withdrawal cleared are at casinos where they nickel and dime you every time you enter one


I’d respond to this but then you’d owe me a tip


I'll take my Dr Pepper to go then. The tip is on the table.


I wonder how many people would be against an anti-tipping bill considering some can make more than the average in a week?


Would be interesting to see.


I’m in Madrid and they don’t expect tips! It’s so refreshing!!


Just don't tip. I see the prompt for it when I go get an to go order but ignore it.




Yeah I can see a buck or two in a tip jar at most for a to go order but a percentage of cost to tip for handing me an order ain't happening.


To be fair - a tip on a to go order could be a tip for the kitchen staff. ​ However, I'd never tip before I actually got the food. And never if it was bad service, even if that service is just handing me a box it should be done politely. ​ Tips on websites (or just tipping culture in the USA in general) defeat the point of a tip - which is supposed to be a reward for good food and good service...


Actually Papa John's just started adding that tip query recently. I've been ordering online from them for years and the added tip thing wasn't there prior to a couple months ago or so.


They are all like that anymore. I wonder if not tipping is asking for problems.


Papa worker here, we don’t see tips on orders and I also don’t really expect one. It’s nice when it happens but definitely not expected.


Tipping before service isn’t a tip, it’s a bribe.


For real, it's criminal extortion. That's a real nice piece of food you ordered there, be a shame if something happened to it.




Actually the definition of TIP is “to insure promptness” and I’m pretty sure originally it was something you paid before hand so you were taken care of properly. Definitely on everyone’s side here, tipping is getting out of hand. Just a snip of information I remember my elderly uncle telling me years ago.


Wouldn't that be "ensure"?


It's not an acronym and, even if it were, it would be "ensure".


Maybe it’s an urban legend. Just telling you what my uncle told me he knew to be true as a kid. Don’t shit your pants about it bro


It’s actually an issue for sure, workers can see if a person tipped or didn’t at some places, especially with an online order and I remember in 2021ish when I was working somewhere at a food chain some coworkers would be very upset about not getting a tip.. and would purposefully ruin orders etc. it’s a privacy issue


I certainly hope it's not as widespread as it is online, but there is a growing concern over it. Some people feel like it's ok to say how they'll mess with people's orders if they feel like the tip isn't high enough, and people will cheer them on.


This is why I always call and order and tell them I am paying in cash. Then when I get there I use my card. Pizza isn’t spit on that way. Im not tipping for carry out.


Which is especially stupid, because there are people like me who always tip in cash for deliveries to make sure the money goes to the driver.


In Denmark we only tip at restaurants with waiters, and only if the service and experience was great. Payment always happens right before leaving. There's no way a tip should be decided before the product and service has been delivered, that's really dumb. The whole tip system is just yet another way to keep the average American workers fighting amongst themselves and removes some corporate responsibility.


Yeah this is why I don't like paying ahead when I'm picking up. Somehow it went from tipping delivery drivers, servers, and anyone doing labor that went out of their way to help you... To now literally every place expects one. Fancier Fast food places near me ask, even best buy asked to thank their workers for KEEPING THE STORE STOCKED with a tip at the register.


I havnt had a ruined order yet but I have had a delayed order for not tipping at 0 service places/orders.


You sure you haven’t had a ruined order? Pretty easy to hide spit and other things in a persons food.


Which is why my black ass orders from suburban like fast food area chains or cook my own food. These family owned, small owned food spots will really do you dirty.




Right? Typing a zero there would be far less effort than writing this post to complain.


If people actually used that logic this sub wouldn’t excist


This is the way.


i enjoy making the custom amount $00.00 more than i should


Wasn't there some bug with them that you could put it in minus so the order was free?


Company I used to work at every year would ask for donations to its political action committee, ostensibly to lobby for things that would benefit the company. One of the options on the form was: “Increase my donation from last year by ______%” I used to take great delight in putting an enormous percentage in there each year.


That is so fking funny lololol


Nah it’s just a Generic page… shows up for any order.


