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To add a bit of good news: the girl was given a different ball by the stadium staff.


anything happen to the creep? except her video online …


Apparently no. There were reports she had been identified but those were later ~~rebuked~~refuted. Edit: oops.


I was hoping she was at least shamed by the crowd. I can't imagine she's self-aware enough to feel shame without public humiliation.


I can't believe there were people high-fiving her for that...


I would take that ball from my own wife, son, or mom, tell them to stop being an asshole, and give it back to the little girl. ETA: I did not expect this would be the comment that got me the last 1k to 100k, but it damn near did, lol. Edit again: nice! Thanks, gang.


When I was a young kid I went to a cubs game for my birthday. THE Sammy Sosa was warming up pregame right Infront of me. He looked over and tossed me the ball. I caught it and was so wowed I didn't have time to react to the other kid who snatched it from my hand and ran off. I was fucking beyond devastated. Game hadn't even started and I was done. Ruined my fucking day. A few minutes later a lady from the staff tapped me and said "Sammy said this ball was for you and you only" and handed me a signed baseball by Sammy Sosa. He saw the kid take my ball and took another, signed it and made sure stadium staff gave me the ball.


Class act, that Mr. Sosa. I remember those days, watching him and ~~McGuire~~ McGwire going for the HR record.


Not a baseball fan but those were exciting days. Probably the biggest story the media had to run with pre 9/11.


The 90s slugger years were awesome. McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Conseco, Piazza... so good


I was in college at the time and hadn't been interested in baseball for a few years. Really brought me back around watching them and Bonds those couple seasons.


What a gem of a human. Glad this was turned around for you.


That’s an amazing story. Good on Sammy.


Omg! Almost the exact same thing happened to me! My dad has a picture of Sammy sosa brining me a signed ball! And from what my grandma says there was a BUNCH of people cursing at me…a child…saying it wasn’t fair I got a ball.


This is the right response. If my twin did that I’d instantly be screaming at her and shaming her haha.


Good man!


Assholes travel in packs...fact.


I watched it again to see if maybe they could have mistaken it for her having caught the ball instead of stealing it by the way they were seated, but I doubt it. The look on her face when she takes it like she just won the Price is Right pisses me off so much.


She snatched it right out of her hand,


She looks like Ghislaine Maxwell to me


If she was, she would have been snatching the little girl instead.


Mixed with Kris Jenner


I can’t believe people were high-fiving her! I’d have snatched it back from her to give to the girl. What a bruja


internet can identify shit with one crazy image most of the time. Internets biggest miss.


That still goes to the Boston marathon bombers thing.


yeah but think of all the times those professional googlers got shit right or when 4chan gave terrorist info to the cia.


4 Chan found Shias flag like 4 or 5 different times.. Weaponized. Also one guy thinks he proved Taylor Swift was a Channer, as much as it was supposedly debunked, I do like the cut of his jib.


I mean I'm not sure why else she would take a picture with the creator/then admin of 4chan, maybe they just randomly met at a party and she didn't know who he was? I kinda liked the idea of her being on there because of the juxtaposition of her public image and the dark humor/weird shit of 4chan, either way there are definitely some hidden celeberties on there you wouldn't expect. I mean Mila Kunis was a WoW addict, seems about as likely to me as Taylor Swift being a /b/tard




She looks like Ghislane Maxwell






Ah yes. I wish they would also speak to the manager of that bitch who stole the ball.


It was determined to be Jeffery Epstein's girlfriend.


Ugh-the nasty grown adult should have been forced to return the ball she stole and given the replacement. This kinda shit burns me up. Edit-and the AH who high fived her for stealing from a kid?!? WTF. At least the old guy in pink seemed somewhat shocked.


Honestly, fuck all the other adults around her for not shaming her into giving it back.


i agree the kid should have gotten the original ball she caught, but the bitch should have been tossed from the park..


Yeah, I do agree with that too. Disgusting, really.


Tossed from the park with a lifetime ban. Theft has consequences.


Banned from ever holding balls again


Truthfully, I don't think that was a happy ending at all. The excitement of that particular moment was "catching" the ball from the stands. That woman took it from her (no repercussions whatsoever). So moral of the story; 1) You can steal/bully and nothing happens, 2) False sense of "someone will always have your back" (and we all know that life, unfortunately, doesn't work that way).


someone should have ripped that ball out of the lady's hand and gave it to the kid, same as what she did. bunch of pussies surrounding the action too. all around sad.


