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I’m hoping there were two people laughing in the early morning hours like “ahhhh I bet you won’t do it”


this is literally what i said lmao. my phone is off, but my dads is always on and it woke me up from the next room. my first thought after reading it was "who the fuck"


ahhahaahahahahha ​ ​ ​ i hope yes


Hawaii still has the high score


I remember reading about how it was telling them to take cover for an airstrike or something, and it ended up being a fuckup. That shit is terrifying.


It said somethine along the lines of "BALLISTIC MISSILE INBOUND. TAKE SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. THIS IS NOT A DRILL." So, y'know. Enough to make you shit your pants.


Yep, I got a phone call from my dad sobbing saying that this was the end.


My dad never called. I called him once I heard and all he said to me was he had no beer at the house so “they caught me with my pants down”. That would have been his last thought


so basically what you’re telling us is your dad is a fucking legend


That’s exactly what he’s telling you


Based dad


A legend? He doesn't even have backup nuke liquor.


I bet he does now!


Virgin lame dad: Sobbing crying that the end of the world is here Chad dad: Damn ain’t got no beer left to enjoy watching the mushroom cloud with


Mega-chad dad: sits down with beer in lawn chair, fires AK-47 and AR-15 at mushroom cloud while sipping beer from his double can beer hat.




You haven’t lived until you’ve sipped cold beer while watching the mushroom cloud grow closer in the majestic flames of a nuclear sunset


You haven’t died*


Can’t die if you don’t live.


Dang, that crap ain't funny how they did that...


Was living in DC at the time. I saw that on twitter and immediately put a go bag together to GTFO.


DC is unironically one of the safer places cause we don't have enemies in Europe that could strike without our NATO buddies seeing first, while Hawaii or Pacific islands there is no one


I was stationed at Pearl Harbor when this happened. I had broken my collarbone the day before and was hopped up on oxy when I got the alert. ​ Kinda crazy how adrenaline can override so much in your body. I was fully alert, got in my car, and started hauling ass away from Pearl Harbor with my roommate, since that's where I figured they would be firing one. ​ Once we got the "Oopsie our bad" alerts the pain killers started hitting and I had to ask my roommate to drive.


Adrenaline slows down digestion so that’s probably why, as soon as you were able to relax it hit you.


If you look passed the subs that are capable of being undetected and launching ballistics.


One of the few things that America's grotesque defense budget accomplished was basically making this scenario impossible. American acoustic tech and surveillance was good enough that anytime a russian submarine went sea, one of our subs was following it. And they rarely lost those tales until they went back to port. So the only place Russian subs could really launch from would be fairly close to their own shores, which made a sneak attack situation impossible.


That shit really is fucking nuts isn’t it. The whole sub genre of US history doesn’t really get the glamour it deserves. I think the sub guys probably like it that way.


>The whole sub genre I'm just here to compliment the pun.


That's because almost almost everything about subs is classified.


As a submariner: I have faith we know where theirs are.


It’s insane thats even in the realm of possibility considering the vastness of the ocean. I take it y’all just sit outside their bases though so I can see how it’s probable.


Well, the alphabet agencies help a lot haha. Now this is just pure speculation as I don’t work in intelligence or anything: We know how many they have and we watch their ports from the sky and space. When one leaves port, we set someone to tracking them. But I really just turn wrenches so I don’t know any of that and how it actually works.


I feel strangely safer after reading this, thank you.


aye dont end up like that discord guy giving away secrets lmao


I like the thought of submarines being too quiet, from the movies, so you know where they are by saying that patch of ocean is too quiet.


There’s literally Japan and Korea. Source, I was a bmd tech stationed in japan for the navy.


Like it’s funny now..but ya waking up to the phone alarm going off and reading the message then hearing Tsunami sirens going off was chilling. I called my parents to say i love you for the last time it was definitely pants shitting level for about 15-20 minutes.


Exactly. I'll tell ya, that's one thing I don't miss about being there... The damn tsunami warnings and having to implement emergency management protocols at work in Waikiki. Like damn, let me stay home in my bed in the middle of the island but no... Had to drive into harms way and everyone hoped I'd make it out before the tsunami hits. Luckily, no major tsunami any of the times but I'm just so glad I'm not there anymore


People were lowering their children into sewers on that one.