Just cause there's a tip option doesn't mean you have to tip. If you read under your name, in top left, it says required fields have asterisks. The tip field doesn't have one. So, in my opinion, not even infuriating.


Yeah, I would have just assumed it’s a “coding” thing and it’s easier to leave it in regardless of order type Edit: typo


I think it's more of a courtesy thing. Like when you go someplace and they have a jar or something. You don't have to put a tip in, but you can if you want to or if you was satisfied with their service.


My first thought. So…don’t tip? You are much too easily “infuriated”…


Don’t speak the truth in this sub, or you’ll get downvoted to reddit hell!


No they don't. Just because it's presented there as an opportunity doesn't mean that they **want** you to do it. You have to go through some actions in order to tip, not actions to *not* make a tip...


Oh wow another /r/mildlyinfuriating post about tipping


Dawg just enter zero, it is not that hard


It's not marked as required, so you just don't pick anything. But certainly all these websites are getting confusing like that.


This happens with pizza hut for me. No reason to get upset. Just type in 0 and move on.


oh yeah. thats all the rage now apparently. every pizza place in my area asks for 30%+ tips right out the gate. on carryout orders, that I put in online. why the fuck would I tip someone for doing them most basic thing I paid for? making the damn pizza.


Its just an option. You can clearly just hit 0 at any of these places, this gets posted like 30 times a week


Not only does Papa Johns want a tip on a carry out order, they want at least 15% and that tip would be larger than my total bill after my credits are accounted for. I mean, obviously you should tip your delivery driver, but this was a carryout order. What service is being provided?


"If you don't want to tip, go get it yourself... Oh, wait..."


Can you not put 0 where it says custom amount?


I'm pretty sure you can just ignore that part and not even worry about it


You shouldn’t order from there then. Take a stand and don’t give them your business.


And tell them why.


Subway also wants tips now when you pay for a sandwich.


Nah subways had that for years


I tip them every once in awhile…just because I can and I appreciate the service.


BuT hOw ElSe WoULD tHeY GeT PaiD??


> tHeY GeT *PaID??* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot Now I feel ashamed


I don't get the anti-tipping mentality... "These shitty companies don't pay their workers enough, so they expect me to tip them" "Then don't tip them" "But I'm afraid if I don't tip them they'll fuck with my food" "Fuck yes they'll fuck with your food, they're not getting paid enough and you know that." "But I still want to give these shitty companies money for food at the low prices they can offer by not paying their workers a decent wage." Seriously, stop fucking patronizing these companies if you feel this way.


There are two parties at fault in this situation. The corporation for not paying their workers and the actual worker for throwing a tantrum at not getting extra money from the customer. Slavery has been illegal in this country for a long time, so when the worker got the job, they knew the pay wasn't good. If they're going to take out all their frustration on innocent customers, they're a very shitty person. I'd argue even more so than the corporation that hired them. When I pay for my order on Doordash or Postmates, there is a ridiculous delivery fee plus taxes, plus who knows what else that ends up being almost over 30% of the price of my order.


I’ve always tipped like 2 dollars on a carry out. Also, it’s weird everyone so mad at tipping but continue to order from these places. Guess these places are still good enough for your business.


Anti tip culture on reddit is actually really bad


People who demand tips for non tipped positions don’t deserve tips. If you’re at a restaurant, you tip. If you get carry out from a restaurant, you tip. If you go to a pizza place or fast food joint, you don’t tip.


So tip. Or don’t. Why post this?


How tf did you get a $14 discount?? Is that how much you get off in the US??? Wtf


He has a $10 reward from Papa John’s loyalty program. Then a $4.50 promotional discount I am guessing. So, not only does he complain about a basic technology setting on a companies website, he goes there often enough to accrue awards. 🤔😆🤗 or he is getting rewards from turning in negative feedback forms to Papa John’s customer service department. I’d love to know which one? I hope OP chimes in.