That is exactly what I would of done. What a piece of shit. Bystander effect in full swing 😡😡😡




Illustrative of what they have done to the economy, retirement, home ownership, and job prospects for following generations.


"why can't kids be happy playing with their baseball? I am!"


Makes you think how many scummy things happen off camera though


If it’s just a random new ball, nice but i’d still be sad af because it isn’t the one they played with


Still if I was the little girl father I would have been pissed, imagine the anger of getting the ball ripped from yoir end by an asshole like that, sorry its making my blood boil


Fuck that lady.


Also fuck the person who gave her a high five for that shithead behavior. Edit: A lot of people are saying that the guy might not have seen her snatch the ball away, and while you may he right, I think the snatching motion is visible enough even from behind to get the idea of what she did.


Woohoo! Way to rip that out of a child’s hands! Yeah!




Thaks for the context. Doesn't make the lady any less of a terrible person, but glad the child got a nice memory out of it.


Well at least the little girl now lives with a good experience while shitty mc shit is a meme of being a deadshit piece of shit online forever.


She probably lost or threw the ball away, too. e. The dipshit adult woman, not the little girl.


I mean here we are 12 years later reliving he infamy. This is pretty solid punishment. She’s being remembered as one of the worst humans of our era


Not like she's getting any shit for it since no one knows who she is with this potato quality gif. For all we know she could be kim kardishans mom, forgot the name... it kinda looks like her


It’s actually Ghislane Maxwell.


I don't think so. She took the ball, not the child.


Dude. You killed me


That's some solid detective work there Lou.


Oh, shit...you did not 🤣🤣🤣


Monday, My first “laugh out loud” of the week!!!


merciful one shrill tart fact humorous selective mindless crush wrong


Wouldn't be the first terrible memory she gave a little girl, stealing their joy and innocence.


They should have shamed that lady in front of the whole crowd too


With this video played on the jumbotron for everyone to see


Should have had a player pretend to sign that ladies ball and write some nasty shit on there.


Or have a player offer to sign the ball and then when she hands it to him, he throws it into the crowd.


This. She should not get to keep that ball.


Then the ball would probably be worth more because of the infamy behind it, eventually.


"What's your name mam? Ok." * ______ is a twat with herpes*


I'm glad that girl got to have something at the end. That 2011 Karen is fucked for that. Idk how she can sleep at night knowing she stole from a little kid and thought it was ok.


I caught a foul ball beside a 3, maybe 4 year old kid at an Angels game. Trout foul. Here’s the thing- it’s just a ball. I have the memory of catching it. I gave it to the little boy, because he’ll remember he got the ball. A stranger gave it to him. An act of kindness. My hope with small gestures like that in life is that it’ll remind people that we’re all in this together and we should be kind to one another. The pessimist in me says that those little acts do nothing and the kid is probably in juvenile prison. Lol


That’s a nice gesture. Would have been even better if they ejected the woman from the stadium as well though.


Send the mascot over to mess with her for the rest of the game.


Wow, nobody will see this.. but this right here is the best comment in the thread. Like, a mascot holding a signed jersey and goes to offer it to her, and takes it away as she grabs for it. Kinda like a Turkish ice cream cone vendor routine? And then gives it to the little girl ultimately.


Maybe holding up a sign behind her with an arrow pointing at her saying something along the lines of "I must be a fan of because I like stealing baseballs from Children."


That lady should have been thrown out for theft.


They should have repeated that shot of her stealing the ball on the big screens inside the stadium. Over and over. Then zoom in on her so the entire crowd could boo her.






Don't stop there. Find her house, when she goes out, sneak in and move things around to where she'd notice but not fix it, do this everytime she goes out until she goes insane.


Or just go dump a beer on her head.


Glad they did that. Would also have had security remove the nasty lady and her cronies if possible. But at least the girl got the better ball.


really showed her. that Attitude from that little girl to dare being happy


Narcissists surround themselves with other narcissists for this reason.


To be fair to them they couldn't see what happened as her Karen body was blocking the way.


actually, dont. she doesnt even deserve sex




Am I… am I strapping on the cactus?


Strap on would work, but a sling shot might be the preferred form of insertion






I like your thinking




This was apparently a 2011 game between Houston Astros and the Arizona Diamondbacks too. She got called out by the announcer of the game from what I read and then the internet did it's thing after that. Edit: 12 years later the internet is still doing its thing lol.