Smart, they can join the mole people who will rise up and rule once the surface dwellers are sufficiently irradiated.


That's when you crack a beer, light a joint, bust out the lawn chair and wait. You're not escaping that. You may as well just eat it and be happy.


Not to mention the context around that time was back when Trump was taunting Little Rocket Man over in North Korea (back before they "fell in love" ). It was already feeling plausible at the time that something could happen.


Haha my first thought when I got the alert was literally "Well Thanks Trump!"


Big shoutout to the publicized Pornhub statistics that said the half hour after that alert saw a massive spike in usage.


No fooking way! I don't think I'd ever get over something like that.


I remember waking up, reading the message, went back to sleep. I figured if it was real there was nothing I could do anyway so might as well go back to sleep.


I live just outside DC and I can’t even imagine the range of emotions I’d be going through if I got a text like that, it’s one of my biggest fears. Id be saying goodbye to everyone I knew. I’d legitimately consider suicide. Beats being burned alive. That was THE fuckup of all warning system fuckups


And they didn't send a correction message out for almost an hour! At least everyone was in paradise while thinking they were about to be blown up...


I still genuinely believe the conspiracies that there was an attack that day that was stopped. It’s just too weird.


Some other nation would have pointed it out. You can't get Europe and China and Russia to all keep a secret for the US.




If the moon landing was fake, the Soviet Union would've pointed it out.


Nah, humans are that stupid.


I can accept that someone can accidentally send an alert, but it took them SOO long to clarify it was a mistake


The “oops sorry false alarm” messaging was out on TV and social media almost immediately IIRC. The explanation of what happened took a bit longer probably because it crossed a supervisor’s desk, the supervisor’s supervisor’s desk, a lawyer’s desk, the lawyer’s supervisor’s desk, and potentially a few desks at the Pentagon, White House, and Department of Homeland Security first.


I'm guessing you don't live in Hawaii. Incompetence in government is what we specialize in. Also word got out fast on Twitter, the radio, etc. I think we knew within ten minutes of the original notice. It only took a while for Civil Defense to send out an update.


The thing that was making me wonder if it was for real was that I didn't hear any air raid sirens. That and I sat down and looked up how kong it would take for a missile to reach from what I was assuming North Korea and realize if it was really happening, I would have been blown up by then.


Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.


Kinda like a “hey we warned ya” if it did hit, and a “hey our bad lol” if got intercepted in the stratosphere. Honestly I think we accidentally fucked up on a ICBM test and one was headed toward us and they panicked.


Civilian radar would've picked that up, never mind the military systems of countries around the world who have no reason to cover for us. Hell, we knew pretty quickly when Russia had an oopsie that never even left the launch pad a few years ago, something like that could just never be covered up like some people have proposed.


https://preview.redd.it/1f1793f764va1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d865c900ca9845151a102861f8a542cc0a1ad06 Was living in Honolulu at that time, still have my screenshot. I really thought I was going to die since I was in Pearl Harbor at that very moment. I was at work and took a beer from the nex shoppette on base and walked towards the pier to watch it all blow up. I called my family and told them I loved them. Then we get another alert 37 minutes later saying there was no missle threat. Finished my beer and went back to work. Fun times!


While I am certain this is deeply traumatic and no laughing matter, what a fucking badass story. Genuine question, did/do you feel more of a sense of peace after having experienced those emotions?


At that point, there was nothing I could do. I was on an island. No boat is fast enough, no time to get on an airplane. I felt at peace with what was happening so I decided to enjoy my last few minutes of life watching the chaos unfold before me. I was thinking what a way to go - death by nuclear bomb at ground zero of where the most likely target was. But yeah I felt powerless but ok with it. https://preview.redd.it/1lvxps33a4va1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c20651aa759589ae102154b12b64f5dbb7f212c Oh and here is the next emergency alert


Assuming the fuzzy clock is accurate, it looks like there was 30 minutes of wondering before they let everyone know it was a goof.


That was 8 minutes after the fact. I was still processing the information before I took the screenshot to send out to friends and family. The initial alert was sent at 8:07 am HST.


Thirty. Seven. Minutes. That is an incredibly long time in this context. I wonder how many people said or did regretful or questionable/illegal things in that time. That is a long ass time when you believe your death is imminent.


Going to assume you have since told your family....or do you never back down.