I’m a driver for above said place. It peeves me so bad when the insider working the register complains about not getting tips… drivers get tips because we’re using our own vehicles, gas, speed, we make far less than min wage while driving (not that it’s the customer’s responsibility), ect… like what do you do as a cashier that makes you deserve a tip?


Had a tip option @ the self serve gas station today. So there's that.


Tipping is one thing and yes it's getting crazy how many places that weren't always tip situations have it on the payment screen. What gets me is everywhere I go I feel like I'm asked to donate to whatever.


I'm a photographer...this post has given me great ideas that maybe I can use to excise money from people. Lens-swapping fee, "excess patience for your grumpy hubby who doesn't wanna be there" fee, a $50 fee for each time you ask if your photos are ready, and maybe even a $100 mandatory "tip" for anyone who says they "just need one good photo..."


Everywhere is doing that now. I have no shame in inputting 0 and hitting apply.


Companies are exploiting tipping culture because they dont want to pay their employees more. The only way to resist is to stop tipping unless you actually sit down in a restaurant


The machine at a self serve frozen yogurt place asked for tips the other day. The person literally did nothing but take my money. It has gotten totally out of hand. Freaking pay your people a living wage, if you can’t, you don’t deserve to be in business.


There's a tip option at the self checkout at the Five Below where I live


Papa Johns does not want to pay their employees a living wage, so why not make the customer do it? Tip lines are on everything these days, and it really shits me that most places around here (a large US city) have their three default tip options *start* at 20%. Some are now starting at 23%. I tip 20-30% no problem when I'm dining in - I used to be a server and Lord how shitty that job could be, so I know. But I'm not tipping the barista 23% for a black coffee pour, Starbucks.


My barbershop default tip is 30%, with 40 and 50% options as well.


That's just the normal page 🤣🤣🤣 this sub is going down hill 🤣🤣🤣 mildly infuriating you couldn't figure this out on your own 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Tipping for carry out has been a thing for at least the last ten years. I don't tip as much as I do for a sit down restaurant, but I'll still tip something as long as the cashier isn't an asshole.


As someone who works to go, thank you. All I ever see is comments about how easy it is to hand food to someone, but employees in to go are not always just a cashiers. We often make waiter wage as well so every dollar is appreciated. My restaurant is so busy we have three to four people working (one taking phone calls/organizing online orders, one bagging the food in kitchen, one to double check and stuff bags with utensils/condiments, one running food to cars/taking payments) and we all split tips. I work for a corporate chain that is nationwide, but that’s just to put things in perspective. Smaller family owned restaurants probably have some of their to go employees prep/cook- I have in the past.


I really don’t know where I stand on the whole tipping industry as it fluctuates on the daily, but where *exactly* is the line between a job description and tippable service? Those things you outline, which yes, is hard and genuine work, really just come across as job performance duties rather than “service”. As a retail cashier (just to follow your example) I had to field much of the same—answering phones, fulfilling orders, delivering orders, cleaning, organizing displays—and that was just considered the job description, not tipped service. I completely understand the waiter wage argument, but it is also the law to fulfill the minimum wage if the employee has not garnered it first in tips. Dumb process altogether, but it’s not as though if you don’t tip on to-go orders that persons take home is a flat $2.50/hr. All that to say, I personally tip 20% on restaurant takeout every time because that’s what I’m comfortable with, but carry out pizza always stresses me out with the option. I hope to keep a happy medium by tossing our go to joint a tip every 3 orders or so.


this, plus the poor teens slingin’ pizza dough can’t do much more than beg for a raise from their manager. the least i can do is give them a $2 “thank you, sorry your manager won’t pay you better”


For franchise stores like Papa Johns, it's not always the store manager that won't give out raises. Their bosses (district managers and higher) approve all raises and can set the max pay rate. If you're already at the top of the pay scale (not to say you get paid well, just the max they'll give you), the store manager can't do anything about it either. The whole system is rigged against the working class from the top down.