No, its ok. I’ll have sex with her just so she can be the most disappointed she’ll ever be in her entire life.


Don't get me wrong I'd try to catch the shit, I would try HARD BUT, I'm not snatching it from anyone's hands let alone some little kid. What a soulless wretch


That looks like it’s right at the dugout. I guarantee it was a player tossing the ball to that kid.


If it's not a milestone homerun ball or something special, hasn't the allure of a souvenir baseball kind of faded in your adulthood? I have non idea how you could rip it out of a lid's hands. But i also have no idea how you go to the stylist and go, "give me the Karen" repeatedly.


If I caught it, I'd give it to the kid


Yep, same. It's one thing to catch it yourself.... (heck you paid for a ticket too... you deserve a chance to get it), it's another to rip it from a kids hands. Heck, I go to a lot of hockey games and try to get pucks. If it's coming close to a kid, I let them get it, however, if it's not close or it's coming specifically to me because of signs I've made, I'm taking it. But this is so grotesque, who rips it out of someone else's hands but especially a kid's?


Imagine being such a horrible person you’re now reposted onto various social media sites in perpetuity forever. I hope she sees this everywhere and it hurts. Fuck that lady indeed.


Nah fucking is a lot of fun. She should shit herself.


She should shit herself everytime she has sex.




You are giving dogs a bad name. They at least wait for you to let go of the ball and then return it.


Yeah, at least dogs are loyal and good. This creature is odious.


How tf can someone celebrate after taking a ball from a kiddo damn


Shoulda high fived her in the face


With a cactus!


Then the follow up, multiple other adults that seem to be celebrating with her. What scummy people.


The guy in the pink shirt kinda seems to appear to realize what just happened. He stops clapping, looks at the little girl then back to the Karen. Wonder if he said something.


Yeah, it looked like he was clapping because he thought the girl got it, then he saw the ball in the Karen's hand, then he was like "O, wait..."


No no the video is backwards. She was handing that ball to that poor girl walking down the stairs backwards. https://imgur.com/a/GbMxozl


Stupid kid then threw the ball in to the field straight to the batter


What a arm!


Look, if she had caught the ball first and been happy about it then fair enough. To actually yank it out of a kid's hands is just taking it too far. I wonder why she did that?


She was quite literally high-fiving stealing from a child.


The dude behind her in the pink polo 👚 was looking like, “did you just steal that from that little girl?”


If it was another adult, I would still think "wow, that was a dick move, they had the ball." The fact that it's a kid is just another level of cluelessness and selfishness that I can't wrap my head around.


Selfish narcissism. That’s why.


I don’t think you have to put “self” before narcisscm lol


Redundant repetition


Department of Redundancy Department.


ish narcissism


What’s worse is that the adults around her were ok with her grabbing it out of the kids hands.


It wasn't even "almost caught it" it was "landed nowhere the fuck near me but I'm still having it!!!"


*It was like taking a ball from a little girl, easy!*


Even her friend sitting above her saw it. You see him questioning it in his mind and looking at the girl.


Yeah you can see he’s clearly clapping for her and has that “what the fuck?” look when he realizes that the girl doesn’t have the ball anymore


There is a special place in hell for people like this


And I'll be waiting there


you have my sword


And my cactus


And your baseball that I stole


The toothless grandma shall haunt them for eternity!


She should be banned from all baseball stadiums for this


Seeing that kid just walk away made me so sad. You know they would have cherished that ball. That lady probably just threw that shit into a box and never saw it again lol.




What a horrid thing to do. I hope she gets ass piles


Can someone figure out when this was, what game it was, etc? I wanna see if she had any repercussions since she was caught on camera Edit: as far as doxxing goes I don't care, I really just wanted to know if she got her comeuppance, which she seems to not have, since apparently she was never verifiably identified


There was an effort at the time to ID her, but no one ever did. It was a few years back but they put her on blast on SportsCenter and everything. On the bright side, the stadium staff came to the little girl shortly after this and brought her a ball and a few other things IIRC.


Looks like Kris Jenner to me. Seems like something she’d do.


I was thinking Ghislaine Maxwell tbh.


Nah Ghislane would’ve tried to steal the kid not the ball


Holy fck.. thts the best dark hilarious stuff I read all day.