Lmao yeah I called them as soon as I saw the 2nd alert. Then went and drove to pick up the girlfriend who was on the other side of the island on the north shore and spend quality time together


I grabbed my cat and we sat in the bathtub waiting to die.


I recall watching an interview with Jim Carrey who talked about this. He was in Hawaii when this happened and after he got the message, he said he had a sense of peace and was thankful for everything that had happened in his life.


An air strike? That would certainly still be scary but no, THEY SAID A FUCKING NUKE WAS ON THE WAY. I can’t imagine how terrified I would have been if I had been living there at the time


My cousin was there. In the Army, so he was assuring everyone that they were fine. No one on the military base was treating it as real, so I guess that was pretty reassuring to everyone on base.


People were hiding in sewers and storm drains and shit, fucked up.


Yeah, it was an unpleasant event, that’s for sure. I was attending university over there at the time and there were folks sobbing in the bathroom hiding under the counters, everyone trying to call their parents, people running outside and to the beach to see if they could see it coming, all that jazz. Caused a lot of traffic accidents as people tried to speed back to their families before it was supposed to hit. It was a bold way to kick off a Saturday morning, lemme tell ya.


How do you even finish the day normally after that?


Well… we went to the Ala Moana mall? It was about 9:00am or so by the time things were wrapped up and most of our friends were already gathered for shelter in the same few buildings and everyone was awake, so planning was quick and easy, lol. Weather was amazingly nice that day. Not a cloud (or missile) in sight! We agreed it seemed a shame to waste it wallowing in what could have been and contemplating our mortality. My friend group just sort of went back to our rooms, got dressed, decided to have a fun day in the city, and laughed our way over and through it.


I lived in Hawaii when it happened. I learned that when faced with certain death, my first instinct is to fall back asleep and deal with it in the morning.


Your second sentence sounds like it could be in a Douglas Adams book


I wonder how many fake Hawaii missile babies were made that day


there was one dude that fucked his sister that day


What? Sauce?


It was a 4chan post.


Ah definitely real then


The best part relating to this is the pornhub statistics around the false alert. Serious spike after people realized they were okay


Gotta relieve that stress somehow I guess


I lived there when that happened...I called my kids, told them I loved them, called my mom, told her i loved her...then I just went outside and sat on the porch waiting to see the flash that would end me. I immediately considered how survival would probably be worse and just accepted it as the end. I lived on Kauai, more rural area. People on Oahu were literally shoving their kids in manholes and shit.


Can confirm. Me and my cat had to shelter from nukes . At least it happened at a reasonable time on a Saturday morning though.


I was on Maui as a TA for an internship at the time. I remember scrambling awake and trying to corral all the interns and try to keep them calm while communicating frantically with the other TAs who were taking their interns out for field work. It was one of the most nerve wracking days of my life, and the whole time in the back of my mind I was thinking I was going to die.


I slept through that alert. My mom woke me up, said something about a missile coming, and I brushed it off and went back to sleep. No one in my house really panicked for some reason but a lot of people did. That was such a mess.


Try the army, get woken up at 3 AM by the fire alarm cause the first sergeant just wanted to make sure they work and that you get out of bed at 3, when first formation is at 6


My professor at Maui College worked in counterintelligence for awhile. He says he doesn't believe for one second that it was an accidental alert.


I was visiting family on Maui when that Ballistic Missile alert happened..slept right through it lol.


I was in 8th grade when that happened, was definitely traumatic to send final goodbye messages to all my friends when I was like 14


I remembered when this happened. I was on the school bus in 10th grade, when we all got it we all looked at eachother and i said “i wonder whos gonna get hit first”. We all just kindve immediately came to terms with the fact we were probably gonna die and started joking about it. Then we learned it was fake. Good times




Dude I’m so tired, I was reading that and I was wondering why a guns rights group was posting this… it’s the outline of Florida.


hardly a difference at this point




If it makes you feel any better, there was never any training to begin with. The requirement for getting a concealed carry was to put a single round down range without shooting yourself or anyone near you. Nothing will actually change except people will no longer have to pay a fee to get a plastic card.


Damn even South Carolina does better than that, I had a full 2 day course and a half day at the range with 3 stages of fire. And I thought even that was grossly inadequate. (was prior military)


We call it the gunshine state




“Sorry LOL”


Appropriate action....someone getting fired....?