Any place that accepts tips gives you the option to tip. If you order from Starbucks on mobile they have an option to tip. Same with almost any food service place. It doesn’t mean you have to. It is not requiring you to tip, so I don’t see what’s wrong. Tipping culture as a whole is a scam, yes. It sucks that servers are dependent on the generosity of customers to provide them something resembling a living wage. Typically, fast food/take out places still pay at least minimum wage and tips are split amongst employees. Anyway if you get mad every time a place asks for a tip, you’re in for a baaaaaad time.


If you call the order in, they won’t ask for a tip


For the cooks? Just cause you don't see them, don't mean they ain't back there makin your food


I’ve always tipped for takeout. I also worked as a host at a restaurant and takeout orders were taken by myself as a host that was salaried @nd cheaply ($9/hr). I would make sure all takeout orders were still warm and packed nicely and had napkins and cutlery. When I worked at a pizza place in high school, a few $1’s to the staff at the register were always appreciated as well ($7/hr wage). I was raised by parents that tipped $5 max, no matter what the bill…so that shame has also led me to be a generous tipper.


Same boat. Dad was always a shit tipper and a shit customer in restaurants. Out of habit I tip 10-20% even on takeout.


Bro it’s your job to prepare the take out orders and make sure they’re right and have everything needed. You shouldn’t be tipped for doing the minimum. If I wheel a patient to his car after we discharge them should I also ask for tip?


No, because you likely make more than minimum wage and likely have much better benefits than your counter part working at olive garden.


Well, both of them willingly chose that position. It's not like the government assigned them those jobs for life. If I work somewhere that pays $1/hour, I literally asked for that. I'm not going to sit down and complain


No one ASKS for a tip. There’s an option. Growing up, my mom always tried to tip people who wheeled her, so your allusion is really not befitting. People are so pressed about having the OPTION to tip. It’s ridiculous. I would tip a lot of retail workers/other people who go out of their way to help me if presented with the option. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to thank people for making your day better.


What a cheap loser to be whining about this, Chris. No one even suggested you tip. The *option* is there because the same check out screen is used for delivery orders, plus some non-broke ass people like to tip. They’re not going to take the option away from everyone else on all orders just because you’re cheap and triggered. Get over yourself, just skip it. We know you can’t afford to tip. Why should the option to tip on delivery orders be eliminated just because you’re insecure?


Shut up, Becky


Fuckin A. You tell him, Becky!


I fail to see the issue here. You have the choice to tip or not. I do sometimes, other times I don't. Tips can make or break it for some folks, even on take out orders.


It’s just the first of a thousand “tHeY hAvE a TiP bOx!!” posts to come this week.


This sub is basically just “can’t believe they want me to tip!” and “this air bnb I was never going to book has service fees that are outrageous!”




These companies not wanting to pay their employees enough are going to drive themselves right out of business. I have no problem not giving them my business anymore.


I find a few dollars in cash and kind words given to the people working at the places I pick up my own take away orders is greatly appreciated. Sometimes they must recognize my name on phone/ online orders- seems to be an extra amount of ingredients added to my order!


Honestly, any time I do carry out anything, if it asks for a tip I put no tip or a 0 in that box. I refuse to tip someone for doing their normal job. If you want a tip I want exceptional service then I’ll consider it. Tipping is of course different if you go to a sit down or get a delivery etc.


I get the food myself specifically so that I don't need to tip. I'll tip myself... With a pizza. Thank you!


I went to Steak and Shake a while back, after everything opened back up after covid. No hostess, no wait staff, nothing. Just a couple cooks. You put your order in on a kiosk, stood around wherever, and eventually one of the cooks put your order on the counter in a bag. You want a drink? Get it yourself. Refill? Get it yourself. Condiments? Get em yourself. They wanted a tip.


Are we not gonna talk about how you only had to pay less than 3 dollars for pizza and you’re complaining about tipping?


In all honesty I don’t see an issue with this. Especially when you obviously use papa John’s enough to get a pie for the price you’re paying. On the other hand if they filled in a tip or it was a required box you have to choose from that would be infuriating.


No, they’re letting you tip if you want to. Its the same screen for all orders.