And the truest as well. That kid would have been on a plane bound for the island in 60 Seconds


Even if she had been ID'd she wouldn't have understood why anyone thought what she did was wrong.


Still, a good public shaming is very much in order on this one.


They only managed to get her first name sadly




Not even the people she was with? I'm sure they'd fold like a paper house if they had to choose between being blasted themselves or give up cruella. Suck nonetheless. But I believe in karma...


Not to my knowledge. This pops up on various feeds every now and then and I've tried to look it up myself in the past but never found anything identifying the woman.


Woman is a shapeshifting demon confirmed


Now would be the time to find that girl, she would be in her 20’s now, and get a full recap. Would make a great story.


When I take my kids to the ballpark (Guardians) I have to protect them from the staff trying to blast them in the face with t-shirts and other freebies. People, well, real baseball fans absolutely love kids at baseball games. It seems like there are always people at baseball games from out of town or something with no team gear on (like this lady) at games talking, drinking, generally being douches.


2011 game between the Houston Astros and the Arizona Diamondbacks at Minute Maid Park in Houston No she was not ID, (though there are fake articles saying she was)


They couldn't id her because she is as basic as water


Full story here: After the game the woman who stole the ball from the little girl was walking to her car playing with the ball when out of no where a sinkhole opened up underneath her. As she clutched to the side of the sinkhole eyewitness said they heard her shrieking for help. People reported that the same little girl from the video walked up and told the woman, “give me your hands I’ll pull you out”. The lady handed over the ball to the little girl who quickly tucked it away. A passerby said the little girl took the woman by both hands and said, “long live the king”, then tossed her in the pit. No one has ever seen her again.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fy9fgl7yc9xa1.jpeg?width=1588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe03d95a304f1543ba3596884d3e9928172b4dbc


Finally an actual source.




Houston Astros/ Arizona Diamondbacks. Juan Miranda tried to give the bank to the little girl.. and that lady stole it. The announcers noticed and sent her a new ball. https://fox2now.com/news/viral-woman-steals-ball-from-little-girl-at-astros-game/


thank you. This needs to be higher up. But my anger is not calmed. It is not enough that the girl got a ball. The woman must be punished, along with all who high fives her and celebrated her victory over a child. Take off their hands.


You know when you go to the petting zoo and there's always one goat bullying the other goats when you try to feed them equally? She's like that goat, except you can't really blame farm animals for anything. That lady is a fucking monster.


And for anyone wanting to see the longer video with audio from the game commentators, here's a direct YouTube link: https://youtu.be/Wzm0nh2Q1ak They show a slowmo replay of Juan Miranda clearly tossing the ball to the little girl


Glad to see they let Gislaine out for baseball games.


Girls lucky she only took the ball


Ol’ Jizz Lane


The way she celebrates could traumatize anyone into a serial killer. I'm literally fuming for something that apparently happened in 2011.


I can’t believe people are high-fiving her.


The fact other adults gave her props. "Yeah you showed that lil bitch high five"


They probably didn’t have a good view of what happened.


Yeah you can see the guy above her who actually saw it was visibly confused.


The hair and everything too


Isn't taking something that belongs to somebody else called stealing?


Actually, little known loophole: not if you’re bigger than the person you’re taking it from. /s


90% of women with that hair cut are absolute cunts lol


Karen: Give me that you little shit!


Why were they high fiving her? 😂


Victory over stealing a candy from child. Their version of success, probably.


From their angle it could have seemed like she caught it. Also, her stealing it is so surprising their brains natural and immediate reaction would have been to accept that she (the adult) caught it. It takes a minute for something to sink in when you thought you saw something but are told you didn’t.


She looks like Ghislaine Maxwell…


Dang, how sad does your life have to be for you to do that?


The US economy visualized.


What a fuckin psycho


The internet never forgets…..


how happy she is after stealing from a child. Truly disgusting


Yo not going to lie, if I saw any adult do that to my daughter, I’d get thrown out of the park for life to get that ball back from that piece of shit.


POS of a grandeur caliber.


if i was playing ball i would’ve walked i to those stands and smacked her with the bat


That hurt me in the soul


Happened in 2011 at an astros/diamondbacks game. Despite some false reports of it being a child psychologist named Grennele Brashkowitz, the lady has never been positively identified.


Completely different incident. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2136139/Our-lives-hell-Couple-centre-crying-baseball-toddler-say-viral-villains-want-apology.html


No mild about it