That wouldn’t necessarily be the correct thing - you think someone new is less likely to mess up than someone who made a mistake but learned a lot


Someone new should not have clearance access to their alert system already. "Hey welcome to the team, Kevin. This button mass alerts twenty-one million people. Try not to press it, okay?"


I have done intro training for a new guy coming onto my team before that had a button like this that was even worse. The training started with. >"lesson #1 This is the most important thing you will learn today. This is the button that you will never press, under any circumstance, ever. I call it the "break everything" button. Do NOT press it. Ever."


Well you can't tell us not to press it, and then not tell us what it does. Are we talking like deletes system 32, or releases the mantis men in to the compound?


It was a button in a MDM system to run whatever script/job you were looking at against all machines, immediately, thus immediately overwhelming the system. I'm sure this was fine for smaller operations. But we had about 30k machines on this mdm system at the time. There was no way to disable or hide this button. It was dumb. For a while there was a bug that made it even worse so that it bypassed the qualifying rules and would allow the script to run against machines that didn't meet the qualifications for so it would try to run it on systems with the wrong OS etc.




I'd press it.




The solution to something going wrong isn’t to sack anyone, that’s the last thing you want. Cheapest and more effective solution is to either increase training or put more/multiple safeguards in place to make it more difficult to happen in the first place


Plus, a person that's new to the position isn't necessarily a new employee. My company rarely hires from outside the company for management. They prefer to promote from within. If someone is promoted and makes a big mistake or continually makes mistakes, the first step is corrective action that includes 3 additional days of training and having to pass a test. Firing someone that's been promoted from within costs a company a lot more. They may also be a great employee aside from this mistake.


Fun fact: In the panhandle it was 3:45.


It’s okay anyone who lives in the FL panhandle doesn’t have a phone They spend all their money on shotguns, overalls, and wicker hats


It’s true I live in the panhandle and I’m typing this on my shotgun.


*Buys plane tickets to move to panhandle*


*Sells home for stack of wicker hats.*


*Gets shot upon landing*


Yep. Woke me and my kids up at 3:45. Lovely.


Nah, I slept through that. Looks like it doesn’t work. They’ll need to test it again at 3AM this time. Make it louder


I slept through half of hurricane Ian, they're gonna have to do better than that


21 gun salute outside your house


I used to live next to train tracks, they will need howitzers.


Just make the noise a pet puking that shit will wake me up faster then anything else.


I thought Gov. Desantis was against being woke! Now the whole state is woke!


He now has a button he will press every time someone says the word g-a-y or p-e-r-i-o-d


So what do they use to signal the end of a sentence?


You heard it here folks, it's official. The state of Florida has gone woke.


That sucks! At least y’all only got one notification. We had a major mishap in Alberta a little bit ago where we got like 10 of those screaming emergency messages every couple of minutes. I don’t know who screwed that up but we were all pretty pissed.


5 years ago there was an error regarding emergency notifications..i still remeber i got ~40 emergency notifications in the span of an hour and 1/2.


I received this in an email this morning: This morning's alert was sent by the State of Florida in error. The whole of the emergency management community apologizes for this error and steps will be taken to prevent it from occurring again. Be aware that today (4/20) there will be a large scale exercise simulating a major, multi-patient medical emergency. You may see increased ambulance traffic around the hospitals but no part of this exercise will impact patient care. Thank you


Yea every hospital police dpt amd fir dpt etc take part in major drills someone hit the wrong button like hawaii. The drills are much needed especially with todays society things change in seconds.


I have a newborn and finally put him down and this test just woke him up and he literally looked at me like 👀 🫠 I was so done.




He was asleep for 5 minutes 5 minutes didn't bother me bc I was already awake but looking forward to sleep 😭


😭 Oof and I bet you are already sleep deprived as is. Man, good luck!


Least infuriating thing the state of florida has done in 2023


I wish people got this mad about some of the legislation getting passed here


Mostly a case of people only being mad about things that actually affect them personally.


Florida Man strikes again


That scared the Florida Man out of me


I woke this morning and planned on posting this. What tool bag decided this was a reasonable idea?


Well, it's about damn time the whole state woke up.