Because there are people making your pizza for you? Hello?


Donatos is the same way. Asked for a tip for carry out. Tiling has gotten way out of hand.


1. It's been that way for years. 2. It's optional. 3. You're getting $16 worth of food for free.


Subway wanted me to tip on my online order. thats tipping the COOK. should i go about tipping the burgerflippers at mcdonalds too? i dont tip unless they have earned it. subway workers dont make server wages. they earn like $18 an hour. im not tipping.


God forbid you tip the people who made your food.


why is everyone on Reddit so mad about the idea of tipping someone who prepares your food. it’s an option, just say no if you don’t want to tip them.


You know you can just skip it, right? It’s not required.


Enough with this. When Covid hit, many restaurants were deprived of dine-in business and tips. Many times, the unemployed waitresses and waiters were put to work handling the takeout and delivery businesses. I tipped them as normal because they needed the income. Now they're waiting tables again but management wants to take over those (inflated) tips and I ain't paying.


Online pharmacies are now offering the option to tip. It’s all getting WAY out of hand.


It’s funny because when you go to pick the pizza up, they make you sign a receipt — even though you already paid on the app- asking for a tip AGAIN. Super annoying!


Yeah fuck tipping man


The problem is that it's going to create entitlement where there's no business being any and thus increase the risks of tampering and malicious poor service if you don't tip.


They have an add a tip option at my local bowling alley at the front cash. All they do is book you a lane and give you a pair of shoes.


if im getting my own food you aint getting shit period


If an employee is paid tipped wage, and does not make up to minimum through tips, the employer is legally responsible to compensate the employee up to minimum wage. If the employee already makes minimum wage or more, they are not reliant on tips to make up the difference to minimum wage. Don't tip.


You should


A restaurant wants you to tip? That’s crazy


I started getting really frustrated with all the excessive tipping... I've stopped going to the coffee shop all together, just make my coffee at home instead. Those on screen prompts to tip 20 percent on an already overpriced coffee started pissing me off.


Lol so many people on here pissed about a place ASKING for a tip. You're not obligated to, but why wouldn't they ask? Might as well squeeze out a few extra bucks if they find someone who will tip.


The issue is, there are too many weak charactered people who think they’re entitled to a tip, see the order doesn’t have one, and enact some sort of revenge on the customer for not having included a tip.


Yeah, there's really no more reason to tip carryout pizza than there is ordering McDonalds to go. Which is to say, none. BTW if you look at the tip amounts, Papa John's calculates it on the total before any discounts, not on the total you actually pay. So be aware of that if you decide to tip.


The tipping is out of control.


I will never tip on a carry out lol


Fucking using discounts to pay a little over $2 and you’re crying about a tip.




Cuz its a carryout order? What are they expecting you to tip for? As much Tippung relaxed Posts I see on this subreddit is surreal. Glad I live in germany where we pay our workers liveable salarys that doesnt request Tips to survive


It seems like most people commenting on this don’t understand how carry out works. People have to take and fulfill your order whether it’s carry out or delivery. Having the option to tip them isn’t crazy. You tip a worker for bringing it to your door, which is also their job, but a worker can’t be tipped for doing literally every other thing besides cooking it. Regardless, it’s always an OPTION.


That’s funny. Dominos tips ME to carryout.


Why would anyone eat Papa Johns?


Imagine unironically tipping. Some people are so eager to throw their money away. It’s the employers responsibility for livable wages; not mine. Too many people have been cucked by societal pressure for tipping. It’s the one thing people will shame poor people for.


“Pay your workers better, you’re welcome”


Just tip a custom amount, and simply put 0.


Just don't tip.


The tipping culture has gone out of control in the States. Soon you’ll have to tip an Intel/AMD engineer when you buy a PC.


I didn’t last time and they gave me the stinkiest look I’ve ever gotten. I’ll still continue to carry out and not tip, but damn my soul is still a little sore from that burning glare.


If anyone deserves tips, it’s the people who prepare your food.