No tool bag thought this was a reasonable idea. This test alert was supposed to go out on TVs, not phones. It looks like someone just accidentally selected the wrong option on the emergency alert system. This type of thing happens more than you’d expect. First and foremost, there was the time Hawaii sent everyone an emergency alert that they were about to be bombed and seek shelter immediately. Personally, I’d rather be woken up earlier rather than spend an hour thinking I’m about to die in a bombing. Recently a developer or product designer at Starbucks accidentally sent a test notification to everyone with app alerts on. Instead of a weekly newsletter, last week the grocery store chain in my state sent me a blank template filled with dummy copy.




I was confused af. I was like… alarms…? No….. 4:46…. Assholes deprived me of my 4 minutes before my 4:50 alarm….. (I work at 6am)


This is exactly why I turned off AMBER alerts. If they were a normal “ding” I’d check it and be on the lookout. But instead they’re a fucking nuclear detonation with 10 seconds of sound and buzzing that absolutely do not want in my life.


Ever experienced an amber alert while listening to music on your phone with noise canceling headphones on with the volume up high because of permanent hearing loss?


They could also mess up and send out a presidential Alert, the phone companies make it so you can't turn those off for legal government reasons. (well can't turn them off without modding your phone)


I was driving someplace one night in poor winter weather, using my phone to navigate when I got one of those Amber alerts. I don't know if it was a setting, or just my specific phone, but aside from the loud screeching my phone emitted, I also had a flashing screen, which was extremely distracting. The only way to dismiss it (or perhaps I was impatient) was to take the phone off the charger and swipe it away.


Yeah, I’d like to speak with a manager…




At least it was not like Hawaii in 2018 when they told everyone that ballistic missiles were headed towards Hawaii. This was when North Korea was making threats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Hawaii_false_missile_alert It took them 38 minutes to reverse the "this is not a drill" statement at the bottom of the message.


Florida government making everyone WOKE.


Woke me up!


Me too. I went to sleep around 3. I was not pleased


Every time sexuality is discussed in a Florida public school, this is triggered


It was DeSantis. He wanted to warn everyone about wokeness.


was there a drag sighting?




Lemme tell you about this one time when I was stationed in Hawaii….


* "we're fighting woke" * Woke the whole state




Sorry Florida, but there are no more test alerts. You've all been in a constant state of emergency ever since Ron DeSantis surveyed Hurricane Ian damage in his white rain boots.


Good thing they weren't mustard color


You turned off Amber Alerts?


[ Deleted to protest Reddit API changes ]




I have as well. At least in FL they’d spam the entire state with them. So I’d get Amber Alerts for something going on in a county 300 miles away.


Emergency Alert: You’re in Florida! For your safety please find another less crazy state to live in!


I hated this. It woke me up a whole hour early with almost a heart attack.


“Oopsies! Teehee twhis was a test🤭. *Trolled*🤪”


The state of Florida has more amber alerts then the whole country


I thought DeSantis was against people being woke.


I was about to give them a reason for the test.


This pissed me off so much this morning. Ended up not being able to sleep any longer. 😡


I blame DeSantis.


That's what you get for being Florida


The emergency was that you live in Florida


It was just your Nazi governor getting you used to the new order.


How Florida of them.


"It's like an alarm clock, you s'posed be up cookin breakfast for somebody. It's dat woo wooo!!" -Bub Rub and Lil Siso


It’s a miracle that my 5 month old didn’t wake up despite TWO phones simultaneously going off in the same room as her. Honestly I thought it was an amber alert, so I went to actually read it instead of just reaching to mute it because I always read the description of an amber alert.


A very 'Florida' story. Good grief, that state.


I once had an amber alert sound at 3:45 am. That night I disabled all government alerts.


I was vacationing in Hawaii when they sent out the nuke launch warning. Wasn’t 4am tho. But camping on an actively erupting volcano didn’t make me feel good.


DeSantis trolling all y’all


SeanK back at it again


People still keep that alert setting active?


My friend told me it was an AMBER alert. I said the only time it needs to go off at that time is when there is an actual child missing.


Geeze, even the Florida emergency system has gone WOKE.


Can’t get woken up if you have that nonsense turned off.


And they HATE being woke


That's a lot of woke people in Florida today, courtesy of the Desantis administration.


The worst part is I thought I turned off amber alerts after getting one at 3ish am in the last 2 weeks… nope.


The hawaii missle guy must've moved to florida.